Gedolei Yisroel including Maran HaRav Eliashiv,
shlita, signed a letter of encouragement for the
askonim who are making marked progress toward plans to
install a Shabbos generator for the entire city of Modi'in
The letter was written by HaRav Eliashiv and his signature
appears along with those of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman,
HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz,
HaRav Nissim Karelitz, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and HaRav Shmuel
Auerbach. "It is a great mitzvah," read the letters, "to
assist the activists who committed themselves to this
important matter of strengthening Shabbos observance by
supplying the city of Modi'in Illit with electricity on
Shabbos generated without chilul Shabbos, which is an
act of kiddush Sheim Shomayim."
The gedolei Yisroel who signed the letter attach great
importance to kosher electricity in every place with a large
concentration of chareidi residents. "It is well known how
[strongly] Maran HaChazon Ish zt"l [opposed] the use
of electricity generated through chilul Shabbos
Kodesh. And it is kovod Shabbos for the botei
knesses and streets as well to be illuminated by
electricity kosher for Shabbos."
The letters ends, "And may all of those helping toward this
effort be blessed with the blessings of Shabbos, which is the
source of all blessing. As is stated in the Talmud
Yerushalmi, `"Bircas Hashem hi sa'ashir" refers to
Shabbos' (Brochos, Chap. 2, Hal. 7), "and may the
merit of the tzaddik [the Chazon Ish] protect all of
those assisting in this matter to be blessed with all of the
blessings written in the Torah."
The letter was written at the end of Tishrei following
progress in setting up the electrical plant in Modi'in Illit.
Recently the plan took another major step forward when City
Council Head Rabbi Yaakov Guterman met with top officials
including Electricity Authority Chairman David Assos,
Electric Corporation's CEO Dr. Yaakov Ratzon and the
assistant directors in charge of planning the generator
project. At the meeting the two sides signed an agreement on
the construction of the plant.
Electric Corporation heads said they were pleased over the
letter by maranan verabonon, which was presented
during the course of the meeting. They pledged to work to
have the Shabbos power plant in operation as soon as
The Modi'in Illit project is expected to serve as an example
for other places with large chareidi populations.