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With the cold season now upon us, many of us are reminded of
the Bubby medicines which, in spite of the many years which
have passed since they were administered, and despite the
many advances in modern medicine, are still unforgettably
Anyone suffering from a cold or the symptoms thereof, knows
that there is no substitute for the best medicine: A steaming
cuppa tea, all the better with lemon and honey, as Grandma
used to prescribe so many years ago.
Here is a compendium of Bubby nostrums to heal what ails you,
the old-fashioned way . . .
G. Carter, editor of a U.S.A. Weekend magazine, recalls her
nightmare very well. In March 1996, she thought she had come
down with the flu but it dragged on for many weeks. "I just
couldn't shake it off." Her doctor prescribed an antibiotic
but the condition only worsened.
"I had bouts of intense pain in my ears and neck." Carter
thought she must be suffering from some ear infection and
visited a ENT practitioner. She ran fevers of 39 degrees C.
and would awaken drenched in sweat. One of the doctors blamed
a virus, either mono or EBV, and sent her home "to rest and
let time do the rest." But the pain on the right side of her
neck became so intense that she had difficulty sleeping, and
even a strong dose of pain-killer proved ineffective.
After eight weeks of this, still running a fever of 38 and
more, she was now also suffering from a terrible sore throat
and aches throughout her body all the way down to her
At this same time, she heard about a natural medicinal herb
called echinacea. She bought a book on herbal medicine, read
it, and went off to buy this herb. After a week of a daily
dose of 800 mg. of echinacea, the fever was gone. Her general
physical and emotional condition had greatly improved and the
strong sore throat was beginning to recede as well.
She stopped taking the echinacea for a few days and the
symptoms returned. She took it again, and they
With the fever and sore throat gone, she was able to return
to her normal activities. She was still suffering from pain
and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a form of arthritis
which may be connected to Epstein-Barr Virus, which had
turned chronic.
In 1996, she went to Dr. James Gordon, a clinical professor
in the Georgetown University School of Medicine and director
of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington. He
advised continued treatment with echinacea for 3-4 weeks to
help bolster her immune system. He attributed her pains
partially to fibromyalgia as well as to an irregularity in
her spine, incurred as a result of a slight injury from a car
accident in the past. The pain slowly subsided and she was
finally able to return to a normal life.
During the four months that she sought relief, she visited
twelve doctors: four were internists, two were ENT
specialists, three dealt with infectious diseases; there was
a rheumatologist, a radiologist and finally, Dr. Gordon. And
ever since, "I have been `addicted' [figuratively speaking]
to echinacea."
What is the magic secret buried in the antiquated,
`primitive' medicine which attracts so many people to it? Can
one really heal the common cold, sores, diabetes and other
things with it?
One of many natural cures . . .
Who is More Progressive — Bubby or the
If you were to tell your grandmother about findings from
research in laboratories, she would laugh. Isn't that what
she had been telling you all these years? Science, it seems,
has been lagging behind folk medicine all along.
In recent years, alternative medicine has made great strides
in becoming an accepted substitute for conventional medicine.
The lack of definite knowledge in the field has caused many
to become confused and frustrated. They don't know what to
do. Some simply dismiss it out of hand, saying that it is all
nonsense, while others insist that it has proven itself time
and again.
For every malady and affliction in the world, Hashem created
a nostrum. Every plant, every mineral has potential healing
powers for some sickness or medical condition, be it physical
or emotional. These are called folk medicine, or Bubby
nostrums. They are based on tradition, knowledge, and
experience garnered over generations. In the industrialized
Western world however, science and progress has relegated
these natural medicines and cures to folklore, not to be
taken seriously.
Nonetheless, grandmothers have continued to force children to
take `their cod-liver oil' and administered Goggel-
moggel eggnog for sore throats, mustard plasters for
coughs, dough on sores and tea-honey-and-lemon for whatever
ails you.
In recent years, along has come science and finally given
official recognition to these old-timers. Conventional
medicine, with its assorted undesirable side effects, has
returned — somewhat — to home remedies and
natural medicines. And they are not disappointed; folk
medicine has truly made a comeback and salvaged its good
Natural medicine, based on herbs and other natural
components, is considered gentler than conventional medicine.
In most cases, it is accompanied by fewer side effects and is
more effective without harmful side effects.
Conventional medicine, to be sure, is also based on plants.
The difference is in its ability to provide the patient with
purer ingredients (and make a profit for the owners). It
eliminates residues of other components in the plant, is more
concentrated and has a higher potency, which is why it has a
more immediate and stronger effect than in its natural state
in the plant. On the other hand, the extract might be too
powerful to the point of being harmful and even poisonous.
Part of its punch is lost in the process of chemical
extraction. Sometimes the substance works together with
additional ingredients found in the plant, whereas the
process of removing and isolating the chemical diminishes the
medical effect of the conventional medication.
Over the years, completely synthetic preparations have also
been concocted. In the past century, pharmaceutical companies
the world over have begun using chemical and synthetic drugs,
which are much more easily prepared in the laboratory than
having to wait for the particular season which the herb is
prevalent and at its optimal effectiveness. Taking a large
dose of these medicines can be very dangerous; the margin
between a permitted high dose and a poisonous one is very
narrow and it is sometimes difficult to be precise. Common
side effects are many and dangerous, including: depression,
blurred vision, dizziness, headaches, digestive problems,
damage to the liver, addiction and even cancerous growths.
Many of us still remember the effects of thalidomide, which
was given to women in pregnancy back in the '50s and caused
mutations in the fetuses — children were born without
limbs, or with shortened arms and legs.
Our grandmothers' remedies were popular even before the Teva
Pharmaceuticals' director could say the word `Acamol.' And
like Acamol, their nostrums were accompanied by instructions,
dosages and warnings.
General Instructions in Folk Medicine
Folk medicine is not an exact science. Generally, our
grandmothers made natural concoctions whose recipes were
transmitted by word of mouth, and modified by the experience
of many different people over many, many generations. In
preparing them, one should follow exact instructions so that
they will best fulfill their intended function.
It is advisable to use organic fruits and vegetables,
especially in the preparation of natural remedies. Pesticides
poison plants so that part of their healing properties are
In the use of olive oil or honey, it is especially important
to use cold pressed derivatives as opposed to anything to
which heat has been applied. Both oil and honey lose much of
their marvelous salubrious properties with heating.
The period and usage of folk medicines and their dosages are
usually only suggestions and not hard-and-fast rules.
Important Note: The use of herbs seems simple,
accessible and harmless. Nevertheless, many of these are very
potent, and it is advisable to consult a healer who is expert
in the field to prescribe the appropriate treatment. In cases
of routine colds, for example, headaches, or anything that
qualifies as average, one can use Bubby remedies upon the
recommendation of a pharmacist or friend and neighbor. But it
is very important to pay attention to the body's reaction
after taking the preparation. This will guarantee that the
medicine be taken in the proper dosage for the person in
question and his particular ailment.
In any case, these home remedies are only meant as
suggestions, and do not obviate a careful, personal
monitoring of the progress of the illness or condition.
Sometimes they may even be countereffective, for while the
person taking them may think he is getting better, he has
only cosmetized and camouflaged the symptoms, while the
illness itself may be getting worse. One must, therefore,
always be on top of things, be aware of the progress of the
sickness and never disregard any warning signs
produced by the body itself.
And always, in the case of a serious and prolonged illness,
it is mandatory to consult a doctor.
A prudent approach is to first consult a sympathetic doctor,
and to go ahead with home remedies if he says that the
ailment is not serious, or that modern treatment may be
deferred a bit while you try an alternative.
A Land of Olive Oil and Honey — and
Garlic and Onion
If one were to ask us what the ingredients listing in the
heading indicate, we would hasten to reply that these are the
ingredients for salad dressing. The truth is that they are
also the basic products necessary for preparing home
remedies. These familiar products have very potent healing
Honey, produced in a most marvelous way by bees, is
exceptional in its therapeutic properties and has a broad
spectrum of uses, particularly in health and healing. Royal
bee jelly, the pollen and beeswax product produced by bees
for their queen, also has unique qualities. Scientists have
not yet succeeded in isolating and identifying all the
components of honey but to date, a great number have been
pinpointed. Outstanding among these special ingredients are:
energy-producing enzymes and hormones, and propolis, which
strengthens the immune system.
The nutritional and invigorating value of honey was known
already in ancient times. Ancient peoples — like the
Jews, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Indians and Chinese
— used honey to heal many a disease.
Honey is used both as an external aid, applied directly on
the skin, as well as to purify the digestive system. A
spoonful of honey on an empty stomach in the morning does
wonders to bolster a person for the whole day. It strengthens
a person's heart and other internal organs and stimulates
blood circulation. Honey is also good for heart disease and
emphysema [shortness of breath], mouth and gum diseases and
memory; it also prevents the forming of harmful bacteria and
is good as an external salve for burns, sores, rashes and
even for acne!
Honey contains fewer calories than sugar, yet is much
sweeter. Since many of its wonderful properties are destroyed
through heating, it is advisable to let tea cool off somewhat
before adding honey.
Olive oil, it is known, especially in Middle East countries,
is an excellent condiment for enhancing the flavor of foods;
it is also marvelous for the skin. It is known to contain
many fine healing qualities, particularly for: memory,
circulation, strengthening the digestive system and arresting
the aging process. Researchers believe that its antioxident
properties fight cancer, osteoporosis and rheumatism.
With all of these qualities, it is no wonder that the olive
industry is one of the most important ones in Israel. In
Middle Eastern countries, it is common to down a tumbler of
cold-pressed olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning as
a health booster and nostrum for long life. We used to
observe Arab construction workers drinking a glass of olive
oil for a morning snack.
It is important to use cold-pressed olive oil, which
preserves its unique qualities. From the moment the olive is
produced, it begins to oxidize; in order to retard this
process, one should store it in a dark glass bottle. If it is
to be kept for a long period, it is best to refrigerate
Garlic, which is recognized as a master spice, can transform
many a dish into a gourmet delicacy. But its taste is only
one of the many facets of its multiple character.
Garlic, as is known, has many powerful medicinal properties.
Recent studies show that a steady ingestion of garlic can
prevent a wide range of illnesses, from fungus on the foot to
heart attack. Ancient Chinese medicine used high dosages of
garlic to heal all sorts of sicknesses. Garlic was found
buried in the tomb of King Tut Anach Ammon, among other
The British used garlic during World War Two as an
antiseptic, and in Japan, they add it to soaps and creams to
stimulate the blood circulation. Many qualities have been
attributed to this humble root, among them the power of
increasing life span and aiding digestion.
Garlic is also used as a protection against irritants. It
alleviates pain, is a general tonic and serves also as a
natural antibiotic. Garlic fights cancer, reduces cholesterol
levels in the blood, raises the `good' cholesterol level,
prevents blood clots and stimulates the immune system.
It also helps in cases of diarrhea, dysentery, flu,
respiratory tract infections, asthma, gas, slow digestion,
high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, arteriosclerosis,
rheumatism, lack of appetite, intestinal worms and a general
bolstering of all the systems in the body and the improvement
of their function.
Raw onion has innumerable healing and fortifying features.
Onion contains vitamins A, B and C and many minerals. It
serves as a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and is
excellent for treatment of internal and external infections.
It is a positive stimulant for the nervous system, the liver
and kidneys, and stabilizes the function of the various
Onion stimulates the digestive system and the elimination
process and lowers the blood sugar level. It aids in
preventing the formation of stones in the bile duct and is
very effective in respiratory ailments, and also helps
prevent flu, heals running nose and other cold symptoms.
Onion retards the aging process, and sometimes arrests signs
of senility. Some believe it actually adds years to one's
For external application: it is very effective against bee
bites, infections near the nail, burns of the second degree
with blisters and for the general treatment of skin and
Onion softens the skin, reduces pain and repels mosquitoes.
Cooked onion helps the digestion. In cases of overeating or
general digestive problems, it is advisable to eat onion
Chicken soup
In recent years, many researchers, most of them Jews, have
tested the efficacy of the time-proven cure of chicken soup,
also called "the Jewish penicillin." It seems to be the
miracle medicine for the flu, bronchitis, the common cold and
other related winter ailments.
In 2002, CNN publicized the official finding: Grandmother's
chicken soup is the ultimate cure for whatever ails you.
Researchers from Nebraska University tested and found that
chicken soup was proven to contain anti-inflammatory
Dr. Renard, a pulmonary researcher, analyzed the various
components of chicken soup. The soup he used, incidentally,
was pure, kosher, traditional Ashkenazic chicken soup with
kneidlach. He discovered conclusively that traditional
chicken soup has ingredients that cause red blood cells
stricken by virus to become rehabilitated. When soups
containing soup mixes were tested, they were found to be only
one third as effective against the inflammatory symptoms.
An additional study, carried out by UCLA, showed that in the
process of cooking a certain chemical element, similar to the
chemical component found in medicines prescribed for coughing
and bronchitis, was released. A Jewish doctor from Mt. Sinai
Hospital in Miami discovered that the vapors emitting from
home-cooked chicken soup had a favorable effect on throat and
lungs and are recommended for people who suffer from
respiratory problems, including coughs.
Not only Jews are supporters of this time-honored cure. The
Chinese also attribute healing powers to chicken soup, and
combine it traditionally with their regular treatment of
diseases. In Korea, it is common to eat hot chicken soup,
especially in the summer. Their local variation, which
includes the ginseng root, is especially curative and
refreshing during a heat wave, the Koreans claim. In India,
they add many roots and herbs to the chicken soup to bolster
its curative powers.
"Mama's chicken soup" is a phrase that has become entrenched
in Israeli society and today, there is hardly a home that
does not serve it in one traditional way or the other: the
European version with kneidlach, the Yemenite style
with hawaj, Italian-style with rice, Greek-style with
eggplant, with noodles, with radish and so on.
Researches from the University of Chicago have found that
ninety percent of Jewish homes — from all the streams,
of all national extractions — eat chicken soup. It
seems to be a universal common culinary denominator among
The best way to guard one's health and assure longevity is
through tempered physical activity on a regular basis
alongside rest and mental calmness. Most important of all is
proper eating habits and good nutrition.
What it all boils down to — there is nothing new under
the sun.
For Sores in the Mouth, Internal or External
Heated onion: cut an onion in half. Heat it over a fire for a
few minutes. Placed directly on the sore, the onion will draw
the pus out.
Alternate method:
Bake the onion in the oven at medium temperature. When the
onion is hot, but not too hot, place it on the infected
Onion juice: Dip a wad of cotton in onion juice and place in
the tooth cavity.
Arak: Dip a wad of cotton in arak (strong licorice liquor)
and leave on the tooth for a while. The alcohol will go to
the head and make you forget the toothache . . .
Celery juice: Squeeze the juice from celery leaves. Dip some
cotton in it and place on the aching tooth.
Chicken soup is known today as the "Polish antibiotic." Then
there is the traditional cup of tea and the marvelous olive
When Bubby used to say, "Honey with onion is better than a
thousand antibiotics," it wasn't a mere bubbe-maiseh.
Our grandmothers knew things that medicine is only beginning
to (re)discover and understand today.
A compress of onion and olive oil: Chop up an onion fine, add
a tablespoon of olive oil; mix. Dip a piece of cloth in the
mixture and place on the injured part.
Margarine: Press a bar of some margarine directly on a bruise
and there will develop no bump or black-and-blue mark.
Disinfecting Sores and Arresting Bleeding
Honey: Honey is famous for its healing powers. Apply a
mixture of honey and olive oil. The honey will prevent the
increase of bacteria and is good against open sores or
eczema, burns, rashes, sweat rash, diaper rash and acne.
There are many kinds of honey: citrus blossom honey,
eucalyptus honey and so on. Each flower has different
medicinal properties.
Honey extracted from the flower of the onion is good for the
treatment of infections. The onion, as we have mentioned,
contains antibiotic ingredients. The bees extract this
essence and combine it with their own honey.
Curry (kourkoum): Place a thick layer of ground curry on
A solution of vinegar and garlic: Mix 30 grams of crushed
garlic with 2 cups vinegar. Let it sit for ten days. Take a
cotton cloth or cotton wool, dip in solution and smear on
wound. This preparation will last for many weeks.
Pus-filled Infections Surrounding an Ingrown Nail
Onion compress: Heat the heart of an onion over a fire. Dip
it in olive oil. Place the onion directly on the sore and
bandage together. Leave overnight. By morning, the infection
will have disappeared.
Onion skin compress: Separate the thin membrane that divides
the layers of the onion. Place directly on the wound. Bandage
with gauze or a cotton handkerchief.
Sunburns and Regular Burns
Honey: Again, is prescribed. Rinse the affected area with
cold water, then gently apply honey to burn.
One can also spray wine vinegar on the burn; this greatly
alleviates pain by cooling the burn through evaporation.
These methods are also effective for regular burns.
Cucumber juice: Grate two cucumbers. Dip cotton wool in the
juice and apply to burn. Also effective for insect bites.
Grated potato: Peel a potato, grate, and place directly on
Cabbage and egg white: Grate white cabbage, squeeze out
juice, add egg white. Apply to burn from time to time.
In order to purify the mouth from a foul odor, chew coffee
beans or grinds, or apple, or parsley, or carrot.
Excessive Perspiration
Henna in water: Mix a teaspoon of pure henna (available in
health food or spice stores) in boiling water. Drink a cup a
Ginger compress: Boil up a teaspoon of ginger (one fresh or
two dried) in a pot with a cup of water. Dip a cloth in the
solution, place on forehead and bind the head.
Coffee with lemon: Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to half a
cup of lukewarm black coffee. Drink slowly.
Artichoke leaves: Artichoke leaves have been known for
centuries as excellent for headaches and to fortify the
Nature food stores carry capsules made from artichoke which
contain their active ingredient. Eating cooked artichoke
leaves [note: these must be checked for bugs very carefully]
and artichoke hearts help alleviate headaches.
Cucumber compress: This is very refreshing when tired and it
strengthens the eye muscles. Squeeze out the juice of several
grated cucumbers. Smear upon the eyes and leave for several
Tea essence: Also effective for a sty on the eye. Boil up
some tea leaves, strain, cool. When it is still lukewarm, dip
cotton wool in tea essence. Take a wad of cotton and cleanse
from the outside of the eye towards the nose, once,
thoroughly. Repeat several times with a fresh wad of
[After cleansing in tea, one can also place a tea bag itself
on the eye for a few minutes. Regular tea contains tannic
acid, which is also good for burns. But chamomile tea is
equally good and soothing.]
We sometimes find Baby turning our daily schedule upside down
by some indefinite ailment. He cries and wails, and we are
helpless to diagnose the source of his discomfort. Is it
ears, gas, teeth — or is he simply under the
Then comes the age when he can tell us his tummy or head
hurts. But what to do?
Small children, small problems . . .
A Rash at the Neck, Thighs or a Diaper Rash
These appear in the summer heat, by the neck — due to
drooling. Honey is an excellent salve for heat rash, eczema,
diaper rash, etc.
Potato starch or plain talc can be sprinkled on the rash [if
it is not a fungal rash!] to dry up the perspiration.
Pus-filled Sores and Diaper Rash
Honey derived from the flowers of onions is excellent for
infected sores since onion is a natural antibiotic. Smear
some of this honey on the skin and leave overnight.
It is to be remembered that honey is not to be given to
babies under a year old because bacteria in it could harm
Scales on the Head, and Dandruff
Smear sesame oil or almond oil on the scalp for about 15
minutes before a bath, carefully remove the dry scales, then
shampoo. Use a shampoo that contains natural oil, like olive
Place three cut onions into a liter of boiling water, turn
off fire and let sit for two hours. Give child a teaspoon
every half hour. Good for babies one year and up.
Dry Cough
Heating the house causes it to be dry. Infants with colds may
develop a dry cough. It is important to create a humid
atmosphere for them by placing a pot of water near/on the
radiator or using a cold air humidifier.
Heat some pure cold-pressed olive oil in a spoon over a fire.
Place a peeled clove of garlic and let bubble. Cool off and
drip into the ear directly or dip cotton in the oil and
squeeze into the ear. This not only soothes the ache but also
helps heal.
Mothers' milk can also be dripped into the ear. This,
incidentally, is also good for inflamed eyes.
Big children, big problems . . .
Worms and Intestinal Parasites
Good old fashioned chrein, horseradish and beets, is
an excellent tonic to strengthen various systems in the body
and to expel worms. Cook up beets in their skin, peel, grate
together with some horseradish root.
Also effective is pumpkin seeds for children aged three and
up. Grind up 30 shelled pumpkin seeds and give on an empty
A third remedy is raw potato juice. Grate a potato, squeeze
out the water and mix with some walnut oil. Administer a
teaspoon a day.
Black coffee — this is first aid for children over six.
Give the child a small teaspoon of coffee powder, uncooked;
swallow with some cold water.
[Translator's note: Take it from a great-grandmother whose
grandmother used to grate an apple or two and give to the
patient. This contains pectin and is soothing, effective.]
Ginger tea. Grate some fresh ginger, add boiling water and
steep for fifteen minutes. Add a spoon of honey and drink.
Slight Shortness of Breath
Turkish coffee. Let the child breathe into a container of
strong Turkish coffee.
Black coffee with juice from half a lemon. Let the child
drink this slowly.
Potato — grate a raw potato, place inside a cloth, fold
and tie on forehead. The headache should disappear in a
quarter of an hour.
Open Wounds
Black coffee. If the wound is not deep, sprinkle some black
coffee and bandage. The bleeding should stop immediately.
Dissolved sugar. Sugar is also a disinfectant and will help
stop the bleeding and close the wound. Dissolve 2 teaspoons
sugar in 4 spoons water. Dip a cloth in the water and place
over wound.
A Deep Splinter
Heated onion: Cut onion in half, heat over fire a few
minutes, cool off a bit and place on wound. This should help
the removal of a deeply-imbedded splinter.
Preventing Colds, Flu, and Treatment during the Early
Stages of Illness
Chicken soup, of course. Isn't that what all grandmothers say
— and give? And they were right!
Onion tea — bring to a boil three medium-sized onions
with four cups of water and cook for twenty minutes. Sweeten
with honey. Drink three cups a day.
Onion syrup — spread out onion slices on a plate.
Sprinkle some sugar over them and leave for 24 hours. Drink 2-
5 spoons from the juice, three times a day.
Additional suggestions: eat a lot of celery leaves. Drink
sour pomegranate juice.
Chicken soup!
Eat two whole cloves of garlic a day. This is really the
best, but if the smell is too overpowering, second best is to
cook them after they have been cut up and left to stand for
15 minutes. Add to whatever dish you are cooking, at the very
last minute.
Drink tea with a heaping teaspoon of honey and a spoon of
lemon juice every four hours.
Steep ground ginger in boiling water for ten minutes. Strain,
add sugar and drink twice a day.
Onion juice and honey. Grate a large onion, strain, add 2-3
spoons of honey. Let sit for 5 hours, and drink.
Onion syrup and honey: Dice onion, add 2 spoons honey to
cover, wait an hour. Strain and drink the liquid, a spoonful
each hour.
Syrup from dried fruits: Take 5 prunes, 5 dried apricots, 5
dried figs [Very difficult to check for bugs]. Add to a pot
with 2 cups water. Simmer for an hour until a thick syrup
forms. Strain and drink every hour.
Running Nose
Scallion and mint — 2 cups mint leaves rinsed well, 2
scallions without the green part. Blend with 2 cups boiling
water. Cover, let sit for 20 minutes, Drink.
White horseradish. As soon as the nose starts running, eat a
slice of dark bread with butter and a bit of ground white
horseradish. The running nose will disappear in ten
Heat some sesame or olive oil, cool off a bit and drip into
ear. Place a wad of cotton in ear. The oil warms the ear and
softens the skin. The cotton insulates the ear from outside
Crushed garlic: Crush some garlic and drain liquid. Dip some
cotton in the juice and place inside the ear overnight.
Onion: Tie a slice of onion over the ear and leave
Sore Throat
Melissa tea: Add 2 spoons apple cider vinegar and one
teaspoon sea salt to a lukewarm cup of melissa tea, gargle
every half hour.
Eggnog: Add one egg yolk to a cup of warm milk and mix. Cool
off and drink.
Honey and onion: Drink the juice from a grated onion mixed
with honey.
Lick honey with lemon. Honey is an excellent natural
Goggel-moggel: Mix well egg yolk with 2 spoons [brown]
sugar till sugar is dissolved. Add a cup of boiling milk. Let
sit until the following morning and drink.
Stuffed Nose
Eucalyptus oil: A few drops on the pillow.
Saline solution: Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in half a
cup of lukewarm water and drip into each nostril 3-4 times a
Garlic: A very strong natural antibiotic taken raw at the
onset of a sickness. It can be smeared, crushed, on toast or
mixed with brown sugar and eaten.
Coriander (kusbara): Add 2-3 spoons minced coriander
to 2 cups boiling water, cover, let sit for ten minutes and
strain. Dip cotton cloth (diaper or gauze) and place on
different parts of the body for a few minutes. Repeat every
ten minutes until fever drops.
Cucumber juice: Also good for chronic cough. Squeeze the
juice from several cucumbers and drink. You can add some
carrot/celery or apple juice to taste.
Onion juice: Let two grated onions sit in two cups of water.
Drink a cup between meals.
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