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The Maharal's Greatest Feat
HaRav Meir Arik zt'l was once asked whether the
Maharal of Prague really made a golem. He replied that
he didn't know the answer to the question but that the
Maharal's having produced a talmid like the Tosafos
Yom Tov was a far greater feat! (Zer Zahav, p. 40,
Bilgoray 5693 (1933)
Whether or not the Maharal ever made a golem remains
unclear. Doubt arises mainly from the failure of the
principal historians of the times to mention a word about the
subject. In his forthcoming book, Rabbi Yitzchok Nachman
Eshkoli (author of Tzaar Baalei Chaim Behalochoh
Uve'agoddoh) discusses the nature and laws governing
creatures — such as a golem — created
according to Sefer Yetziroh. His new book contains
many fresh details about the golem story and this
article presents his main conclusions about the episode.
In recent years, controversy has once again raged over the
veracity of stories that have been published about the
Maharal's creation of a golem. Irrespective of the
accuracy of these particular tales, it is clear that many
holy tzaddikim of previous generations did possess
knowledge of the secrets governing the creation of men and
animals, based on Sefer Yetziroh.
Secrets of Sefer Yetziroh
Several seforim contain allusions to this type of
creation. The gemora mentions the creation of a man
and a calf in this way (Sanhedrin 65, 67). Additional,
reliable sources attest to other tzaddikim who have
done so. Sefer Yetziroh, whose authorship is ascribed
to Avrohom Ovinu, discusses amongst other things the letters
of the alef-beis and their various combinations
through which our world and its contents were created. Rashi
tells us, " `G-d understood its path [i.e. of Torah wisdom]
and knew where its place is' (Iyov 28:23) — He
looked into it and created the world through its letters; in
their order and balance He formed every creature, as is
written in the secret of Sefer Yetziroh."
On the same topic the Levush (quoted by the Shach on Yoreh
Dei'ah 179:15, se'if katan 18) writes, "Hashem
yisborach invested them [i.e. the various holy Names]
with power so that men of piety and prophets could act
through them. Whoever uses them displays the greatness and
might of Hashem yisborach Shemo, so long as he does so
in holiness and purity and for the sake of sanctifying Hashem
or for the sake of a great mitzvah."
Before discussing the golem of Prague, the term
golem deserves a word or two of explanation. In the
language of Chazal and the early authorities it denotes
something existing in a primary, basic and incomplete form
(see Rambam Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah, perek 4).
In our context it refers to the form of Odom Horishon which
was composed of earth and water before being invested with a
neshomoh and with vitality. Such a creature became
known as a golem because a human created through
Sefer Yetziroh possesses no neshomoh (and for
that reason cannot speak).
When Hakodosh Boruch Hu created man, He first gathered
earth from all corners of the globe (Sanhedrin 38) and
formed a golem in the shape of a human being. Then He
breathed a neshomoh into him — "and He blew a
soul of life into his nostrils" (Bereishis 2:7); see
also Pesikta Rabbosi, perek 23).
When creating the animals, Hakodosh Boruch Hu also
first formed their bodies from earth and then invested them
with life. The Or HaChaim writes (Bereishis
2:5), "It also tells us that the wild animals were created,
as the posuk says, `And Hashem formed . . . all the
wild animals' but He prepared a golem from earth as He
did with the man's form."
In extreme eventualities, tzaddikim are also permitted
to create men and animals. The esoteric secrets governing
these processes were recorded in cryptic form by Avrohom
Ovinu in Sefer Yetziroh and conveyed to select
individuals from generation to generation.
Discussed by the Poskim
Although a golem created by man using combinations of
Hashem's holy Names that are brought in Sefer Yetziroh
has a human appearance, he differs from other men in both his
essence and his characteristics. The poskim therefore
discuss whether the same halochos that apply to people
apply to a golem as well.
Halachic literature contains scores of questions and analyses
concerning creatures made through Sefer Yetziroh. For
example, whether it is permitted to create them on Shabbos is
discussed. The Beis Yosef permits their creation (Yoreh
Deah 179:15; see the Shach ibid. who cites the
relevant conditions). It is worthwhile noting that all the
halachos that the Beis Yosef brings in the Shulchan
Oruch have practical application nowadays; he doesn't
deal with halochos that will only apply after Moshiach
The law of an animal created through Sefer Yetziroh is
mentioned in Pischei Teshuvoh (Yore Deah 62, se'if
katan 2). Darchei Teshuvoh discusses whether a man
created in this way may slaughter an animal while supervised
by others (Yore Deah 7:11). Moreover, although in
Mishnah Berurah the Chofetz Chaim zt'l usually
confines himself to discussing halachos that are
relevant in ordinary day to day life, he surprisingly saw fit
to include a reference to Teshuvos Chacham Tzvi (siman
93) which discusses whether a golem can make up a
minyan (see Mishnah Berurah 55, se'if
katan 4).
HaRav Osher Weiss (Minchas Osher, vol. II,
siman 9) quotes Rabbi Aryeh Leib Hacohen zt'l,
the Chofetz Chaim's son, who asked his father why he
mentioned this question which hardly has practical
application. His father replied that he had mentioned it, "in
order to reinforce simple faith within the hearts of bnei
Yisroel, so that they should know that such things
existed, even in the latter generations, which is wondrous."
(I haven't found where this is written.)
The Chazon Ish (Yore Deah 116:1) writes that such a
creature does not have the same claims as normal people and
he also discusses the definition of an animal created in such
a way (ibid. 110:4). Kaf HaChaim (Orach Chaim
55, se'if katan 12) cites further sources that deal
with these matters. In his sefer Nachal Eison, HaRav
Chaim Kanievsky discusses whether such a calf can be used for
the mitzvah of eglah arufoh (siman 8:5, se'if katan
Fact or Fiction?
It is unclear whether or not the Maharal ever made a
golem. The main ground for doubt is the fact that none
of the major historians of those times breathe a word on the
subject. How, for example, could the famous historian HaRav
Dovid Gans, author of Tzemach Dovid (Prague, 5352
[1592]) have entirely omitted to mention it or even to allude
to it? He lived in Prague at the time and was in fact a
talmid of the Maharal. (Reb Dovid was born in 5301
[1541] and was niftar in Prague on the fifth of Elul
5373 [1613], approximately four years after the Maharal's
How did the Chido zt'l, fail to document the episode
in his sefer, Sheim Hagedolim, which recounts the
praises of gedolei Yisroel throughout the generations?
In the same sefer he doesn't omit to mention that Rav
Eliyahu Baal Shem zt'l, the rov of Chelm, created a
man using Sefer Yetziroh.
The dayan HaRav Meir Pereles of Prague was a relative
of the Maharal's who recorded all his kinsman's biographical
information in a Megillas Yuchsin (genealogical
record), without mentioning a word about the golem.
(Rav Meir wrote the Megillas Yuchsin approximately one
hundred years after the Maharal's petiroh, "at the
request of the elder Rav Yeshayohu Katz, brother of the great
gaon HaRav Naftali Katz, author of Semichas
Zekeinim" who were grandsons of the Maharal. Only the
editor of the 5649 (1891) edition of Megillas Yuchsin
mentions that the Maharal made a golem. Neither is
there any mention of the golem on the Maharal's
Neither Korei Hadoros (by Rabbi David Konforto
zt'l) nor Seder Hadoros (by Rav Yechiel
Halperin zt'l) contain the slightest hint of the
Maharal's having created a golem.
Amazingly, the first written testimony to the episode only
appears 230 or 240 years after the Maharal's petiroh.
The first stories about the golem of Prague appeared
in a book written in German in 5612 (1852). The story was
briefly mentioned fifteen years earlier, in 5597 (1837), but
that writer also expresses reservations about its
Don't all these silences on the part of contemporaries and
others who would be expected to share such information
suggest that the story was invented at some stage, or
alternatively, that it was mistakenly attributed to the
Maharal while in fact it was his talmid HaRav Eliyahu
Baal Shem of Chelm who made a golem (though the
Maharal might have played a part)?
No Evidence Whatsoever
Writing in Yeshurun (vol. II, pg. 632, end of note
24), Rav Shlomo Shprecher makes the following remarks: "In
5643 (1883) extensive renovations were carried out on the
Alteneu Shul in Prague. Every nook and cranny, every room and
attic, was searched but not the slightest trace of a
golem was found. The real golem, as far as can
be pieced together from reliable sources, was the handiwork
of Rav Eliyahu Baal Shem, av beis din of Chelm, who
was a talmid of the Maharal. The rov was switched with
the talmid, with confusion resulting."
A similar conclusion appears at the end of the first volume
of Mishnah Berurah Hamenukad (published by Leshem)
which contains the Chazon Ish's rulings. The editor writes,
"The account of the Maharal's creation of a golem
according to Sefer Yetziroh is known (although it is
unclear whether the story is actually true). See in the
sefer, Imrei Yosef (Spinka) on the festivals, the copy
of a letter in which the Maharal of Prague was asked what the
laws of a golem are regarding the Torah's mitzvos. Is
he obligated or not? I long ago clarified with one of the
rebbes of the Spinka dynasty that the entire letter is
a fabrication. It was dipped into tea essence [to discolor
the paper] and buried in the ground so that it would appear
that the letter was from the time of the Maharal. There are
many other proofs that the entire account is incorrect, with
the exception of what is brought in sefer Chacham
Tzvi, that his grandfather (Rav Eliyahu Baal Shem)
created a golem. The name Maharal [Moreinu
HaRav Luria] was confused with Mahar"al
[Moreinu HaRav Eliyahu]. Although I was
told by someone who was in Prague, where the story has wide
currency, that the ezras noshim is closed in the room
where the golem supposedly is, this is not the place
for a longer discussion."
Greatness of the Maharal
The Maharal's immense Torah greatness is beyond any question
and several sources document his knowledge of hidden Torah as
well. In 5606 (1846), Bnei Yissoschor by Rav Tzvi
Elimelech of Dinov was published. We find there (Ma'amorei
Kislev-Teves, maamar 2, #21), "It is known that the words
of HaRav HaGaon Maharal of Prague were uttered with ruach
hakodesh and he used to make use of Sefer
This is reliable testimony that the Maharal was not only well
acquainted with Sefer Yetziroh but that he also made
use of it. While it could be adduced as support for the claim
that he made a golem, it might equally be referring to
other wonders that he performed. The Maharal's ruach
hakodesh is also mentioned in Teshuvos Chacham Tzvi
(siman 76). Referring to him, the Chacham Tzvi writes, "
. . . who used Ruach Hakodesh, as is well known."
It should also be mentioned that Prague was a center for the
study of Kabboloh in the Maharal's time. Three of his
talmidim were outstanding scholars of Kabboloh.
Rav Shlomo Shprecher (Yeshurun vol. II, pg. 628)
writes, "Several sources attest to the Maharal's interest in
Kabboloh . . . furthermore, we know that at least
three of his talmidim were great mekubolim
— HaRav Yissochor Ber, son of Rav Yisroel Leizer Parnas
Eilenberg, author of the famous sefer Be'er Sheva,
HaRav Eliyahu, son of Rav Moshe Luantz (who is known as Rav
Eliyahu Baal Shem) and Rav Eliyahu Baal Shem, av beis
din of Chelm."
Wonders of the Maharal — A Forgery
The book Niflo'os Maharal (Wonders Of The
Maharal) by Y.Y. Rosenberg was published in 5669 (1909).
It describes the wondrous exploits of the golem who
was created in order to battle the enemies of the Jewish
People. Several years later, in 5683 (1923), a journalist
from New York named Chaim Bloch produced a letter that he
claimed was written by the Maharal himself, describing how to
create a golem and the purpose of doing so.
Researchers have proven, however, that both the book and the
letter are forgeries that were written approximately three
hundred years after the Maharal's petiroh. Their
contents are thus completely unreliable.
Rav Avrohom Benedict (a maggid shiur in Yeshivas
Machaneh Avrohom, Bnei Brak) was one of the first to write
about the unreliability of Niflo'os Maharal and also
of other books by the same author. His comments appeared in
Moriah (vol. XIV, issue 3-4, pg. 102, Sivan 5745).
There are several proofs that Niflo'os Maharal is a
forgery. The book is written in a style inappropriate to the
Maharal's period and also contains words that did not exist
at that time. It also contains historical inaccuracies whose
correct version would have been known to any contemporary.
Chaim Bloch has also been exposed as a forger of other
letters and books.
It is clear however, that the book is not merely a baseless
fabrication. The author drew upon various stories about the
golem that had already been circulating for scores of
years (such stories were already published in 5597 (1837),
seventy-two years before Niflo'os Maharal appeared),
to which he added other tales that he made up himself.
A Substantiated Tradition of Protest
Niflo'os Maharal is well-written and has a gripping
plot; it captivated the hearts and imaginations of its
readers. It went through many editions, arousing widespread
interest among gentiles as well. For decades though, scant
attention was paid to a sixteen-page pamphlet entitled
Yetziroh (Creation), by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Eckstein
of Sighet that was published just one year after Niflo'os
Maharal. It demonstrated, based on Niflo'os
Maharal itself, that the source of the book's contents
was neither the Maharal himself, nor the writings of his son-
in-law but simply the inventiveness of Y.Y. Rosenberg.
In the introduction to his booklet Rabbi Eckstein writes,
"For approximately six months I have been hearing about the
discovery of a manuscript by Rav Yitzchok, son-in-law of the
Maharal of Prague . . . and I was very happy with the news.
However, after perusing it in its entirety I saw a number of
mistakes and other things that contradict the literature of
the Rishonim and Acharonim and the halochoh. The whole thing
is composed of lies and falsehood. The manuscript is not what
it purports to be; neither are the wonders that it describes
real — it is simply a golem [i.e. a lifeless
imitation]. It is shameful enough nowadays to seek lies and
falsehood and spread them among Yisroel, attributing them to
high authority . . . signed in Sighet, Adar Sheini 5670
Rabbi Eckstein's sefer received the blessing of HaRav
Yekusiel Yehudah Greenwald of Sighet. He wrote, "Because you
have acted zealously, for Hashem's sake, to clarify the issue
of the veracity of the sefer Niflo'os Maharal, know my
friend that I too wrote a long treatise on the subject but
was unable to complete it because of my tremendous
At one point the author of the book actually admitted that he
had invented the story. In Halelu Avdei Hashem, which
contains stories in Yiddish about HaRav Moshe Aryeh Freund
zt'l, av beis din of the Eida
HaChareidis, Rav Yechezkel Halberstam zt'l of
Shineveh, author of Divrei Yechezkel, is quoted as
having made the following comment. "A shochet ubodek
from Antwerp heard from the Rov z'l, who heard from my
father the rov of Honiad (an important Jewish community in
Hungary), who had heard it from the Rov of Shineveh (eldest
son of the Divrei Chaim zt'l of Sanz). The Shinever
Rov said that whenever he sees the book Niflo'os
Maharal it pierces him because the author of the stories
personally admitted to him that he fabricated the whole
"Rabbi Aharon Eckstein once said that he repeated this to the
Admor Rav Yaakov Leizer zt'l of Peshvorsk and Reb
Yankele (the Admor R' Yaakov) didn't want to agree. When the
rov of Yerushalayim (HaRav Freund) was in Antwerp the rov of
Peshvorsk asked him about the incident again and he said the
same thing again. He repeated what the Shinever Rov had said
in front of R' Yankele — that the author had himself
admitted that he made the whole thing up and that it simply
never happened."
Setting the Record Straight
Rabbi Eshkoli emphasizes that we should be raising our
children with literature that is historically reliable, for
which our extensive traditions about the greatness and
holiness and the powerful prayers of the tzaddikim and
Torah giants of earlier times amply suffice. Niflo'os
Maharal therefore ought no longer to be circulated unless
each copy carries a clear disclaimer stating that the story
is fiction. Neither, he also points out, should the book be
quoted from as though it was reliable information.
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