Ongoing Antichareidi Discrimination at Movement for
Quality in Government
by Betzalel Kahn
MKs and ministers are lodging harsh attacks against the
Movement for Quality in Government following the blow the
organization took when the High Court rejected its petition
against funding Education Ministry transfers to Merkaz
Chinuch Atzmai and Maayan Hachinuch Hatorani.
The petition sought to oppose a letter circulated by the
Education Ministry Director addressing the allotment of
funding for classroom hours at Chinuch Atzmai and Maayan
Hachinuch Hatorani schools. The High Court judges determined
that the Knesset had legislated a law under the Budget
Foundations Law aimed at removing the two school networks
from the list of other recognized but unofficial
institutions and granting them status equal to other
children in Israel.
"The Movement for Quality Government," said MK Rabbi Avrohom
Ravitz, "holds government in the State of Israel is high in
quality if it discriminates against the chareidi public and
if it prevents the chareidi public from standing on its
feet. The people from the Movement believe that as long as
the chareidi public does not return to the ghetto, the
quality of the government is lacking. Even the High Court,
which is generally not among the chareidi supporters, saw
fit to toss these antisemites among us out the door."
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni said the Movement for Quality
Government's hatred toward the chareidi public prevents them
from understanding the law and acting accordingly. "The
Movement for Quality Government in Israel operates based on
political and anti-religious considerations. Hatred makes
them lose their senses and they cannot even address the
issue in a focused manner. Further evidence of this is their
participation in a High Court petition on inducting yeshiva
students. Why, for instance, do they not petition against
the local authority for not including the chareidi education
system in the Karev Foundation or the Sacta-Rashi Fund [the
hot-lunch program] and many other things?"
Minister Meshulam Nahari also lodged an attack, saying that
rather than making its resources available for matters of
inequality, the Movement for Quality Government "tries every
way of butting at the chareidi public without any legal or
logical basis. I hope the movements that speak of equality
in such elevated terms will now internalize [the idea] that
a chareidi student is entitled to precisely the same rights
as other students in Israel, regardless of the study
framework in which they are enrolled."