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These are chapters of history about the battles over the
introduction of loshon hakodesh and Hebrew as the
central language spoken in Eretz Yisroel. We tell here
of a plot that was an inseparable part of an entire plan to
cut out religion in Israel.
With malicious intentions, both covert and overt — the
central one being to conquer and control the whole character
of education in Israel and by doing so to neutralize the
chareidi education system of the old yishuv and its
impact on the residents of the country — the Hebrew
language was made into the central language in the schools
and among the residents of the country. The goal was to
create one language and one people, possessing a secular
culture, and cut off from their religious roots.
The Zionist leaders discussed their plot to infiltrate the
Hebrew language as a means of gaining power and establishing
their rule over the Jewish people. The language was only part
of a well-oiled system, which worked tirelessly in all kinds
of varied ways to cut out religion and to secularize both the
old and new immigrants.
Let us look at a few quotes of the Zionist leaders of that
period, pre-Palestine Zionism:
"The supremacy of the Hebrew language in the Land of Israel
is not solely the supremacy of a language, it is also an
immense political power which makes its mark on the country,
and to a considerable extent imparts itself to the people who
speak it. Negligence and lack of attention to this highly
respected subject makes for not only a depletion in culture,
but also a depletion in political power and a weakening in
the political functioning"—Nachum Sokolov, president of
the Zionist Federation in a lecture in the Committee for
Language and Culture in Vienna, Av 5673 (1913).
"We intend to destroy the whole structure of the old
yishuv, the life of the disgusting chaluka
money, the life of handouts, this malignant leprosy, which
demeans the people of the country both physically and
spiritually," wrote Ben Yehuda in his article "Ben Bli
Dat" (A Son Without Religion), conveniently forgetting
how he himself had traveled to Russia to collect money to
publish his dictionary!
The language was introduced to the people under duress. All
the methods were considered legitimate—the insults, the
accusations, the making fun of and deriding those who spoke
the original languages that had been part of the nation for
hundreds of years. For the maskilim, Yiddish
symbolized the height of the golus in all its "ugly"
aspects and, according to them, it was time to do away with
the old system, and let the "rejuvenated" language bring
about a revival of the people and the nation.
In a special booklet which was published by the "Safah
Berurah" publishing company in 5549 (1889), it says: "We
have to uproot these clumsy languages from the Jews who live
in the Land of Israel, those Ashkenazi and Sephardi jargons,
etc., which have a divisive effect on the people who speak
them, making it as if they were people from different
nations, and creating a dreadful emotional division between
them, in terms of opinions, manners, and customs" . . .
The choice of the Hebrew language, and with it "the
resurrection of the nation," which they tried to slip in with
the new words of the language, was made first and foremost to
bring about a new social absorption of the immigrants in a
secular manner devoid of religion, without the yoke of Torah,
or any direct link to their heritage. It was a premeditated
attempt to sever them from the Diaspora, and from their
Jewish roots through the "rejuvenated" language, among other
"To discard the symptoms of the Diaspora identity"—they
stated and wrote. They wished to reshape the relationship
between families, and between parents and their children, and
to identify with the new Israeli Sabra type, who was seen as
emerging from the golus towards the new light which
beamed from the greenish wheat fields on the outskirts of the
Language is an expression of one's identity and definition,
and, of course, it created a certain political identity which
those who were "rejuvenating" the Hebrew language wanted to
From a historical perspective, we have to look backwards
because, although this war over the predominant language in
the schools of the country was nicknamed, "the war of
languages," the first original "war of languages" in the
country actually occurred at the time of the First World War,
and it was not between the chareidim and the Zionist
With the advent of the first aliyah to the country,
the war between the Zionist leaders and the modern
educational schools and personnel in the country intensified.
Here the battle was actually over the predominance of the
Hebrew language as a language of instruction vis-a-vis the
predominance of the German language which the maskilim
teachers had brought with them from the schools in Germany.
The war between them was dirty, and represented a disgraceful
chapter in history, and in the history of Zionism. It was an
ideological war that included, among other things, informing
on them to the army at the time of the World War, the
imprisonment and deportation of foreign citizens, and
unpleasant disruptions of every kind, all this being done in
order to impose the Hebrew language in the schools.
"The war of languages" between the Zionist leaders and the
leaders of the chareidi community in Israel, between Yiddish
as a spoken language and the new Hebrew language, was the
second one fought by the Zionist leaders with the new
immigrants and the people of the old yishuv. This was
after they had fully established themselves among the secular
olim of the First and Second Aliyah, and in the
secular schools, overturning everything that was precious and
holy in the process, and had imposed the Hebrew language
supreme as the official spoken language in Israel.
Even at the beginning of the war over language, it was being
compared to a "war of blood." The secret was soon out that
there was much more than language involved here, and very
quickly blood got mixed in with language and speech. It is
hard to believe the extent to which the Zionist leaders were
swept away, during that first battle for the Hebrew language
over the German one, to the point where they were willing to
sacrifice other people's lives . . .
Eliezer Ben Yehuda was beside himself and declared, with
great solemnity: "Not only the people of the Land, but also
the language calls for sacrificial victims. How fortunate we
are to have come to this, our blood is called for, new blood"
. . . During the dispute over language in the Technion in
Haifa, the same man declared: "If the decree is not abolished
immediately, a great deal of blood will be spilled on the
steps of the Technion" . . .
In fact, Ben Yehuda's zealousness for Ivrit sometimes
bordered on insanity. History has it that when his wife and
son were sitting on a tree trunk and a scorpion came up to
them, and his wife screamed, "Help, help, here's a creature,"
he only replied sourly, without coming to her aid, "How many
times have I told you that it is called in Hebrew an
They say that the happiest day of his life was when he heard
someone curse his friend in clear Hebrew. He told him,
"Curses in Hebrew are blessed" . . .
Ben Yehuda's son relates that in his house they forbade him
to listen to conversations between people that were not in
Hebrew. He added, wryly: "If he could, he would have
forbidden me to listen to the birds chirping, the donkeys
braying and the butterflies whistling, because they speak in
an unknown language, which in any case is not Hebrew"...
Incidentally, his son did not speak nor utter one word until
he was three years old, because of the fear there was in that
house of speaking freely, and rumor had it that he was
In 5673 (1913), at a committee of Russian delegates, Zeev
Jabotinsky came out with a demand to set up Hebrew schools in
the Diaspora, in which all studies would be conducted in
Hebrew! He even proposed that all gatherings be conducted
only in Hebrew, stressing that, "it is not just a question of
culture . . . but a political issue, of the existence of the
nation as a political nation, the foremost political rights
that our nation can receive as a nation are nothing but the
rights to a national language."
There were those who expressed their reservations about the
imposition of the Hebrew language in an arbitrary way for
different reasons. In a statement by the famous rav of Yaffo
in Kislev of 5674 (1913), against the attempt to impose the
German language in the Technion, he wrote: "As long as those
who espouse the restoration of the Hebrew language pay no
attention to the restoration of all that is sacred in Israel,
to stand up for the Name of Hashem, the G-d of Israel and His
Torah, which is the very foundation of our national as well
as our individual lives, there is no hope whatsoever that the
language alone, which is bare of all its original holy living
content, will ever encompass our national lives in the Land
of our forefathers."
Or, the other way round. Using Hebrew would make the Jewish
people different from other nations, and there was no need to
use a language which would segregate the people, because are
we not huge and universal? Using a unique language in a few
negligible countries and states is unworthy of us . . . "Use
of the Hebrew language should be avoided, since the national
foundation in a language has a divisive and segregating
impact, and therefore Judaism as a universal religion must be
careful of this" (Geiger, in an assembly of rabbis in
Frankfurt, 5606 (1845).
Historical researchers have established that it was only the
connection between the language and matters of holiness and
Jewish wisdom that enabled the Hebrew language to infiltrate
into the residents of the Land. The maskilim, in a
cynical manner, exploited the basic and deeply rooted
knowledge the Jews of Israel had of loshon hakodesh,
to defile it and introduce divisive changes with the aim of
openly contradicting it.
"The deep roots of loshon hakodesh in traditional
society, the knowledge of the religious sources, the prayers,
sayings and statements of Chazal made it easy for the
Maskilim to impart the renewed Hebrew language to
others and resuscitate the buds of their culture among the
people." ("Techiyat HaIvrit" (The Revival of the
Hebrew Language) by Yehoshua Blau).
The same researcher added: "A miracle happened for the dream
of the Hebrew language, because the Zionist movement brought
enough Jewish immigrants to the country who had received
their education in the traditional society before leaving it,
to constitute a nucleus of Hebrew speakers there."
In contrast, other researchers asserted that loshon
hakodesh, which was in constant use by the Jews of the
Diaspora and had been preserved by them throughout the years,
through Torah learning and the fulfillment of the mitzvos,
was not relevant to the "renewed" Hebrew language. The reason
for this was, according to researcher Chaim Rubin, that the
language was only, as they put it, "used passively." Reading
from the text and prayers did not make for "a language of the
people," especially when the reading was not being done for
the purposes of communication with someone else.
"Speaking when the occasion arises, no matter how many times
people have read the Tanach, is a passive use, and
cannot be called a living language" . . . Incidentally, it
should be noted that, at the time, there were those who
defined the Hebrew language itself as a dead language, and as
"a broken glass vessel."
However, loshon hakodesh, and its broadened use as a
language of the people, a living language teeming with the
inner life of the Jewish communities, did not require their
consent and approval. Way back from ancient days, the
importance of using loshon hakodesh on Shabbos Kodesh
was brought down in halocho seforim, and such was the
custom of the gedolim and the gedolei hador.
On the importance of speaking loshon hakodesh, and its
being preferred over other languages, the rav of Posen, HaRav
Akiva Eiger, writes: "What a disgrace it is for us among the
nations. Every single nation has its own language and loves
its language, and we would forsake our sacred language. They
teach their sons French and Latin and such like, and abandon
loshon hakodesh, aaah! And that is how your wisdom and
understanding appear to the other nations."
Even the Shloh HaKodosh cites: "Only loshon hakodesh
must be spoken. Fortunate is he who habituates himself to
speaking loshon hakodesh even on weekdays, for the
value of loshon hakodesh is beyond estimation, and
whoever can get into the habit of speaking loshon
hakodesh with his friends should do so, and has acted
most wisely."
The Beginnings
How the Modern Hebrew language entered the scene is described
in the memoirs of a teacher and mechanech from the
"Committee for the Hebrew Language" who accompanied Achad
Haam during visits he made to the settlements in Israel. She
describes the condition of the languages that were spoken in
the country in the year 5674 (1913), and how hard it was to
impose the language on the schools:
"That jargon (a derogatory term used to refer to Yiddish) was
still prevalent and in full force throughout the country and
in the settlements. Whenever I listened in on the
conversations of the children in the houses and in the
streets I could only hear the sounds of that language, for
the most part. The Hebrew language that was heard in the air
sounded flowery and literary, in the realm of school books,
not a language that had simple and useful words for a towel,
socks, apathy, a factory.
"And what about Jerusalem? There was less Ivrit spoken in
Jerusalem, the nest of Ben Yehuda's zealotry, than there was
in Yaffo or the settlements. Aside from two or three families
no one spoke Ivrit at all, and Ben Yehuda's influence on the
schools was nonexistent.
"The Alliance Israelite Universelle school was pure French,
and there was only one teacher who specialized in Ivrit for
all the 600 students. The Lemel school had one teacher, Mr.
Yellin, who taught from his book Lefi Hataf, one of
the basic books for teachers and pupils in Palestine and in
the Diaspora."
He goes on to depict that period: "Even the most experienced
teachers had to teach Chumash, in the Yerushalmi
German translation in fact, although there had been a few
attempts to teach Ivrit in Hebrew. In the English "Fraternal
Association" schools, Ivrit was much denigrated, and the two
Ivrit teachers were considered so abnormal that they never
even came into the teachers' room."
As said previously, the Hebrew language began to filter into
the other languages that were taught in the schools, and even
into the kindergartens, through qualified teachers and
kindergarten teachers who infiltrated the system and taught
all subjects specifically in Ivrit. The shortest way to get
the new language spoken on a day-to-day basis in the homes
was through the children speaking to the parents and the rest
of the family. Newspapers and Hebrew literature were also
founded to impart the Israeli culture into the country.
Dr. Ben Zion Moseson, one of the educational leaders, stated
at the Committee for the Language in Vienna: "Many mothers
learned the language from the little children . . . Jews from
all over the world have assembled in Palestine. It is hard
for a Yemenite to meet with an Ashkenazi, for a Babylonian
Jew to meet with a Jew from Poland. But as for the little
children who sit and play together, they hit each other and
then make up right away, they bond together and unite as one
living, complete unit."
According to Meir Lifshitz, an educator and researcher who
was an eyewitness to the revolution that was unfolding: "The
greatest miracle of the revival of the Hebrew language is
actually in the conversations of children and in their games
in the Hebrew language in the streets of the city and in the
hiding places of the kindergarten. They imbibe the language
from the moment they come out with their first word, and
there is no place for any other language at the forefront of
their speech and thoughts. At any rate, these children are
Hebrew-speaking from the womb and from their birth."
He goes on to extol that same researcher, who turned
everything round to make it look like an ethical victory of
"Not without hesitations and not without conflicts, an
education network has been created, and an educational and
school system built in Hebrew. Those who were far away have
been drawn closer; schools which were ideologically distant
have been conquered; and even schools and talmud Torahs
in settlements and in the new yishuv are now
Hebrew- speaking, without question or doubt. It is the
victory of the Hebrew language, as the language of children
and the home. It is the victory of the schools, because Ivrit
has become the language of study in the schools, and the
official language of instruction for all subjects."
The leaders of the Old Yishuv saw in the introduction of the
Hebrew language not merely an issue of a spoken language, but
also an indication of something defective, a plot to overturn
the system and to pull the youth and even the older community
to areas that were dangerous for Judaism and its heritage.
They saw the language as a forewarning of the breach of the
Zionist enlightenment movement into the holy Ark, so to
Not that anyone was trying to hide this ulterior motive. A
real, explicit attempt was made to bring secular subjects
into the schools, and with it a general knowledge and
proficiency in arts and crafts, and the study of foreign
languages like English, French, German, Turkish and Arabic.
All this was done to instill a general knowledge of secular
subjects, and to get the residents of the old and new
Yishuvs to abandon Torah and mitzvos.
The battle drew many families, moshavs, and places in the
Palestinian settlement, and affected donors and contributions
in Israel and in the world. Large donations from contributors
who tried to impact the education system were rejected, among
them that of Sir Moses Montefiore who tried to introduce the
study of the Arab language into the talmud Torah Eitz
Chaim in Jerusalem, with the aim of improving its economic
The Eida Chareidis rabbis of Jerusalem, who led the battle,
explained that the whole ban against bringing in language
studies and secular studies, including the introduction of
the Hebrew language, was due to lessons learned from recent
history having to do with the secularization and destruction
which had taken place in Western Europe, causing many to even
convert to another religion Rachmono litzlan.
When Diaspora rabbis and those who were more lenient tried to
bring up the advantages of a talmid chochom knowing
the language of the people and similar arguments, they were
met with the fiercest and sharpest criticism, especially as
the countries of the Diaspora provided a bad and negative
example of the evil of the Haskoloh for the young and
Jerusalem was in tumult in the year 5616 (1856), when the
first modern school was opened there. The Jerusalem rabbis
fought it, among them HaRav Yehoshua Leib Diskin the Brisker
Rov, the Rov of Kalish HaRav Meir Auerbach, and HaRav Nachum
of Shaddick.
In later years, in 5632 (1871) and 5638, and even in 5656
(1896), 5665 and 5674 up till 5681, other excommunications
were imposed and bans put out against the opening of the
schools, and the studies in them, by the Jerusalem rabbis:
HaRav Shmuel Salant, the Aderes, the Rebbe of Lublin, HaRav
Chaim Berlin, HaRav Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, and others. Among
those under excommunication were the Gertz Orphanage, the
Ezra institutions, and the Mizrachi schools.
However, despite the excommunications and bans, the Hebrew
language got in through the back door, until it indeed became
dominant in the country and the spoken language.
Even in Tel Aviv, the principals of the talmud Torahs
introduced the study of foreign languages — though
not in the regular framework of the studies but in different
settings outside the walls of the school. The compromise was
that although the administration was doing that which was
banned, the talmud Torah itself remained pure and
clean from within.
Under pressure from parents in Petach Tikva, the Rov of
Jerusalem HaRav Chaim Zonnenfeld stated, as attested by his
secretary HaRav Moshe Blau, these forthright words: "If
parents want it, there is no opposing it! Maybe we were wrong
in not deciding when we first came to Eretz Yisroel to
introduce loshon hakodesh as the spoken language
because then we would have preceded the secular people, and
we would have thus taken the most powerful weapon out of
their hands."
HaRav Moshe Blau further attests that only once did he see
HaRav Zonnenfeld lose his calm and sharply retort that he was
the "baal habayis and the final posek!" This
happened when the School for Midwives under the
administration of Mr. Altschuller, wanted to introduce the
Hebrew language as the language of instruction, and a few of
the Jerusalem zealots came to his house to fiercely protest
HaRav Zonnenfeld absolutely refused to respond to their
request, and with great emotion announced that his decision
not to ban the study of Hebrew in that place was final and
there was no appealing it, because he was the final
posek and "contrary to his custom to ignore his
rabbinic standing, and all the more so to utilize its
Indeed, did they really revive the language? It sounds
absurdly like something had died that needed to be revived.
We exist, and the fact of our existence, in the reality of
the here and now, serves as the definitive answer to all the
intentions that lay behind the words, and the speeches.
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