Bill would Allow Rabbinate Botei Din to Hear Monetary and
Civil Cases
By Eliezer Rauchberger
The Knesset House Committee granted an exemption to speed up
a proposed law by MK Rabbi Meir Porush that would allow
Rabbinate botei din to hear monetary and civil cases
if both parties consent.
Knesset regulations impose a 45-day waiting period from the
time a proposal is tabled until it can be raised for
discussion and a preliminary reading. However due to the
urgency of the matter, the House Committee honored a request
by Rabbi Porush to exempt the bill from this requirement.
Several months ago the High Court determined Rabbinate
botei din do not have the legal authority to hear
monetary and other civil cases, even if both parties consent.
The decision undermined the Rabbinate botei din and
restricted their power.
Rabbi Porush expressed hopes the amendment would be approved
swiftly in three readings to prevent further damage to the
status of Rabbinate botei din.