R' Naftoli Firrer
By A. Cohen
R' Naftoli Firrer z"l, a prominent Belzer chossid in
Bnei Brak, passed away at the age of 85 following a brief
Naftoli Firrer was born in the city of Yaroslav, Galicia to
R' Chaim Menachem, a talmid chochom yirei Shomayim and
a well-respected member of the local kehilloh. He had
a solid education in Torah and Chassidus and even traveled to
Belz to visit the Admor of Belz.
Upon arriving in Eretz Hakodesh he made his home with
his wife, Rochel (nee Pastan), living at Moshav Bnei Re'eim
for several years before moving to Bnei Brak. He worked for
the Chevra Kadisha for decades at the behest of the Chazon
Ish and the Admor of Belz, who spoke of his elevated
middos and yiras Shomayim. Many gedolei
Yisroel and notable admorim asked that he perform
the taharoh ritual for them when the times comes.
He taught at Talmud Torah Belz in Bnei Brak for 30 years.
Many of his students recall he was so dedicated to his task
that even when he was sick he would summon the class to his
home to teach them there.
His life revolved around Torah and Chassidus. He would take
his place in the beis medrash at 2:00 am to bring in
the day with Torah study. Whenever he had spare time he would
rush to learn, not losing a single moment. Ten years ago the
Admor of Belz arrived at the Belz beis medrash in Bnei
Brak, asking to see how R' Naftoli learns. He asked him for a
cup of coffee and then sat down to study Torah and Chassidus
with him at length.
He was scrupulous in keeping mitzvos, humble and constantly
engaged in acts of chessed, such as caring for elderly
and forlorn people who had no relatives or acquaintances.
For the past several years he was very ill and had to endure
a prolonged hospital stay. On 4 Shevat his condition suddenly
declined dramatically and shortly thereafter he slipped out
of This World, returning his soul to his Maker.
The levaya went from his home in Bnei Brak via the
Belz beis medrash led by the Admor of Belz and he was
laid to rest at the Chelkas Chassidim in the Kiryat Shaul
Cemetery in Tel Aviv.
R' Nartoli Firrer z"l is survived by numerous
distinguished sons and sons-in-law, including Ezra Lemarpeh
founder R' Elimelech Firrer, as well as grandchildren and
grandchildren following in the path of their forefathers.