The Chief Rabbi of Azerbaijan warns: "Non-Jewish Children are
Being Accepted in Jewish Schools in the Former Soviet
HaRav Shmuel Auerbach speaks out in support
by S. Yisraeli
A new serious breach has developed in Eastern European
countries particularly those of the former Soviet Union. The
grave situation concerns non-Jewish families who are entering
into Jewish communities by enrolling their children in Jewish
HaRav Moshe Kishon (Kashi), the chief rabbi and av beis din
of Azerbaijan, is alerting the public about the development.
Since Rav Kishon began serving as the chief rabbi and av beis
din in Azerbaijan, he has gained extensive experience and
expertise in the subject of clarifying Jewish status in areas
where non-Jews have tried continuously to enter the Jewish
community. He has received blessings of gedolei Yisroel
and follows their guidance.
Azerbaijan's Chief Rabbi told Yated Ne'eman that this
serious breach came about because many non-Jewish families do
everything possible to register their children in a Jewish
school. They are seeking the Jewish schools' higher
scholastic level and economic benefits, and believe it will
provide them with an "entry ticket" to the Jewish community
and intermarriage, as well as afford them recognition as Jews
if they decide to immigrate to Israel. Being recognized as
Jews also helps them receive refugee status and provides them
with benefits and aid in countries such as Germany and the
School principals and directors are tempted to accept non-
Jewish students since the funding they receive from different
groups is allocated per capita and full classes bring in more
"If in the past non-Jewish children were accepted only on the
basis of forgeries and deception, today in several places a
breach has been made and non-Jewish children are officially
accepted," says the Chief Rabbi of Azerbaijan. "Non-Jewish
parents don't even feel a need to purchase forged identity
documents since the schools are wide open to whoever wants a
Jewish education."
He claims that this phenomenon has disturbing ramifications
for the battle against assimilation and intermarriage which
is at the heart of the unflagging Torah activities going on
in various countries. There are already cases on record of
Orthodox rabbis in the Diaspora who tragically arranged
marriages between Jews and non-Jews after the parents of the
non-Jewish fiancee managed to pass themselves off as Jews and
even present their children who were educated in Jewish
schools and are knowledgeable in Torah, as proof of their
It should be noted that after Rav Kishon's success in
reviving the local Jewish community, his energetic activities
in Azerbaijan are expanding significantly. He now runs a
Jewish school, yeshiva and kehilla that is faithful to
halacha. Gedolei Torah have blessed and followed his
efforts from the start.
Several months ago, disgruntled individuals made a vicious
attempt to stop his important activities by informing on him
to the authorities. He was threatened that a stop would be
put to his work and he would not be permitted to even enter
the country. Only after the strenuous efforts of MK Rabbi
Moshe Gafni and the Israeli foreign ministry, utilizing the
intervention of international diplomats, were the obstacles
placed in Rav Kishon's way removed. However, attempts to
strew obstacles in his path are continuing.
The Chief Rabbi's students and kehilla members
expressed their pain at the chilul Hashem caused by
the intrigues against their rabbi. They called on him to
increase his activities sevenfold as a fitting response to
the schemers and to show that the Jewish world in general and
Azerbaijan Jews in particular will not let anyone persecute a
For the upcoming Pesach, Rav Kishon is organizing containers
of matzos, wine and kosher meat so the local Jews will be
able to celebrate Pesach properly. Rav Kishon is also
expanding activities for children and youth in a number of
Two weeks ago, Rav Kishon received a letter from HaRav Shmuel
Auerbach who warmly blessed him for all his activities
strengthening Judaism in Azerbaijan. He praised Rav Kishon,
"who is known by everyone for his integrity, honesty and pure
fear of G-d." He also writes, "After he has all these
qualities, he is undertaking to extend the boundaries of
holiness even more."