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Correspondence from the period leading up to the closure of
Volozhin yeshiva that lay in the State Archives in Minsk for
a hundred and ten years but published a few years ago in
Toldos Beis Hashem BeVolozhin, a book chronicling the
history of the first and greatest of the Eastern European
Volozhin was the premier yeshiva of its day for many years,
and the flagship of Torah Judaism, as it were. There was a
struggle for the Jewish soul going on, and the prestigious
Yeshiva was one of the main targets of the self-described
"enlightened ones."
The letters afford a glimpse of the obsession with closing
the yeshiva that gripped the maskilim. All means were
fair to achieve their end, including denouncements and
slanders as well as the accusation that the bochurim
were dodging army service. The more things change . . .
We have slightly edited some of the documents, omitting out
some of the stronger terms that the writers applied to the
rabbonim of the yeshiva. (We have put in "***" where we have
omitted these.) On the other hand, in the interests of
authenticity, no honorary titles have been inserted, as the
original letter writers certainly did not use them.
Letter #1: November 23rd 1891
Signatories: Twenty members of the Volozhin Yeshiva.
To: Mr. Steinberg, City of Vilna
Honored rabbi and chossid, respected linguist,
morenu HaRav Yehoshua Steinberg! and rabbi and
chossid morenu HaRav Feivel (? . . .) !
We write to Your Honors with a heavy heart and a groaning
soul. Woe! Great troubles have befallen us, one disaster
after another, one catastrophe after another . . .
Sirs, you surely know of the news in the yeshiva — that
the Netziv has resigned his position and bequeathed it to his
son, Rabbi Chaim Berlin *** who now wants to prove, to show
the Torah scholars, that he absolutely hates the
maskilim *** and that he is a worthy partner to his
deputy Rabbi Ch. Soloveitchik, who is also known as one of
the obscurantists [mordei-ha'or, lit. rebels against
the "illumination" of the enlightenment-haskalah] and
[he] has instructed the landlords of nineteen
[bochurim] from those who are known to be maskilim -
- in other words, who understand something of Hebrew and
other languages — to drive them right out of their
lodgings, not letting them stay a single night nor to give
them a single meal.
And now — Woe! We have been cast into the streets in
this season of rain and snowfall and freezing, bitter cold.
Such cruelty has never been heard of even among the lowest
elements, certainly not among the leaders of Yisroel . . .
and by law too — the law of the land — it is
forbidden. We are starving. Were it not for the remaining
bnei yeshiva who call one of us each day for a meal,
we would have perished choliloh, with no one having
mercy on us. Woe, sirs, save us. Please write immediately to
the Netziv [telling him] that he will be in trouble if he
doesn't hurry to lift the ban and enable us to live like all
the bnei yeshiva do.
We depend upon the delicate goodness of your hearts to help
us. If you do not stand up for us, who will?
From your servants, who bow before you from afar and hope
that you will come to their assistance very, very quickly,
The bnei hayeshiva,
Signed . . ."
The addressee, Yehoshua Steinberg, whom the writer refers to
as a linguist, also served as an investigator. He had been
appointed by the authorities to keep close watch upon what
went on in the yeshiva. He was supervisor of the Beth
Hamedrash for Teachers in Vilna and every inch a
maskil to whom the yeshiva's existence was
Describing a visit from a government delegation, Rabbi Meir
Berlin [the Netziv's youngest son] focuses on Steinberg's
presence which, he writes, "was enough on its own to instill
a degree of fear, for if the Director was bringing with him
someone like Steinberg, an Otcheny Yevrei [a Hebrew
scholar] who served as a high official and who by then was
already an elderly man, it indicated that this time the visit
was no simple matter . . ."
Steinberg passed on the letter in its original Hebrew,
together with a Russian translation, to the correct official
in the Czar's government, in whose archives both documents
were preserved to this day. The only question we shall raise
at this point is whether twenty Volozhin bochurim
actually put their signatures to the letter.
The answer would appear to be negative. According to our
sources, while the maskilim did have several "plants"
in the yeshiva, there were nowhere nearly twenty
bochurim who would have dared sign their names on such
a vicious indictment (as mentioned, the worst expressions
have been omitted). Possibly, the entire letter was forged in
collaboration with Steinberg. At any rate this is the text of
the letter that the authorities received.
Letter #2: Volozhin, December 20th 1891
There is a degree of sophistication and sophistry in the
following letter. The authorities' struggle against the
yeshiva centered on the issue of secular studies. The
Government's main demand was that the yeshiva provide
instruction in the Russian language. The writer played on
this demand.
To the honored Supervisor of the Vilna region,
Don't be offended at our daring to write a letter that
disturbs Your Honor with so many mistakes. Believe us when we
say that we want to be cultured people who contribute
something to the Fatherland. We are not guilty [that it is
not so]. The Rosh Yeshiva, Chaim Berlin, is the guilty one
for not making the yeshiva into a Seminary, like his father.
Moreover, anyone who wants to acquire an education is [viewed
as] doing something wrong. Chaim Berlin is a dreadful person
and a great enemy of haskalah. Nothing [i.e. nobody]
escapes him unharmed if he engages in haskalah or in
Russian in general.
Before Your Honor came to us we wouldn't have dreamed of
writing about everything that goes on in the yeshiva, for the
new Rosh Yeshiva, Chaim Berlin, opens all the letters and
alters everything that we write about him. But now your honor
has promised us that you will receive all the complaints
[directly] from us. We are therefore being so bold as to
write now and in the future about everything that happens in
the yeshiva.
Since R' Naftali Berlin, who served as Rosh Yeshiva, left his
position because of old age and gave it to his son Chaim
Berlin ***, we therefore earnestly request that you have
mercy on us. Show us kindness in preventing him from being
Rosh Yeshiva, for we are suffering, otherwise he will put us
under a ban like he did [earlier] this month to nineteen
students, most of whom he drove from Volozhin, while others
subsist in severe privation.
Save us, save us . . .
The Russian translator noted that the letter was impressive
in its construction, though the writer begins with an apology
for "daring to write a letter that disturbs Your Honor with
so many mistakes." Apparently the only mistakes in the letter
are those the writer insists he is making and the entire
section describing how the Rosh Yeshiva persecutes those who
know Russian.
Letter #3: April 10 th, 1890
This letter is from the Mayor of Vilna and is written on
stationery of the Ministry of the Interior, Vilna, Kovno and
Grodno. In it, the mayor sets out the relationship between
the authorities and the yeshiva over the years. We quote part
of it.
To the Minister of the Interior
The Volozhin Yeshiva has existed since 1805 it was actually
founded in 1802 but was closed in 1824 by government edict
because of the increase in the number of students.
Nevertheless, it has continued operating for many years,
supported by Jewish communities. Later on, in 1880, despite a
decision to close it, nothing happened, because of the
yeshiva's importance abroad. Its closure would have given a
negative impression about Jews in Russia and elsewhere, which
was undesirable at that time. The heads of the yeshiva were
therefore asked to accept the state's principles for
institutions of learning. Refusal to do so would result in
the Yeshiva's closure.
Ten years have since passed. Despite our attempts to arrange
matters in accordance with the law of November 13th, 1844,
there has been no indication from the Volozhin Yeshiva that
it[s leadership] is ready to modify its position and agree to
the laws of the country.
Things continued this way until 1887, when the Director of
Schools in the Vilna region [Note: Steinberg] was sent to the
Volozhin Yeshiva and enforced the study of Russian language
in the yeshiva.
Two years have passed since the Director's visit and the Rosh
Yeshiva, Rabbi Berlin, who doesn't know any Russian at all,
like all other roshei yeshiva, refused [to comply with] the
decision to study Russian. He argued that it is impossible to
study Russian while studying Talmud . . ."
Here the Mayor lists the reasons that he feels make the
yeshiva's closure inevitable:
I feel that the existence of the Volozhin yeshiva is
universally detrimental for the following reasons:
They train to religious fanaticism.
There are Jews there who are evading army service and the
The yeshiva's directors neither speak nor understand Russian.
They permit neither the study of Russian nor of secular
The students range in age from seventeen to forty; some of
them are married and have families. All in all they number
between four hundred and four hundred and fifty. The money
donated annually for the yeshiva's upkeep amounts to fourteen
thousand roubles, all of which is controlled by Rabbi Berlin
with no supervision whatsoever. He awards the students all
sorts of diplomas, without any supervision.
I propose closing the yeshiva for the above reasons. It
attests to the influence of the Rosh Yeshiva over all of
northwest Russia and it is an anti-government institution.
This yeshiva's continued existence is damaging to the
government and steps should be taken against those who lead
it. They should be banished elsewhere, otherwise there is no
point in closing it down for the yeshiva will continue to
operate unofficially.
I would add that the council is incorrect in [its
recommendation that] arrangements for secular studies and
lessons being sufficient; it should be completely closed for
it is not our concern. In 1873, the government absolved
itself of all responsibility for the Jewish schools.
I request that you inform me of your decision in this
Twilight Approaches
In the wake of the letter from the bochurim, the
Director of the Ministry of Education decided to investigate
and he appointed the Directors of Schools in Vilna to find
out what was happening. Interestingly enough, while the
authorities took the letter seriously, they were also
suspicious of it, as the following document shows. However,
they accorded it much deeper meaning than a simple forgery,
appointing a committee to investigate, whose findings were,
needless to say, damaging to the yeshiva, just as the
maskilim intended. The document is long and we quote
only a part of it.
From: The Supervisor of the Ministry of Education, Vilna
To: The Minister of Education
January 7th, 1892
At the end of last November, Supervisor Steinberg showed me a
letter that he received from Volozhin Yeshiva signed by
eighteen students. These students write that the Rosh Yeshiva
declined to fill his position and transferred it to his son,
Chaim Berlin. The new Rosh Yeshiva drove them from their
accommodations and gave instructions that they should not be
given food, because they know Hebrew and other languages . .
I read the letter and instructed the Director of Schools in
Vilna to gather information on this matter and investigate
it. The Director has now presented me with the findings that
he has collected from the Assistant to the Director of Police
in Vilna, Captain Dubilet and the Schoolteacher in Volozhin,
Here are the findings (excluding irrelevant paragraphs):
2. Chaim Berlin also delivers lectures *** Chaim Berlin
decided to expel unruly students and to cease giving them a
stipend *** They started making problems for Rabbi
Soloveitchik as well, despite the great respect in which that
they had previously held him. The roshei hayeshiva ultimately
decided to expel the unruly students from their quarters.
Finding no accommodation, these students went to Chaim
Berlin's home. They slept there and demanded food. The
following day they apologized and swore to correct their
errors and be obedient students. Only one student left the
yeshiva, under a ban — Joseph Matardok Lebovitz
Glasenstein, who died at the end of October.
4. As to the letter that the students sent Mr. Steinberg, it
is unclear whether they actually wrote it. This point has not
yet been clarified. All we know is that among the yeshiva
students whose identity cards have been examined by the
Volozhin police, none were found with the names that are
signed onto the letter. We therefore think that the students
either signed fictitious names or that they [i.e. students
with those names] are learning in the yeshiva illegally and
have not been recorded by the police.
The custom in the yeshiva is to call students by their
[first] names and by the name of their hometowns, for example
Yankel Minski i.e. from Minsk. This is why it is difficult
for the police to know the precise identities of those
studying in the yeshiva — the yeshiva's lists have one
family name and the police lists have another.
Studying Russian
The Netziv writes the following about the study of Russian
for candidates for the rabbinate: "The amendments . . . were
made with the consent of the Director (who is in charge of
the certified schools, whose wishes regarding the
avreichim who are about to leave we were compelled to
fulfill . . .) a gentile teacher providing instruction in the
Russian language for an hour-and-a-half, for the benefit . .
. of the community when they find a rabbinical position . . .
at any rate these studies were only for twenty and were not
for the bochurim at all."
The government was displeased with the way the study of
Russian was being handled. The Director's review continues,
"Elian checked the Russian lessons and discovered grave
irregularities. According to the list, approximately fifty
students are listed but not more than fifteen to twenty
students attend. Between the first of November and the
eighteenth of December there were only thirty-three days of
instruction. The students attainments are very meager. Most
of them are unable to write their names and family names (in
Russian). There is scorn for studying Russian and
unwillingness for secular studies, possibly due to the
atmosphere of religious fanaticism that has always pervaded
the yeshiva."
What the Director entertained as a possibility was certainly
true! "The atmosphere of fanaticism" sabotaged the study of
Russian. How could it be that after the thirty-three lessons
the keen minds of the Volozhin students hadn't yet grasped
how to write "Yankel Minski" in Russian? Our sources attest
to the fact that these lectures were a laughing stock for the
bochurim from the outset.
After further lengthy deliberations and complicated arguments
about the yeshiva's directorate obeying the law, the Director
sums up:
"The conclusion of all the above is that Volozhin Yeshiva is
in the process of being dismantled. There is no hope that the
present roshei yeshiva will be able to reestablish the
yeshiva's life. The previous Rosh Yeshiva [i.e. the Netziv]
gave promises repeatedly to carry out the Board's demands but
at the end of his tenure he stopped carrying out rules that
he had previously recognized. Rabbi Soloveitchik, who until a
short time ago was a respected figure in the yeshiva, has
brought hatred upon himself [because of his firm stand
against the maskilim].
"According to your recommendation of the first of March 1888,
number 3430, I request your order with regard to the closure
of Volozhin. At the same time I think it would be beneficial
if, when the yeshiva is closed, the Berlins, father and son,
as well as rabbi Soloveitchik, be banished from the town.
This suggestion has already been made by the Mayor of Grodno,
Vilna and Kovno. I have already informed him of the plans and
he has given his consent."
Sunset: Memo: January 22nd, 1892
"In consequence of the recommendation of the Director for
Public Schools in Vilna of January the 20th, number 402,
based on the order of the Director of Education in Vilna, of
January the 20th, number 369, Director Augeivitz arrived in
Volozhin at the yeshiva, with Police Captain Solentsov and
with the Assistant of the Director of the Gendarmes Captain
Dubilet and with Boitkevitz, in the presence of witnesses
— farmer Bashkevitz and Persky."
The report continues with a description of how the ax was
lifted and then brought down on the "Mother of the
"They informed the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Naftoli Hirsch Berlin,
the teachers Solomon Dinkin and Chaim Fried and the yeshiva
students who were present — two hundred and nineteen of
them — of order of the Minister for Public Education of
January 14th 1892, number 888, calling for the immediate
closure of the Volozhin yeshiva.
"Augievitz gave orders to interrupt the studies immediately
and took a document from the Rosh Yeshiva Berlin that he had
received from the Directory of Public Schools in Vilna on
June 24th, 1885, number 2855, which stated that he was the
Rosh Yeshiva. He also took a document that had been given to
Chaim Soloveitchik by the same Directory on the same date,
number 2856, stating that he was the Assistant Rosh Yeshiva
and deputy."
The regional officer announced the yeshiva's closure in the
beis hamedrash, in the presence of the yeshiva's heads
and students. They were all evicted from the building and a
large, official seal was placed on the outer gate. It was
red, symbolizing perhaps the lifeblood that the yeshiva's
students had poured over the altars of the lecterns at which
they had sat learning as well as the lifeblood of the Jewish
nation that was now being spilled with the yeshiva's
HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz is a native of Volozhin. In his
letter of approbation to Toldos Beis Hashem BeVolozhin
he reminisces about the town where he grew up.
"The Volozhin that I knew during the years of my childhood
and youth was a tiny hamlet, sparsely populated and in
primitive condition. I remember being shown the apartment
where Maran, our teacher [Rav] Chaim Halevi of Brisk
zt'l, lived during the years that he was in Volozhin
when he served as one of the roshei yeshiva there. It was a
cellar underneath the yeshiva building. It was mostly
underground, with the windows at ground level, where
everybody walked."
The yeshiva building was erected in approximately 5647
(1887), on the same site that had been occupied by the
previous building, which had gone up in flames when a fire
broke out in the town.
A proclamation entitled Modo'oh Rabboh Le'Oraiso (An
Important Proclamation for Torah's Sake) that the Netziv
published in the newspaper Hatzefiroh stated,
"`He kindled a fire in Tzion' ( Eichoh 4:11) —
in the place that was outstanding [metzuyon] in
"Most of the town and the public beis hamedrash, as
well as the yeshiva building that has served as a Torah
Sanctuary for over eighty years, were burned down.
Immediately after the fire we strengthened ourselves,
Boruch Hashem, and began taking stock of what the
building needed in order to restore the ruins of the holy
yeshiva to their former standing. We also made a point of
extending its length and height and beautifying and
glorifying it in every aspect, at additional expense, for it
is a Torah Sanctuary, as well as being a building that
represents all of Yisroel. We are convinced that all Yisroel
wish to accord honor the four amos of halochoh and to
prepare its home in the most beautiful and fitting manner for
the use of large numbers of people, in their masses."
In the course of the building, senior officials — the
regional police commander and his entourage — paid a
visit to the site. The commander asked one of the builders
what function the room he was building would serve. The
builder proudly replied, "This is where the women of the
royal household pray" (i.e. the ezras noshim).
The commander took fright at the appellation "the royal
household" as applied to the yeshiva women. Was this not an
affront to His Honor, the Czar? Perhaps a revolutionary plot
was afoot — a new royal household!
The innocent builder was immediately arrested and imprisoned.
He was only released after much hard work and the payment of
a considerable bribe. Go explain to a gentile that the Rov's
house is a house of royalty!
The beautiful yeshiva building was something of a novelty in
those days. One of the talmidim described it as
follows. "The yeshiva is like a wondrous palace, built on
three levels. There is a spacious [main] hall supported by
four pillars. Its walls are as white as snow and as pure
wool; the floor is clean and spotless. It serves as the study
"There is also a large corridor where the students read
during the summer months. There is also a fine room that
houses the great gemach, from which every student can
borrow money at difficult times. There is also a clean room
where the menahel, Reb Lipmann distributes the
masechtos that are needed for learning and a smoking
room (because smoking is forbidden in the yeshiva). The
Mashgiach and the Menahel sit on the lowest floor while the
third floor houses the yeshiva's large library.
"Anyone out walking on the long winter nights can see a
wonderful, sublime sight in front of the yeshiva's paved yard
— the lights of the numerous chandeliers casting their
rays over the surface of the snow. From one end of the lot to
the other he will hear the thunderous sound of three hundred
people learning with keen emotion and tremendous enthusiasm.
Here, a pleasant looking youth walks with a measured step, a
gemora under his arm, his feet hurrying him along
because Torah is his soul's desire. Over there go several
youths returning from their studies because they are weary;
they are sad at having had to interrupt their learning. Here
one witnesses Yiddishkeit in its true colors. It is no
exaggeration to say, `Whoever hasn't seen this wonderful
sight has never seen beauty in his life.' "
When the yeshiva was closed, seven years after the erection
of the new building, the fire of Torah died out of it. A
different fire was kindled there — the local bakery
moved in.
Several years ago the place was abandoned and was purchased
by a group of communal activists to be developed as a Torah
center to serve the surrounding region. The cost of the
building was five hundred dollars. Had the Russians known its
true worth the price would have been far higher.
In paragraph 2 of the memo of the Supervisor for the Ministry
of Education, mention is made of a bochur who insulted
Rav Chaim Berlin and who passed away after having been placed
under a ban. Here is a further shocking quote from the
"In Volozhin, after the death of Glasenstein who had been
banished from the yeshiva by Chaim Berlin, Rabbi Naftoli
Hirsch Berlin referred to the matter in a speech and
mentioned the sons of Aaron, who died because they didn't
listen to those in charge of them, likening the deceased to
The Supervisor sums up the Netziv's address in the following
words, "This speech made a negative impression and was hard
for the students because they had greatly loved the
Rav Aryeh Levine zt'l, related that one of
talmidim at that time sent a message to Rav Chaim
Berlin requesting his forgiveness. "I wish to ask His Torah
Honor, the gaon, prostrating myself at his feet and
begging forgiveness from his honor the gaon. At the
time of the controversy in the yeshiva in Volozhin, even
though I do not recall ever having actually done anything to
distress his Torah honor, I certainly spoke [about him] and
assisted those who caused him distress . . . I see that I
have been punished to a very great extent indeed and I see it
as fitting punishment, measure for measure, for my deeds."
This is Rav Chaim's reply. "I am dust and ashes and am not of
such consequence before Hashem, yisborach Shemo, that
anyone should be punished on my account. Besides, even during
the period when they were causing me distress, every night I
repeated Mar Zutra's words: `May my Master forgive all who
have distressed me' (Megilloh 28)."
Rav Chaim later adds, "However there are two reasons why you
have been punished by Heaven. First because of the great
profanation of Hashem that you caused . . . and second,
obviously, on account of the distress that you caused at the
time to your principal teacher, my father, the gaon
and light of the Diaspora, zt'l . A tzaddik of
such stature, who supports the world, certainly deserves that
`Hakodosh Boruch Hu should defend his honor'
(Brochos 19). This is especially so in light of the
possibility that the distress that you caused him brought on
his final illness, from which he passed away. It is not in my
power to pardon Father's distress. If you want to remedy
this, the course to follow appears in the Magen
Avrohom, siman 606:6, quoting the Yam Shel
The Shulchan Oruch states that, "If one sinned against a
deceased person one brings ten men to his graveside and says
. . ." The Magen Avrohom writes, "If he is further than three
parsa'sos away he should send a messenger."
In this case, the Volozhin alumnus was in Yerushalayim, far
from Warsaw where the Netziv is buried. Rav Chaim thus
recommended that he send someone else.
A reader sent us an excerpt from a book written by one
Papirna, who lived at the time. Papirna had the "audacity" to
criticize, in writing, Steinberg's father-in-law, who was
none other than the infamous Adam Hacohen, one of the leading
maskilim, whose influence was among the most
destructive. (See Meir Eieni Yisroel for an account of
how he attempted to lead a young Chofetz Chaim off the Torah
In the course of publishing his critical articles about the
man, Papirna encountered the full force of the domineering
nature and wild fury of the "Glory of the House of Haskalah"
(as Adam Hacohen was known) and his son-in-law Steinberg, the
government censor. His experiences demonstrate just how
"enlightened" this diabolical pair really were.
When he began gathering his articles for publication in
booklet form, Papirna intended to publish them through R'
Shmuel Yosef Fein, an adherent of haskalah and editor
of the journal Hacarmel. Fein however informed him
that he would only undertake publication if the sections
criticizing Hacohen were dropped — since he was afraid
of antagonizing him.
Papirna then decided to publish the booklet privately and, as
required by law, he applied to the government censor's office
where Hacohen's son-in-law Steinberg worked as chief censor.
Steinberg read the articles and praised them but told Papirna
that he was unable to publish them, out of respect for his
father-in-law. Papirna notes that Steinberg, who was a
cultured European gentleman, astonished him by exploiting his
position for personal reasons, as though all literature was
his private domain.
In a similar vein, M.L. Lilienblum relates that when he
published his book Kehal Refa'im, Steinberg removed
every section where the word adam appeared, lest
readers think that there was an allusion to Adam Hacohen.
Papirna then turned to the editor of Hameilitz, who
agreed to publish his book. As soon as it appeared, an
article written in response was published, followed by a
booklet by Steinberg, in which he took Papirna and his
criticisms to task in a manner befitting a loyal son-in-
Papirna responded by proving his case and showing that what
Steinberg had written was untrue. In conclusion he wrote,
"So, readers will see that I said exactly the opposite of
what Steinberg attributed to me. Had he been writing in a
European language he would have been more careful and would
have expressed himself in more respectful terms. At any rate
he would have been ashamed to lie in public. However, he
wrote in Hebrew, for Hebrews, in Hamagid and in a
bathhouse the language used is accordingly . . . "
Writing elsewhere, Papirna comments on the contrast between
Steinberg's written attacks and his verbal praise of his
articles. ". . . but that he allowed himself to denigrate
that which he himself had praised — that this wise and
understanding man permitted himself to blaspheme in order to
pervert what is correct? This, in all innocence, I am
incapable of understanding."
Such was the true face of the man who played a central role
in the destruction of the Volozhin yeshiva and such was the
true nature of haskalah and the enlightenment that it
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