First Residents Arrive in Elad's Degel HaTorah
By A. Cohen
Elad's new Degel HaTorah neighborhood, organized by Binyan
Shalem, is now being populated with its first residents.
The B. Yair Construction Company, which has built numerous
neighborhoods around the country for bnei Torah
buyers, maintained high standards in constructing the 104-
unit neighborhood, where public infrastructures designed to
benefit residents also recently reached completion.
As soon as the first residents arrived, a beis knesses
and beis medrash was inaugurated. In attendance at the
event were the moro de'asra HaRav Shlomo Zalman
Grossman, Deputy Council Head and Education Commissioner
Rabbi Tzvi Herbst, Deputy Council Head and Religion
Commissioner Rabbi Shmuel Grossman and local residents. The
structure housing the beis knesses was donated by B.
Yair CEO Mr. Yair Biton and family.
The event opened with tefillas Ma'ariv for the
residents of the new neighborhood and the gabboim of
the beis knesses. R' Reuven Cohen, representing the
congregants, offered praise to the Borei Olom for
making it possible to take up residency in the neighborhood.
HaRav Grossman said that he was certain Kiryat Degel HaTorah
would be a continuation of the vision of Rabbenu Hagodol
HaRav Shach zt"l, and offered blessings that the
neighborhood have the merit to serve as a lighthouse of Torah
and yir'oh.
Rabbi Herbst, who worked hard to promote the beis
knesses together with his assistant, Rabbi Avigdor
Katzburg, extended blessings that the unity manifested on
that day continue for a long time to come.
The gabboim then announced a fundraising drive for the
writing of a sefer Torah.
The new residents expressed gratitude to the project backers
and the managers of the B. Yair Company for working to create
a high-caliber Torah neighborhood, as well as all of the
other figures who helped build another building block in the
city of Elad. They also thanked the Degel HaTorah city
councilmen for their efforts.
Degel HaTorah is the latest of Elad's numerous neighborhoods
populated with thousands of bnei Torah in an
environment featuring extensive development — including
public buildings — that reflects both the spiritual and
physical elements of communal life.
A residence committee supervised by local rabbonim recently
formed to preserve the spiritual character of the
neighborhood and bus stops were built near the neighborhood
by Egged Plus Transit, which operates public transportation
in Elad and to and from Bnei Brak and other locations.