Egged Offers Training Course for Mitzvah Observant
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Egged's training center in Jerusalem has opened a second
training course for observant bus drivers. Eleven candidates
are enrolled in the course after passing a screening process
conducted by Egged and the Transportation Ministry. The Joint
Distribution Committee and the Industry and Trade Ministry
are partners in the project. Egged Secretariat Chairman Arik
Feldman says the chareidi drivers at the wheel improve the
service Egged provides its chareidi passengers.
The first course ended almost a year ago and the 18 students
are now working on Egged's Jerusalem and interurban lines.
The training course at the Egged Driving School in Jerusalem,
which consists of both theoretical and practical instruction,
covers a wide range of topics including traffic regulations,
transporting children, preventative driving, first aid and
safety. In the practical portion of the course students drive
a bus with a driving teacher at their side. At the conclusion
of the course participants take a test to receive a public
transportation license.