Daylight Savings Time Law Passed
By Eliezer Rauchberger
The Knesset Interior Committee approved a law setting fixed
dates for daylight savings time. According to the law,
proposed by MK David Azoulai (Shas) and Eli Aflalo (Likud),
daylight savings time will begin as close as possible to
April 1st (depending presumably on the day of the week that
April 1st falls out) and will end on Motzei Shabbos Shuvoh.
The law also strips the Interior Minister and the Knesset
Interior Committee of their authority to make decisions on
the matter.
The law was backed by every party except for Shinui. Former
Interior Minister Avraham Poraz lodged criticism against
Labor and Yachad MKs, claiming they bowed to the dictates of
chareidi MKs regarding daylight savings time. The current
Interior Minister supports the law.