Kol Hadaf Prepares for 12th Daf Yomi Cycle
By Betzalel Kahn
As the new Daf Yomi cycle approaches (on 21 Adar I), a series
of cassettes containing Daf Yomi shiurim given by top
maggidei shiurim, including HaRav Michel Zilber, is
scheduled for release by Kol Hadaf. The shiurim of Kol
Hadaf, which were revolutionary for the Daf Yomi, began 25
years ago.
The new cassettes on maseches Niddah, the last in the
Shas, were received with great enthusiasm by Daf Yomi
participants particularly those who take advantage of their
travel time to prepare and review the
material—fulfilling the precept of uvlechtecho
vaderech. Now a further series on Brochos and the
remaining masechtos is being produced, be'ezras
Kol Hadaf, the pioneer in the dissemination of the Daf Yomi
by phone and through cassette libraries scattered around the
country, distributed hundreds of free tapes on maseches
Brochos in various languages to maggidei shiurim
everywhere, a gesture certain to increase the number of
shiurim offered.
Kol Hadaf plans to provide the public an opportunity to
purchase the range of shiurim in the enormous
collection amassed over the course of over two decades,
including shiurim by gedolei Torah and top
lecturers in every field of Torah study.