Under the slogan Yachad Shivtei Yisroel, and with
feelings of spiritual uplift and simchah shel mitzvoh,
a committee has been set up to organize the various events
scheduled to mark the completion of the current Daf Yomi
cycle followed by Jews around the globe in accordance with
the program originally outlined by the rosh yeshiva of
Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin HaRav Meir Shapira.
Thousands of Daf Yomi participants and hundreds of
maggidei shiurim are eagerly awaiting the various
siyum ceremonies where the daises will be graced by
gedolei Yisroel shlita representing every stream of
Torah Judaism.
According to the organizing committee, a large siyum
will be held on 20 Adar Alef at the Yad Eliyahu stadium in
Tel Aviv, followed by local events throughout the week. The
week will conclude with a second major event slated to take
place in Jerusalem at Binyanei Ha'Uma.
Hundreds of rabbonim and maggidei shiurim from Dirshu
are scheduled to arrive from the US and Europe to take part
in the event at Yad Eliyahu. Dirshu expanded its network of
monthly exams for Daf Yomi learners over the past year and
today over 4,000 avreichim are tested every month. In
addition, numerous evening kollelim have been started
in Israel and abroad for baalei batim, many of whom
also take the exams.
Details on siyum events for the honor of Torah will
appear in subsequent editions of Yated Ne'eman.