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Part I
This article presents fascinating excerpts from the diary of
Rav Binyamin Yaakov Barkai zt'l of Kelm, who learned
in the great yeshivos of Telz, Slobodka-Kovno and Slobodka-
Chevron. Nachalas Binyamin is the name of the
sefer that records Rav Barkai's years in these great
yeshivos. It contains his own chiddushim as well as
shiurim and shmuessen that he heard from his
great roshei yeshiva, and the personal diary that he kept, in
which he chronicled his experiences and impressions of those
years. Though his impressions are in some respects far
removed from contemporary experience, in essentials, they
reflect the inner life of a ben Torah that is
independent of time and place.
It is a rarity to come across a ben yeshiva's diary
dating from the nineteen-twenties. This diary describes the
learning in the yeshivos, while conveying the details and the
rhythm of their internal life, as well as the effect on that
life of the upheavals and suffering that the world underwent
in that decade.
The general atmosphere of the times also comes across
strongly. Pre-state Palestine was governed and largely
populated by gentiles and more importantly, living conditions
for all were far sparser than those prevalent nowadays.
Poverty and austerity were the rule. Bnei yeshiva and
those who dedicated their lives to spiritual striving,
studied Torah in penury and braved real hardship in their
struggle for survival. Day-to-day living involved grappling
with serious problems that are virtually unknown nowadays.
Because the diary was written prior to Modern Hebrew's
takeover of everyday speech, while people still spoke to each
other in loshon hakodesh and Yiddish, its Hebrew is
slightly dated. We have tried to preserve the atmosphere of
the original writing as far as possible, to help the reader
experience the feel of the times.
The diary's first section is mostly concerned with the
learning in Yeshivas Telz. This leads the author to discuss
the circumstances of his aliyah to Eretz Yisroel, via
the Slobodka Yeshiva. Owing to the diary's length and wealth
of detail, the sections presented here are not continuous.
An Idea is Born
In the winter of 5684 (1923-4) they learned Bava Kama.
I applied myself to it. Besides Bava Kama, I also
completed Makkos and Sanhedrin. On the whole,
the time went well and I was very satisfied. However, during
Shevat, Adar I and Adar II, things changed completely. The
yeshiva's financial situation deteriorated drastically.
Several months passed during which the talmidim didn't
receive their stipends and many of them simply went
As if things weren't bad enough, another terrible misfortune
befell us, almost making us forget our earlier problems. This
was the annulment of the right to exemption from army
service, that had hitherto been granted to all the bnei
yeshiva in Lithuania. Now the government was suddenly
suspending it retroactively, even calling up those who had
been released by the earlier exemption committee.
Approximately forty people from Yeshivas Telz alone were
called to appear before the conscription committee. This
sudden blow made a great impression on the yeshiva,
depressing the spirits of the bnei hayeshiva and those
of the roshei hayeshiva as well.
While in that frame of mind, the idea occurred to me of
leaving golus permanently and settling in our Holy
Land, continuing our learning there and establishing a
yeshiva there in the spirit of Lithuanian lomdus. I
spoke this over with several of my friends and the idea
struck a chord. Since there has lately been a lot of general
movement towards settling in Eretz Yisroel, the idea
met with universal approval and a large contingent formed
within the yeshiva which spread to encompass virtually all
the bnei hayeshiva. Everybody was talking about it.
Then we sought advice. We were several friends who came to
the ram Rav Yitzchok and proposed transferring
Yeshivas Telz to Eretz Yisroel. He too, was pleased
with the idea but said that it was still necessary to consult
the Rov about it.
We visited the Rov several times. He was also pleased with
the idea but he made no final decision about it, because he
said that many problems were involved and that it wasn't easy
to make a hurried decision on something like this.
Shochat and I went to the Rov immediately after
ma'ariv on motzei Shabbos and told him that
we'd decided to travel to Kovno to arrange documentation for
[travel] abroad and that he should give us letters that would
be of help to us in Kovno. He said that Rav Yitzchok was in
Kovno and that we didn't need any letter.
The following day, L. Shochat, Z. Levin and I traveled to
Kovno, where we arranged documents for abroad for the three
of us. We wanted to obtain papers for the rest of our friends
but they didn't send us money for them, because while we were
in Kovno the situation in Telz changed completely.
The Rov said explicitly that he wouldn't travel to Eretz
Yisroel, because it would be extremely difficult for him
and also because he hoped that Yeshivas Telz would again be
exempted once they gave the government a program for the
yeshiva, which was the purpose of Rav Yitzchok's visit to
Kovno. They actually did exempt the yeshiva after they
provided a program, but then they annulled the exemption
again because they didn't want to release the old
talmidim who had been learning in the yeshiva
previously. To this day, the matter remains in abeyance.
While in Kovno, I also visited Yeshivas Slobodka. I ate with
the Alter of Slobodka over that Shabbos at the request of his
wife, who is my relative. After arranging the document for
traveling to Eretz Yisroel I stayed in Kelm, then [I
was] in Telz for Pesach. I came home again to Kelm, as was
usual every year.
Preparations for the Journey to Eretz
21-24 Iyar 5684 — During these days I was very
depressed and, from worry, couldn't learn well, because I've
already been waiting for months to receive a request from
Eretz Yisroel that would enable me to leave for there,
and as of yet have heard nothing.
Yom Chamishi, 25th Iyar — Good news! Today I
received a letter from my brother Eliezer in Eretz
Yisroel [telling me] that they have sent the request for
me and that I can pick it up from the office for Eretz
Yisroel or from the British Consulate in Kovno. This news
made me very happy indeed; I was almost delirious from
Yom Shlishi, 3rd Elul — Today I traveled to Telz
to take my leave of my teachers, the Telzer roshei yeshiva
and my friends the bnei hayeshiva.
Yom Revii, 11th Elul 5684 — I arrived in Kovno
towards evening and went immediately to the office for
Eretz Yisroel where they told me that it would be
absolutely impossible to travel until after Yom Tov. I
might be able to go after that, if they received word.
It was very upsetting for me to remain in Lithuania but I had
to and there was nothing to be done. I didn't want to return
home again because of the time and money it would waste so I
decided to stay for the time being in the Slobodka Yeshiva
until I could travel. If I couldn't go as a tourist, I might
possibly receive a request from Yeshivas Slobodka.
Yom Chamishi, 12th Elul — Today I spoke to the
Alter, the gaon and tzaddik Rav Nosson Tzvi
Finkel, menahel of the Slobodka Yeshiva. I told him
that I wanted to remain in Yeshivas Slobodka. He accepted me
and told me to go and speak in learning with his son Reb
Yom Shishi, 13th Elul — Today I saw Reb Moshe
but other distractions prevented us from speaking in learning
and [the discussion] was pushed off for another time. We
spoke a little about general matters. Erev Shabbos,
before kabbolas Shabbos, I sat down in the yeshiva to
learn and started learning maseches Rosh Hashanah.
Succos 5685 — I had a good time over the Yom
Tov. They held Simchos Beis Hashoeva in the
yeshiva several times. On Shabbos Chol Hamoed I was
with the gaon Rav Baruch. I count those moments that I
spent at Rav Baruch's as having been the most sublime moments
of my life which are unfortunately very few in the course of
a person's life.
On Simchas Torah I was also with Rav Isaac Sher, the Alter's
son-in-law. In general, it can be said that there is more
enthusiasm in the celebrations in Slobodka than in Telz and
the chassidic spirit is more in evidence here (because there
are many bochurim from Poland). On the other hand,
festive occasions are more decorous in Telz and there is a
prevailing atmosphere of nobility there.
I derived great benefit from the holiday period, during which
I drew closer to the bnei hayeshiva and to the
yeshiva's leaders. To a certain extent, I already feel myself
to be a Slobodker. I would never previously have dreamed that
I could acclimate to a new yeshiva so quickly.
During Succos I found out that Yeshivas Telz had obtained the
right of exemption from army service and that there was
nothing to have prevented me from staying on in Telz. I had
become attached to Telz over four-and-a-half years and
parting had been difficult for me. Besides, I had also not
found the exchange of Telz for Slobodka worthwhile. However,
my desire to be in Eretz Yisroel got the better of me
and I decided to travel at the first opportunity that came my
Journey's End
[The journey by boat to Eretz Yisroel took a long time. The
diary provides a detailed account of all the hardships of the
trip, during which only sky and water were visible until
Yom Chamishi, the ninth of Marcheshvan 5685.]
I arose after seven, prayed and went up to the deck. No land
could be seen anywhere, just water, water, water with a clear
blue sky above. The air, like the weather, was clear and
pleasant. All day the boat continued making its way across
the Mediterranean without any dry land or any island being
sighted. It was warm like a summer's day and the travel was
very pleasant.
I was standing on my own on the deck at half past four in the
morning when I saw a shimmering in the distance, which slowly
began expanding and spreading, revealing many small shining
lights. It was clearly a city. They also sent us a signal. I
understood that this was Yaffo — this was my
instinctive feeling and I was gripped by fierce joy, the
likes of which I'd not previously imagined. At half past
five, we davened shacharis with a minyan. After
the prayers, I went up onto the deck again, where many people
were already standing. The boat approached Yaffo, dropping
anchor at six o'clock.
All of Yaffo, and Tel Aviv as well, were visible. The view of
the city, its size and beauty, made a powerful impression on
me. A boat with several people on board came out from the
shore to see who had arrived on our ship and returned to send
out the sailors to help us disembark.
At half past three we transferred from the ship to a boat and
a quarter of an hour later we arrived at the city. We were
registered at the office of the Vaad Haaliyah and at
five o'clock they took us to the quarantine, where they took
blood from us and we spent the night. It was Friday night and
very unpleasant sleeping there. They gave us just two
blankets and we lay down on the floor. Several people started
complaining, as Yidden are wont to do.
On Shabbos at nine o'clock in the morning we left the
quarantine. I went immediately to the Hotel Mordechai in
Yaffo where I had friends who were learning in Yeshivas
Yaffo. Heschel Bruk of Kelm was also there. I rested there
awhile and then we went for a walk in Tel Aviv.
The city of Tel Aviv made a tremendous impression on me with
its beauty, the gaiety of its life and the joy that one felt
there on Shabbos. All the shops and offices were closed, even
the post office, the police station and the like. This is the
only city in the world whose entire population is Jewish.
There isn't a single gentile here! I hadn't imagined anything
like this beforehand.
Afterwards, we returned to Yaffo again and we went to see Rav
Yosef Tzvi Halevi, the rov of Yaffo and menahel of its
Yeshiva. He gave a shiur about the land-bound mitzvos
and afterwards invited me for the third meal.
In Eretz Yisroel and in Chevron
Yom Shlishi, 13th Cheshvan 5685 (Jerusalem) — I
arose in the morning and davened. Then I went out a
little in the city. I traveled by motorcar . . . in Beit
Hakerem, a new neighborhood, I found my brother . . . I
was there until the evening; then I returned to Yerushalayim.
I was in Yeshivas Meah Shearim. I davened ma'ariv
there and went to sleep.
Yom Revi'i, 14th Cheshvan 5685 — I rose at eight
in the morning and went to daven at the Kosel
Hama'arovi. Melancholy thoughts came to my mind over the
destruction of our House of Glory and the fact that its holy
site continues to be controlled by strangers. The Arabs have
built one of their mosques there and Jews can only go as far
as the Kosel and no further. Afterwards, I visited
several yeshivos in Yerushalayim: Toras Chaim and Eitz Chaim.
During the day I spent more time with my brother.
Yom Chamishi, 15th Cheshvan 5685 — At seven in
the morning, I traveled from Yerushalayim to Chevron by
motorcar. I arrived in Chevron at eight. I immediately found
a place to stay and sat down to learn there. At the moment,
there are thirteen bochurim in the yeshiva, all of
them outstanding. We live together as friends and brothers.
My old acquaintances Zevulun Graz and Simchah Zissel Shapiro
from Telz, also learn here. The learning is with great
application . . .
Yom Rishon, 24th Kislev 5685 — Today I delivered
chidushei Torah to a group on Chiyuv Kenass
Ve'ha'amodoh Bedin, at the beginning of Eilu
Naaros. Although it was difficult for me to speak,
because I am altogether opposed to the whole idea of it being
obligatory to deliver a Torah discourse — it is
something that should come by itself — as it turned out
I had great benefit from it, because I became more involved
with the better bochurim in the yeshiva and I was also
considered as a member of that group.
Yom Revii, 1st Adar 5685 — HaRav Moshe Mordechai
Epstein . . . arrived in Eretz Yisroel. Many preparations had
to be made before his arrival. Many of the bnei
hayeshiva went to receive him at Lod Station (he arrived
via Alexandria) and at one o'clock in the afternoon he
arrived in Yerushalayim. He was met at the station by a large
crowd, among them many of the city's most distinguished men.
A reception was held in his honor that evening in Hotel
An incident took place at the reception that would have been
fascinating had it not been upsetting. For the record, the
situation of the Yerushalmi Jews of those times should be
noted. What happened was, when one of the speakers wanted to
speak in loshon hakodesh, one of the members of the
Yerushalmi Agudah went out and started screaming that it was
absolute idolatry to listen to someone speaking loshon
hakodesh. That incident put a damper on the whole
On yom Chamishi, the second of Adar, towards evening,
the Rov arrived in Chevron. Here too, a fine reception was
held in his honor, although the English governor interfered
greatly by not allowing him to be welcomed with a large
gathering outside the yeshiva. We were forced to confine the
welcome to inside the yeshiva.
The reception was very interesting nevertheless. All the
bnei yeshiva and all the townspeople were in the
yeshiva. First, the Rov himself spoke about Eretz Yisroel
and about moving the yeshiva over here. He spoke a little
in ivrit and a little in "jargon" (Yiddish).
Afterwards there were many speeches of welcome, which were
all exclusively in Ivrit. In the evening a soiree was
held for the Rov in the "hotel." Many of the distinguished
Arabs who were there were also invited. Towards the end the
Rov delivered chidushei Torah and it was very
14-15 Adar 5685 — The first Purim that the
yeshiva is celebrating in Eretz Yisroel, Purim and Shushan
Purim. In Chevron there are two days of Purim because of the
doubt whether it was walled since the days of Yehoshua. The
bnei hayeshiva celebrated with great joy; especially
apparent was the joy that each and every individual felt over
having merited coming to Eretz Yisroel and celebrating the
first Purim here.
The Pesach period 5685 — was very gay. The
passage of tourists, which is always conspicuous in this
country and especially so in Chevron where the Me'oras
Hamachpeloh is, grew very considerably during the
festival. Over a thousand people visited Chevron during
Chol Hamoed. In the yeshiva too, most of the time was
spent very joyfully with the Rov. Several festivities were
held during the holiday and the joyful emotions of the
talmidim were wonderfully apparent.
The Alter's Arrival
Yom Shlishi, 24th Sivan '85 — news arrived that
the Alter, the Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel has already left
Alexandria and should be arriving in Yerushalayim tomorrow.
The news infused the bnei hayeshiva with vitality and
happiness and they started planning his welcome. Almost all
the bnei hayeshiva traveled to welcome him in
Yerushalayim and most of them also traveled to Lod Station. I
also spent all of Yom Shlishi in Yerushalayim. There
was a great deal of activity in Chevron — around eighty
bnei yeshiva traveled (altogether there are now around
one hundred people in the yeshiva, kein yirbu,) and it
was difficult to obtain automobiles for everyone to
Yom Revii, 25th Sivan 5685 — At nine o'clock
this morning the Alter arrived by train from Lod. All the
talmidei hayeshiva who were in Yerushalayim, myself
included, were already waiting on the platform. When the
train stopped, we entered the Alter's carriage and greeted
him. Then he alighted and all the talmidim surrounded
him and we walked with him, singing and dancing until we'd
left the Station House. Then everyone got into motorcars and
carriages and went to Hotel Warschavsky, where they rested
from the rigors of the trip.
Many of the city's notables also arrived, among them the
gaon Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. After a few hours had
passed, we went to daven minchah at the Kosel.
The sight at the Kosel was very interesting indeed and
heartwarming. First we prayed with a great many tears. The
Alter wept a great deal. Then we davened minchah and
said several chapters of Tehillim.
After prayers at the Kosel, we left immediately for
Chevron. The procession to Chevron was a fine sight. Around
twenty automobiles drove in a line. In the first car sat the
Alter and Rav Epstein. In the others, were members of the
yeshiva board and all the bnei hayeshiva. On the way
to Chevron, we stopped for a short while at Kever
Rochel. We went inside and said some chapters of
Tehillim. We arrived in Chevron in the afternoon. The
Alter first entered the yeshiva and delivered a short
shmuess and with that, the reception ended.
Yom Revii, 1st Menachem Av 5685 — My learning
has greatly improved over the past few weeks. I am now
learning seder Kodshim. I have already finished
maseches Arachin and am already busy with
Bechoros. I am taking great interest in my learning
and am discovering great blessing therein. The Alter has
delivered several mussar shmuessen in the yeshiva.
There is a weekly shmuess in the yeshiva and several
others during the week in his house. I have also already
visited the Alter privately several times.
End of Part I
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