A gathering was recently held in Bnei Brak to provide chizuk and form bonds among chareidi victims of terrorism. The gathering was sponsored by the One Family Foundation, which helps victims of terrorism around the country.
The opening speaker was Director Dan Cohen, who said One Family is committed to meeting the special needs of chareidi victims of terrorism, with strict adherence to halochoh and modesty arrangements.
He was followed by HaRav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman, the rov of Migdal Ha'emek, who spoke of the power of emunoh to help cope during times of crisis and the knowledge that all comes from Hashem Yisborach.
The next speaker was writer R' Chaim Walder, who spoke about parents who have to cope with children affected by terror attacks and about discipline in complex circumstances.
The evening ended with a talk by HaRav Meshulom Meshulmi, whose daughter was killed in the bombing of Line 2 in Jerusalem. He spoke about the need to strengthen one's simple faith without asking questions. He closed by offering thanks to the One Family administration and the director of the chareidi department, R' Yisroel Cohen, for their support of chareidi victims of terrorism.