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Part II
As the preparations for Pesach begin, we recall that the
Haggodoh says that we should see ourselves as having
come out of Mitzrayim. Boruch Hashem in these times of
global freedom, most Jews of the world find this difficult
since the experience is so remote from our modern lives.
However with the rise of Shiite Moslems to power in Iran in
1979, the relatively large Jewish community of Iran found
itself in a situation that had many similar points. The
authorities oppressed them, and at the same time tried to
keep them from leaving.
Here we present the stories of two members of a family
that escaped from Iran around 18 years ago. They lived
through years of hardship and struggle, until they reached
Eretz Hakodesh where they could live a full Jewish
The first part told the story of Mrs. Zahava Michaeli who
arrived in Israel almost 18 years ago, on her second escape
attempt. She survived the ordeals of the journeys as well as
time in an Iranian prison after the first unsuccessful
attempt. This part tells the story of Mrs. Michaeli's
brother, Shmuel Yerushalmi, who later said that his guide
throughout the journey out of Iran was the Yosheiv
R' Shmuel Yerushalmi's Harrowing Journey
About six months after Zahava Michaeli's aliyah her older
brother, Shmuel Yerushalmi, also prepared to move to Eretz
Yisroel. R' Shmuel, then 33, faced a dilemma. His son Moshe
(Navid) and daughter Devorah were two years old and his wife
was expecting a third child. After hearing about his sister's
ordeals he was concerned. Yet remaining in Iran with the
family until the birth was unrealistic in light of the danger
he was in.
The date scheduled for his departure with a group of Jews was
rapidly approaching. Arrangements had been underway for over
a year and now the time had nearly arrived. As early as 5746
(1986) during Khomeini's rule, R' Shmuel had tried to obtain
a passport, but the extreme Muslim rule sealed the country
tight and guarded the borders fiendishly. R' Shmuel, like
other Jews in Teheran, decided to flee the country illegally.
At great personal risk he discreetly forged ties with
smugglers. Even his close family members were not privy to
the secret. The group of escapees paid the Muslim smuggler an
immense sum.
R' Shmuel went to a well-known Jewish doctor to ask whether
his family could come on the dangerous journey. "Your wife
can only leave the country by plane," the doctor determined.
Perfectly sensible, but not feasible. No Jews were permitted
to leave Iran under any circumstances.
It seemed that Mrs. Yerushalmi had no chance of escaping the
claws of the fundamentalist rule. If she stayed behind, her
husband's flight from the country would be sufficient cause
in the eyes of the authorities to exact revenge upon her.
With no other choice, R' Shmuel decided to try subterfuge. He
told the police that his wife wanted to travel to France with
the children to take part in a special family occasion. They
believed him.
Mrs. Yerushalmi and her two small children received
passports. R' Shmuel was summoned by the authorities. "They
warned me that if my family members did not return to Iran I
would never be permitted to leave the country. They also had
me sign a very high guarantee obligating me to have my family
If anybody were to discover their true destination, theirs
would be a harsh and bitter fate. "Even a long prison
sentence would not be a severe enough punishment," says R'
Shmuel, "for the cursed [authorities] accused those who tried
to cross the borders illegally en route to Israel of spying
and sentenced them to be hanged."
When Mrs. Yerushalmi boarded the airport bus with her
children she saw it was full of Muslims wearing tarboosh
hats, which was considered a sign of extremism. She and her
children stood out. The other passengers cast suspicious
glances at them, frightening her. When she got off the bus
two policemen approached her to ascertain why she was
traveling. With pounding heart she stammered and showed them
her passports. They left her alone.
At the layover in Turkey she had trouble understanding the
language and then recalled the secret Jewish Agency phone
number she had been given in Iran. Only thanks to their
intervention was she eventually able to complete the journey
to Eretz Yisroel.
In the meantime R' Shmuel began to worry about his elderly
parents. "I realized that if I were to leave Iran before
them, the authorities would know about my planned escape and
my family's escape and would plague them. Once again I found
a convincing pretext and we submitted a request. The
government was generally lenient in granting temporary exit
visas to elderly people, women and children, but was strict
about keeping young men in Iran. I paid a high fee for my
parents' passports. Apparently the Iranian police suspected
that my family's journey to France followed by my parents'
departure were not entirely innocent.
"In Teheran I had a notions shop in Jews' Market, where there
were another 20 Jewish stores. One morning, when I opened the
shop, horrible shouts were heard from the other stores," he
recounts, his voice trembling. "I went outside to see,
assuming the police had come to catch one of the store
owners. I didn't imagine they were looking for me . . . I
went closer to the scene of the action and saw two big, black
motorcycles and alongside them policemen with guns drawn. One
of my friends ran up to me and whispered with dread, `Shmuel,
run! They're looking for you!' Indeed they wanted to arrest
me because of my parents' plans to leave Iran. But there was
another store owner in the market named Shmuel and by the
time they realized their mistake I had fled the scene."
From that day onward R' Shmuel became the victim of
persecution, telephone harassment, anxiety and nightmares. At
night he had supplemented his earnings by playing in a band
at Jewish weddings. But now, afraid the police would find
him, he stopped going to weddings. He also stopped going to
his shop and just waited anxiously to leave Iran.
"Another task that required a great deal of energy was trying
to calm my parents," relates R' Shmuel. "They were agitated
and did not want to leave while I was being threatened and
persecuted. I promised them I would leave right after they
Following their departure he went through a tense period of
hiding out until he received a sign from the smugglers. His
family prayed for him. His wife's uncle, who was also his
neighbor, provided R' Shmuel with several pages of
Tehillim to tuck away among his personal documents and
to recite in times of trouble.
R' Shmuel carried nothing. All of his property was eventually
taken by the Islamic regime. Since the danger of getting
caught was very great, the Jews preferred to leave empty-
handed to avoid raising suspicions by selling their property,
which could precipitate being summoned for interrogation.
"Our group numbered twelve Jews," recalls R' Shmuel. "From
Teheran the smugglers brought us to Kubaita, Pakistan, which
is situated near the border. We traveled the frightening and
desolate route in the dark. Highwaymen were crawling at every
bend, lying in wait for wayfarers trying to flee the country.
Since we had heard about disasters that had befallen our
fellow Jews, we objected to riding on horses or mules or
traveling on foot and demanded vehicles. The smugglers
brought us by jeep and every 200 meters stopped to check
whether policemen were deployed and searching for `wanted
"In most cases the smugglers would first bribe the border
guards and then take us by, under their noses. The problem
was that the Pakistanis were also great sonei Yisroel
and if they caught us they would have been cruel and thwarted
our escape. Therefore, based on the smugglers' instructions,
we disguised ourselves as Kurds. We wore Kurdish head-
coverings and the women wore veils. We wore pants and long,
loose shirts made of heavy fabric."
Because the Kurds dwell in various countries, they are often
allowed to cross the border freely to travel between Kurdish
settlements located in two neighboring countries.
"For our lodgings, all twelve of us squeezed into one closed
room in a miserable village. We slept uneasily, knowing that
at any moment the smugglers could summon us to prepare for
another journey of several hours. For food we were given a
bit of bread, bananas and oranges. What kept us going were
the chapters of Tehillim I kept hidden in my clothes.
Before every departure the other members of the group would
sit around me and we would murmur the Tehillim with
kavonoh and with tears sliding down our faces. We were
very afraid of getting caught. All of us had families.
"One day the smugglers informed us that 50-100 meters ahead
border guards were posted and were conducting rigorous
vehicle searches. At a distance we could see their
flashlights flitting across the bumpy road. Our hearts
skipped. Cars were being stopped at the roadside for
inspections, but we drove on by as if they hadn't even notice
us. It was a miracle."
Shmuel Yerushalmi wore three pairs of pants. In the pocket of
the bottom layer he hid his pages of tefillos and
Tehillim with his Iranian identity card and his
driving license. His fellow travelers gathered strength from
him and asked him to be their spiritual guide. Thus R' Shmuel
arranged minyanim for tefillos and set times
for reciting Tehillim.
Following all of the tension they arrived in Kubaita and were
taken by minibus to Karachi, where they stayed in the same
hotel, the Imperial. "When we drew up to the hotel at 3:00
am, we wanted to recite a few chapters of Tehillim
together. I felt around in my inner pocket to take them
out, but they were not there. I thought I had given them to
one of my friends, but after inquiring everybody said no. A
search was conducted and the driver parked the minibus near
the hotel. My tired friends went into the hotel, but I
refused to leave. I looked on the floor of the minibus. The
driver offered me a flashlight and together we scoured every
possible place, but the Tehillim had simply vanished.
To this day I cannot figure out how they disappeared since I
had guarded them so carefully."
The Imperial Hotel was owned by Muslims but the Jewish Agency
bribed its managers to accommodate the Jews who had fled from
Iran until they could arrange for Swiss visas en route to
Israel. R' Shmuel spent 22 days at the hotel.
Back in Iran, his sister was plagued by the government
authorities. Before his escape he had told her to say that
her older brother had quarreled with the family, causing
everybody sorrow and grief, and nobody knew where he had
disappeared to or what he was doing. They accepted her story
and left her alone.
"We arrived at the hotel and sat down in comfortable relief,"
continues R' Shmuel. "We still could not make contact with
our families. I felt a sense of responsibility toward my new
baby whom I had not yet seen. If I could only send greetings
to my wife across the distance.
"After a week at the hotel, while I was talking to Mr. Pur
Rostanian, a childhood friend of mine who helped the Jewish
escapees go to America, sharp cries were heard from one of
the hotel's conference rooms. When I heard the shouting a
warning light went on in my head. I knew my companions well
and knew the deep, solid bond connecting us. That couldn't be
a quarrel between friends. I ran toward the sound in a state
of alarm. It sounded like an attack. How could misfortune
strike us in such a protected place?
"What did I see? In the center of the room, on a high chair,
stood a Muslim, one of the leading border crossers. His eyes
shot out enmity and his voice raged with seething hatred. My
friends were gathered around him, frightened and trembling.
It turned out that in Iran the government had captured a
famous Muslim, one of the leading smugglers of Jews, and
sentenced him to death. The Muslim going wild in the hotel
threatened my friends that if the Iranians killed his friend
he would kill all the Jewish refugees as a way of avenging
his blood. In his opinion the Jews had informed against his
friend to the government.
"Although the Muslim issuing the threats was not armed, we
knew his Pakistani friends would do the job for him if he
just gave them a sign. My friends from the group remained
standing around the agitated man as if nailed to the
floorboards. Just a short time ago we'd thought him to be a
Jewish sympathizer. There seemed to be no way of fleeing the
room and my friends feared that the slightest move would
enrage him more. I was the last to approach the scene of the
threats and I intentionally remained behind the slightly open
door. I rushed to look for a way to thwart his plot."
R' Shmuel quickly went to find Pur Rostanian, who had tight
ties with the American consulate, and told him about the
mortal jeopardy the Jews in the hotel were in. He quickly
reported to the American consulate and within a few hours
some 2,000 Pakistani policemen were positioned around the
hotel and in the nearby streets! The consulate staff had
quickly gone to bribe the police to guard the group of Jews
in the hotel. The Muslim man ran away and did not return.
"That same night the consulate took measures to remove us
from the site. They planned to take us to the airport and fly
us to Switzerland. Again, the bribed policemen accompanied
us, placing us under tight guard to prevent Muslim extremists
from suddenly attacking us.
"When my friends started to board the plane a man from the
Jewish Agency turned to me and said sorrowfully, `We have a
serious problem with you because of your long beard. The
airport security officials suspect you of being a Hizbullah
member!' My heart fell. This was a test of faith in Hashem,
to believe that kol man de'ovid Rachmono letav ovid.
`Cut off your beard,' the Jewish Agency representative
suggested, `and their suspicions will fall away immediately.'
I objected firmly. Just as Hashem has helped me until now
through all the hardships, He will help me now as well, I
"The time for the flight was drawing near and I cried that I
would have to remain behind. I asked my friends to send my
regards to my family. The only other thing I could do was to
pray to Hashem to deliver me. Right before the flight, the
Jewish Agency representative had an idea. He arranged a
transit visa for me just to leave Pakistan for the airport in
Switzerland. I signed the forms and the plane departed...
with me onboard!
"It was now a matter of hours until our arrival in Israel.
Our joy soared to the heavens. We stopped in Switzerland for
a few hours and my friends participated in a reception the
local Jews held in their honor. I could not [take part]
because I only had a transit visa. It didn't matter much. The
important thing was that I was on my way to Eretz
Eretz Yisroel
Five hours later the group was at Ben Gurion Airport. Shmuel
Yerushalmi laid down on the ground and kissed it and shed
tears of thanks. Later he called the absorption center in
Ashdod to let his wife know he was in Israel. His wife, who
had prayed so much for his well-being and for the well-being
of the other escaping Jews, had been wrought with worry over
delays along the way and was very surprised.
After seven months filled with tension, suffering and
uncertainty, the family was finally reunited. After R' Shmuel
stayed at the ulpan in Ashdod to learn Hebrew he moved to
Holon to live with his family. Today he works at Mipi Olalim,
a talmud Torah in the city.
Not long ago R' Shmuel met one of the 13 arrested Jews
captured in the city of Shiraz by the Iranian authorities and
eventually released. The man had the privilege of moving to
Eretz Yisroel and had arrived to enroll his son at the
talmud Torah. R' Shmuel, who was aware of the
suffering the prisoners had undergone since their arrest in
the city of their birth, was thrilled to meet the man and
thanked Hashem that he and his family were safe in Israel.
"I came to the land I had so yearned for," says R' Shmuel.
"which many in the Diaspora have not merited. And one thing
is sure, this was not only a physical aliyah but primarily an
aliyah in ruchniyus."
"There are still Jews left in Iran," says Mr. Chansav of the
Association of Persian Jewish Immigrants. "According to the
reports we receive from immigrants coming to Eretz Yisroel,
their situation is not bad. They keep quiet, engage in trade
for a living and the ruling government does not harm them.
All this of course is on condition that they do not become
involved in political problems and matters of government.
"Today there is some aliyah from Iran trickling in. Every
month a certain number of olim leave. Today there are
25,000-30,000 Jews in Iran, mostly in Teheran. The second
largest city that has Jews is Shiraz, where a few thousand
"The Jews living in Iran are restricted and are constantly
under surveillance. They have no readily visible social or
communal functions and their daily routine revolves around
the home, the family, the store and the marketplace. Among
the Jews who immigrate to Israel some stay here for a trial
period and then move on to America, where there is also a
large community of Persian Jews. Most of the Jews who remain
in Israel proclaim that they are satisfied with life here,
despite the difficulties."
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