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HOME & FAMILY MODERN DAY MESHOLIM AND MUSSARTouches of Beauty by Bayla Gimmel Two well-stocked vans came into my neighborhood last week to deliver craft supplies to the nursery schools. After all of the local nursery teachers had filled their orders, the drivers allowed some of the neighborhood women to make purchases as well.
Chapter One
I was born at age fifty! It is hard to imagine, but that was
the way it was because my life really began then.
Mummy goes to hospital for a few hours, for a day, or a week or maybe longer, and comes back with a new baby. Stories abound about older children who resent the new baby and how mothers do everything in their power to prevent the 'ex' baby from feeling jealousy and resentment.
Spoiling the Two-Three-Year-Old When you put your foot down, make sure the issue is worth fighting for.
The Hierarchy of Dieting
Whoever has studied psychology has heard of Maslow. He was a psychologist who developed the Hierarchy of Needs, a pyramid which depicts different kinds of needs which human beings strive to fulfill.
Feel-Better Foods! Chew some vitamin-C tablets. Research shows that increasing your C intake can reduce both the duration and the severity of colds. Shoot for around 2,000 milligrams of supplemental C each day.
Your Medical Questions Answered!
I have been writing this column for seven years, and it has
changed much over the years. First, we have been very
fortunate to have sponsorship for this column and Glaxo's
support of this venture has led to increasing the medical
knowledge base of us all.
Letting Go
He stands in the dark living room
There are dozens of sculptures gleaming in haphazard rows
Who can sort through the years?
So I sit in the rocking chair
I can smell the chicken baking in the oven
He picks up a chocolate brown horse
I put the horse back down
I can't leave, not yet, not ever
He is still standing next to the coffee table
But no one comes
May the Holder of broken hearts
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