Shemiras Haloshon Shiurim Across the Country During Bein
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Gedolei Yisroel are calling on Jews everywhere to
bolster their studies of hilchos shemiras haloshon,
particularly during the Bein Hametzorim period, as a
tikkun to the sins of loshon hora and
rechilus, which led to the destruction of Beis
"In our generation, one cannot refrain from loshon
hora without studying the Chofetz Chaim," write
maranan verabonon, "especially since the laws of
shemiras haloshon have practical significance on a
regular basis every day. The main reason for this severe
prohibition is the failure to accustom young children about
this transgression, just as they are cautioned regarding
nettilas yodayim and forbidden foods."
Due to the importance of instructing the younger generation
in shemiras haloshon, maranan verabonon are
calling on the public to fix times for the study of
Chofetz Chaim and Shemiras Haloshon in botei
knesses, yeshivas and kollelim. In addition all of
the heads and leaders of yeshivos ketanos, upper
grades at talmudei Torah and girls' seminaries should
include as part of the obligatory curriculum studies from
Chofetz Chaim and Shemiras Haloshon in depth
and with review, just as other studies are taught, in order
to instill these halochos in the students from a young
Notzrei Loshon, in cooperation with Vaad Shiurei Torah
Umussar, is currently launching a nationwide project to
provide special series of condensed shiurim on
shemiras haloshon with the addition of halochos on
ono'as devorim, which are important fundamentals in
all matters of bein odom lechavero. Organizers have
set up 27 shiur centers across the country from Eilat
to the Upper Galilee, distributed 130,000 flyers via mailbox
and posted 9,000 notices.
The shiurim are intended for men only. To organize a
shiur in English call 02-5832744. Various
organizations are planning special women's gatherings during
the Nine Days.