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To The Editor:
Thanks for your most illuminating and well-illustrated
article about the old beis hakevoros of Rashi and in
particular the inset about the Frankfurt beis
hakevoros. They were read with great interest.
Factual reports especially when touching history and
hashkofoh are always most interesting. It is of
paramount importance that they are factually correct.
However, this report contained a number of inaccuracies of
which I am aware due to local knowledge (and perhaps others
of which I am unaware). Please allow me to elaborate:
1. You shudder: "Who knows if one isn't conversing with a
murderer or his child?"
Let me put your mind at rest. The SS, yimach shmom,
had about 60-80 thousand members. (Wiesenthal) These
rotzchim had Jewish blood on their hands. The other 80
million applauded. So about 1 percent were actual murderers,
others may have been "would-be murderers." (Unfortunately, in
applauding they were joined by others, Ukrainians, Poles,
Apart from this, every third person in Frankfurt today is not
German. Either he is an employee of the many international
banks, or an immigrant from Turkey, Yugoslavia, etc. (There
are 7 million Turks in Germany.) So your chances of meeting
the real thing are quite low.
Don't get me wrong! At this time of the year we should really
delve into the fiendishness of German beasts. But don't let
journalistic dramatization blind you to less dramatic
2. You imply that only Reb Nosson Adler's gravestone is not
in the location of the actual grave. "It was only moved there
after the cemetery's destruction. Rav Gabbai very much wants
to rectify this situation. A gravestone must stand by the
First, all other matzeivos of the rabbonim are also in
the wrong place, see below. Second, the implication of the
complaint is that people could not be bothered to put it on
the right spot.
In point of fact none of the rabbonim's gravestones are on
their graves. Nor is this due to negligence. Reportedly, the
non-Jewish director of the local Historical Museum hid the
famous historical matzeivos of the rabbonim just
before Kristallnacht. This is how they survived both the
Nazis and the Allied bombs. After the war, unfortunately,
people did not remember the exact place of the kevorim.
So the rov, HaRav Lichtigfeld z"l, decided that
they should all be erected together in one area. Thus it
looks like a Chelkas HaRabbonim but in fact none are
on the exact burial sites. I do not quite understand how your
esteemed reporter, etc. will be able to research the exact
burial spots of R' Nosson Adler and the other rabbonim.
3. You explained that R' Nosson Adler zt"l was not
buried in the rabbinical section because he adopted certain
customs based on Kabboloh and the Kehilla was
fiercely devoted to its own customs.
I am afraid this is a gross oversimplification and at best a
half-truth. Please refer to Chut Hameshulosh and other
biographies of the Chasam Sofer who discuss R' N. Adler, his
main mentor. You will see that: a. He simply was not one of
the city's rabbonim. He had his own small Yeshiva. b. Indeed
he davened Nusach Arizal with Sephardic pronunciation
and deep Kabbalistic kavonos (see Teshuvas Chasam
Sofer, Chapter 16 and Chut Hameshulosh) and had
other "unusual" customs. But, it was not the difference in
custom alone. This caused matters to come to a head. His
strong kepeidoh on great mechutzofim - teenagers
led to their demise. As heard from Gateshead Rov, he was
eventually put into cheirem. All this may explain why
he was not in the Chelkas HaRabbonim. Most likely
there are other reasons which we no longer know. Your
categorical statement that the difference of custom is the
whole and sole reason in surprising. The Gateshead Rov, HaRav
Rakov zt"l asked his father why he is not in the
Chelkas HaRabbonim (when his father took him there on
Tisha B'Av as a youngster). He said that it may have
something to do with the cheirem although it was
annulled when he became mortally ill.
4. "HaRav Hirsch taught his congregants that burial in a
gentile cemetery is preferable to burial in a common cemetery
with Jewish reformers."
This astonishing statement is totally incorrect. I really
wonder where you got this from. On the contrary, HaRav Hirsch
writes that if the general community will deny them the right
of burial in their cemetery because he left their kehilla
(due to his firm principles not to be part of a Kehilla -
Organization with Reform congregants) then he will not
hesitate to make his own Beis Hakevoros. He expressed
this as being forced into the situation, not as something he
would choose to do.
The wall between the Hirsch community Beis Hakevoros
and the one of the general community did not exist in
HaRav Hirsch's days. It was built later. (Heard from Dr.
Andernach, a Frankfurt historian, a friend of Reb Yaakov
Rosenheim and publisher of his memoirs.)
5. You write that Frankfurt "is one of the regions most
seriously infected with antisemitism."
I suppose you mean the present; the gruesome past needs no
elaboration. If so, this statement is incorrect. In dozens of
visits I only had one experience of being called a dirty Jew.
(Contrast this with experiences in other places.) As all with
a bit of experience know, Berlin and particularly poverty-
stricken East Germany, are much more "infected". With regard
to Nazi Germany the more "German" and conservative regions
were also more prominent in their rishus; e.g. Munich,
Nurenberg, and generally Bavaria and Austria. Hessen and
Frankfurt have been and still are more "socialist." In fact
in a Frankfurt hospital I met a leftist nochri whose
father perished in Buchenwald K.Z.
6. A drive through the "drowsy" streets.
In my experience during literally dozens of visits the
streets were always very busy and traffic was heavy,
certainly not "drowsy" or sleepy. Are you sure that the
reporter was not "drowsy" when he wrote this?
7. "The cemetery is one of the most ancient in all of
Actually, quite a few are older. Worms and Mainz and York (in
England) are older. They are from the tekufa of the
Rishonim. The same goes for the newly discovered Beis
Hakevoros in France which you describe as being 800 years
old. Probably the Prague Beis Hakevoros is also as old as
this one in Frankfurt.
It should be added that the matzeivoh of the Chasam
Sofer's mother was only erected a few years ago. The location
was supposedly based on using the old trees as a reference;
yet the curator of the Batei Kevoros has postwar
photos of this Beis Hakevoros without these (recently grown)
trees. Thus the location is at best very approximate.
8. You write that people come into the Beis Hakevoros (of the
Slonimer Rebbe, the "Yenukeh") "at sunset or in the darkness"
entering the gate inside which time has stopped.
Actually the gate is generally locked at about 6 p.m. Thus
most people must come during daylight. I am sorry that this
fact spoils the otherwise most beautiful poetic ending of a
generally most interesting article.
Moshe Dovid Fleischer
Frankfurt - Gateshead
P.S. It would be most interesting to hear more details about
the "scientific methods" which "had to be employed in order
to verify the evidence" of the old map showing the area of
the old Rashi cemetery.
The Editor Replies:
With regard to point #8, Rabbi Friedman said that when he
went the cemetery was locked all the time and they had to
make special arrangements in order to get the key. Thus they
could make their own schedule and they were in fact there at
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