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Part II
This article presents fascinating excerpts from the diary of
Rav Binyamin Yaakov Barkai zt'l of Kelm, who learned
in the great yeshivos of Telz, Slobodka-Kovno and Slobodka-
Chevron. Nachalas Binyamin is the name of the
sefer that records Rav Barkai's years in these great
yeshivos. It contains his own chiddushim as well as
shiurim and shmuessen that he heard from his
great roshei yeshiva, and the personal diary that he kept, in
which he chronicled his experiences and impressions of those
years. Though his impressions are in some respects far
removed from contemporary experience, in essentials they
reflect the inner life of a ben Torah that is
independent of time and place.
This diary describes the learning in the yeshivos, while
conveying the details and the rhythm of their internal life,
as well as the effect on that life of the upheavals and
suffering that the world underwent in that decade.
Pre-state Palestine was governed and largely populated by
gentiles and, more importantly, living conditions for all
were far sparser than those prevalent nowadays. Poverty and
austerity were the rule. Day-to-day living involved grappling
with serious problems that are virtually unknown nowadays.
Because the diary was written prior to Modern Hebrew's
takeover of everyday speech while people still spoke to each
other in loshon hakodesh and Yiddish, its Hebrew is
slightly dated. We have tried to preserve the atmosphere of
the original writing as far as possible, to help the reader
experience the feel of the times. Owing to the diary's length
and wealth of detail, the sections presented here are not
The first part dealt with HaRav Barkai's learning in Telz
Yeshiva, and his subsequent path in Yeshivas Slobodka and
attempts to go to Eretz Yisroel.
Celebrating the Yomim Tovim in the
Preparations for Yom Hadin are already very apparent
in the yeshiva. Everyone is learning with great application
and also learning mussar enthusiastically. In Eretz
Yisroel, the flow of visitors to the holy places during
Elul makes a special impression. It is customary here to
travel to the mekomos hakedoshim every Elul and also
during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvoh. Many Yidden from all
over the country and many from Yerushalayim in particular
come here to Chevron, to the Me'oras Hamachpelah. Almost all
of the visitors to the Me'orah visit the yeshiva
Motzei Rosh Hashanah 5686 (1926) — This was the
first time in my life that I've experienced such a Rosh
Hashanah, in a quiet corner here in Chevron in our holy Land,
far from the tumult of life. Virtually all the life in the
town, in all senses, revolves around the yeshiva and "the
King's glory is in a multitude."
The yeshiva was full of people. The talmidim
themselves already number over one hundred and twenty, may
they increase. Many visitors from towns all over the country
converged, both householders and bochurim who had
previously learned in the yeshiva, as has always been
customary in Yeshivas Slobodka. Whoever feels an affinity for
the yeshiva or who once learned there comes to daven
there for the Yomim Noraim. There were approximately
thirty guests and they brought a lot of extra life to the
Tu B'Shevat — We have already finished
maseches Yevomos and I started learning maseches
Shabbos with Yehoshua Bruck. We aim to complete all of
seder Moed in a year or two. We tried to apply
ourselves fully to learning.
This is the way we learn: each perek three times with
most of the Rishonim and Acharonim on Shabbos. By Purim we'd
finished the first two perokim in addition to perek
Purim 5686 — Purim was celebrated in the yeshiva
this year with extraordinary festivity. Generally, all the
bnei yeshiva, with virtually no exceptions, learned
outstandingly throughout the winter and for this reason, they
all felt truly happy over Purim. They sang and danced almost
without interruption during two days of Purim. Interestingly,
the Arabs were also swept along by the bnei
hayeshiva's current of joy and they were also dancing. In
many places, the Arabs and the bnei hayeshiva danced
the beautiful Arab dances together. In the course of the
speeches, one Arab got up and conveyed a greeting in English,
which one of the bnei hayeshiva then translated.
Erev Pesach 5686 — The winter zman
finally ended this week. The learning in the yeshiva this
winter was with extraordinary application. In all my time in
yeshivos, I don't remember a zman like this when all
the bnei hayeshiva, virtually without exception,
learned with such tremendous application.
Even at the end of the zman, from Purim onwards, when
the bein hazmanim atmosphere is always in the air,
they learned exceptionally well. Until this week of erev
Pesach, no trace whatsoever of the end of the zman
was apparent.
A Tragic Incident
Bein Hametzorim 5686 — With the advent of Av, a
month that has long been a time of sorrow and mourning, the
yeshiva suffered fresh pain, concern and mourning. On yom
Shlishi, news arrived from Yerushalayim that the patient
Aharon Posen was in critical condition. His hand had become
poisoned (gangrene) and besides the danger to his limb, his
life was in danger too. Virtually all the doctors said that
conventional medicine could do nothing more for him.
This news was a terrible blow to the bnei hayeshiva
and to the townspeople as well. The town was in despair.
Extra prayers and Tehillim were said all week at
Me'oras Hamachpeloh, in the yeshiva and at all the mekomos
hakedoshim in Yerushalayim.
The Tehillim in the yeshiva made such a powerful
impression that anyone passing by the yeshiva stopped. On
yom rishon, at two in the afternoon, the news arrived
of his death, after having struggled in his final suffering
at death's door all through Shabbos. Tehi nafsho tzeruroh
bitzeror hachaim.
Almost all the bnei hayeshiva went to pay him their
last respects but not everyone managed to arrive in time for
the levaya, which started at five, because it was hard
to find enough places in motor cars. I too, only managed to
get to Har Hazeisim. They wept at his grave for a long
time after it had been covered. It left a fearsome
Once there, many of the bnei hayeshiva stayed on in
Yerushalayim for Tisha B'Av so that they could go to the
Kosel Hama'arovi and weep over the Churban as
the people of Yerushalayim do every year.
Early on Tisha B'Av night it was impossible to get to the
Kosel because of the crowding. All the Yerushalmim, without
exception, go to visit the site of the Kosel. Even the
(Zionist) pioneers turn out in force. One can imagine an
estimated crowd of thirty thousand people visiting the
I and several other bochurim went to the Kosel at
eleven. By then, all the youths had left the place and were
engaged in making their customary circuit of the Old City
walls. Only the elderly pious Yerushalmim remained, saying
Tikkun Chatzos. Then we said kinos. I was there
until three o'clock at night. It made a powerful impression
on me and I will never forget it.
Days of Awe and Rejoicing
Yom Revii, Rosh Chodesh Elul 5686 — Preparations
for Yom Hadin: As usual, a great change is always
discernible in the yeshiva during Elul. So it is this year
too, even though many of the talmidim have been away
from the yeshiva in Tel Aviv over the past few days. With
Elul approaching, however, they have begun collecting and
arriving, one by one. The members of the board also returned
yesterday from Tel Aviv, where they'd gone for the
Learning in the yeshiva strengthened, and what makes the main
impression at the moment is the mussar learning. The
enthusiasm and earnestness make a positive impression even on
those who just glance.
Rosh Hashonoh 5687 — As is customary, the
tefillos were lengthy and were uttered with great
concentration, making a tremendous impression. This year too,
many visitors came here for the Yomim Noraim from
other cities and yeshivos around Eretz Yisroel.
Generally, in the yeshiva, one can feel the judgment and
the reckoning tangibly . . .
Yom Kippur 5687 — Like Rosh Hashonoh, Yom Kippur
also saw a large crowd "which is the King's glory." The
yeshiva was packed. Before Kol Nidrei people started
asking each other for pardon and forgiveness, as is
customary. Afterwards, we went to the Alter as is customary
every year, but this time all the bnei hayeshiva went
over to the Alter's place. Apparently, owing to his weakness,
it would have been difficult for him to receive everyone in
his home, which would have taken a long time.
The Alter blessed each and every individual and spoke to some
in greater detail about various things, telling each of them
the mussar expectations that he had from him. Just
before Kol Nidrei, people were learning mussar
and readying themselves for the day of prayer and mercy. I
have never experienced a more powerful urge to do
teshuvoh than I did in those moments. Afterwards, the
gaon HaRav Leib Chasman delivered some words of
arousal and he did so again on the following day. Thus passed
Yom Kippur, amid prayer and repentance.
On motzei Yom Kippur there was rejoicing and
festivity. Among the other customs of Eretz Yisroel that have
been newly adopted, the yeshiva has also added the following
In Eretz Yisroel the night after Yom Kippur is
considered a virtual Yom Tov. The yeshiva also observes the
custom of Eretz Yisroel in this respect and
immediately after ma'ariv on Yom Kippur we started
singing and dancing. The excitement was so great that the
Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yechezkel had to interrupt the dancers.
Otherwise who knows? — they might have gone on dancing
until midnight.
After the meal, the sounds of singing and dancing could be
heard from many houses until late at night. After the meal, I
also took part in a party that we made in honor of Yosef
Rabinowitz — a son of Rav Chaim Rabinowitz of Telz
— who had become a chosson. Many of the bnei
hayeshiva were there until late at night.
Succos — In the yeshiva, the days of Succos were
spent in rejoicing and excitement. The joyful mood continued
virtually throughout the festival. Each evening there was a
simchas beis hashoevoh. Truth be told, this was
despite the fact that it was hard to get everybody into a
truly joyful mood because of the difficult position that the
yeshiva has recently been in. There are both material
difficulties — no money has been distributed for the
past nine months — and other kinds too. These have led
to a feeling of hopelessness among many of the bnei
A large factor in this depression is the fact that the
yeshiva is situated in Chevron, a desolate place that has
virtually no Jewish community. This means that we are
constantly among thousands of wild Arabs. [The existence of
the problem] is borne out by the many rumors that have
recently been circulating about Yeshivas Chevron moving
elsewhere. There have already been detailed reports about
moving to specific places such as Tel Aviv or Rechovot. I
don't know if these rumors have any real validity but they
say a lot about the mood that is prevalent in the yeshiva.
Despite all this, once Succos arrived everything was
virtually forgotten and the joy and excitement almost
completely banished the sadness and hopelessness that has
recently been felt among the bnei hayeshiva.
Subtle and Not So Subtle Changes
The Beginning of the Winter Zman 5687 — On
yom Shlishi, the twenty-seventh of Tishrei 5687 the
new zman began and all the bnei hayeshiva
settled down to learn. This zman they were learning
maseches Chulin and since it has great practical
value, everyone settled down to apply themselves to intensive
One can generally point to a great difference in the attitude
of the bnei hayeshiva over the past zman,
especially here in Eretz Yisroel; [they have adopted]
a practical outlook. There are many talmidim whom
nobody would have thought much about a few years ago or would
have had the slightest idea of them becoming rabbonim.
Recently, we ourselves have witnessed how, in a few cases,
these are the very ones who have been the first to leave as
rabbonim trained in Yeshivas Chevron. To this end they have
traveled to various countries, to America, Africa and
elsewhere. The difficult situation in Eretz Yisroel is
also a large factor in this. It is very hard to manage here
in business or any other financial pursuit, especially for a
ben yeshiva.
Purim 5687 — This year, Purim passed virtually
without any celebrations because the impact of the yeshiva's
great loss, of its teacher and director, the Alter, the
gaon Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ztvk'l, is still
fresh and raw. No celebrations whatsoever were held in the
yeshiva or with the yeshiva's leaders, as is customary every
year. Only in the private apartments was there a bit of
celebration, mostly with the chassonim but on a very
small scale.
Only in the Sephardi Beis Haknesses Avraham Ovinu was
there rejoicing and dancing. On yom Shishi in the
afternoon, Mr. Shleim from India donated a sefer Torah
to the beis haknesses and on Purim it was brought
through all the streets of the town to the beis
haknesses with singing, music and dancing. Many of the
bnei hayeshiva participated too. That was the whole
extent of our Purim.
Yom Shlishi, the twenty-fifth of Nisan 5687 —
Today a new zman began in the yeshiva. This
zman they're learning Sanhedrin. At the moment
I'm learning Sanhedrin in both sedorim —
during the first seder with Yehoshua Bruck and during
the second, with Yitzchok Lipkin, one of the younger students
whom they asked me to learn with.
After ma'ariv each day I learn mishnayos,
seder Taharos, regularly with approximately ten
talmidim. This was arranged by the Alter's family
— that there should be learning throughout the year
following his petiroh.
It should be mentioned that involvement with Sanhedrin
is not as extensive as is usual for the maseches
currently being learned in the yeshiva. This is because a new
spirit has penetrated the yeshiva of learning new topics, and
Sanhedrin is among the subjects that have been pretty
much exhausted by almost all the bnei hayeshiva. Many
of the bnei hayeshiva have already started learning
other masechtos besides Sanhedrin. Mostly,
Zevochim is being learned this zman.
Yom Rishon, the tenth of Tammuz 5687 — This
afternoon the Gerrer Rebbe, HaRav Avraham Mordechai Alter,
paid a visit to Chevron, together with a large contingent of
his chassidim. He visited the Me'orah and the
other ancient and holy places in Chevron and then he came to
the yeshiva. All the bnei hayeshiva went out and
greeted him. Then he came inside, said a dvar Torah
and returned to Yerushalayim. He made a very favorable
impression upon all who saw him. He is short and broad with a
white beard but his movements are wonderfully eager and full
of life. His face glows with sharp-wittedness and good-
heartedness. He is also renowned as a Torah giant.
Earthquake in Eretz Yisroel
Yom Sheini, the eleventh of Tammuz 5687 — A
powerful earthquake shook the entire country. At
approximately a quarter past three in the afternoon, while I
was lying on my bed resting after the midday meal, I suddenly
heard a great commotion. For a split second I noticed that
the whole house was swaying and that pieces of plaster had
begun falling from the ceiling.
I went out of my room into the second room. There, the water
barrel had fallen down, spilling the water all over the
ground. I wanted to go out of the house but I couldn't leave
the wife of the Alter ztvk'l alone. Interestingly,
when we told her that it was an earthquake she wasn't
terribly frightened and she asked which brochoh one
should make.
The earthquake lasted for approximately half a minute. Later,
we found out that in many houses the walls had cracks, that
several houses had collapsed and that there had been a few
cases of landslides. Four Arabs had been killed in
Later on, news arrived from the rest of the country, where
things had been worse — mainly in Shechem, Lod, Ramle
and Yericho — hundreds of houses having collapsed.
Across the country, more than a hundred people had died and
hundreds more had been injured.
It should be mentioned that the Jews suffered virtually no
damage from the earthquake, neither physical nor financial.
It was strongest in the areas of Arab population.
On the following night most people went out to sleep in the
fields. This continued for several weeks and in fact there
was a second, lighter tremor on yom rishon, the
seventeenth of Tammuz, at eleven o'clock in the morning.
There was yet another on yom rishon the twenty-fourth
of Tammuz but these were lighter and didn't cause any
On the first day of Succos I was in Chevron, in the yeshiva.
We spent the time joyfully, as always on festivals. I spent
chol hamoed in Yerushalayim. I went to Yerushalayim on
yom Revii, the first day of chol hamoed. I
found it very interesting because this was the first time
that I'd been there during a Yom Tov and over Succos in
particular, when it is very joyful in Yerushalayim.
We had an excellent time. Many [bochurim] from
Yeshivas Chevron were there over the festival, about half the
In the evening we were at the Simchas Beis Hasho'eivah
that was at HaRav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld's. Here I
experienced the truth of the statement, "Whoever has never
seen the Simchas Beis Ha'shoeivah has never seen joy
in his life." It was extraordinarily joyous; I have never
merited seeing anything like it in my life.
From eight o'clock in the evening until midnight there was
dancing, singing and music. The enthusiasm was very
heartening and extremely interesting. There were players,
with flutes, trumpets and a drum but most impressive were the
dances. Children eight or ten years old performed dances that
were a spiritual joy to behold. We Chevroner bnei
yeshiva who were there also played a large part in this
It should be noted that for their part, [the Yerushalmim]
highly and pleasingly respected us. The crowning glory of the
celebration was the procession on the return from Rav Yosef
Chaim Sonnenfeld's beis hamedrash [in the Old City] up
Rechov Yaffo with large circles of dancers dancing the hora
accompanied by the orchestra and the entire gathering
singing, Meheiroh yishoma be'orei Yehudah uvechutzos
Yerushalayim . . .
Whoever was fortunate enough to be there during those moments
should be happy . . . It's only a pity that the police
intervened towards the end, interrupting the procession on
the pretext that it was disturbing the peace of the city at a
late hour.
At the end, they went into Yungreis' house in Meah Shearim
and the celebration continued until three o'clock at night,
with melodies and dances and good cheer. It was very happy
and very interesting.
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 5688 — After Rosh Chodesh
they settled down to learn in the yeshiva. They're learning
Bava Kama in yeshiva this zman. I also started
maseches Zevochim. I'll just learn Bava Kama
until Chanukah during one of the sedorim and
afterwards I'm thinking of learning Zevochim all
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