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One Man's Potential
The yeshiva world was suffused with joy at the celebration of
the marriage of Reb Eizel Kastiakovsky, known as Reb Eizel
Vilner and who was already one of the leading scholars of the
Mir, to the daughter of the rosh yeshiva, HaRav Yechiel
Mordechai Gordon zt'l.
The wedding was graced with the presence of a large number of
the greatest Torah personalities of the day. HaRav Chaim Ozer
Grodzensky zt'l was the mesader kiddushin.
HaRav Boruch Ber Leibowitz zt'l and HaRav Shimon Shkop
zt'l, were honored with Brochos and HaRav
Yeruchom Leibowitz zt'l, the Mirrer mashgiach,
danced with all his might to honor the chosson and the
new illustrious father-in-law.
One key figure was conspicuous by his absence — the
kallah's father, the Lomzher Rosh Yeshiva HaRav
Yechiel Mordechai. The wedding took place during one of his
stays in America to relieve the yeshiva's financial straits
and he was unable to interrupt his visit to return home for
his own daughter's wedding.
This disturbing vignette captures much that typified Rav
Yechiel Mordechai's life. For decades, he ranked among the
greatest roshei yeshiva. He stood at the helm of one of the
largest of the great yeshivos that flourished in prewar
Poland and Lithuania and devoted every ounce of his strength
to the spiritual and material needs of his hundreds of
talmidim. Under Rav Gordon, Lomzha became one of the
first Lithuanian yeshivos to open a branch in Eretz Yisroel
— a yeshiva that played an important role in the early
development of the Torah community. Yet his life was beset by
difficulties and he suffered repeated personal tragedy and
loss. Despite his heavy burdens and his sorrows, he always
radiated tranquility and joy and extended kindness and grace
to all.
Rav Yechiel Mordechai Gordon was just twenty-four years old
when he was appointed Rosh Yeshivas Lomzha. Among the array
of spiritual giants who shaped the Eastern European yeshiva
world, he was considered the example par excellence of
the greatness that a fully perfected human being could
In Slobodka
He was born in Troki, a small town near Vilna and as was
customary, his hometown gave him the name by which he was
known in his youth — Mottel Trokker. Later on, things
were reversed. A well-known play on the Hebrew saying,
"Eizehu chochom? Hamakir es mekomo (Who is wise? One
who knows his place)," renders another meaning — "Who
is a scholar? One who brings renown to his town" — and
this was fulfilled in later years. Troki became famous for
the outstanding Torah scholars that it produced, first HaRav
Yechiel Mordechai and years later, Nochum Trokker, better
known to us as HaRav Nochum Partzowitz zt'l. Their
common birthplace was the source of the strong friendship
that existed between the two.
As a child, Yechiel Mordechai's noble character and
intellectual gifts — his phenomenal memory and clarity
of thought — were apparent. He was deeply moved by the
Chofetz Chaim who visited Troki in those days and spoke in
public. Throughout his life HaRav Yechiel Mordechai shrank
from loshon hora and always saw the good and the
positive in everybody.
He was a youngster when he joined Slobodka Yeshiva, yet the
Alter immediately saw his promise and befriended him. He
frequented the Alter's home, benefiting from his close and
constant attention. The Alter is said to have remarked, "All
our toil in the yeshiva would have been worthwhile even to
produce only one individual as complete and perfect as Mottel
HaRav Yechiel Mordechai remained in Slobodka for ten years,
until his marriage at the age of twenty-three to the daughter
of HaRav Eliezer Shulevitz zt'l, the founder and first
rosh yeshiva of Lomzha.
For a time, at the Alter's suggestion, he had the good
fortune to share a room in Slobodka with Rav Naftali
Amsterdam zt'l, one of the great talmidim of
Rav Yisroel Salanter zt'l. In the proximity of such
mussar giants, his character grew even more refined
and elevated.
He related that once on Taanis Esther they went to hear a
shmuess from Rav Naftoli. In the middle of the
shmuess, Rav Naftali covered his face with a
handkerchief and wept. He told his listeners, "I envy you
because you are young — you have a yetzer hora
and you have the capacity for serving Hashem. I am old. I
don't have a yetzer hora and I don't have the means of
serving Hashem." Rav Naftali wept copiously.
In later years, HaRav Yechiel Mordechai told this story to
his father-in-law who, like Rav Naftali, was also a
talmid of Rav Yisroel Salanter. Rav Shulevitz's
reaction was: "Rav Simchah Zissel [of Kelm, another
talmid of Rav Yisroel's] would not have said that. In
his opinion, an old man has a yetzer hora just like a
young man does. If a person doesn't uproot his yetzer
hora when he is young, it remains with him — and so
do all his bad traits — even when he's old."
HaRav Yechiel Mordechai remained grateful to the Alter
throughout his life for the warmth and for the special
relationship that existed between them, that had helped him
grow and develop; he would often longingly recall the Alter's
influence and inspiration.
Once, an alumnus of the yeshiva arrived in Slobodka. Known
for his sharp intellect, the visitor had been appointed to
deliver a shiur in a well-known yeshiva and from time
to time he would come to Slobodka to see his mentor, the
Alter. On this occasion, the Alter pointed out to his
talmid that even though he had left the yeshiva, a new
prodigy had arrived and he showed him Reb Yechiel Mordechai.
The visiting gaon posed a difficult kushya to
the young scholar and Reb Yechiel Mordechai demonstrated that
the gemora asked the very same question on the
following page.
The Rosh Yeshiva of Slobodka at the time was HaRav Moshe
Mordechai Epstein zt'l and Reb Yechiel Mordechai
showed him tremendous respect. Although he was closest to the
Alter and though his own standing among the bochurim
reached the point where he would be approached to resolve
disputes between them and they would gather to hear his
chiddushei Torah, he was careful to accord HaRav Moshe
Mordechai all due deference and would always participate in
his shiurim.
The Founder of Lomzha Yeshiva
At this time, Lomzha Yeshiva was developing into one of the
main Torah centers. The yeshiva's founder and leader was
HaRav Eliezer Shulevitz, who is described on his tombstone on
Har Hazeisim as having been, "the last remaining
talmid in [the discipline of] yir'oh of HaRav
Yisroel Salanter."
The yeshiva was founded in Lomzha, Poland, during Pesach 5643
(1883), some two months after Rav Yisroel Salanter's
petiroh and in his memory. Rav Eliezer Shulevitz went
to consult HaRav Chaim Leib Mishkovsky zt'l —
the rov of Stavisk (which is near Lomzha) who was considered
the greatest and most righteous Torah leader of his time
— about founding the yeshiva. In HaRav Chaim Leib's
home he also found the Chofetz Chaim, who was paying a
Throughout their lives, these two gedolim provided Rav
Eliezer with guidance and counsel concerning the running of
the yeshiva. In letters, they attested to his deep desire and
his extensive and ongoing efforts to spread Torah — for
example, in opening preparatory yeshivos for Lomzha in the
surrounding villages where some five hundred talmidim
studied — and to the purity of his motives.
On one of his trips to a village near Lomzha, the Chofetz
Chaim was surprised to see the talmidim of the local
yeshiva learning assiduously late at night. When he asked
them why they were staying up so late to learn they told him
that Rav Eliezer Shulevitz was due to arrive from Lomzha the
next day to test them and they were preparing themselves.
When he arrived in Lomzha, the Chofetz Chaim embraced Rav
Eliezer and kissed him as a sign of his high estimation.
Rav Eliezer opened fourteen yeshivos ketanos in the
towns surrounding Lomzha that served as preparatory yeshivos
for the yeshiva gedolah. Wherever he went, he left a
yeshiva behind. During the First World War, when he was
exiled deep into the Russian interior, he spent a period of
time in Kharkov. He founded a yeshiva in the adjoining town
of Priluk where HaRav Aharon Cohen zt'l, who later
became rosh yeshivas Chevron, learned. Rav Cohen felt
indebted to Rav Shulevitz throughout his life. "If not for
Rav Eliezer Shulevitz," he would say, "I wouldn't be a ben
Torah." Other talmidim were HaRav Dov Meir Rubman
zt'l, rosh yeshivas Tiferes Yisroel and HaRav
Mordechai Shmuel Krol zt'l, rov of Kefar Chassidim.
Torah and Bread
Reb Yechiel Mordechai would relate that when HaRav Eliezer
was looking for a mashgiach for his yeshiva, he went
to ask the Chofetz Chaim to help him find a suitable person.
The Chofetz Chaim recommended a certain individual whom he
considered worthy and Rav Eliezer set out on his way home,
intending to invite the Chofetz Chaim's candidate to come and
see him. When he arrived however, he found a telegram from
the Chofetz Chaim waiting for him, retracting his
When the two next met, Rav Eliezer asked the Chofetz Chaim
why he had vetoed the idea. The Chofetz Chaim told him that
just as Rav Eliezer had left, his candidate had suddenly come
in to complain about the difficulties he was having in
finding a livelihood. "I decided," said the Chofetz Chaim,
"that someone whose mind is occupied with his livelihood, is
not fitting to serve in your yeshiva as a mussar
instructor and mashgiach."
Another interesting anecdote that Rav Yechiel Mordechai would
share took place after his marriage to Rav Eliezer
Shulevitz's daughter. One of the Lomzha alumni had become a
cheder teacher and also served as the baal
korei in the yeshiva. Because he was having difficulty in
making ends meet, the avreich asked the yeshiva's
board to allot him a small stipend for his efforts in reading
the Torah for the bnei hayeshiva.
Rav Eliezer asked his young son-in-law what he thought of the
idea. Knowing the avreich's situation and the size of
the yeshiva's budget, Reb Yechiel Mordechai replied that in
his opinion, there should not be any great difficulty in
agreeing to the request and that it would be correct to
assist him.
His father-in-law however told him, "Look. Now, when people
ask this avreich how he's managing he tells them that
he earns a living from teaching and that his spiritual
sustenance comes from the yeshiva, where he even serves as
baal korei. If he starts to receive remuneration for
reading from the Torah though, when he's asked how he earns a
living, he'll give his sources of livelihood as teaching and
reading the Torah in the yeshiva."
Around that time, the yeshiva suffered a major financial
setback and Rav Eliezer was deprived of the means of
supporting it. When the Chofetz Chaim heard that he was
considering closing the yeshiva, he set out for Lomzha and
sent a message to Rav Eliezer telling him that he would like
to meet him at midnight. When he arrived, the Chofetz Chaim
invited Rav Eliezer to accompany him on a stroll through the
streets of the town. The Chofetz Chaim first led his
companion past the beis haknesses, whose lights were
out and then he made his way to the yeshiva, which was still
ablaze with light.
"Why are the lights on so late here?" the Chofetz Chaim
"This is the yeshiva," replied Rav Eliezer, "and the
masmidim are still learning."
"And are you thinking of extinguishing this light too?" the
Chofetz Chaim asked him.
The Chofetz Chaim then called a meeting of the leading
townsfolk and charged them with helping to support the
yeshiva. The danger of closure abated.
Joy and Heartbreak
When his daughter came of age, Rav Shulevitz sought a
chosson who would be capable of serving as a rosh
yeshiva together with him. He consulted his childhood friend,
the Alter of Slobodka, who felt that Rav Yechiel Mordechai
was a suitable choice.
Upon entering his father-in-law's family, Rav Yechiel
Mordechai grew yet further in stature under his influence. A
close talmid of Rav Yisroel Salanter, who always
conducted himself in accordance with Rav Yisroel's ways and
outlook, Rav Eliezer revealed much of his own rebbe's
teachings and guidelines to his son-in-law. Rav Yechiel
Mordechai absorbed this approach to a great extent. He once
wrote in a letter that he had indeed come across several
things of which he disapproved but, "I am considering how Rav
Yisroel would have acted."
After his marriage, Rav Yechiel Mordechai left home to amass
further Torah knowledge in the Talmud Torah of Kelm, from the
Alter of Kelm and his talmidim. He had not been there
a year when tragedy struck. Lomzha was hit by a typhus
epidemic and within three weeks, both Rav Eliezer Shulevitz's
wife and his daughter, Rav Yechiel Mordechai's young wife,
passed away.
For Rav Yechiel Mordechai, this was only the beginning of a
life of profound physical and emotional suffering. Eulogizing
him years later, his brother-in-law HaRav Moshe Aryeh Ozer
zt'l, described Rav Yechiel Mordechai as "the Iyov of
our generation." (The full meaning of this will only become
evident in the second part.)
With his deep faith and his firm attachment to Hakodosh
Boruch Hu however, Rav Yechiel Mordechai managed to
overcome all his travails. He was the personification of the
Chovos Halevovos description of the "chossid [who]
carries his mourning in his heart and displays brightness on
his face." People who encountered him could hardly understand
how someone who had experienced what he had, could still have
such a calm, refined and joyful bearing.
At the Helm of Lomzha
Upon marrying Rav Eliezer Shulevitz's second daughter in 5665
(1905) at the age of twenty-four, Rav Yechiel Mordechai was
given the highest shiur in the yeshiva to deliver and
was appointed Rosh Yeshiva of Lomzha — a position he
would hold for the following sixty years.
He was joined by Rav Shulevitz's second son-in-law, HaRav
Yehoshua Zelig Roch zt'l Hy'd, who had a reputation as
a genius and was known as HaRav Zelig Rokishoker (thanks to
his hometown Rokishok). Rav Roch was one of the leading Torah
disseminators in Europe until the war. His profound
shiurim and his great toil in Torah made a great
impression on all his talmidim and acquaintances.
Together, the two brothers-in-law raised the yeshiva's
stature to the point where it was one of the finest and
largest in Europe, with over five hundred talmidim.
The mashgiach who served alongside them was HaRav
Moshe Rosenstein zt'l, who elevated the atmosphere in
the yeshiva to sublime heights with his shmuessen and
by his personal example. A product of Kelm, Reb Moshe was
untainted by any kind of mundane, worldly involvement. He
fasted daily and his thoughts centered on holy matters. Many
stories were told about him that highlighted his holiness,
his expertise as an educator and his fatherly relationship
with his talmidim. His seforim, Yesodei
Hada'as, which he published and Ahavas Meishorim,
which was published after his petiroh, deal with many
fundamentals of Torah outlook.
The talmidim would repeat one of Reb Moshe's
interesting insights. On a visit to the Polish capital,
Warsaw, he saw an elevator for the first time. "Oy,"
he said, "from now on, we won't have the strength to climb
the stairs!"
Other maggidei shiur, all of them Torah scholars of
stature, taught in the yeshiva and provided the
talmidim with superlative role models. Rav Yechiel
Mordechai coordinated and presided over the entire yeshiva,
whose atmosphere was suffused with yiras Shomayim and
selflessness. All the yeshiva's affairs were conducted in the
spirit of mussar and the fear of Heaven. All who knew
the yeshiva were impressed by the obvious honor and respect
that the roshei hayeshiva and the lecturers accorded each
other. Thanks to the harmonious relations that existed
between the heads of the yeshiva, an uplifting and inspiring
atmosphere pervaded all the ranks of the talmidim.
In later years, Rav Yechiel Mordechai's son-in-law, HaRav
Eizel joined the yeshiva's faculty. One of the leading
members of the Mir chaburah and a close talmid
of Reb Yeruchom's, Reb Eizel was a wondrous gaon and
until his marriage he was the regular chavrusa of Rav
Chaim Shmuelevitz zt'l. At his engagement, Reb Eizel
delivered a tremendous pilpul on maseches Mikvo'os
that astounded all the guests with his genius. It was
said that the mashgiach Reb Moshe was so moved that he
could not hold himself back and in the middle of the
pilpul, he got up and embraced Reb Eizel and kissed
Reb Eizel's chasunah was held in the vacation town of
Druskenik and as mentioned earlier, was the occasion for a
gathering of the elite of the Torah world. Only Rav Yechiel
Mordechai was absent. He had traveled to America to try to
relieve the yeshiva's tremendous burden of debt and he
couldn't allow himself to interrupt his endeavors to return
home even for his daughter's wedding.
Reb Yeruchom played the leading role at the chasunah.
Under the chuppah he declared, "In the physical world
there are borders and barriers that separate people [from one
another] but in the spiritual realm, distance and boundaries
do not exist. We [therefore] extend our hand to the principal
mechuton, the gaon Rav Yechiel Mordechai, who
is far away and bless him and wish him mazel tov!"
Rav Yechiel Mordechai's second wife bore him five children.
The eldest daughter married Reb Eizel; both she and her
husband perished in the Vilna ghetto.
Love and Reproof
As a young talmid in Slobodka, Rav Yechiel Mordechai
once came across a copy of Shemiras Haloshon resting
on a shtender and, after spending a long time
examining it, remarked to himself, "See what respect is due
to a human being, Mottel! See the extent of his greatness! A
whole sefer needs to be written just to clarify how
people may speak about one another!"
This attitude was the leitmotif of his long career as
an educator, through whose hands thousands of students, of
all levels and inclinations, passed. His love and devotion to
his talmidim were legendary and the encouragement and
goodwill that he bestowed on them, even when rebuke was
called for, warmed their hearts and made them receptive. His
method of chastising was to envelop the talmid in
warmth and love and to slip in an allusion to the matter that
required attention. An oft-repeated saying of his was,
"Mit schlechts macht men nisht gut (With bad [i.e.
harm] one can't do good)."
He was always deeply involved in both the material and
spiritual welfare of his talmidim. If a talmid
felt ill or took to his bed, Rav Yechiel Mordechai would
assume personal responsibility for providing the necessary
care and attention that were required. He would pace up and
down in agitation saying, "He needs a doctor. This is
required . . . He must have that . . ."
He once took a talmid to task for being careless about
his own health. "You are extending your illness," he pointed
out, "and are troubling Hakodosh Boruch Hu to minister
to you for an extra day since [as an invalid] you require
extra attention, as it were. Is that proper? Is that how a
ben Torah behaves?"
A talmid related that after he left Lomzha and
transferred to another yeshiva, he invested a great deal of
toil into the sugya of zikas yibum and
ultimately managed to organize the results of his study and
formulate chiddushim on the topic. When he repeated
these to his father however, his father told him that he had
been preempted by HaRav Meir Simchah, the Or Somayach
zt'l, in whose Kuntrus Zikah the ideas already
appeared. The bochur became very upset by this and he
went to see Rav Yechiel Mordechai.
"Why are you depressed?" Rav Yechiel Mordechai asked him.
"You should be rejoicing! Do you know what you've managed to
do? You've arrived at the same conclusions as HaRav Meir
Simchah! Have you any idea what that means?" His words raised
the bochur's spirits considerably and rekindled his
desire for delving deeply into Torah.
Hunger and Poverty
The First World War brought revolution, chaos and marauding
to the Jewish heartland of Poland, Lithuania and Russia. The
yeshivos' sources and channels of support collapsed and many
of them disbanded or went into exile, leaving many
talmidim stranded, with nowhere to turn. There were
many who found a place in Lomzha where Rav Yechiel Mordechai,
with his warmth and kindness, cared for them.
Lomzha and Telz were behind the German lines and the task of
providing for all the bnei hayeshiva, whose numbers
swelled to seven hundred, was virtually a superhuman one.
Each meal had to be organized like a rescue operation and as
soon as one been successfully carried out, the next one
loomed. The following stories illustrate just how serious the
situation was and the weight of the burden that Rav Yechiel
Mordechai carried. Though it is hard to say with certainty
that they all took place during the First World War, it seems
reasonable to assign them to this period of extraordinary
difficulty and it is at any rate valuable to view them
against its backdrop.
One morning, the specter of hunger loomed over the yeshiva.
With a calm, unruffled air Rav Yechiel Mordechai made his way
to the baker and, setting down a pen and paper, proposed they
drew up an agreement. "I would like to obtain eight hundred
loaves of bread from you," he said, "in return for which I
will write a document assigning you my portion in Olom
Habo . . .." The baker rejected the offer outright.
On one occasion, the dining room remained empty as the
bochurim entrenched themselves in the beis
hamedrash and worked on formulating a statement
explaining why they were "striking." They were going hungry
and they felt that things had gone too far. In this case,
holding a "strike" merely meant staying in the beis
hamedrash and learning without interruption. Amid the
stormy learning, Rav Yechiel Mordechai suddenly appeared. He
ascended the steps leading to the Aron Hakodesh, said
a few words, and went down.
"Tyer'e kinderlach (Dear children)," he began. "Do you
think that your food is being taken away? . . . Let me tell
you something. The Torah forbids us to eat human flesh but if
it were permissible to do so, believe me, I'd cook pieces of
my own flesh and feed them to you . . . "
When HaRav Yechezkel Sarna zt'l repeated this story,
his shoulders trembled as he shook from tears of emotion.
An Unbearable Burden
One of the bochurim to arrive in Lomzha during the war
was HaRav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt'l. His initial
encounter with the Rosh Yeshiva was disastrous. Reb Yaakov
was tired out when he reached the yeshiva, his beard was
unkempt and his clothing disheveled. His strange appearance
made Rav Yechiel Mordechai suspicious that he was an indigent
wanderer who was only interested in a place to obtain
"How can I accept you into the yeshiva?" he asked the
newcomer, "there isn't any food for the bochurim." He
began discussing a passage from the Ketzos Hachoshen,
in an attempt to engage the stranger in Torah discussion and
gauge his credibility but Reb Yaakov was so exhausted that he
simply fell asleep. When he awoke, he realized what had
happened and prepared to leave the yeshiva. A bochur
whom he knew recognized him and told the Rosh Yeshiva who his
mysterious visitor had been. Rav Yechiel Mordechai
immediately set about trying to locate Reb Yaakov, which he
eventually succeeded in doing, gladly accepting him into his
Reb Yaakov remained in Lomzha for two-and-a-half years, which
were very happy and productive ones for him. Already in his
mid-twenties, he was much older than most of the other
bochurim and only nine years the junior of the Rosh
Yeshiva. He learned mostly by himself but spoke in learning
and delivered chaburos to the bochurim, to whom
he was an inspiring example. He became a close friend of Rav
Yechiel Mordechai, who would consult him concerning the
yeshiva's affairs.
The two met again in the United States after the Second World
War and Rav Yechiel Mordechai confided to HaRav Yaakov that
his arrival in the yeshiva had been a costly affair for him.
After Reb Yaakov had almost slipped through his fingers, R'
Yechiel Mordechai had resolved never to turn away any
bochur who sought admission to the yeshiva. He
accepted all comers and undertook to provide for them.
For four difficult years, Rav Yechiel Mordechai battled to
sustain the yeshiva, but at one stage things reached a point
where he could no longer continue and he announced that the
yeshiva would have to disband. One bochur remained
sitting by his gemora, as though oblivious to the
news, his voice echoing sweetly through the empty beis
hamedrash. Rav Yechiel Mordechai went over to him and
with pain and pity in his voice, pointed out to him that
there was no food left in the yeshiva.
The bochur told him, "If I leave the yeshiva and the
rebbe, what should I live for? I prefer to die here,
Rav Yechiel Mordechai spent long years in the United States
until he'd succeeded in repaying every penny of the yeshiva's
deficit, which amounted to the huge sum of four million
dollars. On one of his trips, he visited London and was given
a letter by HaRav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky for Dayan Abramsky
zt'l who headed the London Beis Din.
"He is altogether an outstanding individual," HaRav Chaim
Ozer wrote about Rav Yechiel Mordechai, "who finds it
difficult to burden others however, there is nothing shameful
about acting as necessity dictates . . . I hope that my
friend [i.e. Dayan Abramsky] will do all he can to benefit
him and to save him and his yeshiva from their terrible
crisis. The misery of his situation can scarcely be imagined
or believed . . ."
End of Part I
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