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OPINION & COMMENT Good, Falsehood and Self-Interest One can go a long way with just an apparently simple desire to do good. Even deciding merely to "do good," will get one started in the right direction. Of course, the achievements will remain limited and far from their ultimate potential unless they are supplemented with all the Divine guidance that is contained in the Torah, but the aspiration to do good is an important and essential first step, as Rav Leff has so eloquently explained in the last issue and in this issue. How to Approach Torah Learning — and Interruptions
in Torah Learning
Today's Matan Torah
The Toras Chaim has a wonderful secret to reveal to us: each and every one of us can have his own personal Matan Torah! The secret has been right there all along in the Torah itself, hidden in two little words.
Why it is Important for a Torah Jew to Learn about the Human Body "HaRav Wolbe's Attitude to Torah and to Torah Im Derech Eretz" (1 Sivan) referred to the necessity of every Jew to have some understanding of the human body. Politica All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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