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The Holocaust had taken its toll on the survivors. Though
some gave up on G-d, many others sought the sustenance of
their religion to nourish them after all their losses. To
keep the spark of Jewish spirit alive in the hearts of the
refugees, to make it glow and burst into flame, the men and
women of the Vaad Hatzala Rescue Committee worked against
tremendous odds to fulfill their goal of physically and
spiritually revitalizing the she'arith hapleitah.
These were a special breed who dedicated themselves to a
thankless task at the request of the greatest rabbinical
leaders of the 20th century, and prevailed in their mission
despite the lack of funds, the lack of people, the hostility
of local populations and other Jewish organizations, and the
chaos in Europe at the end of the war. Their battle for
Jewish souls presents a story only now being told.
A recently published book by Dr. Alex Grobman tells much
of the story, with a special emphasis on Rabbi Nathan Baruch,
z'l. The following is a lightly-edited excerpt from
the book (Chapter 4 — Jersey City, NJ : KTAV
Publishers, 2004) that focuses on a trip by Stephen Klein,
founder of Barton's Candy and a prominent religious activist,
as a personal initiative to help the survivors. Klein worked
very closely with the Vaad Hatzala. Irving Bunim was the head
of the Vaad Hatzala at that time and Rabbi Nathan Baruch was
one of its representatives in Europe.
Stephen Klein's Mission to Europe
Stephen Klein, owner of the Barton's Candy chain, went on a
fact-finding mission to Europe, at his own expense, on behalf
of the Vaad Hatzala. He was there from October 26, 1946 and
visited England, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Germany
before returning to the U. S. on February 3, 1947. Before he
left the States, he shipped clothing, shoes, underwear,
candles and religious books to the Vaad Hatzala Committee in
Paris through American Aid To France, Inc., which sent relief
supplies to France for free for the Vaad and other relief
organizations: "as long as each shipment weighed 200 or more
pounds." Klein brought chocolates from his own factory, a
luxury in post-war Europe, and used them to thank officials
who helped him.
Before Klein left, Irving Bunim arranged a `little social
send-off party' on September 23 to let Vaad supporters know
that Klein's mission was to strengthen the Vaad and expand
its activities. Together with Rabbi Simcha Wasserman, who had
a yeshiva in Paris, and Rabbi Motche Londinski, he
established committees to oversee Vaad operations. Each
committee had to have at least one member from the Agudah,
one from Mizrachi, one nonpartisan member and the local
rabbi. When there was more than one rabbi in the community,
the rabbinical council would assign one or more of their
colleagues to serve on the committee.
The money Klein brought with him, and the funds he received
while he was there, were given to the local communities who
controlled their distribution. Half was to be used to educate
the children. The other half was to help rabbis function as
the heads of their communities, "and maintain kosher
kitchens, mikvehs, Talmud Torahs and other institutions."
The other priority was to assist Jews fleeing from Poland,
Russia and Slovakia. The Vaad wanted to reorganize committees
in Lodz, review the status of the committee in Katowice and
assist yeshiva students and rabbis to emigrate as soon as
possible. Until the children could leave Poland, the Vaad
wanted to provide religious education and relief for them.
And everywhere he went, Klein was asked to find a way to use
the nonquota visas to get rabbis and yeshiva students to the
Scholars in France were housed in inappropriate and
`unsuitable' accommodations, so Klein found them places to
stay until final arrangements could be made for their
departure to the U.S. or Eretz Israel. If the JDC offered him
appropriate solutions to these problems, Klein would consider
its offer.
After six weeks in Europe, Klein wrote to his friend Benjamin
Pechman that he was working an average of 18 to 20 hours a
day. To save time, he worked during the day and traveled by
train or car at night. He visited embassies and consulates to
determine how to facilitate the immigration process. `You
cannot imagine the sort of condition[s] that these
unfortunate people are in, especially those that have arrived
in Germany during the last few months. They are mainly
[O]rthodox Jews. I cannot understand how I can remain sane
after seeing all the terrible tragedy that is happening to
our people. How big the zores Israel is [sic] cannot
possibly be described on paper.'
If Pechman could understand how a person worries about not
earning a good living for his family, then he could `imagine
what it is like to worry about tens of thousands of people
who are looking to you as a Messiach [Messiah], and you are
only able to give them so little. Not once have I cried for
the pain I have seen among our people.' People who once had
large families and were quite comfortable economically `are
today happy if they are able to get the delicacy of a piece
of potato or soup, such as we couldn't eat or even stand the
smell of it, being served in tin cans.'
Klein had not written to anyone previously because he felt
there was no point in `talking about it for nobody does
anything, so it is much better to save the words,' but he
could no longer keep silent.
With Vaad funds, Klein was able to open 20 kosher kitchens
with food he purchased in Switzerland and France. He lauded
Recha and Isaac Sternbuch for providing food on a steady
basis to the Jews in Germany. They worked with `superhuman
strength and long hours.' . . . `With the little [money] he
received, [Isaac] Sternbuch performed miracles.'
Although they were friends, Klein had never previously asked
Pechman for help, but after seeing the desperate situation of
the survivors, he requested that he send food packages, each
weighing up to 70 pounds, to Vaad offices in Munich and
Frankfurt. He asked that each package should contain flour,
vegetable fats, oil in cans, condensed milk, coffee, cocoa,
tinned fruit, raisins for making wine, cigarettes, tuna fish,
a Chumash with Rashi commentary, tzitzis and a Nusach
Sephard Siddur.
In December 1946, Klein sent a number of telegrams to
prominent Orthodox Jews in the U.S. asking for their
immediate help. In separate telegrams to Arthur Belfer and
Emanuel and Josef Berger he wrote: `Some of European Famous
Leading Balabatim Who Lived in Siberia During War Are Now In
Danger In Their Lives [sic] In Poland. Need 1000 Dollars From
You Immediately To Rescue Them...Remember Our Tragedy of 1943
Too Little Too Late.'
To Joseph Shapiro he wrote: `Group of Nine Mothers and Four
Fathers Who Survived Siberia For Four Years Have Now
Opportunity Of Taking Their Children Out Of Goyish Homes
Where There [sic] Lived For Five Years. Special Emissary
Available To Do The Job. Need 1500 dollars....'
In separate telegrams sent to William Alpert and Jack and
Israel Kestenbaum, he wrote: `8 Great Scholars With
Tuberculosis Must Leave France For Switzerland At Once.
Winter Here Hard Brutal. Safe [sic] Them From Death After All
They Have Been Through. Deposit 1000 Dollars With [Irving]
Bunim For Stephen Klein Account Apply Hotel Moderne
To Vaad Hatzala New York he wrote: `Mrs. [Recha] Sternbuch
Returned From Poland. There Are Possibilities To Rescue 1000
Outstanding Families. Polish Government Gave Definite Promise
To Give Passports. I Could Get Belgian and French Visas But
Cannot Start That Movement Until At Least 50000 Dollars For
Transportation Only Are Secured...Other telegrams were sent
to Max Eisenberg, Abraham Mazer and Leon Fruchthandler.'
Immigration and Visas
The Hotel Moderne housed the Vaad offices in Paris. There
they worked on immigration and transportation with a staff of
five, three women and two men. Rabbi Wasserman temporarily
ran the office. A man from a local yeshiva was also at the
office to lobby for the needs of his institution. During a
four-week span, 40 people were sent from Paris to the U.S.,
and the Vaad paid most of the costs. At first, Klein secured
500 French visas for Polish Jews, and ultimately obtained
more than 1060 visas, "allowing the Vaad to legally bring
people out of Poland."
Because the American Consul was short of staff, he allowed
the Vaad to process its visas at the Vaad office. Applicants
visited the Consulate to receive medical examinations and
have their fingerprints taken. Before Klein arrived in Paris,
only eight visas were issued. After his arrival, he expected
the number would increase to 50 per week.
Klein also met with the Polish Consul to obtain the documents
for American visa applications. When a group of students did
not have valid passports, Klein secured them, enabling the
Consul to issue visas. To expedite the visa procedure, Klein
also arranged for a member of the Consul staff to be assigned
to the Vaad Hatzala.
It wasn't long before Klein ran into the roadblocks erected
by the State Department to keep Jews out of the United
States. Visa applications had to state where the people had
been during the past 10 years. As Klein noted, this was `a
little difficult because they were in four or five countries
`and if [the American Consul] had to ask each Consulate in
each of these countries if the people applied for visas or
[if he had to ask for] any other information it would take a
lot of time and lot of expense, since all these cables had to
be paid for by the Vaad Hatzala.' Klein suggested that State
Department officials be assured that the Vaad knew these
people personally and that they were morally upstanding
individuals. Klein hoped that Bunim would be able to obtain a
`general ruling' for Vaad Hatzala cases so that this obstacle
would be eliminated. In the meantime, Klein worked with
yeshiva students and rabbis who were in one or two countries
during the war, and so was able to get visas quickly. Among
other things, applicants had to offer officials proof of
future employment in America.
Bunim and other members of the Vaad met with officials from
the State Department on November 16, 1946. They were promised
that the American Consul in France would receive a cable
informing them that the Department had investigated the
authenticity of the employment contracts from synagogues and
yeshivos, as well as the rabbinical status of the applicants
and were satisfied with the documents. They would ask the
Consul to authorize visas, unless he found evidence to the
contrary. Bunim asked Klein for a list of the rabbis who had
difficulty in obtaining visas, so the State Department could
refer these cases to the Consul for clarification.
Bunim and his group also met with Ugo Carusi, the
Commissioner of Immigration, and his advisor about student
visas. For 24 years there had been a rule in force: A
temporary visitor or student had to provide documentation
where he would go after completing his studies or at the end
of his visit. Carusi and members of his staff were satisfied
with the Vaad's guarantee, but the legal department said that
the American Consul would have to follow the regulations
unless the ruling could be changed or amended. A meeting with
the Attorney General and the State Department needed to be
arranged and this required time. The Vaad was also told that
if an individual had a Polish passport for only a short time,
they would recommend that the Consul provide the person with
a temporary visa for the U.S. for as long as the passport was
valid. The Polish Consul would then extend the passport in
the U.S.
In the meantime, American consuls in Germany were giving
visas to rabbis, but not to students. Bunim suggested that
Klein approach the Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees
(IGC) to obtain its support so that stateless students and
their wives could enter Germany or some other country once
their visas expired in the U.S. Bunim urged him to get
documents from the consulates of Morocco, Luxembourg, Costa
Rica or other South American countries because the State
Department did not care where Jews went after their American
visas expired. Klein turned to the IGC, established in 1938
to find homes for refugees, because its post-war
responsibilities included coordinating DP affairs and easing
administrative transitions.
When Klein went to London to meet with the IGC, he found that
they only wanted the JDC and the Jewish Agency for Palestine
to represent the Jews in Europe. Klein explained that the
Vaad had a different mission than other relief organizations
and questioned whether the IGC had the authority to make such
arrangements. When he informed them that he did not want to
go to Washington to discuss the exclusion of the Vaad, he
sensed that they were very concerned that he `might complain
to the Five Powers, Especially Washington.'
In response to a claim by the JDC that the Vaad was
duplicating its work, Klein observed that `it is not we who
are duplicating, but it is the Joint who is trying to imitate
and duplicate us.' At another point he remarked that, `It is
unbelievable how little relief work is done by the JDC in
Europe, especially in Germany. They depend entirely on UNRRA
and the Military.'
Klein realized that the only way to overcome the slow process
of getting people out of Germany was to increase the number
of Jews coming to the U.S. on a non-quota basis. He made some
initial attempts to so, but he turned the work over to Rabbi
Sol Rosenberg before leaving the country.
Finding transportation for DPs immigrating to the U.S. also
consumed a great deal of Klein's time. U.S. Lines and
the Chief Consul in Germany promised him some ships from
Bremen that would stop in Le Havre, France to pick up yeshiva
students. To ensure that other additional avenues of
transportation would be available, Klein urged Pincus Schoen,
executive director of the Vaad in New York, to arrange
reservations for sick DPs on the Queen Elizabeth from
Southampton, England to the U.S. Klein also tried to gain
permission from the Palestine Colonial Minister for students
from Germany and France to study in Palestine. The American
Embassy's Special Emissary for the Middle East was close to
Klein and worked hard to convince the minister to implement
this policy.
Financial Assistance
Wherever Klein went in Europe people asked him for financial
help. The JDC supplied the yeshiva in Paris with a home, and
gave each student 125 francs a day for food. The Vaad Hatzala
provided an extra 200 francs per day for their other needs,
which was still not enough. Klein also found a group of 35
rabbis with their families, "about 200 altogether," mostly
from Poland, Galicia and Hungary who wanted $3,000 a month.
He gave them $1,700, which included $1,000 from the Vaad,
$500 from his own funds and $200 from Rabbi Abramsky of
London. The JDC provided each with 180 francs per day and 90
francs per day, per child. Klein asked the Vaad board to
allocate money for them, and suggested they leave France as
soon as possible. Since there was no hope of going to
Palestine at that point, they wanted to go to the U.S. He
urged that they write to the Agudath Harabonim and the Vaad
for additional help.
Pockets of Orthodox Jews living in very bad financial straits
were found in St. Germain, Henneville and other areas. The
JDC was able to provide them with only 125 francs per day.
Klein gave them some money, but he was quite limited in what
he could offer. He felt that they, too, had to immigrate.
Klein also founded five children's homes under the auspices
of the Vaad: Aix-les-Bains had 450 children including two
yeshivos; at Strasbourg and Schirmeck there were 250
children; at Barbizon there were 40 children and 75 at
Fublaines. All the homes were maintained and supported by
Rescue Children Inc., which paid an average of 5,000 francs
per child each month. It also paid for their clothing and
other necessities, and salaries for the teachers and
administrators. Jewish education at the homes was inadequate
because they lacked teachers and the strong leadership needed
to develop a curriculum and administration. The homes were
run along political party lines, which only exacerbated the
Since the Vaad was responsible for the education of these
children, Klein warned that a proper educational
infrastructure was needed or the children would be lost to
Torah-true Judaism. A knowledgeable educator, familiar with
European educational systems and culture, he wrote, should be
sent from the U.S. to prepare the children for life in
Palestine, where most of them wanted to go.
Irving Bunim shared this information with Rabbi Kotler. Rav
Aharon participated in Vaad meetings, including those with
State Department officials in Washington, D.C.
During his two trips to Germany, Klein visited the Vaad
offices in Frankfurt and Munich, the yeshivos in Windsheim,
Zeilsheim, Bergen-Belsen in the British Zone and a yeshiva in
`Nobody can imagine in how wonderful spirits these yeshivos
are [sic],' he reported, especially at the yeshiva in
Zeilsheim where at least 200 boys had been brought from
Poland by Recha Sternbuch. The school was run along religious
party lines, but since the children were very young Klein was
not concerned about their indoctrination. He gave the
yeshivos some money, but they needed a regular subsidy of $2
per yeshiva student a week. Allocating $750 per week, Klein
believed, would meet the needs of the yeshivos at that
Visit to Germany
On his first visit to Germany, Klein saw an immediate need to
establish yeshivos ketanos (elementary schools) in
camps with large numbers of Orthodox Jews, especially those
with Polish DPs. Klein asked Rabbis Baruch and Schechter to
open yeshivos in the camps, which they did with funds he
provided. Altogether, the Vaad established almost 20
yeshivos. Each yeshiva had a board of education under the
leadership of a rabbi or under the man with the most
knowledge of Judaism in the camp.
The Vaad subsidized large numbers of kosher kitchens in the
camps, as well as mikvehs and Agudah and Mizrachi
kibbutzim. The Vaad supported two mohalim, who were
called to various camps almost every day to perform
circumcisions. He noted that during the previous year 20,000
children had been born.
In the meantime, the Vaad offices developed a reputation
throughout Germany as a place where DPs could obtain
religious items. Camp committees constantly visited Vaad
offices to collect these religious objects and discuss other
religious needs. Klein concluded that if the Vaad Hatzala did
not exist, there would be a need for such an organization. He
was proud that the Vaad was `practically the only [O]rthodox
organization recognized by almost every government in
Europe.' It was the only Orthodox institution with official
status in Germany and Austria. But at the same time, he was
heartbroken because so much more `could be accomplished if
[O]rthodoxy were united,' especially considering `the amount
that we have accomplished with so little' thus far. This was
the time when the Agudah, Mizrachi, Hungarian Jews, Bobover
Hasidim and the Klausenberger Rebbe `should get together and
form a strong fund to give the people the help' they need.
Dean Samuel L. Sar of Yeshiva University, who would later
play a role in the rescue and rehabilitation activities for
the DPs, was also critical of what appeared to be parochial
interests and concerns. Finally, Klein hoped that another
layperson would follow his lead and come to Europe to
continue the work he started.
Klein was especially disturbed to hear from people who had
recently come to Europe from the U.S. that `not everything is
going smoothly' at the Vaad headquarters in New York. He
hoped the rumors were `not true,' since he had been `killing'
himself `to do everything in the world possible to get visas
from various countries, only to find that there was no
harmony in New York.'
Throughout Klein's stay in Europe, Schoen sent him requests
to transfer funds and to aid specific individuals. Schoen
also wired instructions from the Federal Reserve Bank on how
to transfer Swiss francs to Switzerland and provided him with
documents necessary to facilitate the immigration of people
being detained by the French relief organization.
Rabbi Jacob Karlinsky, executive secretary of the Vaad in New
York, asked him to secure the release of a 10-year-old Jewish
girl being cared for by a Polish Christian family by having
Recha Sternbuch bring the child from Poland to France or
Germany. He also advised Klein that the Vaad had secured
documents to bring approximately 600 Jews that the Vaad had
supported since 1940 from Shanghai to the U.S. Two hundred
fifty were already in the U. S., and the rest were to arrive
on the next two ships from Shanghai.
Before Klein left Europe, Schoen asked him for `documentary
proof' that the Vaad was assisting Mizrachi in Germany and
other parts of Europe. The Mizrachi alleged that its
institutions were not receiving their fair share of aid and
as a result the Vaad was having `extreme difficulties with
them.' Klein investigated and found that `most of the money'
was being distributed to the Mizrachi and Agudah.
In turn, Klein asked Schoen to send him siddurim,
tefillin, Chumashim, mezuzos and other religious items
that were desperately needed. He cabled Herbert Tenzer
(Klein's partner and later a Congressman from New York) to
send $1,600 for Rescue Children, Inc., $10,000 to Isaac
Sternbuch and $4,000 for the yeshivos in Paris.
Klein also received a number of letters from Irving Bunim
asking him for help. In December 1946, a delegation of
American Jews attended a Zionist convention in Basel,
Switzerland. Many were from Mizrachi. Klein thought it would
be a good opportunity for them to come to Paris to see the
work the Vaad was doing, especially since some members of the
group were `not too friendly' to the Vaad. Pincus Schoen
concurred and suggested that the delegates visit Vaad Hatzala
homes in Switzerland and meet with key Vaad representatives
in Europe.
In mid-December 1946, Bunim informed Klein that Rabbi Eliezer
Silver was demanding that Rabbis Schechter, Londinski and
Rosenberg return to the U.S. immediately. Perhaps this was an
attempt to exercise greater control of events by Rabbi
Silver, who was a main fundraiser for the Vaad and under
extreme pressure to raise the monies so desperately needed.
Silver's dedication and commitment were such that when he
could not secure funds for a particular cause, he would
borrow money from his bank and use his life insurance as
By ordering the three rabbis back home, Rabbi Silver may have
reasoned that Vaad expenses would be decreased and thus the
demands upon him lessened. Bunim said that, `it took a lot of
`diplomacy' to convince Rabbi Silver to take a more moderate
stance, which meant delaying their departure for at least a
In subsequent correspondence, Bunim informed Klein that Rabbi
Silver had mentioned nothing further about the return of the
rabbis, so that the matter would be allowed to die. Bunim
informed him that Samuel Schmidt would be going to Europe at
the `request and insistence of Rabbi Silver,' and that
several meetings had been arranged with the Agudah, Zeirei
Agudah and World Agudah in the hopes of coming to an
understanding with them about the Vaad. In addition, Rabbis
Pinchas Teitz, Joseph Baumel and Bezalel Cohen of the
Mizrachi made an appeal for the Vaad in the name of all the
Klein urged Bunim to be careful that Rabbi Silver did not
make `any agreement with the JDC about changing the role of
the Vaad.' Klein believed that Rabbi Silver could not make
any changes concerning the Vaad by limiting its role or
through an agreement with the JDC without their consent. `I
do not think he can do it without you and me,' Klein told
Bunim, but he was wrong. He asked Bunim to avoid meeting with
the JDC `under any circumstances' and said that he should not
ask them for any funds. He stopped the yeshiva students from
requesting transportation from the JDC, and purposely avoided
meeting any of their staff, except for a low level official.
He asked that Bunim do his `utmost to keep Vaad Hatzala
alive, as it is important for my work with the Inter-
Governmental Committee.' Rav Aharon had insisted that Bunim
do all he could to maintain the viability of the Vaad.
Baruch was so impressed with Klein's accomplishments, that in
late January 1947 he wrote to William Alpert that Klein `did
a fine job and accomplished a great deal while in Europe,
worked real hard, never sparing himself. He certainly went
all out in his work, which was indeed appreciated by all of
Klein's Return to the U.S.
Back in New York, Klein continued his work on immigration and
other areas. He sent funds to Europe, worked out fundraising
campaign strategy with Irving Bunim and concentrated on
public relations and publicity.
Klein talked about the Vaad's work in Europe on WEVD, a
Jewish radio program in New York, and urged the audience to
provide help to their fellow Jews. He described how the Jews
in Europe received dry rations of 1200 calories a day and
asked the audience to compare this amount with the number of
calories they consumed daily. He asked that 11-pound packages
be sent to supplement this meager daily ration. The packages
were to be sent to a relative in the camps. If people had no
one in particular to send a package to, the Vaad office in
New York would provide a name and an address. He stressed
that there was no need to be concerned about sending things
that could not be used. Everything, especially canned food,
was in demand. They needed prunes, raisins, chocolate, fats,
sugar and fruits. If the recipients could not use the items,
they could be exchanged. Throughout Germany there were
exchange centers with a point system for different items. For
instance, a pound of coffee was worth 80 points, a pound of
Spry (a shortening) was worth 40 points, and a single pack of
cigarettes, among the most desirable items, was worth 45
points. Money had little value in Germany. Food, cigarettes
and clothing had greater value because they could be
Klein also described how in Germany a woman walked a great
distance to see him while carrying a child on her back
because the child had no shoes to wear. `It's all very nice
for the Vaad to make schools, but how is my child going to
school if he has no shoes?' she asked. They found a pair of
shoes for the child.
Large numbers of marriages were also taking place, Klein
reported, sometimes as many as five a week. The Vaad gave
many newlyweds a dowry of $25 and two bed sheets. `There is
probably no greater present you can give anyone in
Europe...than a bed sheet,' he observed.
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