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We cannot hope to cover it all, but we do hope to convey a
sense of the excitement and achievement that was felt all
around the world last week as many celebrated the completion
of all 2,711 double-pages of Shas, an effort that took
them almost seven-and-a-half years.
Some worked it through themselves, others studied together
with an individual chavrusa, and many participated in
saying or listening to shiurim. A typical shiur
lasts an hour a day, seven days a week. Some cover the amount
in five or six days. Some spend more time and some spend
For many it was not the first time. They have completed
Shas already, perhaps even more than once.
Nonetheless, whoever managed to complete the project
certainly feels a well-earned sense of accomplishment.
We hope that we have included your celebration, but if not,
you can still send us reports and pictures and we will try to
share your simchah with all our readers.
US Siyum HaShas Fills Madison Square Garden, Continental
Airlines Arena, Javits Center and Venues Across the USA and
Around the World
by American Aguda Staff
Entire blocks of mid-town Manhattan were filled with
religious Jews on 20 Adar I-March 1, 2005, as tens of
thousands joyfully filed into Madison Square Garden for the
11th Siyum HaShas - the celebration of the study of the
entire 2,711 pages of Talmud by the Daf Yomi program.
Similar scenes took place at the Javits center, a convention
hall in Manhattan, and the Continental Airlines Arena in
Meadowlands, across the river in northern New Jersey. An
estimated 50,000 Jewish men and women participated in person
at the three New York-area venues. They were joined by
— and linked by satellite transmission to — over
50 other sites across the continent, and 20 more around the
Siyum HaShas celebrations across North America took place in
large cities like Los Angeles and Toronto, and in smaller
ones like Des Moines and Little Rock. In South America,
celebrations were held in cities like Buenos Aires and
Caracas; and overseas, in places like Hong Kong and St.
For five hours, the crowds in New York prayed, rejoiced and
listened to the words of a broad assortment of speakers,
including revered elders of the Orthodox Jewish community.
There were musical interludes and, after the official
completion of the Talmud, the main venues as well as others
were the scenes of festive dancing.
Those who addressed the Siyum-attendees through the national
satellite broadcast were (in order of appearance): Rabbi
Chaskel Besser, Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman, Rabbi Shmuel Bloom,
Rabbi Yosef Harari-Raful, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz (the
Bostoner Rebbe), Rabbi Yaakov Perlow (the Novominsker Rebbe
and Rosh of Agudath Israel of America), Rabbi Chaim Stein,
Rabbi Usher Weiss, Rabbi Fishel Hershkowitz, Rabbi Yissochor
Frand, Rabbi Gedaliah Weinberger and Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon.
Some of those rabbis were located in Madison Square Garden,
others in the New Jersey venue, and others still in different
locations. Satellite technology allowed participants in
cities receiving the transmission to hear them all as part of
one smoothly integrated program.
HaRav Chaim Stein of Telz Yeshiva in Cleveland, was the
mesayem. HaRav Fishel Hershkowitz began the twelfth
cycle with Brochos.
Other speakers in the New York-area venues included Rabbi
Pinchos Friedman and Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel.
In virtually every city in the world, Daf Yomi students study
the exact same page of Talmud each day. Among the cities
participating in this week's Siyum was Lublin, Poland, where
Rabbi Shapiro founded his famed Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin.
"What we see here tonight," said Rabbi Shmuel Bloom,
executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America, which
organized and sponsored the Siyum HaShas, "is loud and
eloquent testimony indeed to the power of Jewish learning,
and the Jewish religious heritage."
About the Siyum HaShas in America
Based on a report by Rabbi Yaakov Menken and others
When the speakers at the siyum spoke of the importance
of Torah learning, they did not speak about its importance to
elite scholars, but to everyone - including those not able to
complete the Talmud. Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman set the tone by
quoting from the Tomer Devorah, which says that every
Jew has a portion of the soul of every other Jew. We are all
interconnected, so when a person learns Torah, he uplifts
everyone, "even those who don't know the Shas belongs
to them too."
HaRav Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe and Rosh of
Agudath Israel of America, called upon everyone to take a
direct, hands-on approach, spending one hour a week learning
with someone with less background.
The Agudah brought all the different locations together with
well-done satellite feeds. The two main sites were Madison
Square Garden in Manhattan, and the Continental Airlines
Arena in the Meadowlands, but there were many others.
They also flew rabbis around the globe to further demonstrate
the unity of support behind this massive Torah project. The
speaker broadcast from LA was a rabbi from Jerusalem, while
Toronto's speaker was Rabbi Dunner of London.
Rav Yissochor Frand, who spoke in Chicago, is always
inspiring. The theme of his talk was: "It's never too late.
It's never too little. It's never enough." He mentioned how
Daf Yomi has grown: last time there were 70,000 celebrants,
while this time there were over 100,000 and perhaps as many
as 120,000. The number actually completing the Talmud is
similarly blossoming.
To show that it is never too late and never too little, Rav
Frand described an elderly, unlearned man, a former
professional boxer, who decided to begin studying with his
observant son. When, after a year's effort, the man finished
a single Daf, he wanted to make a Siyum. The son consulted
with the outstanding authority of the time, HaRav Moshe
Feinstein zt"l, who not only said that it was
permissible to make a celebration, but that he himself would
attend. That very night following the Siyum, the elderly man
passed away in his sleep. Rav Moshe said at the funeral that
just as the Talmud speaks of "one who gains his World [to
Come] with a single hour," the deceased was "one who gained
his World with a single Daf."
Turning to, "it is never enough," Rav Frand told a second
story involving Rav Moshe and HaRav Michel Feinstein. Reb
Moshe once called Reb Michel.
Reb Moshe told his nephew, "We need to make a
lechayim. I'm making a Siyum on Shas."
Reb Michel replied, "Uncle, if you make a lechayim
every time you finish Shas, you'll be a shikker (a
Reb Moshe protested, "No, this is special. It's the second
Reb Michel wondered, "Uncle, you've finished Shas many more
than two times. What do you mean the second time?"
Reb Moshe explained, "I mean this is the second time that I'm
fulfilling [Rebbe Meir's statement in the Talmud that], `One
who learns something one hundred times is not comparable to
one who learns it one hundred and one times.' "
By that time, Rav Moshe had learned the entire Talmud two-
hundred-and-two times! He was said to have learned it dozens
of times more by the time he passed away.
If the Daf is not for you, many of the speakers recommended
finding something else you can accomplish as a daily project.
Perhaps an Amud rather than the Daf. For beginners,
someone created a "Mishnah of the Daf" project, so that you
can learn the Mishnah along with those doing the full
Talmud. In order to complete the entire Mishnah in
seven years (since many volumes of Mishnah do not have
corresponding volumes of gemora), they will learn the
first Mishnah in Brochos and the first Mishnah
of Pe'ah.
As Rav Frand concluded, most of us fall somewhere between the
baal teshuva's father and Rav Moshe, and we should
always remember: "It's never too late. It's never too little.
It's never enough." The task now is to harness the euphoria,
to translate it into ongoing action.
Amazing Growth of Participation
Speaking at the recent American Agudah convention about three
months ago, Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, executive vice president of
Agudas Yisroel of America, gave a brief oversight of figures
that speak for themselves—a geometrically increasing
series that characterizes the blessed growth of the chareidi
community in the US.
Thirty-six years ago (1968) an event was held to mark the
completion of the Daf Yomi cycle. Rabbi Bloom himself was in
Baltimore at the time, where he was the only Jew in the city
to complete the Shas. The "mass" siyum was held
at the Bais Yaakov of Boro Park, with some 200
Seven years later some 1,200 people took part in the siyum
haShas. In 5744 (1984) they already had to hire a large
hall. They went to Madison Square Garden — but in one
of the large secondary halls, not the main arena. 5,600
participants crammed into the large hall and another 2,000
stood outside. Seven years later the event was held in the
main arena of Madison Square Garden, and 21,000 participants
took part. At the last siyum haShas at the end of 5757
(1997) several enormous halls had to be rented, as well as
smaller halls in 35 cities across the US to accommodate a
total of 70,000 participants. Now, some 120,000 are estimated
to have taken part in the siyum last week.
by Rabbi Avi Shafran
Midtown Manhattan, with all its din and shameless
commercialism, seemed like a different planet from the vast
arena within Madison Square Garden last week, filled with
modestly-dressed Jews of all ages: men and boys taking their
seats in one section; women and girls in another. The
juxtaposition of the two worlds marvelously embodied the idea
of contrast that forms the essence of the very concept of
Havdoloh, separation.
"Blessed are You, Hashem . . . ," as the brochoh
begins, "hamavdil bein kodesh lechol . . . "
Gazing out onto the arena floor, usually a place of
performers singing, or athletes running, jumping and throwing
balls, I watched celebrants engrossed in Mincha. The
two images were similarly dissonant. The stands, normally the
scene of raucous cheering and shouting (and worse), were
packed with people honoring "players" of a very different
sort from the usual — accomplished not in physical
prowess and ephemeral things, but rather in spiritual
strength and eternal ones.
" . . . Bein Yisroel lo'amim"
A contrast whose sheer power one had to personally experience
to fully appreciate was manifest after the completion of
Shas and its beginning anew, after the inspiring
addresses and heartfelt songs, after the memorial Kaddish
and the tears — and, after the siyum itself,
the dancing that suffused the arena in joy.
The program ended with Maariv. And when the first posuk
of Shma — declaring Hakodosh Boruch
Hu's relationship to Klal Yisroel and His unity
— was pronounced loudly in unison, the sound of tens of
thousands of people proclaiming those truths with all of
their hearts and all of their souls was overpowering. It
seemed to shake time and space themselves.
And yet, somehow, no less powerful was the absolute stillness
that marked the silent Shemoneh Esrei that followed
shortly thereafter. The transition reminded me of how the
holy, determined activity of every erev Shabbos'
waning hours yield to the utter calm and peace of Shabbos
" . . . Bein yom hashvi'i l'sheshes yimei hama'aseh . . .
And then there was a final contrast, too, one that underlay
the very fact of the gathering.
The Jewish community is not particularly known for its
internal harmony. We care deeply, after all, about many
But at the Siyum HaShas, Jews from different backgrounds and
of different approaches to life were fused for those hours by
a superseding unity of purpose. And there was no denying what
obliterated their differences. It was precisely what forged
the original Jewish unity at Har Sinai.
It was the holiness that is the Torah.
"Blessed are You, Hashem," Havdoloh concludes, as it begins,
"Who separates between holy and mundane."
Rabbi Shafran is director of public affairs for Agudath
Israel of America.
Massive Manchester Siyum
By Y I Goldberg, (The Jewish tribune)
Surpassing every expectation, the Central Siyum HaShas Daf
Hayomi of Manchester, England, which took place on Sunday
night 18 Adar I-February 27, drew around 2000 enthusiastic
participants. Most were seated around regally set tables
partaking in a banquet whilst many others stood around the
sides of the enormous hall at the Sheridan Suite.
The historical event was hosted by Mr. Shimon Lipschutz who
is a veteran member of Rabbi Simcha Bamberger's Daf Hayomi
shiur. This shiur is celebrating 30 years of
fruitful existence.
Having survived the horrors of World War II and arriving
alone in England, Mr. Lipschutz — who has Boruch
Hashem since built up a wonderful family and circle of
friends — declared that he found this a most
appropriate way in which to say thank you to Hakodosh
Boruch Hu.
The guest of honor was the moro de'asra HaRav Menachem
Mendel Schneebalg, who delivered inspiring words of
chizuk. He praised Rav Bamberger for his untiring
efforts in harbotzas haTorah. The rov told insightful
stories of HaRav Meir Shapiro's greatness and said we have an
obligation to mention him as founder of Daf Hayomi.
HaRav Simcha Bamberger was mesayem the cycle and
called for more people to join ranks of lomdei Daf
Hayomi. Rabbi Bamberger's shiur which has, over
the years, gained universal acclaim, is delivered three times
a day and is said to be the largest daf hayomi shiur
in the world.
The shiur is available live on the telephone and can
also be heard at any time. This telephone feature comes
through the services of the London-based Kol Haloshon which
can be reached on 44 (0)208 731 0345.
HaRav Chaim Shaul Kaufman, rosh yeshivas Tiferes Yaakov in
Gateshead, delivered a hadran pilpul. HaRav Kaufman,
rosh Kollel HaRabbonim in Manchester, was honored with
commencing the 12th cycle. HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff of
Kehillas Beis Yisroel in Minneapolis USA was the guest
speaker. He declared that "your community has shown that
there is a love for Torah, and that is the praise to Hashem
The gracious event definitely left a deep and long-lasting
impression on all those present and many newcomers were drawn
to the universal yeshiva of lomdei Daf Hayomi
including a recognizable and large addition to Reb Simcha's
Several certificates of recognition were presented to
individuals for their respective efforts including Mr. Shimon
Lipschutz, Mr. Shlomo Adler, family Schwinger and Mr. Shimmi
Enormous Crowd at Daf Yomi Siyum in Tel Aviv
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
A sell-out crowd of over 20,000 lomdim and gedolei
Yisroel took part in the siyum of the 11th Daf
Yomi cycle at Yad Eliyahu in Tel Aviv on Tuesday night 20
Adar I- March 1, and other participants watched the event via
satellite broadcast at special locations in Jerusalem, Bnei
Brak, Ashdod, Brazil and elsewhere. The event was broadcast
to 12 locations in Eretz Yisroel.
Gedolei Yisroel, admorim, marbitzei Torah, morei horo'oh,
roshei yeshivos, dayonim, rabbonim of cities and rabbonim
of kehillos were all on hand at the grand event for
the honor of Torah, which promises to serve as a springboard
to increase the number of participants beginning the 12th
cycle. Members of the Dirshu delegation, who arrived
specially from Europe and the US, were seated prominently at
the center of the stage.
Following ma'ariv led by Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, the
event began with a series of songs performed by a choir and
Rabbi Avrohom Yosef Lazerson, who emceed the proceedings,
then announced the arrival of gedolei Yisroel,
bringing the audience to its feet singing "Yomim Al Yemei
Melech" for several minutes. After the recitation of two
chapters of Tehillim and Acheinu Kol Beis
Yisroel led by HaRav Eliyohu Raful, Rabbi Lazerson
introduced Rabbi Yehuda Meir Abramovitch, chairman of the
Agudas Yisroel World Committee and one of the heads the
Committee for the Dissemination of the Daf Yomi. "This
project and idea was founded by my teacher and rebbe, HaRav
Yehuda Meir Shapiro zt"l the rov of Lublin. Daf Yomi
has the ability to bring together the hearts of Klal
Yisroel into a single entity. Today, 82 years after the
founding of the Daf Yomi project, we are completing the 11th
cycle—billions of pages of gemora studied by
hundreds of thousands of Jews. These pages will rise up
before Kisei Hakovod and will serve as a zchus
for us," said Rabbi Abramovitch.
Chazzan R' Binyomin Helfgot sang Keil Molei Rachamim
for HaRav Meir Shapiro, founder of the Daf Yomi, the six
million kedoshim who died in the Holocaust, the
victims of war and terrorism in Eretz Yisroel, the hundreds
of thousands of Daf Yomi learners who have left This World
since the Daf Yomi program began in 5683 (1923) and those who
did not have the merit to complete the 11th cycle.
The completion of the Shas was delivered by HaRav
Aharon Leib Shteinman. Kaddish was recited by Rav
Dovid Hofsdteter, president of Dirshu, the worldwide
organization for the promotion of Torah study. In his
remarks, Rav Hofsdteter noted that we mention techiyas
hameisim after Hadron Aloch, for Techiyas
Hameisim will be in the merit of Torah study, the pillar
on which the entire world rests. Dirshu, which was founded
seven years ago with the beginning of the 11th cycle, now
gives monthly tests to over 6,000 program participants.
Rabbi Lazerson noted the work of Kol Hadaf, which brings Daf
Yomi shiurim to thousands of participants every day
via telephone.
HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner opened the study of maseches
Brochos. He then praised the Daf Yomi participants for
adhering to the program founded by his teacher and rebbe
HaRav Meir Shapiro.
He next read aloud a letter from the Admor of Gur, who was
seated nearby. "Talmud Torah is among those things
that have no minimal amount and among those things whose
earnings are consumed in This World while the principal
remains intact until the World to Come. Not only this, but
talmud Torah is equal to all of them, all of the
abovementioned — the mitzvos shebein odom
leMokom and the mitzvos shebein odom lechavero
— all of these are included in talmud Torah,
which brings one to action.
"`Peiroseihen' that one consumes in This World, refers
to fruits both in gashmiyus and ruchniyus, bnei,
chayei, umezonei, generations of talmidei
chachomim and success for Klal Yisroel in all its
positive endeavors, in addition to the spiritual wages in the
World to Come. As Chazal said, `Gedoloh Torah shehi
nosenes chaim le'oseiyoh bo'olom hazeh ubo'olom habo' . .
"In the merit of talmud Torah and Daf Yomi study may
Hashem help bless everyone with parnossoh, welfare and
salvation for all those in need, and bnei, chayei,
HaRav Wosner then went on to deliver an address of his own.
Other speakers included HaRav Shteinman, HaRav Michel Yehuda
Lefkowitz, HaRav Ovadia Yosef, the Admor of Sanz, the Admor
of Modzhitz, HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein and HaRav Nosson
Zochovsky, one of the roshei yeshiva of Yeshivas Gaon Yaakov
and a member of the Vaada Ruchanit of Yated
As befits such an event of simchah shel Torah, songs
celebrating Torah study — including original
compositions — were performed by a large choir
accompanied by a large orchestra conducted by R' Moshe
(Monoh) Rosenbloom.
Chareidi cultural organizations and other organizations that
arrange shiurim report a huge number of
avreichim offering to deliver Daf Yomi shiurim
as well as innumerable lomdim seeking to join the Daf
Yomi program, which was founded by HaRav Meir Shapiro of
To prepare for the elaborate event organizers brought in top
quality screens and sound equipment, including speakers that
had to be installed using special cranes.
A large police force was on hand, as well as extensive
private security personnel and ushers to ensure the event
went smoothly.
Numerous reporters from Israel and even some from abroad
arrived to cover the event and a team of spokesmen was ready
to receive them.
The event was organized by the Central Committee for the
Dissemination of Daf Yomi Studies in cooperation with Dirshu
and was commercially sponsored by Shefa Shuk, The Electric
Corporation, El Al, Kupat Cholim Me'uchedet, the Postal
Authority and Bank Hapoalim.
Meanwhile the organizers of the major event at Binyanei
Ha'Uma in Jerusalem scheduled to take place next Tuesday
night say tickets for the two main halls have already been
sold out and a limited number of tickets are still available
for the other five halls.
Local events are being held throughout Eretz Yisroel and
other parts of the world to mark the completion of the Daf
Yomi cycle.
Adding Two Halochos to Daf Yomi Shiurim
By Betzalel Kahn
When much of the Torah world begins the 12th Daf Yomi cycle,
they will also introduce the takonoh instituted by
gedolei Yisroel, including Maran HaRav Eliashiv,
shlita, to study two halochos at the end of each Daf
Yomi shiur. This takonoh is actually a part of
HaRav Meir Shapira's original program, which was designed to
ensure that Am Yisroel gains knowledge of, "haderech
yeilchu boh ve'es hamaaseh asher ya'asun."
The takonoh by maranan verabonon has been
accepted by many Daf Yomi participants around the world and
many have already begun adding two halochos to their daily
Meoros Daf Hayomi in Israel has published a small pamphlet
containing a recommended two halochos a day associated with
the respective dapim.
English-Speaking Daf Yomi Siyum in Jerusalem
By B. Garson
"Hadron aloch Talmud Bavli. Who has ever heard such
beautiful words, such sweet words?" said HaRav Nosson Tzvi
Finkel, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir, just moments before
over 6,000 English-speakers gathered at Jerusalem's Binyanei
Ha'Uma completed the 11th Daf Yomi cycle last week on
Wednesday 21 Adar I-March 2.
The inspiring siyum, organized by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of
Har Nof Yerushalayim which is headed by HaRav Mordechai
Kornfeld, brought together Jews of all ages and backgrounds
to celebrate the great milestone. It also highlighted the
impressive amount of English- speaking rabbonim and roshei
yeshivas in Eretz Yisroel.
The opening address was delivered by HaRav Kornfeld's father-
in-law, HaRav Gedaliah Rabinowitz, the Admor of
Manostrishtcher and the chairman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, who
spoke about "the blessed phenomenon of the renaissance of
Torah learning."
The next speaker was HaRav Shlomo Ashkenazi, the rosh kollel
of Kollel Boston. "I have a feeling that if we were to listen
carefully the walls of this building would shout
`Shehechiyonu vekiyemonu vehigi'onu,'" he said.
"Binyanei Ha'Uma has now earned its name, for tonight it is
the place where Am Yisroel gets its identity."
He also called on participants to reach out to include other
Jews in Torah study. "HaRav Chaim Shmulevitz used to say how
he felt when he left the territorial waters of Russia. A big
hoorah went up from the passengers on the ship, but he was
thinking about all the Jews left behind.
"The Shehechiyonu should not stop here with our
limud haTorah . . . our responsibility is to be
marbeh Torah . . . more talmidim, more
shiurim . . . "
The Kaliver Rebbe then led the recitation of Tehillim
and shared emotionally-charged memories of one Holocaust
victim in Auschwitz who said, "Don't forget to say Shema
Yisroel for me," just before he went to his death. "I
think we should say Shema Yisroel for the zchus
of the six million kedoshim," said the Kaliver Rebbe
as he proceeded to lead the packed audience in kabolas ol
malchus Shomayim.
He was followed by HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel. "To say
`Hadron aloch Talmud Bavli' is one of the biggest
achievements in life. This has to be given over to our
children — the beauty of Torah, the sweetness of Torah.
May we all be blessed with siyata deShmaya in
chinuch habonim."
Following a short musical intermission by the Shiroh
Chadoshoh Choir led by R' Nochum Zeltzer, HaRav Moshe Hillel
Hirsch, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Slobodka, explained that the
very act of going to learn Torah from someone is considered
ameilus beTorah. "Every Jew, in all he says and does,
is supposed to express and convey that the whole foundation
of life is Hashem's Torah so that everyone can see that this
person's whole existence is for Torah and mitzvas. This
aspect of ameilus is not necessarily at the time of
learning. The very act of breaking away and going to learn is
an act of kovod haTorah . . . As we celebrate tonight,
this idea of siyum haShas is a proclamation that
Hashem's Torah and avodoh is the foundation of
HaRav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg, rosh yeshivas of Yeshivas
Torah Ohr, completed the 11th cycle of the Daf Yomi cycle and
recited Hadron Aloch. After HaRav Meir Weiner said
Kaddish, R' Meir Gelber took the microphone to lead
songs of joy. Streaming into the aisles spontaneously, dozens
of bochurim started to dance and within moments
hundreds of lomdim and Daf Yomi supporters had filled
every inch of standing room. Even men in their 70s and 80s
joined the dancing, overcome with simchah shel
When the exuberance had subsided and the members of the
audience returned to their seats, HaRav Yitzchok Sheiner,
rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Kamenitz, spoke in honor of the
special event. "I stand in awe and in reverence at the holy
occasion at which we find ourselves now, the 11th Siyum
HaShas of Klal Yisroel, which we are completing together with
the tens of thousands of Jews at Yad Eliyahu and together
with the over 120,000 in America and together with the many
gedolei vetzaddikei haTorah here with us.
"We are also connected with the previous ten cycles. Through
time and space we connect with the gedolim and
tzaddikim of previous generations. Watching us now are
the Brisker Rov, the Chazon Ish and the Steipler,
zt"l. And also the gedolim we loved and knew so
well in America: my roshei yeshiva, HaRav Shlomo [Heiman]
zt"l, HaRav Reuven [Grozovksy] z"l, HaRav
Yaakov [Kamenetsky] z"l. And Rav Aharon [Kotler]
z"l, Rav Moshe [Feinstein] z"l, and the great
rebbes. Through these gedolim and tzaddikim we
are also connected with the previous generations.
"All the way up, generation after generation, to the
Acharonim, the Rishonim, the Amoro'im,
the Tanoim — all the way up to Moshe
Rabbeinu at Har Sinai. All of us were standing at Har Sinai.
That was the beginning of the process that brought us here to
the Siyum HaShas. We all heard the voice of Hashem calling
out, "Onochi . . . " and "Lo Yehiyei lecho . . .
The kol Hashem is still thundering Torah and life
to every ehrlicher Yid.
"I had the tremendous zchus of being at the awesome
Siyum HaShas yesterday at Yad Eliyahu. After Rav Leib
[Shteinman] made the siyum, Rav Wosner began
Brochos. Why does Shas begin with Brochos?
Because Torah has a very close and inseparable connection
with Krias Shema. Torah Shebe'al Peh and emunoh
are inseparable.
"As the Ramban says at the end of parshas Bo, "Mi she'eino
ma'amin shekol mikreh Yad Hashem, ein lo kol cheilek beToras
Moshe Rabbenu" ("He who does not believe every event is
[the result of] the Hand of Hashem has no portion in the
Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu"). Said HaRav Wosner, `And whoever is
lacking in ahavas Hashem with all his heart and soul
and worldly possessions has no shaychus to Torah. He
who loves other things together with Hashem has no
shaychus to Torah.'
"Six million kedoshim were taken away by Yodo
Hagedoloh," HaRav Sheiner concluded. "It is a chov
kodesh for everyone among us to learn for another 10 or
20 Jews. Every child must learn for another 100 children who
did not have the zchus. One million tinokos shel
beis rabbon . . . "
The Pittsburger Rebbe then opened the 12th Daf Yomi cycle
with the first mishnah of Brochos, followed by
a short address to the audience explaining the reason behind
the many gathering around the world at approximately the same
time. A typical kinyon involves both taking possession
of the item and denying others possession, he said, whereas a
kinyon Torah is accomplished by revealing a new
pshat in Tosafos or in gemora. Even a
Jew at the other end of the world can acquire the same
kinyon Torah. "Maybe not only are we completing
Shas together, but we also have a part in the learning
of every other lomed Torah. So it's all a partnership
and the partners make a yomo tovo lerabbonon together
. . . "
HaRav Tzvi Kushelevsky, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Heichal
HaTorah, explained how Torah can save Jews who might
otherwise drown in today's sea of materialism. "The Daf Yomi
is a wonderful way to ensure we occupy ourselves with Torah
every day," he said.
The final address was delivered by HaRav Mendel Weinbach,
rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Somayach, who discussed the
gemora in which an astonished Rabban Gamliel asks R'
Akiva how he survived after the ship he was sailing on sank
and R' Akiva answers him simply, "Daf shel sefinoh
nizdamen li . . . " A simple Daf.
HaRav Weinbach then went on to pay tribute to the noshim
tzidkoniyos—many of whom were watching the event
projected in an adjacent hall—for encouraging their
husbands to engage in Torah study. "A family built on Torah
is a different type of marriage, a different type of
sholom bayis," he said. "Boruch Hashem we are
zoche to a generation of women encouraging their
husbands and sons to spend as much time as possible learning
. . . "
The event concluded with tefillas Ma'ariv berov
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