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Intimate conversations with Rabbi Meir Roch, formerly of
Part III
Rabbi Dov Eliach has archival treasures worth their weight
in gold. In the course of his Torah research documentary
work, which has produced unique publications which have
earned him the highest place of honor in Torah literature, he
has documented in writing and recorded on tapes the
testimonies of those who can tell firsthand about the Jewish
world in Lithuania as it once was, especially in terms of the
lifestyle and yeshiva experience there.
The first part discussed HaRav Yaakov Neuman, the rosh
yeshiva of Ohr Yisroel in Petach Tikva, and HaRav Moshe
Rosenstein, the mashgiach of Lomzha. R' Meir Roch, who was
the nephew of the rosh yeshiva of Lomzha, also told about his
family and about some of his contacts with other Torah giants
of the time, such as HaRav Yeruchom Levovitz at the Mir
Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Ozer of Vilna and the rov of Lomzha,
HaRav Aharon Bakst.
(Editorial note: The following is a translated
transcription of a live conversation, and we have left the
text faithful to the spoken word.)
My Father, Rebbe Yehoshua Zelig Roch, from Lobovitz to
"We have talked so much, and have barely mentioned my father,
zt"l . . . Abba was born in Rakishok, a small town in
Lithuania. His father was a Jew who went from village to
village peddling his wares and was very connected to
Lobovitz. Everything that I am telling you now is what I
heard from my father.
"In the little town where he lived there was a shochet
who would teach him when he was a child, without payment,
since his father could not afford a teacher for him. By the
time he was 13, he had already completed several
masechtos and his head was always in his
"One day his father came to him and told him, `Zelig, you
have learned well. You are already past bar mitzva. Tell me,
what's going to be with you? Do you wish to continue
learning? Or perhaps to learn a trade, become an apprentice
to a tailor, or something else? Just say what!'
"As my father told me: `When my father said those words to
me, I burst into tears. I did not know what to say to him. My
father said, `What happened? I did not mean anything by it. I
am not forcing you. Why are you crying?' I was astonished at
his words. `You ask why I am crying . . . .'
"That was the background in which he was raised. He later
went on to learn with the rov of the town until he was
fifteen years old.
"When he was 15 he traveled to the yeshiva of Slobodka,
carrying warm recommendations. It was no great distance from
Rakishok to Slobodka, but in terms of the hashkofoh
and mental distance, the difference between the two was
"He went up to the bochen, one of the rosh yeshivas,
who examined him and then handed him a sealed letter to the
Alter, in which he apparently praised him highly. He then
went in to the Alter, Rebbe Nosson Zvi Finkel, who questioned
him: `Tell me, bochur, who is the rov by you?' To
which Abba responded: `Chelli iz der rov', as he was
accustomed to call the rov of their city.
"The Alter was amazed and said: `Absolutely amazing,
absolutely amazing! Even from the town where `Chelli' is the
rov, they come to learn at the yeshiva, and the rov even
writes about this talmid such praises . . . absolutely
amazing . . . ' Then after a brief conversation, he released
"My father never saw what was written about him in the
letter. Later on, he spent a long time agonizing over this
matter, wondering what the Alter had found wrong with
`Chelli der rov.' What did the Alter expect from him?
Was not the rov a tzaddik and a learned man, and had
he not gained almost all of his Torah from him?
"Finally he figured out that it was his saying only
`Chelli is the rov,' and not `Rav Betzalel' or at
least `Rebbe Betzalel.' It was just saying `Chelli,' [as if
he were] a simple man with no title, for then, how could such
a talmid emerge from him . . .? evidently that was the
reason for the Alter's amazement.
"The boy very quickly settled into the yeshiva's learning
environment, and also into the Alter's mussar
teaching, and went on to become one on the most
outstanding talmidim at the Slobodka Yeshiva, where he
studied for many years. The Alter later sent him on to Telz,
to reinforce the principles of the mussar movement in
that yeshiva at the time that the mussar controversy
broke out. Abba was a true mussar student with his
whole being, and was well suited to have a share in its
"During the period of his studies in Slobodka, he became
friendly with Rebbe Leizer Yudel Finkel, son of the Alter,
and with Rebbe Avrohom Grodzensky, who were to become two of
his closest friends, to whom he was deeply attached.
"When the war broke out and I arrived in Lithuania and
Slobodka I met Rebbe Avrohom there, and he treated me with
the highest respect as the son of Rav Yehoshua Zelig . . . He
told me that [even though he had a brother, he was much older
and] he had no idea what a brother's love was, until he came
to the yeshiva and became friendly with my father, Rav
Yehoshua Zelig.
"`We loved each other like brothers,' he said, adding, `and
you should know that his love for me was no less than my love
for him.' I saw that love in the letters they exchanged,
especially when Abba was on shlichut here in Israel,
and he served as rosh yeshiva in the Lomzha branch which was
in Petach Tikva.
"By the way, Rebbe Avrohom's brother in law, the great
gaon Rebbe Chaim Kreiswirth was a very unique man --
der Cracower iluy! (the genius from Cracow). I
remember how in the beginning of the war he pulled off a real
revolution among the refugees in Vilna. If there is such a
thing as a shock, as in an electric chair, then that man
triggered one there.
"From all over the yeshiva world they came and gathered in
Vilna, gaons and great talmidei chachomim. And
then suddenly this young iluy appeared, only about 21
or 22, a boki and a tremendous learner, and a world-
class genius. He went into Rebbe Chaim Ozer and all the
gedolim and all were amazed at him. And he had not
learned at the Mir or in Kamenitz or in Lomzha. The only
place he had learned was Cracow -- and now he was a world
"One year later, he became engaged [to the daughter of R'
Avrohom Grodzensky]. But I remember that the amazement was so
great, that there were those who began to murmur about him
that perhaps there was something suspicious or questionable
about him. At any rate, there was something that they could
not grasp, a riddle they had no idea how to solve. Since he
was the son-in-law of Rebbe Avrohom, the dear friend of my
father's household, a close friendship between the two
families evolved as the years went by."
B>The Chagim and Moadim in Lomzha and at the
Our interviewee Rabbi Meir Roch offers us interesting
information about life in the yeshivas and in that era, what
the living conditions were like at the yeshiva, how it was on
the chagim and their minhagim.
His account of the Seder night in Lomzha derives from
his experience at his father's, the rosh yeshiva's, house.
That Seder, in which talmidim from the yeshiva
participated, lasted until the early hours of the morning,
and then everyone went to the vosikin minyan in the
yeshiva building.
"Abba would tell the story of the exodus from Egypt, the
whole night long. First the Haggodoh, which he gave
over with a simple explanation so that everyone present could
understand, and then they moved on to commentaries and Torah
chiddushim. In between, they would sing songs of the
chag and other such things until dawn broke.
"But this only occurred on the first night, when Abba would
place the guests, i.e. the talmidim from the yeshiva,
at the center of the Seder table, while the family
members were seated around it. But on the second night there
were no guests, for my father dedicated that to his family
"On the days of the chag, the rosh yeshivas of Lomzha
would give talks to the talmidim, aside from the
sichoh before the shofar blowing on Rosh
Hashonoh which was reserved for the Mashgiach. On the days of
Elul, there were a few evenings -- apparently once a week --
which the Lomzha yeshiva made into evenings of
his'orerus. In my time, the rov of the city, the
gaon Rav Aharon Bakst, was put in charge of that, and
that was in addition to the weekly mashgiach's sichoh
which was given as a sequence.
"Till this very day, I can see in front of my eyes that holy
gaon and how, at the peak moment of his sichoh -
- or his'orerus as it was called -- he would go
forward and open the Aron Hakodesh and begin reading
chapters of Tehillim, posuk by posuk, in a loud
voice in which he poured out his soul. And the whole audience
would recite it after him with great emotion and exaltation,
which I will never forget. In those days, the month of Elul
had its own special significance for us.
"During the chagim themselves, there would be a
kiddush in Lomzha after the davening. First of
all, precisely at the end of the tefilloh the bochurim
would start singing a special tune to the words, `Gut yom
Here Reb Meir starts to hum it from memory: `Gut yom tov,
gut yom tov, ai ai, ai ai, gut yom tov, gut yom tov, ai ai,
ai ai, ai ai, gut yom tov.'
"Later everyone would sit around the tables in the beis
hamedrash, make kiddush and eat mezonos.
The rosh yeshivas would speak in drush and mussar,
and after every droshoh, everyone would get up and
start dancing on all sides, and then they would return to
their seats for the next speech.
"As for the Mirrer Yeshiva, I remember the hakofos on
Simchas Torah in the yeshiva hall. The Rosh Yeshiva's son,
Rav Beinish had a great power to get the singing going. I see
him now, in my mind's eye, waving his hands, inciting the
congregation to sing and dance. The song was, `Ashrei odom
oz lo Boch,' to a tune that was prevalent in the yeshiva
"But the opening song was always, `Boruch Elokeinu
shebro'onu liChvodo.' The hakofos always began
with that. They would also sing, `Moshe emes veSoroso
emes,' during which the bochurim would jump up
high in delight.
"In Lomzha, as well, this day had its own uniqueness. If the
people of Lomzha lived their lives in seclusion the rest of
the year, with no connection to the world in the yeshiva, on
that day they came en masse. Most of them would stand
around and just enjoy watching, while others would also join
in the dancing.
"On Purim, the yeshiva boys were extremely joyous, and would
go out into the community to collect money for the gemach.
Once, in honor of Purim, the yeshiva set up a huge gas
tank container filled with soda water and generously
distributed fizzy drinks to the bochurim. That was the
special chiddush of that period in general, and in the
yeshiva in particular. It was initiated by the gabboim
specially appointed for the purpose of rewarding those who
collected money for the gemach."
B>The Yeshiva Chessed Committees
"There were many such operations in the yeshiva to help life
flow more smoothly, such as the committee for laundry
matters. Both in Lomzha and at the Mir, every Friday
afternoon, after the seder that finished at around
one, people would bring their dirty laundry to the
gabbai in charge. The clothes would be marked with the
names of the bochurim and they would get them back
after an hour.
"There was also a gabbai to arrange rooms in the homes
of residents. Every new bochur who arrived would go to
the committee in charge, and it would arrange a room for him,
taking into consideration his compatibility with the previous
occupants of the rooms.
"Lomzha, unlike the Mir, actually had a dormitory in the
yeshiva building, but it was like a drop in the ocean in
terms of the need, so that only the senior bochurim
managed to get a room there. The dormitory was called
`chazokoh' because of the chazokoh that a
bochur acquired when he moved in, lasting most of his years
in yeshiva. Therefore they would say, for example, that such
and such a bochur lives in the `chazokoh.'
"There was also a committee for sick people, which would
refer people to suitable doctors and supply medicines when
needed. Furthermore, the Jewish hospital in Lomzha had
arranged a room especially for patients from the yeshiva,
where they would be treated with special attention.
"The Mir had the custom of `stansziot,' that is,
accommodation in the homes of residents of the town. Every
bochur was given a specific stenszio for sleeping and
one for meals. I was zoche to receive special
attention from the Rosh Yeshiva, Rebbe Leizer Yudel Finkel,
and though I was a very young boy, only fifteen years old, he
got me a room with some of the top `lions' of the yeshiva,
like the brothers Rebbe Shmuel and Rebbe Yosef Rozovsky, with
whom I was, for both meals and sleeping, for four whole
years. Also in the room with us were Michel Feinstein and the
`Strobiner,' Rebbe Zeidel Tiktiner, and Rebbe Eizel
"Every bochur would get food vouchers from the yeshiva
to give his landlady, one for bread and one for meat. In my
time, the person in charge of the vouchers was a
bochur named Koppelman, today the brother of the Rosh
Yeshiva of Lucerne. Other food expenses, such as a few
vegetables, or butter, or things like that, the bochurim
would pay for with their own money, either from private
funds they received from their parents, or from the
chalukoh money they got from the yeshiva, each
according to his individual situation.
"I remember our landlady would complain that she made no
profit from feeding the bochurim, and even lost money
on it. Anyway, we asked what on earth could she be living on,
since she was the sole supporter of her household? Our
friend, Rebbe Shmuel Rozovsky answered that she got her
profit during bein hazmanim, when the bochurim
were absent . . .
"As far as smoking goes, it is worth mentioning that smoking
was prevalent to a most exaggerated degree at the Mirrer
yeshiva. Entering into the yeshiva hall involved penetrating
a huge cloud of smoke which hovered in the air. Unlike today,
there was little awareness of the dangers of smoking, even
though people were already starting to discuss the
"Once I needed to look for something at the library, and I
leafed through the newspaper issues of Hapeles which
came out in Europe, and I found an advertisement by a dealer
in cigarettes--`Papiroshen,' as they were called --
claiming that `our tobacco is nicotine-free.'
"In Poland cigarettes were distributed exclusively by the
government which had a complete monopoly, as was the case
with matches and other such vital supplies. Thus, it was
forbidden to import lighters, which had recently been
invented and were just beginning to show up in the Western
world markets. But the bochurim who came from those
countries would bring them over, upon their return after the
chagim, and hand them out with great importance to
their best friends, as a rare and treasured finding in
"On the other hand, at the Lomzha yeshiva, smoking was banned
even then in the beis hamedrash, and for sure the
smokers suffered bitul Torah as a result, but the
beis hamedrash was at least smoke free."
B>In the Days of Hardship
He also gives us a picture of what family simchas were
like in those days: A wedding then was sharply different from
those of nowadays. There were no halls or catering services,
or bands.
What did a Jewish wedding consist of? One klezmer or --
if the person was wealthy -- two, plus a badchan who
spoke in humorous rhymes. Everyone had more or less the same
thing, held at home or on the synagogue grounds, and that was
The difference was, in a sense, much more acute in terms of
the bar mitzvas. All they consisted of was an aliyah
to the Torah and a droshoh. Sometimes the
synagogue had a certain corner where people would make a
small lechaim, and then have a kiddush at home
for just the immediate family, or perhaps also including
relatives who lived locally -- and that was that. There was
nothing in the middle of the week. That was unheard of and if
it ever did happen, then again it was something private and
Why was it not done differently? Simply because it never
occurred to them to do otherwise. As the Rambam says, a
villager never even considers the king's daughter. No one had
any such concepts as they have today. And second of all,
where would they make such an affair? Let's say people wanted
to invite half of Lomzha, they would need halls for that and
there weren't any.
"At my simchah," says Rabbi Meir, "there was actually
something a little bigger. But that was only because it was
the yeshiva, and all the bochurim participated in the
kiddush and they invited some people from the city as
well. But celebrations like we have today were
Speaking of financial straits takes us back to Rabbi Meir's
uncle, Rebbe Yechiel Mordechai Gordon, who led the yeshiva
and administered it throughout its epochs. Even when
conditions were extremely bad, it was his uncle who set the
tone and he was always optimistic.
"I'll tell you what happened to my uncle. It's very
interesting," relates Rabbi Meir.
"My uncle traveled to the USA for the first time in 1923, or
one or two years after that. He was given a royal welcome
there to an unusual extent, and he collected a lot of money.
When he returned, he got rid of all his debts and was
released of them -- which enabled him to add on other people
and go right back into debt. He took money from people and
got into great difficulties, enormous debts. When he went
back for the second time he thought he would only be there
for three months, but in reality he could not return because
he could not collect enough money to cover all his debts. The
situation was dreadful.
"This man whose greatness we have spoken about, well, if
there is in our days a man who suffered the agonies of Iyov,
he is the man. He married the daughter of my grandfather, and
after a year she passed away. Grandfather, Rebbe Eliezer
Shulevitz, did not want to lose him, so he gave him his
second daughter, and at age 34 she also passed away. Prior to
this, she was sick with cancer for four painful and terrible
years. You cannot imagine what that man went through then.
"Also, because he was forced to travel to distant countries
to recruit supporters to save the yeshiva, in the end it was
his last trip to America that saved his life. Back in Europe,
the dreadful war broke out, the yeshiva was destroyed, and
all the members of his family were murdered. He was not able
to save them from the field of slaughter, and lost most of
his family and his close and beloved talmidim.
"When I met him in later years in America, as I mentioned
earlier, and spent Shabbos at his home, I was deeply affected
by his noble personality which had not been broken by all the
suffering he had undergone. At his home in Lomzha, he had the
custom of asking all the male and female members of the
household to give over a dvar Torah at the Shabbos
table. He would go from the oldest to the youngest asking
them to say something, whether it was an impressive
chiddush on the Torah or a story from the parsha
of the week which his little daughter had learned in
"And now, after all the years that had passed and all the
churban that had devastated the Jewish people and all
his family, I suddenly hear my uncle with the same tone and
niggun that I knew so well: `Nu, Chohale, zogt
eppes dvar Torah. First he addressed his wife, and then
he asked me to say something.
"He was the same uncle, the same gaon in Torah and
godol in mussar, with the same habits and
customs. He had not changed his ways one iota. I also saw him
in Petach Tikvah at the time that he made aliyah to Israel,
and the emotional prayers that he davened in his room,
in his daled amos without anyone watching him. I had
dropped by on a surprise visit, and when I peeped through a
crack in the door I found him pouring out his holy, exalted
and rare feelings before his Creator. The powerful impression
that was then engraved in my heart has never left me to this
day," ends Rav Meir, tears forming at the corners of his
Yet another chapter in a world that was, and is no more.
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