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Today some 800,000 people live in Jerusalem and in another 15
years that number is expected to surpass the one million
mark. The population is quite young—45 percent of
residents are under the age of 19—meaning that another
65,000 housing units will be needed by the year 2020.
These are the dry facts behind the need to alter the master
plan for the City of Jerusalem. The goal is to create a
structured, uniform plan for the city with a look to the
future and the desired character of the city 15 years from
now. The plan places emphasis on open areas that will remain
off limits for construction and the preservation of the
Jerusalem skyline. The plan was initiated and closely
supervised by Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky while he was still
chairman of the Planning and Construction Committee (where he
served for many years), City Engineer Uri Sheetrit,
Municipality Director-General Eitan Meir, and Planning and
Construction Committee Chairman Rabbi Yehoshua Pollak.
"The master plan is a sort of declaration of intentions,"
says Rabbi Pollak. "The old master plan, which was approved
decades ago, determined where and what would be built, where
public areas would be, how many stories would be built in
each area. The reality has changed in recent years and there
have been thousands of changes on the ground from what
appears in the original master plan, which requires changing
the plan and reformulating it for the coming 20 years."
Says Mayor Lupoliansky, "It is important for every city,
particularly a city as complex and unique as Jerusalem, to
have an orderly plan that reflects our vision regarding the
structure of the city, both from a standpoint of landscape
and open areas, high-rise construction, environmental quality
and high-tech centers. I believe that from now on the future
construction of Jerusalem will be orderly and clear to all
and not according to an ad hoc plan. The plan can
always be a base for changes, but changes cannot be a basis
for the plan."
"The previous master plan was prepared in the 50s and
approved in 1959," says City Engineer Uri Sheetrit. "The
absence of a local, up-to-date master plan in a city where
drastic changes were and are taking place came to the fore in
an unprecedented number of pointed changes to the previous
plan in contrast to every other city in Israel. Of course
this is in addition to the fact that very large sections of
the city added and built after 1967 were in no way included
in the local master plan. Since the previous plan was
approved, 12,000 alterations have been made to the plan. Now
we have to plan anew."
Residents Take Part
The details of the new master plan may not be of keen
interest to every Jerusalemite but still a significant number
of people will be involved. The new City Building Plan will
set regulations and parameters in every neighborhood for
homeowners seeking to build onto their apartments, will
allocate larger common areas as much as possible in
neighborhoods designated for densification and expansion, and
much more.
City planning and engineering officials are the most
interested in the new master plan, although it will affect
each and every resident, for everyone cares about something
or other. There are some who have a lot to say on the issues
of traffic and transportation, others are deeply concerned
about the environment and still others worry that high-rise
building will ruin their view. Everyone, it seems, has
comments and suggestions—and grievances.
Several months ago the municipality presented the new master
plan for Jerusalem to the public. Hundreds of residents came
to the event, held at a hall in the downtown area. Mayor
Rabbi Lupoliansky and Deputy Mayor Rabbi Pollak presented the
plan. Raffi Dovra, chairman of the Committee for Public
Cooperation in the Jerusalem Master Plan, and City Engineer
Uri Sheetrit who occupied a central role in the planning
committee, provided additional information, fielded
The very existence of the event was significant, for it
indicated that the City was including residents in the final
process. Rabbi Pollak said that within one year the final
plan would be approved in the local and district planning
committees, making it the operative plan for the next two
The master plan will add three large parks stretching over
10,000 dunams (2,500 acres) and Jerusalem will be surrounded
by green belts with shoots of green wadis penetrating inward:
Park Refa'im to the south, Emek Ha'arazim and Shorek to the
north and Arugot and Kadron to the East. The plan also calls
for developing the downtown area, including high-rise
buildings and an industrial strip.
In addition, the plan alters the traffic pattern the
municipality has been laboring over for long months,
including the light-rail lines, a road circumscribing the
city (beltway) and Highway 16, which is slated to connect
Motza with Tzomet Pat. To gain an understanding of the
importance of the plan, in terms of urban traffic, just take
a glance at the existing routes in central Jerusalem, which
can accommodate a city of 300,000 residents, but do not meet
the needs of the actual population of 800,000.
The plan for residential construction calls for adding two
floors to existing buildings, new neighborhoods in West
Jerusalem and a densification plan inside and alongside
existing neighborhoods. The plan sets tight restrictions on
construction near the Old City, which the United Nations has
designated as a world heritage site. The prohibition includes
a few kilometers of space overlooking the Old City.
The new master plan permits buildings up to 24 stories tall,
primarily in the downtown area. The municipality notes that
this clause does not constitute an automatic building permit
for prospective builders. Rather, entrepreneurs who want to
build an office tower will have to submit a plan to the local
and district planning and construction committees, to include
residents in the decision-making process and to undergo a
public review process like every other construction plan.
The History of the Master Plans
The upcoming master plan will be the city's fourth. The first
was formulated after the founding of the State, long before
the annexation of various areas in the Six-Day War. In 1959 a
second master plan was approved and after the Six-Day War a
third plan was made but never approved due to political
wrangles. Several years later, in 1978, a fourth master plan
was drawn up but once again never received the approval of
the planning committees. The current master plan is based on
the two plans approved in the early years of the State.
"The expansion of the borders of the city in several phases
requires us to prepare partial master plans for the city's
new areas," says a municipality spokesman, who says all of
the partial plans incorporate the directives of the abridged
master plan without comprehensive rethinking and, in many
cases, adopting principles for construction and development
set in previous approved plans from as far back as 1918.
Note: As a result of variations in the development phases of
the last 100 years the buildings and areas of the city differ
from one another in character and quality. Buildings in some
parts of the city are of inferior quality and should be torn
down to make better use of the space. On the other hand,
numerous buildings and even entire neighborhoods should be
preserved for their historical, architectural or cultural
value. Areas designated for industry, e.g. parts of Givat
Shaul, Talpiot and Romema, have evolved and the process of
establishing facts on the ground by investors and localized
planning have transformed them into office space, commercial
areas or even residential areas. According to a municipality
official, "As a result of unsupervised planning and
development processes functionally anachronistic construction
has been created, requiring inclusive thinking that takes
into account the city's functional construction as a
One Million Residents in Another Two
Jerusalem extends over 126,000 dunams (about 30,000 acres).
The official population is 700,00 but after adding to that
number all the yeshiva and university students who are not
local residents but study and live in the city, as well as
thousands of Palestinians living in the city without
residential permits, the actual population comes to
approximately 800,000. According to estimates, today's
180,000 dwelling units will have to be nearly doubled over
the next two decades to meet the demand, whether by replacing
existing buildings, adding to existing neighborhoods or
building whole new neighborhoods.
The national development plans anticipate the addition of
many new residents to Jerusalem, including the annexation of
extensive areas to the west of the city. The population
forecasts and plans to expand westward require the
development of various new transit systems and roads. Mass
rail transit and the development of modern roads call for a
comprehensive vision for the entire city. Therefore, the aim
of the master plan is to develop a statutory framework for
the continued development of the city as a metropolitan
center while preserving the city's special attributes and
ensuring urban quality of life for all residents.
"First and foremost, the plan calls for the construction of a
skeletal structure that will support the city for the next
several decades," writes Uri Sheetrit in his introduction to
the report he submitted in advance of the discussions of the
master plan in the planning committees. "The proposed plan
restores the downtown to its rightful place as a center for
businesses, commerce, culture and residences, after so many
years of neglect and an absence of directed development. The
Old City and its surrounding area, an international cultural
and heritage asset, have been reinforced and the various
parts have been redefined based on their unique
characteristics and the chronological history that formed
them throughout the generations."
Sheetrit notes that industrial elements received special
attention, due to the social and economic differences in the
city and due to the city's need to build from its special
elements. "The plan gives each segment of the population the
maximum in its own sphere. This is a mosaic and the special
element in each part is accentuated and strengthened, keeping
lines of friction as short and faint/subtle/muted/slight as
possible. The plan translated the government's decisions and
policy regarding the need to preserve a Jewish majority
within the city's municipal boundaries (a ratio of 70 percent
Jews to 30 percent Arabs)," writes Uri Sheetrit, stressing
that "the plan does not view the continuous growth of the
population in all of its elements as a threat, but a
challenge to be met, primarily by creating a sufficient stock
of quality residences able to compete with the periphery and
with other parts of the State of Israel."
The work of preparing the master plan was carried out by Mr.
Moshe Cohen, head of the planning team which has submitted
four interim reports. In addition, there has been input from
government ministries and various other bodies, primarily
environmental groups and planning authorities in the
Jerusalem area.
Increasing the Apartment Supply
In order to meet the plan's goals for the residential areas,
on the scale demanded by the projected population growth,
various options were assessed, including the best ways to add
housing units (see sidebar).
The initial phase of the plan as it applies to residences
calls for additional development of existing neighborhoods.
In these neighborhoods, the density of construction would be
increased by adding more housing units on rebuilt lots,
adding floors and wings, and buildings on stilts, etc. The
authors of the plan suggest that the money that the residents
earn from these additions should be funneled as much as
possible toward improving and tending to the building lot and
the appearance of the buildings.
On available lots designated for residences inside existing
neighborhoods, building rights will be increased. In certain
parts of the city, high-rise buildings will be permitted.
Open areas will be improved through the addition of more open
areas, boulevards, playgrounds and squares. Furthermore,
access will be improved and areas of moderate traffic will be
created to improve the quality of life for local
According to city officials, the densification policy will
not be implemented in already-crowded neighborhoods (e.g.
Meah Shearim and the Old City). On the other hand, Romema,
for example, where most of the space is now used for
industrial facilities, will become a much denser residential
neighborhood, with another 2,500 housing units. (On the
planning maps, Romema will stretch from Givat Moshe to Rechov
Hamem Gimmel, but the current plan speaks of an industrial
area in the area remaining, surrounding Rechov Yirmiyahu.)
In addition, the housing supply will be increased by
designating unutilized space for construction. City officials
say that half of the municipal territory is not zoned for
construction, but a portion of these areas constitute basic
elements in the city structure. Locating developable unused
lots is a long and complex process with numerous assessment
phases. A total of 7,200 dunams (1,800 acres) have been
located in the areas surrounding existing neighborhoods such
as Ramot, Ramat Shlomo, Sanhedria Murchevet and Gilo, and
this space will be designated for residential
Tens of Thousands of New Apartments
The master plan offers the possibility of extracting the
maximal number of housing units from Jerusalem's various
neighborhoods. For example, there are currently 8,886
dwelling units in Geulah. If additional stories are built and
in-between spaces filled, the neighborhood could reach a
total of 10,820 units. In the center of the city (all of the
neighborhoods near Rechov Yaffo) there are 8,083 dwelling
units, with a potential for 11,009. Bayit Vegan currently has
5,019 housing units. Without using the areas surrounding the
neighborhood, that number could reach 7,795.
Ramat Shlomo has the potential to grow from 2,000 apartments
to 2,658, Romema from 7,756 to 11,466, Ramot from 8,809 to
11,547, Har Nof from 3,318 to 4,137 and Givat Shaul from
3,955 to 4,637. All of these increases can be achieved
without making use of the areas surrounding the respective
neighborhoods. A quick calculation reveals that full use of
increased density could bring at least 10,000-15,000 new
apartments—and perhaps many more—into existing
chareidi neighborhoods (not including mixed neighborhoods
like the central area and the Jewish Quarter).
With the addition of the non-chareidi neighborhoods, the
densification plan will increase the total number of housing
units from 142,000 to 250,000 (in addition to an increase of
43,000 new apartments in East Jerusalem).
The most efficient way to add new dwelling space is to build
up. The master plan permits the addition of two floors to
every existing four-floor building. According to the planning
team, "The development of existing residential lots are the
most direct tool for the rehabilitation of the city's
residential neighborhoods. Housing expansion, building
renovation, developing adjoining areas and other functional
solutions are a known and feasible means for upgrading the
living conditions and quality of areas surrounding
residential buildings.
"Adding apartments to existing residential lots encourages
the entry of a new population into the neighborhoods
themselves, expanding and revitalizing their communities.
Denser construction and construction on residential lots in
built areas is based on more intensive use of the city's
built lots and greater use of existing infrastructures.
Making built areas denser contributes to the preservation of
land reserves for future development for the benefit [of city
residents] and other purposes." They also note that the
enhanced use of existing infrastructures decreases public
spending on development.
Improving Centers of Employment and
The new master plan for Jerusalem also addresses job sites.
According to the planners' conception, the downtown area will
be restored to its former status as a multifaceted center
providing residents and visitors employment services,
housing, tourism and commerce. Therefore, the plan
prioritizes developing the city center over secondary centers
that have developed in recent years, contributing to the
decline of the downtown area by drawing away business
The planning team believes the renewal of the downtown area
must be accomplished through the creation of a major
employment center combining offices, businesses, commerce,
hotels, higher education and residences. The plan also calls
for developing a mass transit system that would transform the
downtown area into a center into which all of the peripheral
commercial centers feed, building institutions that attract
visitors such as government institutions and regional
government ministries, building cultural institutions,
creating quality open area for pedestrians, creating
attractive streets and squares with landscaping; renovating
and preserving buildings; and drawing residences to
revitalize the city center by granting extensive building
rights and abbreviating planning procedures.
Three types of industrial zones will continue to receive
development priority: areas with factories located far away
from the city center, areas combining commerce, offices and
industry (e.g. Talpiot, Givat Shaul) and areas with high-tech
facilities. "The goal of the means for the policy recommended
for the development of these industrial areas is to allow
their continued development in conjunction with the renewal
process in the city center," write the authors of the master
High-Rise Construction and Expanding
In the section of the master plan that discusses the form
construction will take, the planning team members say that
increasing building height should be recommended in every
part of the city but should be based on the character of the
area. In the Old City, for instance, add-on construction will
be permitted up to the height of the outer walls. Building up
to four floors high will be permitted in the area adjacent to
the Old City. In a second ring around the Old City, building
up to six floors high will be permitted. In the downtown
area, buildings of up to 24 floors will be permitted, and
near the point of entry to the city, buildings of up to 33
floors will be permitted. In all other neighborhoods, the
maximum addition will be up to six floors.
The master plan also addresses at length "institutions and
public services." For example it calls for a general plan for
the chareidi, government and government-religious school
systems, based on the model of the plan recently formulated
for the Arab school system. Another plan will be needed to
define the needs for city services and their layout.
The master plan states that rather than allocating further
facilities, government offices should be returned to the city
center. In addition, approximately 1,800 hospital beds should
be added in the next 15 years, including two new 400-bed
hospitals, one in the north and another in the south.
The master plan opposes designating land for botei
knesses beyond what falls under the rubric of public
lands, but they must be located in areas with chareidi and
national-religious populations. "The continued development of
the yeshivos gevohos should be encouraged, especially
by boosting the percentage of construction in them and
suitable land should be located for them in the `seam' area
near the chareidi neighborhoods in the north of the city,"
reads the master plan.
In addition to the master plan, the City of Jerusalem
commissioned the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Research to
devise an overall plan for cultural institutions for the
chareidi population. The institute's main preliminary
conclusion speaks of a severe shortage of institutions and
public facilities for cultural activities, both on the
neighborhood and citywide level.
Easing Traffic and Improving Public
One of the central chapters of the master plan addresses
transportation, roads and mass transit. The goal is to give
significant priority to public transportation over private
transportation, by creating a ring of roads on the east end
of the city and another on the west end. The transportation
system includes roads, light rail, city buses, public parking
lots, public transportation centers, an interurban train
station, Atarot Airport and helicopter landing
pads—both existing and planned.
Planners favor a carrot-and-stick approach in order to
implement the policy of prioritizing public transportation.
The carrot is an efficient, convenient and reliable public
transit system — and the stick is parking restrictions
for private vehicles in crowded areas downtown and in
industrial zones. In order to prevent commercial activity
from drifting to the edge of the city and outside of the
city, the planners are calling for an approach that combines
both factors by creating park-and-ride facilities in places
easily accessible to residential areas and by developing
rapid public transit to the city center and industrial
Later, all of the city's neighborhoods, including the
chareidi neighborhoods, will be connected to the new
transportation system on condition it proves to be readily
available, reliable and provides assess to every part of the
The plan also calls for lengthening the runways at Atarot
Airport, to transform it into an international airport
capable of accommodating larger planes.
Another chapter of the master plan addresses tourism and
visits to the Old City. The planning team notes that the
preservation and development of tourist sites is a primary
condition for promoting tourism, but creating accessibility
within the framework of the fabric of the city is no less
important and requires formulating a plan for tourist foot
traffic and transportation. Therefore thematic tour routes
will be designed, based on historical and religious ties.
The chapter on developing pedestrian areas contains a
proposal to redesign the sidewalks and pathways to create
integrated streets, remove obstacles and overhead
infrastructures, place bus and train stops in places that
will not block pedestrians, install uniform signs and plant
trees suited to the neighborhood.
The chapter on neighborhood parks and playgrounds speaks of a
minimum quota for open and public area. The planners say
there is a lack of open space in areas inhabited by the
chareidi and Arab sectors.
In recent years the City of Jerusalem has encouraged numerous
housing expansion projects. There is no neighborhood in
Jerusalem, especial in the chareidi neighborhoods, where
dozens — and in some cases hundreds — of housing
add-ons have been carried out. This policy began while Rabbi
Lupoliansky was serving in his previous two terms as chairman
of the Planning and Construction Committee and it continues
today, now that he is in the mayor's office together with the
present committee head, Rabbi Yehoshua Pollak. The master
plan also addresses this issue of housing expansion, which
the planners say has both pluses and minuses.
The advantages: More living space for small, crowded
apartments; no payment for land value or improvement levies;
an opportunity to improve the exterior of the building; and a
strong, stable community.
The disadvantages: harm to buildings and neighborhood
clusters designated for preservation; detracts from the
quality of living and the surroundings by diminishing
cultivated space; uproots trees; brings buildings closer to
one another; detracts from the exterior of the building if
the work is executed without supervision; significantly
reduces the supply of smaller apartments, making it harder
for young families to find housing.
Therefore, the master plan has recommended the following
guidelines for housing expansion: defining areas in which
housing expansion will be permitted in accordance with
municipal priorities; preparing detailed plans for structures
with similar physical characteristics; preliminary
evaluations of the degree of consent on the part of the
owners and tenants and architectural and engineering
assessments of the viability of realizing the plan;
simultaneous improvement of the engineering infrastructures;
determining the location for housing expansion, with efforts
to minimize damage to adjacent buildings; integrated
execution of whole buildings; setting discounts for yard
care, including planting trees and caring for objects
standing in the yard.
In addition, they recommend setting up an apparatus in the
Department for City Planning that would be responsible for
planning, supervision, development and enforcement in the
area of housing expansion.
A long chapter of the master plan deals with "population and
society," and addresses the population forecasts for the
coming years, centering on the failure to achieve the
government's goal of making Jerusalem 70 percent Jewish and
30 percent Arab.
"The population forecast, like the forecasts prepared in
other frameworks, indicate that this goal is unattainable and
that the demographic trends operating since the end of the
60s distance Jerusalem from the objective that was set,"
reads the master plan. "It would be very reasonable to assume
that if the demographic trends of the past few years continue
without significant change, in 2020 only 60 percent of the
entire population will be Jewish and 40 percent Arab, and
even this is only on condition that housing discounts are
carried out as a basis for the master plan."
In order to preserve a solid Jewish majority in the city, the
master plan calls for a reduction in out-migration and
efforts to attract residents from other parts of the country.
"Toward this end, a sufficient supply of housing, both
through densification of existing neighborhoods and
construction of new neighborhoods, must be planned.
Furthermore the construction of reasonably-priced residences
is required in order to allow the city to compete with the
housing prices in the suburbs, which are significantly lower
than those in Jerusalem. In addition, there must be
assurances of jobs and services of a sufficient quantity and
quality, quality of life and a pleasant experience."
The planning team notes that until the 90s, suburban
migration focused on the non-chareidi population. "The result
was an increase in the portion of the chareidi population,
especially in light of the high natural growth rates in this
sector. The emergence of chareidi suburbs in recent years
(Beit Shemesh, Beitar Illit, Modi'in Illit and Tel Tzion)
brought about a certain deceleration in the growth of the
chareidi population in Jerusalem. In addition there is now a
severe housing crisis within the city's chareidi population.
The plan proposes to make a portion of the chareidi
neighborhoods denser, to build new chareidi neighborhoods
alongside the existing ones and to build non-chareidi
neighborhoods, in order to allow young chareidi couples to
purchase apartments in the city as well."
"The plan will assist all residents in knowing how they can
expand and improve their quality of life, both privately and
in public areas," says Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky. "The plan
creates order on various issues so that instead of holding
discussions on every matter and wondering whether it fits
with the City Building Plan there will be clear guidelines
for all to follow. Obviously, in cases of development and
expansion, through the plan it will be possible to improve
housing, while until now every matter has meant taking out a
special City Building Plan, which required years to receive
approval. Nobody knew whether the City Building Plan would be
approved, numerous plans got stuck and indeed, `there is no
joy like resolving uncertainty.' "
The Mayor also says that the master plan will determine the
boundaries of permissibility in construction and add-on
construction, and the residents will be informed what the
neighbors are permitted to build. "The plan will ensure that
residents are not surprised by the neighbor's work on his
home. Of course, this will also prevent quarrels between
neighbors and a lack of repose when suddenly it is discovered
that the neighbor is building an addition nobody anticipated.
I hold that after 50 years, when we come and present a plan
that takes the present facts into account and explains the
future of the city, this is a piece of good news."
The plan will allow the addition of thousands of housing
units in the areas surrounding the chareidi neighborhoods.
"For six years we have been working on plans for the environs
of the chareidi neighborhoods and possibly additions inside
the neighborhoods. This offers numerous advantages over
building new neighborhoods, because the public services
already exist—botei knesses, mikvo'os,
schools, playgrounds, infrastructures—and the addition
of housing units in existing neighborhoods brings about a
revival of the neighborhoods as well. After so many meetings
and so much thought this is going from theory to
Rabbi Yehoshua Pollak, deputy mayor and chairman of the
Planning and Construction Committee, says, "We are doing our
best to build as many chareidi neighborhoods as possible. Our
plans are carried out through the densification of the
neighborhoods and the construction of additions of thousands
of housing units surrounding the neighborhoods—all
based on supply and demand. Of course, good terms will be
given to purchasers of apartments in Jerusalem and at the
same time, if thousands more housing units are built in
Jerusalem, young couples will be able to purchase apartments
in Jerusalem much more easily and at lower prices and they
will not be forced to drift to the periphery."
At the Jerusalem Conference 2005 that was held recently,
Jerusalem Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky said that Tel Aviv was
becoming a suburb of Jerusalem. He was referring to the
railway line between the two cities, and into Jerusalem. "In
addition to Israel Railways, whose line to Jerusalem was
reopened Saturday night, another, faster, line is being
planned and built from the coastal plain to us, on which
travel time will be 28 minutes."
Rabbi Lupoliansky said that Israel's capital was entering a
period of prosperity and renewal. The past has vanished.
"Only a few months ago, I spoke about the light at the end of
the tunnel. This morning, I feel like someone who has just
this minute emerged from the tunnel into daylight. The light
of Jerusalem is now revealed in all its glory," he said.
According to the mayor, recent figures show that net
immigration away from Jerusalem is slowing. He added that 55
percent of companies in Jerusalem had reported hiring staff,
and 50 percent an increase in exports, and that tourist
overnights were up 48 percent.
Rabbi Lupoliansky declared, "When I became mayor, I found a
municipality with a large bureaucracy, a paucity of services,
and a battered and bleeding city." He went on to say that the
municipality was currently carrying out a comprehensive
recovery plan, designed to achieve "less apparatus and more
service to residents, entrepreneurs, and businesspeople." He
concluded by saying, ". . . businesspeople and entrepreneurs
are no longer disengaging from Jerusalem."
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