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We are happy to be able to present excerpts from a guide
to the observance of Pesach this year prepared by Rav Spiro.
It should be stressed that we have not put in the copious
footnotes that are included in the full pamphlet, as well as
leaving out extended discussions of alternatives and
discussions of bedi'eveds. We have preserved the
original numbering so that it is often evident where material
was left out. In many cases we have left in original footnote
numbers, so that the reader can see where there is additional
material in the full work.
The full pamphlet is available at: 94 Bewick Road,
Gateshead-on-Tyne, Telephone: (0044) 798 457 7912
Ta'anis of Firstborn:
1) A firstborn adult man, or the father of a firstborn son
under Bar Mitzvoh, fasts on Thursday this year and not on
Erev Pesach.1 Alternatively, he may partake of a Siyum on
Thursday. Some have a Minhag to partake of a Siyum also on
Bedikas Chometz:
2) On Thursday night, the eve of 13 Nisan, one searches for
the Chometz, recites the Brochoh and then says: "Kol Chamiroh
..." It is ossur to eat within half an hour before the
Z'man of Bedikas Chometz. This applies to the Ba'al Habayis
and also to any lady who owns her Chometz e.g. a widow. . .
3) After Bedikas Chometz any Chometz found during the Bedikoh
or still required for meals must be placed in a specific
place so that it will not become dispersed around the
Baking of Matzos Mitzvoh
6) The Shulchon Oruch 7 writes that there is a Minhag
to bake Matzos Mitzvoh on Erev Pesach in the afternoon.
(Matzos Mitzvoh are those Matzos required for the Seder night
Since this is not possible when Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos
most Poskim hold that the baking should take place on Friday
There is a widespread Minhag to recite Hallel during
the process of baking Matzos Mitzvoh. However this year the
Minhag does not apply.
7) Whilst on a normal Erev Pesach afternoon, the time when
the Korban Pesach was brought, it is ossur to do
proper work, it is permitted this year on Friday
General Preparations
Those who have fillings or false teeth refrain from eating
hot chometz food within 24 hours of the Sof Z'man
Achilas Chometz. Others only refrain within 24 hours of the
onset of Yom Tov (i.e. they only stop eating hot Chometz on
Friday night). The halachic definition of "hot" is 45 degrees
(1) One should adjust the timeswitch so that it will switch
off the lights only after completion of the Seder.
(2) It is ossur to melt wax on Yom Tov. Therefore it
is difficult to fix the candles into the candlesticks and it
is advisable to do this before Yom Tov.12 Alternatively one
can prepare cut pieces of tinfoil in order to wedge the
candles into candlesticks.
(3) If one plans to change the tablecloth on Shabbos ( e.g.
from Chometz to Pesachdik, see below) he should make sure
that there is no Muktzoh on the table. Therefore he should
not place the candles on the tablecloth.
(4) A flame will be required for both nights of Yom Tov for
Hadlokas Haneros. One should make sure to light a flame on
Erev Shabbos which will last throughout Shabbos and the first
day of Yom Tov so that it will be available for lighting on
the second night of Yom Tov in chutz la'aretz.
(5) If one will need medicines on Pesach, one should first
consult the relevant kosher l'Pesach lists before purchasing
them. If the medicine is not listed as kosher l'Pesach the
doctor may know of an adequate alternative that is on the
list. . . . A Sha'aloh should be asked.13 Sometimes only the
sweetening agent in liquid medicines is the problem. . . .
(6) Some have a Minhag to renew the Eruv Chatzeros
before Pesach. One should use a Matzoh for this and not
(7) The last opportunity for instructing the Rov to sell
one's Chometz is on Friday.
(8) Bearing in mind that Shacharis on Erev Pesach is very
early, one should set one's alarm clock accordingly.
(9) Prepare baby nappies for Yom Tov use if necessary in
order to avoid problems of kore'ah and
(10) One must make sure that the following has been carried
out before Shabbos:
a) Hafroshas Trumos and Ma'asros from E. Yisroel produce.
b) Hafroshas Challoh from any Challos or Matzos if
Friday Preparations Lekovod Yom Tov
1) Washing one's body.
2) Immersing in a Mikvoh.
3) Haircut l'kovod Yom Tov.
Preparations for Seder
This year it is especially important to prepare everything
before Seder Night for the following two reasons:
Firstly, because we have less time available for the Seder
itself due to davening Maariv only with Nacht and not before.
. . Secondly, due to the Issur of Hachonoh from Shabbos for
the day after, one cannot prepare on Shabbos itself for Seder
which takes place on Motze Shabbos.
a) Check Matzos for K'fulos and select the required amount of
Shleimos. According to many Poskim this is forbidden on
Shabbos [due to Meleches Borer]. On Seder Night, however, it
is permissible according to the Mishnoh Beruroh.
b) Roast the zero'a.
c) Eggs for the seder plate and meal should be cooked or
roasted. They should be left in their shell.
d) Prepare Charoses.
e) Prepare the saltwater.
f) Have a washed and ironed kittel ready.
g) Prepare the Sederplate.
h) Prepare cushions.
i) Bring bags for Matzos and Afikomon. It is advisable to put
the correct amount of Matzoh and Maror inside small bags
before Betzi'as Hapas. Thereby he will save himself the need
to estimate the correct size of the pieces after recital of
Brochos. [However, the Ba'al Haseder still gives out to
everybody a little piece of his Matzo Shlemoh due to the
general Mitzvo to partake of Lechem Mishno.]
j) Towels and Kelim for Netilas Yoda'im may be prepared if
k) Prepare the required number of Kosos. One should make sure
that the Kosos can hold a Revi'is. A Revi'is is defined as 86
c.c. according to Horav Chaim Noeh and the Mishnoh Beruroh or
alternatively 150 c.c. according to the Noda Biyehudoh and
Chazon Ish. Children may certainly rely even
lekatchilohon the small measurement.
l) Kasher any vessels requiring kashering. One may kasher on
Friday even after the fifth hour unlike the Burning of
Chometz which should lekatchiloh take place before the
fifth hour.21
m) Open wine bottles, grape juice bottles, tins and bags.
n) If one uses lettuce for Maror , check it carefully for
insects. "Aleh Katif Produce" is highly recommended as it
does not require a visual inspection. It does, however, need
to be washed well. After inspection it is advisable to store
the lettuce in a cold place. Care should be taken that leaves
at the bottom of bowl do not remain 24 hours submerged in
water because they may become unfit for Mitzvas Maror.
("Kovush Kimevushal") This can happen without being noticed
simply because water often drips from washed leaves and
collects at the bottom of the bowl. It is advisable to dry
the Maror so that it it does not become soggy.
o) Prepare Karpas and if you use radishes, they should be
examined to ensure that they are free of infestation.
p) It is a good idea if practically possible to lay the Seder-
table before Shabbos with Haggodos, Kosos etc. on each place,
so that one can start the Seder immediately upon returning
from Ma'ariv. Seats, bottles of wine and grape juice should
ideally be prepared before Shabbos. If the horseradish was
not ground before Shabbos, it may be ground on Yomtov by
employing a deviation from the normal method e.g. after
grinding the Maror falls onto the table and not into a
receptacle. Alternatively the grater could be held in the
inverse way. If the horseradish was ground it before Shabbos
it must be stored in a well-sealed container so that its
sharpness does not evaporate.23
9) An Etzoh for those who did not prepare the Sedertable
before Shabbos: . . . one could genuinely decide to conduct a
Mock-Seder for a child on Shabbos. It would then be entirely
permissible to prepare on Shabbos the Seder-Plate, the
cushions, chairs, Haggodos etc. for the sake of this
"demonstration". Of course one may not do any Meloches . .
Burning Chometz
10) He burns the Chometz on Friday [this year]. It is correct
to burn it before the end of the fifth Sho'oh Zemanis.24 He
does not say "Kol Chamiroh" after the burning but instead he
will say it on Shabbos morning. 25 Similarly the Tefilloh
"Yehi Rotzon" should be said on Shabbos despite the fact that
generally we do not say private Techinos on Shabbos.26
Although a person may eat Chometz after the Bedikoh and
S'refoh, he should take care that it does not become
dispersed in the house. Accordingly, he should set aside one
particular place on Friday and Shabbos for eating Chometz.
Type of Food to be prepared for Shabbos:
11) For Shabbos it is correct to bake and cook such foods
which do not contain any Chometz. They are cooked and baked
in Pesach utensils and ovens27.
It is ossur lekatchiloh to pour hot food (which was
cooked in Pesach utensils) from Pesach utensils directly into
chometz utensils.28 One should also avoid splashing
from Chometz utensils onto Pesach utensils. Similarly,
one should not remove hot food with a Pesachdig spoon from a
Pesachtig pot and use a spoon to put it into a chometz
One should rather wait until the food has cooled down below
yad soledes bo (about 42-45C). Alternatively one may
pour from the Pesachdig utensils into a Keli Sheni of Pesach
utensils and from there into chometz utensils.
12) If he cannot cook in Pesach utensils, he can cook in
Chometz utensils. One should, however, not cook food which
tends to stick to the walls of the utensils.
13) One should prepare not more than the amount of Challos
which are needed for the Shabbos meals. In this way one will
not be left with any unnecessary chometz.29 On the other hand
he should make sure that every participant of the meals
receives at least a little more than a kebeitzoh of
Challoh. (50 c.c.) 30 Left over Challoh should be discarded
in the way explained below.
14) If one prefers not to use Chometz utensils for Shabbos
the Shabbos meals can be prepared in the following way:
Challos are eaten at the beginning of the meal, then the
mouth and hands are cleaned, one shakes off one's clothes
[without using a clothesbrush].
The tablecloth is changed from Chometzdig to Pesachdig or,
alternatively, one carries on the meal at another Pesachtig
table. Thus the meal continues with Pesachdig foods and
without Challoh. It does not matter that he commenced the
meal in one room and continued in another room.31
15) It is most practical to use disposable cutlery and
plates. . . . However, a Sha'aloh should be asked whether
this involves an infringement of Kavod Shabbos. Certainly,
the cup for Kiddush should lekatchiloh not be a
disposable cup.32
Friday Night
16) The Matzos Mitzvoh (i.e. those Matzos which are
designated for the Sedernight Mitzvos) are Muktzoh.
17) All other Matzos are not Muktzoh although it is forbidden
(and not merely a Minhag) to eat them on Shabbos by day
because it is Erev Pesach. Nevertheless they are not Muktzoh
because they may be given to very young children.34 A piece
of Matzoh may also be joined together with a Challoh to make
up "Lechem Mishnoh". 35 [Great care should be taken that in
such a case they are wrapped up properly so that the Challoh
does not come into contact with the Matzoh.]
Shabbos Meal
18) Many people who have either fillings or false teeth do
not eat hot chometz food within 24 hours of the Sof
Z'man Achilas Chometz or, at least, within 24 hours of Pesach
itself. . . . This also includes not eating a Dovor Charif
together with Chometz, for example, horseradish together with
Gefilte Fish made with chometz Matzo meal.37
19) The Dilemma as to what "bread" to use for the Se'udos
Shabbos: As it is ossur to eat Matzoh on Erev Pesach,
and yet there is an obligation to have "bread-based" meals on
Shabbos, the question arises whether on may use some form of
Matzoh Ashiroh or Matzoh meal etc.
Normal Matzos: It is completely ossur to use Matzoh
for the morning meal. . . . our Minhag is in accordance with
those Poskim who forbid this even on Friday night39.
Children who do not yet understand Sippur Yetziyas Mitzrayim
are permitted to eat any Matzoh (made with flour and
water).40 It is a good idea to give them Matzoh only. This
ensures that they will not disperse Challoh in the house.
Matzoh Ashiroh: Although early and prominent Sefardi Poskim
allow Matzoh baked with eggyolk instead of water (Matzoh
Ashiroh) the Remoh forbids this and this is certainly the
Mnhag of all Ashkenazi Kehillos. However, even many Ashkenazi
Poskim allow consumption of Matzoh Ashiroh before the Sof
Z'man Achiloh. Nevertheless, it appears that the prevalent
Minhag amongst all Ashkenazi Kehillos is to refrain from it
even before Sof Z'man Achiloh.41
Cooked Matzoh: Many Poskim allow eating of cooked Matzoh on
Erev Pesach. Accordingly, one may consume Matzoh which had
been cooked at least a short time in a Keli Rishon i.e. a pot
cooking on the fire. . . . It seems that one may rely on this
at least with regard to older children . . . A Sha'aloh
should be asked.
The generally accepted Minhag is to use normal Challos. This
requires extra precaution with regard to
a) finishing in good time before Sof Z'man Achilas
b) disposing of the leftovers in the correct way, . . .
20) Changing from room to room: The Kiddush must be recited
in the room in which he later eats the Challoh (because of
the Din of Ein Kiddush eloh bemokom Se'udoh). It is advisable
to continue the meal with Pesach food rather than Chometz
food. This may be done by moving from one table to another
within the same room. It may also be done by moving from one
room designated for challoh to another room which is
designated for Pesach Food.44
21) If one continued the meal in a different room, one should
return for Bentching to the room in which the Challoh was
eaten.45 If this would be very inconvenient one may bentch
in the second room provided that
a) one can see from the Bentching place the place where the
Challoh was eaten and
b) that both rooms are in the same house.46
22) . . . no new Brochoh is recited over the Pesachdig
23) Often people choose to eat the Challoh in very small or
inconvenient places. A person should be aware that the
Mitzvoh of Kavod Shabbos applies to this part of the Se'udoh
and requires a modicum of comfort. 48 . . . If one has no
other reasonable option, at least the following condition
must be kept:
a) In the Friday night meal, the place of eating must be lit
b) It is ossur to pour liquids onto grass e.g. the
drink may not spill onto the ground. One should avoid
transporting a cup of drink over grass unless there is a tray
below the cup.
c) Generally it is ossur to sweep the garden, because
of the Gezeroh of Ashvuyei Gumos.50
Tefilloh On Shabbos Morning:
24) Davening takes place early in the morning to allow enough
time to finish the Shabbos meal before Sof Zman Achiloh.
The Shabbos Meal by Day:
25) Some refrain from eating Kitniyos in the morning meal
before Sof Zman Achiloh 55 but most Poskim permit it without
26) To divide the meal into two meals: Many Mehadrin divide
up the morning Meal into two meals as follows: They have a
meal with two Challos and then bentch. They then make
a short break by going for a walk or learning (in order to
avoid the problem of Brochoh she'einoh tzrichoh). This
is followed by another meal with two complete challos (i.e.
make again Hamotzi and bentch after the meal). This
enables them to fulfill Shalosh S'udos with Challos,
according to those Poskim who allow Shalosh Se'udos to take
place before Chatzos Hayom. 57 This is not an obligation but
merely a Hidur.
27) In case of severe delay: . . .
28) Cleaning Teeth before Sof Z'man Achiloh: One should brush
one's teeth before Sof Zman Achiloh in order to remove any
remaining Chometz particles. One may not use a wet toothbrush
due to Issur Sechitoh 59. It may be used without water and
one may rinse one's mouth first prior to brushing the teeth.
The use of toothpaste is forbidden. 60 Some Poskim hold that
because of Uvdoh Dechoil one should set aside a special
toothbrush for Shabbos 61 but other Poskim are lenient in
this matter.62 It is permissible to use a toothpick 63 and
dental floss. Dental floss may not be cut on Shabbos.
According to the strict letter of the Din it may perhaps not
be necessary to clean the toothbrush of its Chometz particles
after using it 64. Nevertheless it is advisable to do so.
One should remove braces or false teeth and clean them
thoroughly. Some conduct themselves to pour hot water onto
them from a Keli Rishon after refraining for 24 hours from
eating hot Chometz. This may also be done on Shabbos
Disposal of Chometz after the Meal:
29) Utensils: If one ate in Chometz utensils and there is
some chometz left over in the utensils, one may not
rinse them in the normal way because this would constitute
Hachonoh (from Shabbos for after Shabbos). . . . the crumbs
should be wiped off with one's hand or disposable tissues.
Then they should be flushed down the toilet. 66
However, if one uses disposable plates and cutlery, one may
even rinse them. The reason is that because they will be
discarded. Therefore rinsing off the crumbs does not involve
any issur of preparing on Shabbos for after
One should then stow away the Chometz utensils and the
Chometz tablecloth (if they are not disposable).
30) Crumbs on floor: If crumbs remain on the floor after the
meal (due to falling down during the meal or due to shaking
out the tablecloth onto the floor) it is not absolutely
necessary according to the strict letter of the Din, to sweep
the house with a broom in order to remove the crumbs.
However, it is preferable to do so. A carpetsweeper should
not be used. 67 One should then dispose of the crumbs as
described above. [Since it is quite possible that some crumbs
might be left over in the broom, it is Hidur to wrap the
broom with a disposable cloth before sweeping with it and
then shake out the cloth thoroughly or dispose of it.] 31)
One should shake out the clothes which were worn during the
Chometz meal.
A brush may not be used.
Bedikas Chometz also requires that the pockets are checked or
emptied out, because one may have inadvertently put some
chometz into them.
32) After the meal, one should shake out the tablecloth in
order to remove all Chometz crumbs.
It is best if one can shake all crumbs into the toilet. The
toilet must be flushed before the Sof Zman, otherwise the
Chazon Ish deems the Chometz not to have been disposed of.
33) Disposal of Crumbs Summary:
Crumbs from vessels, tablecloths, broom, toothbrush can be
disposed of, in one of the following ways:
a) flushing down the toilet
b) pouring it down the sink and pouring a generous amount of
bleach down the sink in order to render the crumbs unfit for
c) putting the Chometz into a container and pouring a liquid
over it which renders the Chometz unfit for eating. There is
then no need to dispose of the Chometz as it is inedible and
no longer considered to be Chometz.
Other less practical methods include:
d) giving it as a present to a Nochri. However one may not
instruct him explicitly to carry it out into the R'shus
Horabim.69 . . .
e) If carrying into the street is permitted (due to an Eruv)
one may put one's Chometz into the street and declare it
f) putting the Chometz amongst Chometz utensils and having it
included in the Sale of Chometz. However, one can only do
this if the Rov's sale document stipulates explicitly that
the Sale will take effect on Shabbos at a time by which one
has already put away the Chometz and utensils71 i.e. first he
puts away the Chometz and only afterwards the sale will take
effect. [Many sale documents, however, stipulate that the
Sale takes effect on Erev Shabbos shortly before Shabbos in
order to avoid the Machlokes Haposkim as to whether a
stipulation specifying that the sale takes effect on Shabbos
falls under the Issur of Mekach Umemkar BeShabbos.]
34) He must remember to say Kol Chamiroh ....... in good time
before the end of the Sho'oh Chamishis and make sure that he
understands and thinks of its meaning. Especially with regard
to widows who own all their food as opposed to married women
they need to be reminded of this and they should recite it in
a language which they can understand.
35) Shalosh Se'udos: In the afternoon one should eat another
meal, consisting preferably of Mezonos food e.g. Kneidlech.
Although Kneidlech are made of matzo meal, the Issur of
eating Matzoh on Erev Pesach does not apply to them.72 . . .
If Mezonos food is not available, he should eat meat, fish,
vegetables or at least fruit.74
It is preferrable to daven Minchoh before Shalosh Se'udos. If
this is difficult, one may eat Shalosh Se'udos before Minchoh
as long as the Z'man of Minchoh Ketanoh has not yet
36) Eating after the beginning of the Tenth Hour: A person
should not eat any Mezonos food after the beginning of the
10th hour (z'manis). One may eat other foods e.g.
meat, fish eggs, fruit in moderate amounts making sure that
one will still have a good appetite for the Matzas Mitzvoh.76
Even if a Mezonos meal was started at the permitted time i.e.
before the Tenth Hour one must stop eating Mezonos food as
soon as the tenth hour arrives.77
37) Preperation on Shabbos for Yomtov: It is forbidden to
prepare from Shabbos for Yomtov. Therefor, one may not
prepare the Seder table (e.g. lay out the Haggodos, set out
the chairs etc.) before Motzo'eh Shabbos. It is permissible,
however, to ask a Nochri to prepare it. [The Issur of
Hachonoh does not apply to matters which are of benefit both
on Shabbos and after Shabbos, e.g. tidying up the room if he
benefits from that on Shabbos itself.]
38) Minchoh: A person may daven Minchoh from half an hour
after Chatzos onwards.
39) Sleeping: Sleeping on Shabbos in order to feel refreshed
for Seder night does not fall under the Issur of Hachonoh
from Shabbos for after Shabbos. However he may not say
explicitly the reason why he is going to sleep.78
40) Changing to Yomtov Clothes: A person may not change from
Shabbos clothes into Yomtov clothes before Motzo'eh Shabbos.
This is due to the Issur of Hachonoh and a possible Zilzul in
Kovod Shabbos. 79 If on Shabbos afternoon one removed one's
clothes in order to rest, it is permitted to put on Yom Tov
clothes when getting up although it is before Motzo'eh
Shabbos. On Shabbos morning after eating Chometz some may
wish to change their suit. It would be permitted to put on
Yom Tov clothes.80
41) Reciting the Order of Korban Pesach: Some have a Minhag
to recite the Seder of Korban Pesach on Erev Pesach. This
Minhag applies even when Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos. [The
Shechitas Korban Pesach took place on Erev Pesach even when
it fell on Shabbos as the bringing of the Korban Pesach took
precedence over the Issur Melochoh of Shabbos.] Similarly the
Minhag to say the Haggodoh from "Avodim Hoyinu" until
lechaper al kol avonosenu also applies on this Shabbos
Hagodol although it is also Erev Pesach.
Maariv and Meleches Yomtov:
42) During Ma'ariv Shmoneh Esre, "Vatodieinu..." is added.
43) Women who do not daven Ma'ariv, or men who forgot to say
"Vatodi'einu" and have to do a Melochoh e.g. cook or kindle
the Yomtov lights, must first say: "Boruch Hamavdil bein
Kodesh Lekodesh." Some recite the complete text of the Birkas
Havdoloh without the names of Hashem.81
43) The order of Kidush is "Yakne'haz". Most women who have
the Minhag to say Kiddush together with the Ba'al Habayis on
Seder night do so even this year although in general they
avoid reciting Havdoloh. Regarding the B'rochoh "Borei M'orei
Ho'esh", a Sha'aloh should be asked.83
44) In the Haggodoh in Birkas "Asher Go'alonu" most Poskim
advise that this year one should change the order from
venochal shom min haPesochim umin haZevochim to:
venochal shom min haZevochim umin haPesochim. This is
due to the fact that the Korban Chagigoh was not brought when
Erev Pesach fell on Shabbos. 84 Some Poskim hold that the
order should remain unchanged but this is a minority
Bi'ur Ma'asros
45) The correct time for the Mitzvoh: This year the Mitzvoh
of Bi'ur Ma'asros applies. According to some Poskim he has to
have fulfilled it by the 7th day of Pesach. Other Poskim hold
that it applies on Erev Pesach at the latest.86 The Minhag is
in accordance with the latter view.87
46) Definition of the Mitzvoh: He has to separate Terumos and
Ma'asros where applicable. For those in Chutz Lo'oretz the
following Halochoh is most relevant: A person is obligated to
destroy any coin upon which Ma'aser Sheni or Rivai was
transferred; prior to that he may transfer the Kedushoh from
a big valuable coin onto a smaller one. The destruction is
accomplished in one of the following ways:
a) He grinds the coin into "dust" and throws the dust to the
b) He throws the coin into the sea. Possibly, throwing it
into a completely inaccessible part of the river is
equivalent to throwing it into the sea; a Sha'aloh should be
c) He throws the coin into a river after grinding it.88
d) He transfers the Kedushoh from the coin onto a food and
then dissolves the food and flushes it down the sink.
Generally, many people have used sugar; there may be some
marginal advantage in using a food which has not been washed
in its production e.g. ground nuts.89
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