Get extra enjoyment from those Shabbos and yom tov meals this
year by being aware of what you are eating. Mindful eating
can help you to avoid overeating -- and prevent stomach
aches, bloating and other gastrointestinal discomfort.
Approach your seudas as an exercise not in deprivation
but in making smart choices and enjoying your food.
Don't starve yourself to justify eating more at dinner.
Eating a satisfying seuda can ward off the temptation
to overindulge at the next seuda. Concentrate on
portion control and planning: choose foods that you really
love to eat, eat each bite slowly, and savor all the flavors
and smells. Eating slowly not only allows you to enjoy and be
thankful to Hashem for your food, but helps prevent
overeating: it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to signal the
brain that you're full.
Get up from the table after bentching to avoid
Once your meal is over, take a walk to help digest your food
and think about what a wonderful seuda you just had --
and the company and the dvar Torah that contributed to
make it memorable and enjoyable.
(C) 2003 Dr. Reuven Bruner.
Dr. Reuven Bruner, Ph.D., is a Health/Fitness/Nutrition &
Total Lifestyle Consultant, specializing in Fitness of Body &
Mind. Contact him at: POB 1903, Jerusalem, 91314, Israel;
Tel: (02) 652-7684; Mobile: 052 865-821; Fax: (02) 652-7227;