By Rabbi Yekusiel Zalman Zev Fish
Reviewed by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The new sefer Sod Hachashmal, by Rabbi Yekusiel Zalman
Zev Fish, combines pshat, remez, drush and sod,
and explains issues of pshat according to Toras
hasod. It also explains deep concepts from Toras hasod
in clear language, that can be understood by all, young
and old. This comprehensive sefer can open the gates
of studying sod.
The sefer has the haskomos of gedolei
Yisroel, shlita. HaRav Yaakov Meir Shechter, a ram
in Yeshivas Shaarei Shomayim, writes that the sefer
was written in the proper way and deserves to be on
kings' tables. HaRav Fischel Eisenbach, rosh yeshivas Shaarei
Shomayim, writes that the sefer will give benefit in
understanding both to those studying nigleh and those
studying nistar. Haskomos were also given by the
Raavad HaRav Moshe Sternbuch, Badatz members HaRav Avrohom
Yitzchok Ulman and HaRav Moshe Halberstam, as well as by
HaRav Shraya Devlitzky and others.
The method of the sefer is to explain the pshat
according to the sod, through the drush and
remez. The sefer is rich with gematrias
and wonderful signs from the pesukim of the Torah,
first and last letters and more.
The sefer is based on the Zohar that says that
the chashmal is the yesod, explaining the
connection between the mal'ochim and the yesod,
and shows how all the yesod issues in the Torah
are connected to the mal'ochim, such as milah,
lulav, tzitzis, tefillin, nedorim, nezirus, negoim, succah,
chalomos and more.
The sefer also explains more than 250 halochos from
all parts of the Shulchan Oruch, and more than 700
pesukim from the Tanach according to Toras
hasod. It is beautifully printed and contains more than
1200 pages.
The sefer is not sold in seforim stores. It can
be purchased at a subsidized price at 054-873169.