MK Rabbi Eichler: "The State Prefers Elderly Non-Jewish
Immigrants to Jewish Children"
By Eliezer Rauchberger
The absorption of an elderly immigrant couple costs NIS
60,000 ($13,000) Absorption Minister Tzippi Livnat told the
Knesset in response to a question posed by MK Rabbi Yisroel
Eichler (UTJ). This sum does not include the cost of their
medical care and medication.
MK Rabbi Eichler recalled the government's cuts in Birth
Grants and Child Support Payments last year saying, "The
government has NIS 60,000 to absorb an elderly, non-Jewish
couple, but not NIS 300 ($67) for a Birth Grant."
He said this is clear proof the cuts in Child Support
Payments and Birth Grants were not intended primarily to save
money but were motivated by an ideology of preferring elderly
non-Jews over Jewish children.