Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

22 Av 5764 - August 9, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Hundreds of Participants at Conference for Chareidi Entrepreneurs
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

An annual conference for chareidi businessmen and entrepreneurs was held in Jerusalem last week. Initiated by the Jerusalem Center for Fostering Enterprise, the conference was held on the theme, "Setting Up a Business as a Source of Livelihood" and was designed to provide knowledge and tools for businessmen and entrepreneurs from the chareidi sector as well as information on business assistance.

Held in the hall of the City of Jerusalem's Torah Culture Wing, the conference was attended by top businessmen from the religious and chareidi sectors, experts and professionals, and other figures from the economic and financial community.

HaRav Simchoh Kook, Chief Rabbi of Rechovot, spoke about the issue of kosher money: ono'as devorim, ono'as mommon, halonas sechar and shemiras Shabbos.

Speaking at the conference Minister Ehud Olmert said, "Available opportunities in different areas and populations must be equalized. Priority should be given to the social periphery (chareidim, immigrants and minorities) and the geographical periphery. In the coming days I intend to present my ministry's plan for an employment policy relating to increasing the level of employment and reducing the unemployment rate."

The Small Businesses Authority and the Center for Fostering Enterprise special services will be provided to the chareidi sector including participation in introductory workshops to assess the possibility of setting up and managing business enterprises, participation in courses on the issues of setup and management and help in raising funding to set up the business.

Uri Saraf, director of the Center for Fostering Enterprise, said, "In recent years the Jerusalem and Bnei Brak Centers for Fostering Enterprise have trained over 1,800 men and 3,300 women in courses on how to manage and set up a business. In the chareidi sectors of Jerusalem and Bnei Brak 778 new businesses have been set up; expanded or survived through the help of the Center for Fostering Enterprise. There are currently 393 businesses, which has created 3,700 new jobs.

At a panel of businessmen Avi Katz, head of Kfar Shashuaim chain, the Hakol Bedollar, Pipo and Sheshes, said he manages a chain of 192 stores around the country with an annual sales turnover of over NIS 400 million. "I am living proof in business there is no need for formal education and a business can be set up through professional advisors and assistance-- but it requires persistence.

The Center for Fostering Enterprise counsels and guides businesses, obtains loans to advance businesses and holds courses and training on issues associated with the setup of businesses.

The conference was organized by Pirsum Neto-Horovitz and sponsored by Microsoft Israel and Avis.

For further details call the Jerusalem Center for Fostering Enterprise at 1-800-23-20-23 or Shay Horovitz at 02- 6529133.


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