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Earlier this year marked sixty years since Reb Chaim
Yisroel Eiss zt"l passed away in Switzerland. He was
one of religious Jewry's leading activists and he died in
1943 while at the height of his efforts to rescue European
Jewry. He dedicated his life to helping his fellow Jews and
thousands of people owed their lives to him. Documents in the
possession of his descendants show how incredibly hard he
worked on behalf of the Jews who were under Nazi rule. The
gedolei Yisroel of the time trusted him entirely. The
full story of the man who was at the center of wartime
Orthodox rescue efforts.
During World War II, Germany carried out a series of
lightning strikes against its neighboring countries and
managed to take over almost all of Europe. Wherever there was
a Nazi presence, it was the Jews who suffered most. Thousands
of Jews lost everything that was dear to them, their
families, their communities, their homes and all their
possessions. They became destitute wanderers, people who had
nowhere to lay their heads, with nothing but rags for
clothing and no shoes. They were incarcerated in ghettos, in
work camps and in death camps, were humiliated and demeaned
and underwent unbelievable torment.
It often happened that no food crossed their lips for days on
end and their bodies reacted accordingly. There was one ray
of hope at this terrible time. People told each other: "In
Switzerland, there is a Jew who wants to help. Reb Chaim
Yisroel Eiss helps everyone who asks." And person after
person wrote to him for help.
Reb Chaim Eiss received hundreds of letters, from when the
War broke out until his sudden death in 5704/1943. He died
when the War was at its height and when his work was more
needed than ever. He received letters from starving and
suffering fellow-Jews asking him for food, money or the
foreign identification documents that would provide them with
the preferential treatment that was extended to foreign
But he also received many letters that requested help of
another kind, incredibly moving letters begging for
Chumashim, tefillin and arba minim. One
especially heart-rending letter sent from a Nazi labor camp
read: "You cannot imagine the joy when we received the
esrog and lulav and the hadassim. You
made our yom tov into a true `season of our
rejoicing,' and our rejoicing knows no bounds. Please send us
more mussar books, Chumashim with the
commentary of the holy Ohr HaChaim and similar seforim."
We cannot but be inspired when learning that the first
concerns of a Jew trapped in this living hell were for
arba minim and Torah learning.
Rescue Activities
During the early years, of the War the free world knew very
little of what was happening in the countries under German
rule. The little that was known was based on the stories told
by refugees who managed miraculously to escape from the
clutches of the Nazis.
When they were lucky, their stories were met with disbelief.
When they were less lucky -- as often happened -- they were
met with derision. No one could believe that a cultured
nation like the Germans, the residents of the cradle of
European culture, could behave in the terrible fashion that
the refugees described.
Reb Chaim Yisroel Eiss was one of the first to be informed of
what was happening in the Nazi-occupied countries. He had
been well-known already before the War and he received
hundreds of letters from the ghettos and the labor camps.
These gave a true picture of the Nazi atrocities.
Although most countries found themselves involved in the War,
some willingly and some unwillingly, Switzerland where he
lived managed to remain an island of neutrality, one tranquil
spot in the center of the inferno that was Europe. We now
know, however, that the Nazis used Swiss banks to finance
their war machine. For example the Nazis used the Swiss banks
as depositories for the assets they had stolen from the Jews,
and the Swiss banks then used these funds to help finance the
war machine. Nonetheless, Switzerland's official neutrality
enabled Reb Chaim Yisroel to operate as a vital link between
the occupied countries and the free world.
He transmitted the important information that was included in
many of the letters that were sent to him, to the Agudas
Israel offices in Jerusalem, London, New York and Istanbul.
The Zurich office also served as a conduit for letters sent
in the opposite direction. These contained money, passport
photographs and requests to locate family members and help
The Germans restricted the transfer of information from the
ghettos under their control to the outside world and the
letter-writers were careful to phrase their information in a
manner that the censors would understand one way and the
recipients another.
For example, according to a letter that Reb Chaim Yisroel
wrote to Agudas Israel leaders in the U.S. shortly after the
War began: "Our friend, Rabbi Alexander Zusha Friedman wrote
me a letter of thanks on behalf of Mr. Mekayem Nefesh
[lifesaver] that Mr. Chalelei Raav [dying of hunger] visits
our friends' homes frequently."
Reb Chaim Yisroel set up an entire communication network that
included trusted "pure Aryans" who were willing to take on
the task in spite of the tremendous risks involved. Many
people were delivered from certain death by the heroic
efforts of Reb Chaim Yisroel Eiss, but beyond those he saved
directly his activities offered thousands of Jews trapped in
occupied Europe a ray of hope that saved them from sinking
into despondency and despair.
Agudas Israel Led the Way in its Rescue
A stormy debate is currently taking place regarding the
extent and the significance of Orthodox Jewry's contribution
to rescue activities. However, according to many historians,
especially Professor David Krantzler of the U.S., it was the
Orthodox leaders who pioneered the rescue efforts, working
through Swiss Agudas Israel personnel, Agudas Israel
emissaries based in Istanbul and underground movements such
as the one set up in Czechoslovakia by Rabbi Weissmandel, the
son-in-law of the Nitra Rov.
Many of the letters in Reb Chaim Yisroel's files give
credence to this assertion. They give details of the
intricate communications network that he set up, manned by
Red Cross personnel and intermediaries who were stationed
inside various Bern-based foreign embassies. These activities
were operated by Orthodox activists who were living in
Switzerland at the time. These included Reb Chaim Yisroel
Eiss, Rabbi Dr. Shaul Weingort, Attorney Meir Miller and the
Sternbuch family.
The manner in which the Orthodox activists operated was
different from the way in which the other Jewish leaders
functioned. The approach of the President of the Federation
of Swiss Jewish Communities, Mr. Saly Meir, was to function
only within the dictates of the letter of the law, in order
not to antagonize the gentiles. This resulted in their doing
very little.
The Orthodox activists, on the other hand, had only one aim:
to save as many Jews as possible. They ignored the cold,
unfeeling letter of the law, and in this way they were able
to distribute thousands of foreign identification documents
to the people entrapped in the ghettos and to also transfer
large sums of money and food packages to them. People like
the Swiss representative of the World Jewish Congress, Dr.
Silberschein, and Jewish Agency representative Richard
Lichtheim eventually adopted the methods pioneered by the
Orthodox group, and then utilized their contacts and work
methods to further ease the plight of the Jews in Nazi
Representing the Gedolim
Reb Chaim Yisroel was never a person who was concerned only
with his own affairs. He always devoted all his spare time
and his tremendous energy to his wide-ranging communal
activities and set up a large number of charitable and mutual
aid funds.
One of his most important prewar contributions however, was
his involvement in founding Agudas Israel. He served as the
central conduit for money raised in Jewish communities in
different parts of the world and transferring these funds to
the various yeshiva heads, and this enabled hundreds of
yeshiva students to concentrate on their learning without
having to worry about their physical requirements. The
students knew that the yeshiva heads would worry about their
material needs, and the yeshiva heads, in turn, could sleep
at night in the secure knowledge that Reb Chaim Yisroel was
shouldering this responsibility on their behalf.
"My dear and esteemed G-d-fearing friend, Rabbi Yisroel Chaim
Eiss of Zurich," read a warm letter that Rabbi Chaim Ozer
Grodzensky, of blessed memory, sent to Reb Chaim Yisroel
thanking him for the two hundred zloty order he had sent his
yeshiva. "Please thank the donors and supporters, in my
But the support extended to the yeshiva was not the only
subject of their correspondence. Rabbi Chaim Ozer and Reb
Chaim Yisroel corresponded frequently and at length on many
matters of then current concern.
One of the many funds that Reb Chaim Yisroel directed was the
Zurich-based "Orphan Fund." This fund helped pay for the
tuition of orphan girls who were studying at Cracow's Bais
Yaakov Teacher Training Seminary that was founded by Sarah
Schenirer. Reb Chaim Yisroel received many letters from
gedolei Yisroel from different parts of Europe in
connection with this fund, recommending that it help girls
from their communities. One letter that was typical of many
read: "I am writing in connection with a motherless young
girl from here who is called Zlata Zanstchoviska, who has
completed her studies at the local Bais Yaakov school and now
should continue in Cracow, to the seminary there. Her father
is unable to pay her fees. The young lady is continuing along
the right path, and is worthy of support." The sender went on
to send his warmest wishes to Reb Chaim Yisroel and to
everyone associated with him. This particular letter came
from HaRav Elchonon Bunim Wasserman, may G-d avenge his
In addition to contacting Reb Chaim Yisroel with reference to
his communal work, many rabbonim consulted him in connection
with their own private affairs, for example regarding a
proposed shidduch with someone from Switzerland. They
know that they could trust him implicitly. The Chofetz Chaim
wrote to him: "I am writing to inform you that I have left a
large proportion of my books here in Radin in the care of my
good friend, the son-in-law of the wife of the important rov,
Hillel Ginsburg, who spent several years learning at our
yeshiva and with whom I have remained in contact for about
fifty years and know well. He took care of administrative
matters in connection with my books in the past, printing,
sales and the like, and he will continue to take care of them
in the same way in the future. I ask all my friends and
acquaintances to continue to help him the way they did before
because, with G-d's help, these seforim are of eternal
value to the Jewish people. This applies both to the books on
halocho and to those on mussar, which guide people as
to the best path to take. And in this merit, may the G-d of
the Heavens bless you with all that is good." The letter was
dated Erev Succos 5686/1925.
The family archives contain hundreds of other letters from
rabbonim, yeshiva heads and leaders of the Jewish people.
These include letters from HaRav Dovid Budnik, the rosh
yeshiva of Warsaw's Novardok Yeshiva, from HaRav Yosef Yehuda
Bloch, rabbinical court head and maggid shiur in Telz,
from HaRav Zvi Dovid Halevi Glicksohn, the son-in-law of
HaRav Soloveitchik and the rosh yeshiva of Warsaw's Toras
Chaim Yeshiva, and from the Nitra Gaon, HaRav Shmuel Dovid
Supporting Exiled Yeshivas
In the early stages of the War, when the Nazis were making
huge strides in their bid to conquer all of Europe, thousands
of Jews became homeless. Fear of the Nazis, the restrictive
laws imposed by the Germans, and worry about the future, led
thousands of families to abandon their homes and most of
their belongings and flee for their lives. The larger towns
were swamped with refugees from the smaller towns and
villages, and the more established communities suddenly found
themselves having to cope with thousands of penniless
refugees. Families whose children were hungry, in a state of
shock, and tired from their long journeys needed somewhere to
lay their heads, and they stayed in the shuls and other
public buildings.
These refugees comprised not only families but also entire
yeshivas that had found themselves obliged to take their
students to locations where the War situation was felt
relatively less. These yeshivas included Rav Aharon Kotler's
Eitz Chaim Yeshiva that was forced to move away from Kletsk.
This yeshiva found itself in a particularly difficult
situation, as HaRav Kotler wrote in a letter to Reb Chaim
Yisroel. "The monthly expenditures involved in running the
yeshiva are a tremendous burden for us. In spite of our doing
all we can to reduce the costs, the huge sums involved have
reached unimaginable proportions. First, all the yeshiva
students are eating at the yeshiva's expense because they are
parted from their parents . . ."
Reb Chaim Yisroel -- as was his wont -- responded quickly to
this request for help as well as to the many other similar
Rabbi Aharon Kotler managed subsequently to escape to the
U.S. where he heard reports about what was happening in
Europe. He was brokenhearted at this news and did all he
could to find out the details of the situation of the Jews
who were still in Europe and to aid them. He made special
efforts to save Europe's rabbonim and roshei yeshivas from
the clutches of the Nazis. He wrote repeatedly to Reb Chaim
Yisroel, asking whether he had any news of the rabbonim and
asking him to inquire from the Red Cross about their welfare.
He was particularly anxious to find out about HaRav Elchonon
Wasserman, Hy'd. No one knew yet at that time that
HaRav Wasserman had been martyred al kiddush
Reb Chaim Yisroel did all he could to obtain news about HaRav
Wasserman, mobilizing his entire communications network for
the purpose. He summed up the results of his efforts in a
letter he wrote to at that time U.S. Agudas Israel president
Rabbi Jacob Rosenheim: " . . . Just now, when I was in the
middle of writing this letter, I received a telegram from
HaRav Simcha Wasserman, the son of the Gaon, the Tzaddik,
HaRav Elchonon Wasserman shlita, asking me to make
inquiries regarding his father. Even without this telegram,
my mind is constantly occupied with the question of HaRav
Elchonon's whereabouts. I have written to a number of places,
but no one is able to help. Our friends in Poland are also
trying to investigate what has happened to him, and ask
everyone they can. I shall perhaps be able to find out more
when I hear from our Lithuanian brethren.
"The current situation is that Jews are unable to enter or
leave Lithuanian locations like Lapland and Ostland and we
have no idea what is happening there . . ."
The correspondence between HaRav Kotler and Reb Chaim Yisroel
continued to flow throughout this entire period. HaRav Kotler
was regarded as the supreme halachic authority on many
matters and Reb Chaim Yisroel forwarded important queries to
him regarding burning halachic issues of the time.
Food Parcels to the Ghettos and to the
When Reb Chaim Yisroel first heard the terrible news about
what was happening in Nazi-occupied Europe, everything else
was suddenly of minor importance. He worked day and night
doing all he could to help, forgetting about mealtimes and
neglecting his business.
He utilized his contacts with a Lisbon associate in order to
buy cocoa, coffee, sugar, tea and sardines and have them sent
to the starving Jews, often funding the purchases out of his
own pocket. These items were very scarce at the time and
recipients were able to exchange them for large quantities of
flour and potatoes.
One way in which commodities could be transferred to Poland
was through the Red Cross. Reb Chaim Yisroel had good
relations with the head of the Red Cross in Geneva and the
foodstuffs were sent to Geneva from where Red Cross personnel
transferred the parcels to the eventual recipients via their
German offices.
Reb Chaim Yisroel did not forget to provide food for the
soul. He made a special effort to help the Jews in the
ghettos to observe the mitzvas and managed to find roundabout
ways in which to send them arba minim, matzos and
raisins (to make wine for the "four cups").
Many Jews visited HaRav Menachem Zemba's succah during the
last Succos in the Warsaw ghetto, in 5703/1942, in order to
observe the mitzva of arba minim. The esrog --
probably the only esrog to be found in the entire
ghetto that year -- had been sent to HaRav Zemba by Reb Chaim
Yisroel. Many people expressed their doubts as to whether the
food parcels would reach their destinations, but survivors
confirmed after the War that the parcels had indeed
When the parcels from Reb Chaim Yisroel Eiss got to the camp
in Auschwitz they were taken to Mrs. Tzilla Orlean (Mrs.
Orlean was the sister-in-law of Reb Yehuda Leib Orlean, the
principal of Cracow's Bais Yaakov seminary), it was reported
by one woman who managed to survive Auschwitz: "They
contained almonds and other dry foods. I don't know how they
arrived. It was a real miracle."
These parcels contained more than food for the body. They
were a balm for the suffering souls, and helped the inmates
feel that on the other side of the barbed wire there was
someone who cared about their welfare.
Foreign Papers -- a Passport to Life
Sending money and food parcels was obviously not enough.
Reports were coming through of the systematic murder of the
Jews who were captured by the Nazis and although these
reports were originally met with disbelief, as time passed
people began to accept that, incredible as they were, the
rumors were true. It then became obvious that everything
possible must be done to extricate the Jews from the clutches
of the Nazis.
This was done in various ways, including by furnishing the
Jews with identification papers indicating that they were
nationals of neutral countries. The hope was that the Germans
would allow these "foreign nationals" to leave or at least
not harm them.
Reb Chaim Yisroel was one of the first to adopt this method.
He contacted the Paraguayan consul, Mr. Huegly, and purchased
Paraguayan identity papers and passports from him. Reb Chaim
Yisroel then sent these certificates to Poland. He did not
send them in his own name, but in that of a relative of the
recipient, so as not to draw the censor's attention to
himself. He had the passports photographed and arranged for
them to be notarized.
The stories of the Japanese consul who was stationed in Kovno
and that of Raoul Wallenberg, who issued thousands of visas
to Jews during the War, thereby helping them to escape from
the Nazis are well known. The public is less familiar with
the story of George Mantello, or Yosef Mendel -- to use his
Hebrew name -- the first secretary at the El Salvador
consulate in Geneva.
Reb Chaim Yisroel introduced Attorney Meir Miller, an Agudas
Israel activist who had been living in Paris and then fled to
Switzerland with his family, to Mr. Mantello in the spring of
5703/1943. This meeting resulted in a radical change in the
situation regarding South American identification documents.
Prior to that, Peruvian or Paraguayan documents could be
obtained only at the cost of hundreds or even thousands of
Francs. As a result of George Mantello's help the bottom now
fell out of this market.
Attorney Miller was working without charge and the consul was
also not asking to be paid, so the documents were now
obtainable for free. Tens of thousands of documents were
distributed in this way.
During the early years of the War, Jews holding foreign
passports were sent to the Vittel Detention Camp in France,
which was a camp for people of foreign nationalities. The
Gerrer Rebbe's family was one of the families sent to this
camp. When Reb Chaim Yisroel passed away on the 15th
Marcheshvon 5704/1943, he thought that the Jews who were sent
to the Vittel camp had been saved. However, almost all the
Jews there were sent to Auschwitz a few months later, shortly
after Pesach, and were subsequently murdered.
The few who survived included Reb Hillel Seidman, the author
of The Warsaw Ghetto Diary. We now know that the
network that Reb Chaim Yisroel set up proved itself later,
when tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews were granted South
American identification papers and were saved. Historians
think that the reason the Nazis allowed this system to exist
was because they wanted to prepare the way for their own
eventual escape to South America at the end of the War.
A Man of Word and Action
Reb Chaim Yisroel Eiss was one of the founders of the
worldwide movement of Agudas Israel and one of its central
figures. Hardly a day passed after its inauguration meeting
at Kattowitz when he was not busy with Agudas Israel affairs.
He was a successful businessman, but did not let that get in
his way. He did not go in for public speaking, but operated
mainly behind the scenes. He was involved in every important
decision that was brought to the presidium for
During the First World War, many Jews lost their homes and
had to wander from place to place, suffering poverty,
starvation and disease, and Reb Chaim Yisroel did all he
could to help them. He set up a huge aid system that located
the refugees, investigated their needs and raised the
required funds.
Reb Chaim Yisroel was entrusted by the Gedolim of the
time with the directorship of all Switzerland-based Agudas
Israel funds. These included the Orphan Aid Fund, the Land of
Israel Yeshiva Fund and the Polish and Lithuanian Yeshiva
Fund. He received contributions from all over the world, and
transferred the money to the recipients.
He published Haderech -- the Zurich-based Agudas
Israel mouthpiece that was really a one-man publication. He
wrote all the articles himself and was personally responsible
for printing and distributing the paper. Although he was
based in distant Switzerland, he battled from there on behalf
of the difficulties that Eretz Yisroel's Orthodox community
and its leader, HaRav Chaim Sonnenfeld, were facing at the
time. He discussed all issues that were on the public agenda
at the time, expressing himself lucidly and forcefully in a
clear, correct Loshon Hakodesh.
He was a regular contributor to the then Agudas Yisroel
mouthpiece, Kol Yisroel, which was published in
Jerusalem, and used it to make his opinions known to the
population of Eretz Israel.
He was particularly critical of the Mizrachi movement,
regarding it as muktza machmas mi'us, and attacked it
repeatedly in almost every article he wrote. He railed
against the Zionist leaders and their wish to educate the new
generation in such a way that they would not feel obligated
to the Torah and the mitzvas. "I am not certain what presents
a greater danger to traditional Judaism, the Zionist schools
in the Holy Land or the missionary schools . . ."
His barbs were largely aimed at the Mizrachi movement and he
attacked it repeatedly in his distinctive sardonic style. He
wrote that he feared that the way of the Mizrachi rabbonim,
which were Zionistic on the one hand and tried to continue to
observe the Torah laws, on the other, could result in a
decline in the Jewish people's spiritual state. He wrote that
there was reason to fear that where the Torah should go forth
from Zion it could instead go away from Zion.
The World Lost a Righteous Man
Reb Chaim Yisroel Eiss was a passionate Agudist, who attended
all its major gatherings, and a prolific writer. He fought
ardently for the glory of Heaven, but loved peace and pursued
peace. When lives were at stake nothing else mattered.
Whatever he did, he did in the best way possible, and when it
came to his rescue activities he worked indefatigably and
without respite.
In his eulogy, HaRav Zalman Sorotzkin said: "His name was
Chaim Yisroel and this was the way he lived his life. His
Chaim, his life, was for Yisroel, for the Jewish
people. Within the sea of tears, within the darkness and the
gloom, there was one gleam of light, the country where the
departed lived, and one address, the address of the
departed." His self-sacrifice on behalf of the Jewish people
obligates us too to dedicate ourselves to helping the Jewish
people because: "Whoever saves one Jewish life is deemed to
have saved an entire world."
Reb Chaim Yisroel was born in 5636/1879 in Istrik, Galicia
and was originally named only Yisroel. According to family
tradition he was the only one of the ten children in his
family to survive a plague of diphtheria, an illness for
which there was no cure at that time.
After the death of his other children his father, Reb Moshe
Nisan Eiss, took his surviving son to the Sadigora Rebbe. The
Rebbe blessed the young child and told the Reb Moshe Nisan to
add the name Chaim (meaning life) to his son's name. The
Rebbe's blessing was fulfilled to an even greater extent than
had been anticipated.
Reb Chaim Yisroel was not only granted life and the
opportunity to found a wonderful family in which all his
descendants -- by now great-grandchildren and great-great-
grandchildren -- are involved in Torah learning, but was also
enabled to save the lives of tens of thousands of his Jewish
Reb Chaim Yisroel left Galicia many years before the War
began and moved to Zurich, where he became a successful
businessman. Then, when he began to hear reports of the
atrocities that were taking place in the Nazi-occupied
countries, he left off attending to his business activities
in order to devote all his time to his rescue efforts.
He spent all his savings on the food parcels he sent to his
starving brethren, did not take the time to eat properly and
slept only in snatches. He felt that it was for this purpose
that his life had been saved when he was a small child. Even
when he was sick and he had to be hospitalized, he typed
letters from his hospital room and issued directions to his
However, when he died, it was not of the illness from which
he was suffering, but of a broken heart. His heart could no
longer bear his anguish at the terrible suffering his fellow
Jews were experiencing and the realization that, in spite of
all his tremendous efforts, he was unable to help them
Writer Shoshanna Goldfinger is a great-granddaughter of
Reb Chaim Yisroel Eiss. This article is dedicated to the
memory of the writer's mother, Mrs. Malka Ruth Schwab,
daughter of Reb Yaakov Eiss and granddaughter of Reb Chaim
Yisroel Eiss. Written with the help of T. R. Rosin,
translated from the Hebrew by Judith Weil.
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