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Part I
This year, on Reb Michel's second yahrtzeit, there are
still thousands of people who are mourning his passing. Many
of these were the people who faced an empty fridge in the
morning, who didn't know how they would marry off their
children, or who didn't know how they could celebrate the
holidays with their family.
Reb Michel was their saving angel who suddenly appeared
before desperation and hopelessness set in. He was there to
encourage them to make the shidduch, buy the clothes
for their children, and not give up in the face of obstacles.
He did it while preserving their dignity and respect.
And he did it while he himself was deathly sick for close to
25 years. Reb Michel was not only a one-man chessed
organization, he was a walking miracle.
Early Days
Yechiel Michel Goodfarb was the 12th child in a family of 13,
born on 28 Adar, 1957. His father, Rav Shmuel, was a well-
known gemora rebbe in the Eitz Chaim cheder in
His roots presaged his overflowing love for every Jew
regardless of his background: on his father's side, he was a
descendant of HaRav Yisroel of Shklov, a talmid of the
Vilna Gaon and his close disciple, HaRav Zundel Salant. His
famous grandmother, Feige Leiba Goodfarb, used to sit in the
Meah Shearim shul and collect money for charity. She
would tell bypassers, "You have to give or you have to
On his mother's side, he was a descendant of the Maharsha,
Rav Yehuda Hachossid and the chassidic leader Rav Moshe
Kobrina. His grandfather was the former rov of Chevron, HaRav
Osher Dov Tannenbaum.
Reb Michel was named after HaRav Yechiel Michel Tikotchinsky,
the author of Gesher Hachaim and the revered principal
of Eitz Chaim. He was the first child to be named after Rav
Reb Michel grew up in an impoverished but happy home. He was
educated in the Eitz Chaim cheder and then went on to
study in the Mirrer yeshiva.
He developed a close relationship with HaRav Chaim
Shmuelevitz and HaRav Nochum Partzovitz, the two Mirrer
roshei yeshivos, who both loved him deeply. Reb Nochum
treated him like a son and appointed him to attend to
personal matters for him, such as maasering the food
in the halls where he celebrated his children's weddings.
Reb Michel was a masmid and totally devoted to his
yeshiva studies. He was part of the chabura in the
yeshiva that included HaRav Osher Arieli, HaRav Chazkel
Cohen, and HaRav Binyomin Finkel.
Once, when he and his chavrusa were tackling a
difficult gemora, his chavrusa had to step out
a minute. When he came back, he saw Reb Michel reciting
Tehillim. When he asked why, Reb Michel answered
simply, "It will help me understand the gemora."
Reb Michel had a shining, charismatic personality that
radiated love and warmth. With other Mirrer yeshiva students,
he worked during the summer bein hazmanim in the
Yeshivos L'Am framework, where he spent days convincing
parents to send their children to religious schools. He was
highly successful in this work, and dozens of children in
Tiveria and Kfar Yonah were registered in Chinuch Atzmai
schools due to him. He kept a book of the names of the
children whom he had convinced to enter religious schools,
and used to tell his friends that he wanted this book buried
with him when his time would come.
"He was effervescent and full of life," recalls his close
friend HaRav Binyamin Finkel. "He would go into the homes of
people he had never met before, and was able to convince them
to listen to him."
A New Career of chessed
Reb Michel's career in chessed started unwittingly. He
was a young 17-year- old when he noticed a man hunched over
near the Mirrer yeshiva who looked hungry and sick. When he
asked the man if he had eaten, the man told him no.
Reb Michel went straight away to Reb Beinish, the Mirrer rosh
yeshiva, and asked if he could take leftover food from the
yeshiva's kitchen to feed the man. After receiving
permission, he brought the man food and fed him.
This was the beginning of a relationship that went on for
years. He regularly provided this abandoned, lonely old Jew
with food, became his friend, and attended to his various
When the man's death approached, he called Reb Michel and
told him to take his money because he had no heirs. After the
man's death, Reb Michel discovered, to his surprise, that the
man had left a very large sum behind. He gave the money to
his father, assuming he would use it to marry off his
siblings. But the ehrlich HaRav Shmuel refused to take
the money for himself, and instead used it to help two
orphans marry. This lesson in integrity and chessed
left a powerful impression on the young man.
Later on in life, when friends would press him to take a tiny
percentage of the colossal charity funds that passed through
his hands as a well-deserved salary, he firmly refused. "If I
start to take 1 percent of the funds," he told them, "who
knows where it will end?"
Neither did Reb Michel's well-known position of charity
gabbai go to his head and inflate his ego. Not only
did he feel he hadn't done anything special, but he worried
lest someone learn from him to minimize the value of Torah
A Special Sense for Those in Need
Once he became involved, Reb Michel could `smell out' a Jew
who needed help like a Jew smells challos on
erev Shabbos. A lonely Russian Jew who had moved to
Israel was hired to work in the Mirrer yeshiva kitchen. Reb
Michel invited the man to eat in his parents' house for
Shabbos. For years he befriended the elderly man and even
kept up the relationship after he married. The Russian man
was a standard guest in the Goodfarb home for years until he
passed away.
Reb Michel especially noticed the poor Yerushalmi bochurim
studying in the Mir whose parents were too impoverished
to pay for their weddings. He discretely approached students
from abroad learning in the Mirrer yeshiva, and asked them to
contribute to a wedding fund for the poor students. In this
way, he helped many fellow yeshiva students establish their
own homes.
The first time he collected the funds to marry off an orphan
was when he was merely 19 years old. The family of a yeshiva
student lived near the Mir, and the father was bedridden for
17 years from a stroke until his death. The mother and eight
children were struggling in terrible poverty.
Reb Nosson Tzvi Finkel called the young Reb Michel aside and
asked him to open a bank account and raise money to help
marry the oldest son. Reb Michel had such a sterling
reputation by that time, that yeshiva students would approach
him and ask if they could give him money for a worthy
This yeshiva bochur recalls today, "We were close
friends. Just when I became engaged, Reb Michel became sick.
But he did everything he could to collect the money so I
could get married. He understood the importance of money in
arranging a marriage. If my brothers and I wouldn't have had
some money, no one would have wanted to marry us. No father
wants to marry his daughter off to a bochur who has
nothing and she'll have to live in the street. He also
handled the negotiations with my wife's family."
Not only did Reb Michel provide the funds to marry off the
older son, but he eventually helped marry off the remaining
seven children. Reb Michel and his wife even accompanied the
last three children to the chuppah since the father
was no longer alive.
Another mitzvah which Reb Michel did was following his
father's practice of going to hospitals on Friday and helping
men put on tefillin. One sick person awaited his
coming every week and refused to let anyone else help him put
on tefillin. Reb Michel also visited the geriatric
department and would make the elderly there feel wanted and
It was clear that Reb Michel's kindness to others emanated
from the love overflowing in his heart. For that reason, the
recipients of his chessed never felt demeaned or
humiliated. How could they, when Reb Michel made them feel
that they were doing him a favor?
Life was good. He came from a distinguished Yerushalmi
family, and he had made a name for himself as an excellent
yeshiva student with a sterling character. When he reached
the age of 20, offers of shidduchim began to pile up
for one of the stars of the yeshiva.
Disease Strikes
And then, tragedy struck. After feeling unwell for a period
of time, Reb Michel was sent for extensive testing in Tammuz,
1977. The diagnosis that came back was terrifying -- he had
come down with Hodgkin's disease, a form of lymphoma --
cancer. The dreaded diagnosis devastated his family and all
his friends. HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz was broken upon hearing
the news. He later told Reb Michel, "If you knew how much
anguish I suffered because of your illness, you wouldn't have
become ill!"
HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz prayed with intense weeping and
supplications to Hashem on his behalf during Kol Nidrei of
His rosh yeshiva, Reb Nochum, told him to daven and
not to despair. He encouraged him, "There might be medical
developments that will suddenly help you." His words proved
to be prescient.
HaRav Beinish Finkel told his Rebbetzin, "From now on don't
go to the Kosel on Friday. Instead, go to Hadassah hospital
to see that Reb Michel is getting the proper care!"
His chavrusas bolstered his spirits by coming to study
with him at his parents' home.
In those days, the treatments for that disease were not
advanced or reliable. The doctors in the hospital gave Reb
Michel radiation and carried out several experimental
procedures. He underwent an operation on Chanukah and
underwent numerous painful procedures. The doctors'
pessimistic mood conveyed that there wasn't much hope -- so
what was there to lose by trying every treatment
Some doctors told the young man that he probably wouldn't be
able to have children, a piece of news which totally
devastated him.
But, in the first of the many miracles that occurred to him
in connection with his health, after a year and a half, in
Adar of 1978, the doctors pronounced him cured. He was
informed that the disease might still return within the next
5 years, but if not, he was totally healed. He continued to
remain under surveillance.
The bout with the disease had left him weak. Whereas before
he could dance at weddings with his friends on his shoulders,
now he couldn't. And the future was uncertain. Would the
illness break out again?
Rather than wallow in self-pity or misery, Reb Michel reacted
by doubling his chessed work while carrying on with
his yeshiva studies. Whenever there was a meeting organized
for a charity to which HaRav Shmuelevitz was invited, he
would ask, "Is Reb Michel here? Then we can begin."
When he turned 23, he became engaged to Naomi Damelin, a
seminary student from South Africa. Sharing similar goals and
a similar Lithuanian background, she cherished the modest
Yerushalmi yeshiva student for his many noble qualities.
The wedding in Elul, 1980 was celebrated with immense joy and
excitement. The kallah and Reb Michel's parents found
the wedding tables full of people whom no one knew. Reb
Michel reluctantly explained that these were the beggars and
mentally ill people whom he had been quietly helping out.
The young couple lived in Sanhedria Murchevet for the first
seven years of their marriage before moving to Rechov Rashi.
Reb Michel continued his studies in the Mirrer yeshiva,
keeping up his three sedorim with his long-time
chavrusas, Reb Binyamin Finkel and HaRav Benedict. He
was always up at the crack of dawn for the vosikin
Their first child, Yisroel Meir, was born in 1982. Then their
daughter was born, and finally their last son Avrohom
During these years which Reb Michel spent in full-time Torah
study, his chessed projects began to take on immense
His Charity Organization Booms
When his charity fund reached a sizable amount, he gave it
the official name of Yad Yemin (based on his and his wife's
initials) and registered it as a nonprofit association, so
donations were tax deductible. But if you asked anyone what
"Yad Yemin" was, he would have looked at you blankly. The
charity was universally known as "Reb Michel."
Reb Michel collected most of his funds from wealthy people
who lived abroad. Some of them were friends he had studied
with in the Mir years before. Others were religious Jews who
knew who he was and knew that they could trust him as their
representative to allocate charity funds in Israel. Reb
Michel often napped early on Friday afternoon, and when he
woke up, he spent hours making phone calls to collect money
for his charity fund.
He spent so many hours on the phone, that one person who once
asked his ten-year old son what his father does, heard the
reply, "My father stays up all night making phone calls."
Reb Michel was a person of great vision. He dreamed of
feeding thousands of poor people. He dreamed of building
large housing projects where people could buy a home cheaply.
He dreamed of more chessed organizations that would
handle needs that he couldn't attend to.
Unlike many others, he doggedly pursued his dreams and many
of them materialized. The idea of collecting money to set up
a large fund to support a widow and her family, a popular
plan which was implemented to help many dozens of widows and
their families, was his idea.
His desire to help emanated from his big-heartedness. He
intuitively understood people and their needs. He knew how to
talk to a person and leave him feeling good. People would
meet him for the first time, have a short conversation with
him, and leave him feeling like a close friend.
Reb Michel's "office" was his kitchen, and this is where he
received needy people. A person would walk in, hesitatingly,
and Reb Michel would immediately make him feel at home. "What
are you learning now?" he would ask a yeshiva student or
baal teshuva. "Tell me a good vort on the
First he had a friendly conversation with the person to put
him at ease and make him feel he was delighted to see him.
During their talk, Reb Michel would unobtrusively ask
questions that would give him a feel for the man's situation.
At the end, he would quietly pass the man a check. He
utilized this gentle and thoughtful way of giving tzedokoh
for everyone, from a simple widow to a great talmid
chochom. He particularly left Torah scholars feeling that
they were doing him a favor by telling him a
Because of his knack of sincerely empathizing with the other
person, more and more people sought him out. He didn't look
for cases; more just kept coming to him. He couldn't turn
anyone down either. He was forced to seek more funding and
resources to help the steady stream of needy people, and he
saw tremendous siyata deShmaya in how sources of
funding suddenly opened up.
His exceptionally caring demeanor put Reb Michel in a class
by himself. One divorcee whom he prevailed upon to take aid,
mentioned, "Reb Michel gets a special geshmack helping
those whom no one else is helping because people think they
don't need help."
A constant refrain of many of those who received a sudden
check from Reb Michel was, "How did he know that I needed the
money exactly now?"
One of his supporters was HaRav Kreiswirth of Antwerp, who
was acquainted with his noble character when Reb Michel was
still a yeshiva student. HaRav Kreiswirth implicitly trusted
him, and knew that he scrupulously checked every needy case
before giving out charity. HaRav Kreiswirth managed his own
large- scale charity. On HaRav Kreiswirth's frequent trips to
Israel, he would pick up Reb Michel and together they would
visit needy families and bring them checks. The two
softhearted men would sometimes break down weeping when they
saw the suffering of some of these families.
HaRav Kreiswirth once mentioned that Reb Michel's and his
souls were from the same source. "Reb Michel is my rebbe in
chessed," he was wont to say.
Guidance from Poskim
Early in his career as a gabbai tzedokoh, Reb Michel
realized that his life would be punctuated with constant and
conflicting demands because of the large number of Jews who
are needy. The many calls for help frequently interfered with
his learning schedule. On top of that, he knew that
halacha established a system of priorities concerning
which charity cases were more needy than others, and who was
more deserving. Reb Michel frequently consulted with
poskei halochoh on how to arrange his day and how to
allocate the funds at his disposal.
The poskei halochoh whom he consulted the most were
HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, and HaRav Yaakov Yisroel
Fisher, zichronom livrochoh. There were periods when
he breakfasted three times a week with HaRav Shlomo Zalman to
be able to ask the difficult questions which needed
resolution. He quickly became a favorite of HaRav Shlomo
Zalman and was permitted to visit his home even during the
last months of HaRav Shlomo Zalman's life when he was very
weak and received few visitors.
Reb Michel's great respect for rabbonim never eroded even
when he became very close to many of them. His awe of them
and his emunas chachomim was the third pillar of his
life, together with ahavas Torah and
Because of the many demands on his time, Reb Michel learned
to live in the fast lane. Whatever he did, he did with
alacrity. He walked quickly, he ate very little, and he slept
minimally. He didn't go to a wedding or an event unless he
had a pressing reason. Everything he did was allotted a time
slot. He kept a tight cheshbon on how much time he
spent for chessed and how much for Torah study.
The one sefer which was always at his side was
Ahavas Chessed of the Chofetz Chaim. This was his
guidebook for life which he constantly consulted.
Interestingly, the one haskomoh in the sefer
was written on 28 Adar, Reb Michel's birthday.
Reb Michel recalled the Chofetz Chaim in another way too: his
extreme dislike for loshon hora. His communal
involvements required him to speak about people all day long,
but he carefully avoided even a speck of loshon hora.
In his queries to discover if a person deserved
tzedokoh, he would ask the minimum necessary to decide
whether the person was eligible.
Once, Reb Michel was in a car when an askan stopped
him and began to speak loshon hora. Reb Michel
suddenly pressed on the gas and zoomed off, to avoid hearing
even a second of loshon hora.
Even the checks which Reb Michel gave out to needy families
were stamped with "Strengthen yourself with shemiras
End of Part I
We knew Reb Michel's family because my father-in-law had been
very involved in Eitz Chaim yeshiva and my husband had taught
there. [Reb Michel's father was a well-known melamed
in Eitz Chaim.]
My husband died from an illness 8 years ago, and left me with
9 children, only one of which was married. I had several
children at the ages of shidduchim then -- three girls
aged 24, 22, and 20. I had nothing to marry them off with. My
husband hadn't put away any money. I didn't work. Our
situation was very difficult.
I don't know who turned to Reb Michel; maybe it was a brother-
in-law. Reb Michel encouraged him to look for a shidduch
for our girls, and told him to call him, "even in the
middle of the night" if something sounds good. Reb Michel was
even involved in several of the shidduchim.
When my oldest daughter became engaged -- 2 months after my
husband's passing -- Reb Michel helped a lot. He worked out
with my son the money required. He helped with the
expenditures of furniture, clothes, wedding gifts, and the
wedding. He didn't just give us the money to buy things. He
kept pushing us to go ahead and get what was needed. "Don't
ask yourselves if you have the money or not," he told us.
"Just buy!"
He did the same thing for my second and third daughter -- a
year-and-a-half later. I married 6 kids off in the past 7
years, and he helped with each.
Two years ago, my son became engaged. Reb Michel phoned a
married son and said he wanted to bring him money for the
wedding. My son told him, "I'll come pick it up." But Reb
Michel told him, "I wouldn't think of making you miss out on
your Torah study."
At the time, Reb Michel was deathly sick. Yet he went to my
son's kollel and gave him the money. He gave people
charity in such a sensitive, kind way.
I live in a small apartment, so I had to make the aufruf
for my son somewhere else. My married son wanted to make
it in a cheap guest house so the whole family could attend.
Even though the price was the same as it would have cost me
to make it at home, my son was afraid people would look and
say, "They have no money but look at the lavish way they
celebrate." He asked Reb Michel's advice, and he told him,
"Don't look at what people say. Look at what you have to
Before the holidays, Reb Michel also helped us out. He
actually ran after us to give us money. It made us feel
important. We didn't feel demeaned. He always asked how our
shidduchim are going. We felt he was thinking about
us, and cared about us.
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