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One year has gone by since Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky of Degel
HaTorah was elected to the City of Jerusalem's highest
office. Never before has a representative of chareidi Jewry
been in a post so central to the State's ruling institutions
and with such a broad range of responsibilities in municipal,
political, international and security affairs.
Evidence of the Jerusalem Mayor's wide array of tasks lies in
the fact he has a weekly briefing on security, military and
police affairs; and the fact that the Foreign Ministry often
advises him because of his contacts and meetings with
representatives of nations around the world. Even more
salient proof is the fact that one of the first issues Rabbi
Lupoliansky undertook was accelerating construction of the
separation barrier around Jerusalem. "The Gates of Life" --
as the Mayor calls it -- which has been given a considerable
push in the government, is under construction and making
Today, one year after the elections -- which set a
significant precedent for chareidi Jewry -- the Jerusalem
City Hall has taken on a new look. The service residents
receive took a turn for the better. Suddenly the city is much
cleaner, suddenly flowers bloom in every corner of the city,
and in general, residents are more satisfied. A recent survey
found that 92 percent of the chareidi public is pleased with
Rabbi Lupoliansky's work as mayor so far.
With 14 chareidi representatives on the city council (nine
from UTJ and five from Shas), four NRP representatives and
two Likud representatives (out of a total of 31) the mayor
has a broad and stable coalition capable of advancing far-
reaching reforms.
One of the bigger challenges the Mayor has taken on is the
recovery and streamlining program, which entails the
dismissal of 1,150 of the municipality's 7,000 employees, in
order to reduce salary expenditures and to improve service
for residents. Obviously, this plan has encountered
resistance from workers, but the Mayor is resolute in his
decision to execute the program, which is subject to the
recovery program approved by the government ministries that
will grant hundreds of millions of shekels -- once the plan
is approved -- for future operations at the municipality, to
pay suppliers and salaries and to cover the deficit Rabbi
Lupoliansky inherited when he took office.
At the end of his first year, we met with the mayor, Rabbi
Uri Lupoliansky, to conduct a comprehensive interview
surveying the year that was and his plans for the four and
half years left until the end of this term.
The Whole World is Watching
The interview could begin with the day Rabbi Lupoliansky
began serving as mayor, one-and-a-half years ago (upon Ehud
Olmert's election to the Knesset) or the day of the
elections, two days before Shavuos last year. The Mayor
preferred to focus on his period in office since the
"For a while I was a replacement without real authority or
the ability to advance matters," says the Mayor. "I couldn't
make changes, I could barely maintain routine activities
based on Interior Ministry directives for pre- election local
authorities. So until the elections, I didn't have an
opportunity to act. As soon as the elections, were over of
course I immediately began to implement plans because in the
final analysis to run a `ir gedoloh le'Elokim ve'odom'
like Jerusalem it is not enough to implement patchwork
operations and certainly not merely `la'amod lifnei
haporitz,' but rather it must be run in an orderly
fashion based on a multi-year plan. This year we began
operations and be'ezras Hashem we have already seen
progress and success.
How was the first year?
It was a year in which half was devoted primarily to
determining the pathway and, together with professional
officials and the municipality administration, to achieve an
intelligent and agreed upon multi-year plan for how to
proceed in a city as complex as this one.
A recovery program or a program of action?
Among other things a recovery program that would give us the
opportunity to act in a very intensive and efficient manner
with a great deal of service to the public in the coming
years. And therefore the first half of the year was primarily
plans. We prepared a multi-year strategic program for the
city's future direction and activity and during the past six
months we have been implementing it, including a great deal
of badly-needed changes to give residents better service.
For example, today any resident who calls 106, the
municipality hotline, on any area or matter, will receive a
response and follow-up after handling the complaint, within
timeframes designated in advance.
As a representative of a chareidi party like Degel HaTorah
(within UTJ) heading the biggest city in the country how is
it for you to cope with so many religious, international,
policy and political conflicts?
Personally, I certainly see in our task in general and in my
own task in particular a path of kiddush Hashem.
Everybody is watching, everybody is anticipating, each in
accordance with who he is and his expectations, to see
success or choliloh failure. For me, therefore, it is
a mater of kiddush Hashem or chilul Hashem that
everything must be done to sanctify the Name of Heaven.
I said everybody is watching, not just with their eyes but
really through a magnifying glass or microscope. Therefore,
the importance of success goes beyond the importance of the
city's success, for the consequences are for the State of
Israel and I would go so far as to say for many things that
take place in the whole world.
One of the interesting things is how much of an interest is
taken by the US President and various figures around the
world regarding activity in this city.
What area interests them?
Routine areas, technical and municipal matters, as well. For
example when we announced we would place emphasis on
cleanliness and improving the appearance of the city, they
wanted to know to what extent this would be manifested.
Why does this interest them?
Because, among other things, it interests them to evaluate
the efficacy of a chareidi mayor in such a large city, with
so many components. The issue interests them in terms of the
country and of the world.
They are interested in the nature of things, not just simple
issues or technical ones, but also issues of a city that
everybody can live in, a city that is holy to everybody --
and to them as well.
When I met with the US Ambassador to Israel for the first
time, immediately after the elections, it was an urgent and
rushed meeting. The US State Department pressed for this
meeting because they wanted to know what my plans were, who
the man was. I asked the Ambassador why the urgency, why the
I was told that the issue of Jerusalem, its impact on the
world, is so significant that what happens in Jerusalem could
cause a world war. Jerusalem can have an impact on the
Christians, the Muslims and the Jews -- not just from a
political standpoint but also regarding international and
domestic relations in various countries. This is why they are
so wary.
I have regular meetings with government representatives,
American and European, and it places quite a burden on me. No
other mayor in Israel, not Tel Aviv or Haifa or Ashdod, has
to invest this time and I know that this is part of my daily
schedule in order to maintain contact with all of the
international officials.
I also feel this is a kiddush Hashem, but it also
influences various issues; on more than one occasion I am
contacted by Jewish communities around the world and in the
merit of this influence as Jerusalem mayor I can assist
Surveys and Kiddush Hashem
On the eve of the municipal elections UTJ election
headquarters was unsure of how to persuade the indifferent
public to go out to the polls and vote for the party
candidate for mayor and for the party list itself. At first,
the campaign focused on voting for the list and only during
the final days before the election did the mayoral campaign
commence. The result was astonishing: close to 52 percent of
the votes were for Rabbi Lupoliansky. The chareidi
constituency had turned out at a much higher rate than
No study has yet been conducted on the reasons for the mass
mobilization (besides the fact the chareidi public voted in
response to calls by gedolei Yisroel shlita) but
without a doubt one of the central and leading factors was
that for the first time in the city's history, opinion polls
indicated a chareidi candidate was on his way to victory. Yet
the election results surprised everyone, even those who were
sure he would win.
The next surprise, or perhaps not, was three weeks ago when a
survey conducted by Dr. Tzemach of the Dachaf Institute and
published in a local weekly indicated that more than half of
the city's residents (from all sectors of the population) --
and 92 percent of chareidi residents -- were pleased with the
mayor's work.
Rabbi Lupoliansky, what have you done for the chareidi
Jerusalem resident in one year to make him so pleased, as the
surveys attest?
I am not a survey man or among the readers of newspapers.
But it provides an indication.
True. I was glad to hear it. I always said that the public is
much smarter, more serious and more understanding than the
politicians or the reporters. And this comes to the fore in
your question. The public definitely wants to know that it is
receiving the needs and service it deserves -- and rightfully
so -- and this also involves compensatory "discrimination,"
which I say without embarrassment.
We make every effort and it becomes apparent at holidays such
as Pesach or Shavuos, for instance. On Pesach the city was
spotless. Throughout the year flowers are planted, with more
and tidier gardens and with cleanliness, repaving roads in
many neighborhoods, more efficient service for the resident --
and this is definitely an integral part of what chareidi
residents want and deserve, and this also involves a kind of
compensatory discrimination.
But I think that to transform the chareidi residents into the
kind of people who are most interested in themselves would be
a travesty to which I will not lend a hand. At the end of the
day they are interested in the inner soul, kiddush
Hashem or chilul Hashem. I think therefore they
look not only at what happens to them, but also at whether
the city is progressing, developing, is running smoothly,
whether there is kiddush Hashem or not.
What is required of you in order to make a kiddush Hashem
in your post?
A whole lot is required of me. I work night and day, many
hours, and think about doing as well because, as I said
before, I know that everything can lead to a situation of
kiddush Hashem or chilul Hashem, which means I
must be very careful. In the course of the year I attend
thousands of events, some of which are even broadcast on all
of the television channels, and sometimes even in the
international media. And everywhere I say divrei
The Beitar Connection
Often people are disappointed when the Mayor does not show up
at the events they hold. Right or wrong, it must be
understood that Rabbi Lupoliansky is "the mayor of everyone"
and he must divide the time he sets aside for attending
events among all sectors of the public.
The staff of the mayor's office presents an astounding
figure: every day at least 50 invitations to various types of
events arrive. Every week there are at least 20 invitations
to events held abroad. And since he was elected to office,
the Mayor has only left the country twice (unlike his
predecessor, who flew abroad at least once every two or three
My primary interest [in attending various events] is not
political exposure. I was charged with working for the
public's sake. This takes a lot of time, a lot of doing. Some
have more of a political interest and for them it is a matter
of making an appearance. I think that first and foremost I
must do [my job]. Nevertheless I do not absolve myself by not
appearing. This city is bigger than Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak,
Petach Tikva, Haifa and Herzliya put together.
There are three principle groups in Jerusalem, the chareidim,
the general population and the Arab population. There are
events and official ceremonies held in this city. There are
events every day in all three sectors that must be attended.
The task of a mayor must be understood.
Nevertheless during the past year I went to 350 to 400 events
in the chareidi sector, for in our city boruch Hashem
we have hundreds of yeshivas and thousands of events of
various kinds.
This is a very big responsibility.
Definitely. Never was there such a large gathering of Jews, a
half million people, in the last several hundred years of
history. This is nearly twice the number of residents in Tel
Aviv. The number of chareidim in Jerusalem is twice the
number in Bnei Brak, especially if we keep in mind that the
cities Beitar Illit and Beit Shemesh are like an integral
part of us; I keep in contact with these places and work with
them. When all is said and done they are a part of
Are you then, the mayor of an entire district?
No, but I understand that the residents of these cities
consume a considerable portion of their services in
Jerusalem. Beitar Illit is a satellite town of Jerusalem.
Most Beitar residents work in Jerusalem, some of them are
educated in Jerusalem. The childbirths are in Jerusalem. The
events are held in Jerusalem. Is there someone from Beitar
whose day-to-day life is not connected to Jerusalem?
Do you see Beitar Illit and Beit Shemesh as neighborhoods
of Jerusalem?
I see Jerusalem as a city that provides services to these
residents, particularly the chareidi residents. I am working
on a plan to perhaps make a train from Jerusalem to Beitar
Illit. I have spoken about this several times with Mayor
Rabbi Pindrus. The day-to-day exchange between Beitar and
Jerusalem is unbelievable. Therefore, everyone must
understand that I was elected to a demanding, big, central
post and one needs to know how to get things done in order to
go forward. And for the municipality to succeed, all of the
members of the municipal coalition received my blessings to
proceed with various activities- -the deputy mayors Rabbi Uri
Maklev, Rabbi Yehoshua Pollak, Rabbi Eli Simchayof, Rabbi
Shlomo Attias and all of the members of the city
Building Extensions and New
During the previous term, Rabbi Lupoliansky served as
chairman of the Planning and Construction Committee of the
city. The previous mayor, Ehud Olmert, had little involvement
in these issues and allowed his deputy to act freely.
Someday, the public will realize how much was invested in
long-term planning. When the new neighborhoods are built near
Bayit Vegan, Har Nof, Sanhedria Murchevet and in Mitzpeh
Neftoach (beneath the entrance to the city, along route 1 and
the chareidi neighborhoods), thousands of housing units will
have been added, the vast majority, if not all, for the
chareidi public.
Not to speak of the revolutionary plan for building apartment
unit extensions. Never before have so many extensions been
built, while once upon a time there was nobody to talk to at
City Hall. People add on two rooms to their apartments and
sometimes more. Today it has become much simpler and faster.
And to make it possible to build add-ons more quickly Rabbi
Lupoliansky, starting in the previous term, initiated a move
to grant the local committee exclusive authority to approve
extensions, doing away with the red tape.
In the meantime, until these issues go forward, the city is
undergoing changes. There are neighborhoods (primarily Ramat
Eshkol and parts of Ramot Alef and Ramot Beit) where secular
residents are migrating out and more chareidim are migrating
in. But still the majority of young couples leave Jerusalem
for the surrounding cities: Beitar Illit, Beit Shemesh,
Modi'in Illit and Tel Tzion.
"The problem is not a lack of buildings and apartments," says
the Mayor. "the problem is the price of land and the price of
apartments in Jerusalem, both because they build with
Jerusalem stone and because of excavating into rock."
In Beit Shemesh and Modi'in Illit, they also dig into rock
and build with Jerusalem stone.
But there the value of the land is different. Therefore, much
must be done to change the situation so that young couples
can purchase an apartment in Jerusalem. I've already had
several conversations and meetings with Finance Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu and he is willing to advance these
This is an issue the national government has to decide. We
prepare the plan and I very much hope that the situation in
the government is such that a decision will be reached that
not only will Jerusalem be `surrounded with [housing]
discounts' instead of `surrounded with mountains,' and the
development grants, government mortgage loans and location
grants will be given in Beit Shemesh, Beitar Illit and Maaleh
Adumim, but that Jerusalem itself will also be significantly
strengthened in this matter.
But MK Rabbi Porush's Jerusalem Law was legislated for
this very matter.
The Knesset froze it and therefore there is no law. I have
been in contact with the Finance Minister on this matter for
a long time and there is a consensus. The question is how to
get it done. The government has to stabilize and it has to be
understood that there really is a need to invest in Jerusalem
so that residents live here and not outside the city. One
thing I am happy about is that the births from all of the
surrounding cities are in Jerusalem.
But the municipality already approved construction plans
for new neighborhoods that will add thousands of housing
units. Why aren't they being launched?
It's a problem of the chicken and the egg. The approved
neighborhoods can go ahead with construction. But the costs
are such that we know it will be very hard to sell them to
the public. Therefore the whole matter has been delayed and I
hope they will go forward together so that thousands of
housing units can be built and also sold to the population,
so that people can afford to purchase an apartment in
A good example of this is Har Chomah, which was built at
reduced prices.
By the way, Har Chomah was intended for chareidim, in the
plans as well, but the chareidi public decided not to come.
There were several meetings about it in the Degel HaTorah
Housing Committee in Jerusalem too, and at first they talked
about this. The issue fell off the agenda because of the
security incidents that took place there at the onset.
In the end it was the national-religious sector, which today
constitutes the majority at Har Chomah, which took the matter
into their hands--to their credit or perhaps also because a
lack of alternatives.
Long List of Accomplishments
When asked what plans he succeeded in advancing during the
past year, something residents can point to and say, "Look,
we've made progress on something," Mayor Lupoliansky doesn't
know where to start.
His list runs long: the housing expansion program to prevent
large families from leaving the city, accelerating and
completing construction work downtown, raising the Sanitation
Department budget by 25 percent and raising the urban
improvement budget by 28 percent, the "Yerushalim Berosh
Naki" (cleanliness drive) project at a cost of NIS 13 million
($2.9 million) and the Pashut Latet Sheirut project to
instill a sense of service in municipal employees.
There is also a long list of achievements relating to the
chareidi public: increased enforcement of the Chometz Law
this year and a list of fines of businesses that violated it;
a battle against missionary activity and refusal to take part
in a meeting with a group of tourists headed by a missionary
leader; NIS 25 million ($5.5 million) invested in chareidi
education to find solutions for thousands of students
suffering from a lack of classroom space; increasing the
youth movement budget, developing a wide-scale enterprise to
promote music through the Department for Torah Culture and
continuing the construction of an enormous library of Jewish
music in Bayit Vegan.
What progress have we made in the past year and what have
we done, besides the cleanliness, which everyone can see
We have progressed in general issues, but I do not make light
of cleaning.
Take, for instance, the issue of housing expansion. This is
an issue I started in my last job and I really fought for it,
because I said families that expand have to be assisted in
expanding their apartment. A sweeping decision was made in
the municipality and in the district committee that in
Jerusalem, as a special city, there would be apartment
expansions with the expansion of families, and this provided
such significant add-ons that in my opinion changed the
feasibility of housing in Jerusalem. This is something I
started back then and I am continuing today and b'ezras
Hashem now the resident does not have to go to the
district committee at all and instead the local committee
considers and gives approval.
From a day-to-day standpoint, within this year and [despite]
all the difficulty, we invested an additional NIS 25 million
in chareidi education, in all kinds of things that not
everyone sees in the boy's or girl's bag when they come home.
Additional places were found, particularly on the issue of
classrooms. A lot of activity was done quietly but very
intensively regarding education, and this is ongoing.
We found initial solutions for next year. We have other
solutions. We are still not totally organized because this is
a process, but little by little we are beginning to arrive at
menuchoh, but not yet at nachaloh.
You've mentioned educational institutions. In what areas
have we progressed? Will there be more classrooms for
chareidi education in contrast to the decrease in the number
of students in government schools?
Everybody realizes that when 1,000 classrooms are lacking,
the government doesn't give classrooms at all and the
situation is so critical it cannot be solved in a short
period of time. But we are making rounds of the buildings. I
set up a committee to check every place that has available
classrooms to see how to arrange the matter.
We are about to begin building 12 classrooms in Ramot [and]
we have added mobile structures. On this issue more has been
invested than has been for years, in an intensive manner and
relatively speaking there are already solutions regarding
many places. Next year we will reach more solutions and
b'ezras Hashem I hope we'll be able, within this term,
to achieve a situation in which everyone has an orderly
classroom of their own. These are things that are already
being solved, which was not the case during the previous
Preserving Jerusalem's Public Spaces
How is it that there are still streets open to cars on
In all of the chareidi neighborhoods the streets are closed.
There's no driving on Shabbos.
There haven't been requests to have more streets
Nothing has been heard so far about any sort of problem on
one street or another.
Except for Rechov Bar Ilan, where perhaps the time has
come, in light of the light car traffic on it on Shabbos and
the detour routes, to talk about closing it
This is a traffic artery that does not depend on the
municipality. The High Court has determined that this street
is under the authority of the Transportation Ministry and the
government. I think that the matter has to be investigated,
but it has to be in a rational way and in a period of
tranquility. When making war, one has to know it's a two-
sided affair. We have problems with those who do not
understand how to handle issues in a rational manner.
And in Jerusalem, the King's palace, there are still
restaurants open on Shabbos!
We are familiar with Judge Procaccia's precedent, but in the
municipal ordinances there is a prohibition against operating
stores on Shabbos. Several stores that tried to open --
clothing stores, shoe stores, etc. -- were closed, and no
possibility was given to any store to open on Shabbos. And
b'ezras Hashem aside for the pure chareidi towns like
Bnei Brak, Jerusalem is the only city that does not have any
stores or malls open on Shabbos. True, there are eating
establishments, but unfortunately the law calls this
`ochel nefesh' and therefore it does not allow for
closure and they exist.
We are working a lot, generally through understanding and
dialogue along with enforcement, to prevent this from being
an external affair, not to put chairs outside, in order to
preserve the public atmosphere of Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh.
But this is not a municipal issue. On the other hand there
are no stores open on Shabbos.
The Mayor also has another long list of issues on his agenda
for the coming year: the continuation of the recovery
program, a change in organizational structure, the dismissal
of hundreds of city employees, a reduction in the number of
municipal departments, transforming the municipality into
more of an overseeing body and less of an executive body,
accelerating road construction, advancing the plan for the
preservation of greenbelts, entrenching the cleanup program
in the neighborhoods, continuing implementation of the
Pashut Latet Sheirut project, expanding the
encouragement and appreciation project and awarding new
prizes for Torah literature, opening new libraries in
chareidi neighborhoods and more.
Another issue slated to be solved is the matter of the
community administrations. The Mayor and a professional team
at the municipality prepared a comprehensive plan to change
the community administrations outlay with the goal of having
them truly serve residents in a more professional way,
without the political involvement common in the past, and in
order to save municipal funds.
In conclusion, Rabbi Lupoliansky, one of the newspapers
wrote that you do not intend to run for another term as
mayor. Have you contemplated retirement already?
"I am not looking for a job or for a livelihood. I know,
b'ezras Hashem where I came from and where I'm going
to," says Rabbi Lupoliansky, paraphrasing Pirkei Avos. "And I
have satisfaction from the challenge of working to advance
Jerusalem, to help its residents, to sanctify the Name of
Heaven. This task fulfills me. I hope -- and I said this once
to someone who asked about the arrival of Moshiach, whose
arrival all of us as Jews are awaiting -- that besides the
normal matter of a Jew waiting for Moshiach to arrive I have
another interest: that Moshiach will come and I will give him
the key to the city and I will be able to tell him, `Here, I
did all that I could.'"
"I don't call it a separation barrier," says Rabbi
Lupoliansky, "but the `Gates of Life' and `an anti-terrorist
This is one of the first issues the Mayor began to address
intensively upon taking office. And as part of his efforts to
pressure the government to move forward with the fence plan
Rabbi Lupoliansky met with the Prime Minister, with the
Finance Minister, the Defense Minister and the Transportation
Minister to accelerate the project as much as possible.
Within three to four months his efforts bore fruit and today
the fence is being built around Jerusalem.
"There are a few delays in the High Court from the Arab
population," says the Mayor. "There are also attempts by the
Palestinians to build on the designated lines. But we are
proceeding very resolutely, destroying [the property] of
those who endeavor to sabotage this matter. In addition, we
are in contact with the Interior and Defense Ministries in
order to take intensive action in the matter."
Do the parts of the fence that have already been built
already add security?
The activity in this matter is clear, firm and I must say
that while `Im Hashem lo yishmor ir shov shokad
shomer,' the hishtadlus has to be done and in this
matter I hope we will be able to see the fence completed.
Even today, when the fence has yet to be completed, because
someone is also in charge of guarding the planned fence line -
- and this is an opportunity to thank the security branches,
the army, the government and the Border Patrol, which work to
prevent and thwart the terrorists who tried to enter
Jerusalem from Jenin, Nablus and Hevron with explosives --
b'ezras Hashem major tragedies were already prevented
in the city.
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