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Part I
An unexpected opportunity fell into our laps when my husband
and I were invited to attend an affair of the local Jewish
community in Spain. It was a rare opportunity to have a look
at famous Jewish historical sites in Spain as well as to have
a look at the Jewish community there today.
Jewish settlement in Spain is among the oldest in Europe.
Jews have been living in Spain since Roman times -- and
longer than in Germany, England, Central and Eastern Europe,
although some say the German settlement is just as old.
Because of the barbaric Expulsion of 1492, the pogroms and
forced conversions that led up to it, and Spanish laws that
forbade Jewish residence almost up to modern times,
contemporary Jews tend to view the Jewish experience in Spain
as either bleak or dim. But for 500 years, Spain was the
center of Jewry and the seat of one of the most prolific eras
in Jewish history.
Two hundred years ago, Vilna was renowned as the Jerusalem of
Lita. But who knows today that Barcelona and Toledo were the
"Jerusalem" of Catalonia and Castille?
The Spanish era spawned great creativity among Jews in nearly
every endeavor -- Torah commentary, Hebrew grammar,
piyut, Talmud exegesis, halochoh and even,
lehavdil, the sciences. Many great Torah figures were
also leading courtiers in the Arabic and Christian courts
that ruled Spain.
Beginnings of the Spanish Jewish
Spanish Jewry's flowering began when the great Torah centers
in Bovel declined, around the year 1000 CE (4760). The famous
story of the "Four Captives" occurred, in which four premier
Torah scholars from Babylonia were captured and redeemed in
different centers in the Mediterranean Basin, where they
became the leaders of important communities.
The four set sail from southern Italy to raise money for poor
brides. They were set upon by pirates, who offered them to
various communities. Three of the four are known. HaRav
Shmaryohu ben Elchonon was redeemed in Alexandria, Egypt;
HaRav Chushiel was redeemed in Tunisia; Rabbeinu Moshe ben
Chanoch and his son Chanoch were redeemed in Cordoba,
They were first sold as slaves there and later redeemed by
the community. Rabbeinu Moshe became rov of Cordoba, and was
succeeded in this position by his son after he was
niftar in about 965 (4725). His halachic rulings were
considered to be on the level of the geonei Bovel of
his time, as were Rabbeinu Chanoch's. They established Spain
as a center of Torah. Rabbeinu Chanoch's main talmid
was Shmuel Hanoggid.
A renowned early Spanish scholar was HaRav Yitzchak Alfasi,
known as the RIF. He was born in 1013 (4773). Although he
lived most of his life in Fez, Morocco ("Alfasi"), when he
was around 75 he was denounced by his enemies and forced to
flee to Spain. He settled in Lucena where he became head of
the yeshiva and had many talmidim. His main pupil was
HaRav Yosef ibn Migash (the Ri Migash) whom he designated to
take over his yeshiva, even though his son was a scholar.
For a long period beginning in about 718 (4478), southern and
western Spain was controlled by Muslims, while the European
side in the north and east was controlled by Christians. In
Muslim Spain, famous Jewish leaders and scholars included Rav
Chasdai Ibn Shaprut, Rav Shmuel Hanoggid, the Rambam and his
father, Rav Yehuda Halevi, Bachya ibn Pekuda, and many
In the north, the part controlled by Christian rulers and in
much closer contact with the rest of Europe, lived such
notables as Rabbeinu Yonah of Gerona (Gerondi), the Ramban,
and the Rashbo who were in steady contact with the Jewish
scholars of Provence and France. The recognized leader of
Spanish Jewry in the beginning of the 1300's, the Rosh,
actually moved to Spain from Germany.
Many of the most important Jewish works which are studied
down to today were composed during this period. These include
the Yad Hachazokoh, Sefer Hamitzvos, Peirush HaRamban,
Chovos Halevovos, Sefer Kuzari, Sifrei HaRosh, Haturim,
Shaalos Uteshuvos HaRashbo, and many more.
The most important Jewish period in Spain was in the 13th and
14th centuries, when Jewish scholarship flourished on all
levels. Spain, at the time, was one of the largest Jewish
centers in the world. The country had hundreds of Jewish
communities in it, and many hundreds of Jewish institutions --
shuls, botei midrash, mikvahs, yeshivos and chadorim.
It is a testimony to the ruthlessness and thoroughness of the
later Spanish Inquisition -- comparable to the Holocaust --
that so little remains of all this today.
The historical record at the time of the Expulsion in 1492
(5252) indicates that 150-300,000 Jews preferred the
tribulations of leaving Spain to parts unknown as penniless
refugees rather than give up Judaism, while another 300,000
buckled under the pressures and converted at least
We arrived Tuesday night in Barcelona and went straight to
our aparthotel.
Here is the place to mention that there are virtually no
kosher facilities in Spain, and a religious Jew who comes had
better bring his own bread, knife, opener, pot, silverware
and tuna cans. We were to discover that pork is such a
pervasive ingredient in the food that one cannot even order a
bowl of salad without having pieces of bacon thrown in.
Barcelona is located on the northeastern Mediterranean coast
of Spain, around 150 kilometers and a three-hour ride from
the south of France. The proximity to France explains the
considerable interaction and exchange between the Jewish
communities in Provence and Lunel (southern France) and those
in these parts of northern Spain. When the French expelled
the Jews in the 14th century, many Jews went to Spain. A
century later, at the Spanish Expulsion, the Spanish refugees
could only head for the Netherlands, Hamburg and the
Mediterranean basin, although over the next centuries many
Marranos did escape through France.
The weather in Barcelona is typically Mediterranean: very
similar to Israel, with cold and rain in the winter when we
went, but rarely snow. The landscape is beautiful, lush, and
green. Within a day, I could already discern what a beautiful
country Spain is, and how hard it must have been for the
Spanish Jews to be forced to leave this paradise.
The next day, we prepared salami sandwiches for our day's
outing to Gerona and Besalu. Angel (Pronounced "Anchel" since
in Spanish a "g" is a guttural "ches"), one of a small
group of non-Jews who are studying Judaism in Barcelona, had
kindly offered to take us to see the Jewish sites in the
We left at 8 in the morning for the 1.5 hour trip to Besalu,
about 100 kilometers to the north, in the direction of the
Pyrenees Mountains. When we arrived, we found a small, sleepy
Spanish village, with narrow roads and cobblestone streets.
It was close to 10, but half of the streets were still
closed. Angel made some inquiries and discovered that the
city had just celebrated two weeks of festivities and, having
made their fortune, everyone was out on permanent "siesta"
until further notice. Luckily, the small tourist office was
due to open at 10:30, so we found a small grocery and bought
a few vegetables to cook into a soup that night.
At 10:30 am, we were provided with our personal tour guide
who walked with us ten minutes to reach the ancient mikvah
in Besalu. The mikvah was discovered by accident
when a factory located above it decided to dig a well in its
floor in 1964, and in the process discovered a hollow cavity
with steps leading to a smaller cavity. Archaeologists who
were called in realized that the strange structure was a
Jewish mikvah.
In 1966, they declared Besalu a national historic site partly
due to the mikvah. They claim that it is in fact the
oldest known mikvah in Europe, going back at least to
the twelfth century, which I believe is what they claim about
the Worms mikvah too.
The city claims to possess documentation that Besalu's shul
stood at that site. The shul was built on a hill above the
confluence of the Fluvia and Capellades Rivers, and the
mikvah was underneath the shul. Thirty-six stairs lead
from the shul level down to the mikvah. It reminded me
very much of the Worms mikvah with its many stairs
going deep into the ground. Today there is still a small
amount of water covering the bottom of the mikvah. I
couldn't imagine how people entered this freezing place in
the winter or how it was warmed.
The explanatory information which they distribute about the
mikvah explains that on the third step from the
bottom, there is an orifice which controls the level of
water. There's plenty of nonsense in the brochure. For
example, it describes the mikvah as "a place for
purification ceremonies when the Temple was destroyed by the
Romans . . . People believed it was absolutely essential to
give G-d's consent through the contract with water . . ." I
guess such gross errors are inevitable in remote places, far
away from an established Jewish settlement.
The guide explained that documentation exists showing that
the shul was built in 1264 (5024), after King James gave his
permission. The Jewish community in Besalu, the county
capital, was approximately a quarter of its 1,000
In 1415 (5175), the Spanish king built walls around the
Jewish Quarter, to separate the Jews from the non-Jews. By
1436, oppression and discrimination had caused the Jews to
leave for other Jewish communities.
Two important Jews who lived in this town included Avrohom
Discasla, who was the doctor of King Peter IV, and Dendit
Losgar, another doctor who was sent here around the time of
the Black Plague (1348).
After viewing the mikvah, we went to a local cafe and
outrageously asked the owner if we could eat our sandwiches
at his premises. To our good fortune, Angel was from these
parts and he knew how to speak Catalonian (a dialect of
Spanish) with them, which had the effect of opening doors
that would otherwise remain shut. We ate our sandwiches
together with a Spanish tinta.
(Tintas are served all over Spain. I personally found these
small cups of bitter coffee unpalatable. I finally figured
out how to get a palatable cup of coffee in Spain -- by
ordering an extra cup of hot water and mixing the two.)
On to Gerona (pronounced Cherona, with a ches, and
sometimes spelled "Girona"), located southward, on the way
back to Barcelona. Gerona was a large Jewish community during
the 1200s and 1300s. Its Jewish Quarter, located in Gerona's
old "Call" (a corruption of the word "kehal") quarter,
goes back at least to the year 890, although some say that
the Jewish settlement in the area started shortly after the
destruction of the second Beis Hamikdosh.
The Jewish Quarter was called "Aljama," and at its
peak, it included more than 300 individuals -- not very large
by modern standards. The main artery of the Jewish Quarter
was Carrer de la Foreca, which rises from the Onyar River
which divides the city, and leads to several other steep
alleys and cul-de-sacs.
The Jews in Gerona came under the direct supervision of the
King of Catalonia and Aragon. The king appointed a Jewish
mayor who ruled over the Jews with the help of several
parnessim and was only accountable to the king. The
gentile City Fathers of Gerona were obligated to protect the
Jews from harassment.
The city was famous for being a center of Torah scholarship.
Many of Gerona's Jews were wealthy dealers in stocks, bonds
and securities, moneylenders, rent collectors and real estate
The Ramban
The most famous son of the community was Rabbeinu Moshe ben
Nachman, the Ramban, who was born in Gerona in 1194 (4954).
He was a talmid of R' Yehuda ben Yakar who had
received the traditions of the Tosafists of northern France,
and R' Meir ben Yitzchok of Trinquetaille, who had studied in
the yeshivos of Provence in southern France. Although the
Ramban worked as a physician, his fame spread throughout
Spain until he became universally known as "the Rav."
He assumed the position of rav in Gerona until he was forced
into exile by King James of Catalonia after besting the
apostate Pablo Christiani in the infamous Barcelona public
disputation of 1263 (5023).
He set his sights on Eretz Yisroel, and on 9 Elul 1267
arrived in Yerushalayim, where he found the city in utter
desolation after the Tatar invasion. He organized the remains
of the Jewish community and erected a shul in a derelict
house. Encouraged by his activities, many Jews streamed to
Jerusalem, and a place of tefilloh was consecrated
next to the Har Habayis walls (which is known today as the
Kosel Hama'arovi).
In 1268, he succeeded HaRav Yechiel of Paris, one of the
Tosafists, as the leader of the Acco Jewish community, which
he headed until his death in 1270.
The Ramban was one of the most spectacular personalities in
Jewish history. His literary prowess was rarely paralleled
and encompassed commentaries on Tanach, responsa,
halacha, philosophy, sermons, Kabboloh and
chiddushim -- totaling over 50 known works. His
extensive commentary on the Torah is perhaps the most famous
commentary after Rashi, and is studied avidly down to our
times. He was the leading mentor of the next generation's
Torah sages in Spain, most prominent among them the Rashbo.
He was also the harbinger of the Jewish return to Jerusalem,
and founded houses of prayer which are used down to our
times. He also uniquely synthesized the botei midrash
of both the German, Spanish and French Talmudic
Rabbeinu Yonah
Another famous son of Gerona was the Ramban's cousin,
Rabbeinu Yonah. He studied under the French Tosafists and
then returned to assume the rabbinate in Gerona. He was
famous as a baal mussar, and he wrote and lectured
constantly on this.
After his tenure in the Gerona rabbinate, he became rov in
Barcelona and pupils flocked to him from all over Spain.
Towards the end of his life, he sought to move to Eretz
Yisroel, but on his way south, he was implored by the Jews of
Toledo to become their rav. He established a large yeshiva in
Toledo and served as rav until close to his death in 1263.
His popular works include Shaarei Teshuvoh,
commentaries on Ovos and Mishlei,
chiddushim and responsa on gemora, and Igeres
The Terrible 1391 Pogroms
Antisemitic violence broke out sporadically in Spain from the
eleventh century until the Expulsion at the end of the 15th.
Jewish homes, properties, lands and cemeteries were
vandalized in 1276, 1278, 1285, 1331, 1348, 1391, 1413, and
In August 10, 1391, in the wave of violence that swept over
Spain due to the agitation of church leaders, forty Jews were
slaughtered in Gerona before the City Fathers intervened and
confined the Jews to a Roman fortress on a summit overlooking
Gerona. Although most Jews died al kiddush Hashem, a
small number converted to save their lives.
Jews lived in fear of their lives and remained in the ghetto
without leaving, whenever possible. A wave of new
discriminatory measures were instituted in 1442 and 1445, and
Jews were forced to wear distinct clothing marking them as
Jews. Mounting antisemitic legislation forced Jews to sell
their property and imposed on them discriminatory treatment
for debts. Evangelical campaigns were held wherein the Jews
were forced to listen to priests' sermons to entice them to
Gerona was finally emptied of its Jews when the Expulsion
edict was passed in March 31, 1492. After selling their
possessions at bargain prices, the last Jews left the Call on
July 31.
The Jews who sought to escape the brutal fate of the
expulsion by converting to Christianity gained little by it.
From 1491 to 1505, 84 Gerona residents were put on trial and
four Auto-da-fes were staged in which several complete Jewish
family-lines were burned to death at the stake. The sole
Jewish remnant that remained in Gerona was the Jewish
cemetery located in Montjuic, from which monuments marking
the Jewish dead could be viewed in the following
Gerona Today
A mere ten years ago, Gerona was still a small town, but it
has grown immensely since. A river cuts through the town, and
we had to cross one of the four pedestrian bridges to reach
the old city of Gerona where the old Jewish Call is
The Bonastruc ca Porta Center (named after the Ramban's
Spanish name) is located on Forca Street inside the Call, and
contains a Museum of the History of the Jews, and a
documentation and research center also named after the
Ramban. No Jews live in Gerona today.
The museum displays some Jewish artifacts about life in
Jewish Catalonia, including some quite bizarre explanations
of Jewish life (i.e. those taken from Christian sources).
This is basically the kind of "Jewish" museum created by non-
Jews or secular Jews which "explains" basic Jewish concepts
to non-Jewish visitors. It totally ignores the great role
that Gerona had in Jewish life, the great yeshiva that had
existed, and the accomplishments of the leading Torah sages
who lived there. A large part of the displays are grave
monuments taken from the ancient Montjuic cemetery nearby,
some of which go back 1000 years.
The research and documentation center was relatively small,
and the large building in which it was located appeared
partly empty. It contained books on Jewish topics in several
languages, whose views ranged from Orthodox to lehavdil,
non-Orthodox and Christian.
I couldn't help but reflect what a great place the center
would be to arrange Shabbatonim to introduce lost Spanish-
speaking Jews to Judaism.
Before we left, I took a look at the narrow pathways and the
ancient houses in the Call. Like many other places in Spain,
the landscaping is impressive and the buildings are
beautifully designed. It must have been hard to leave this
place. We should appreciate that the determination of the
Jews who stood steadfast against the enticing attempts to
convert them and their willingness to face exile and the
unknown for the sake of the Torah should be viewed in the
light of what they were giving up.
We traveled back the short distance to Barcelona, where we
headed to see the ancient shul of Barcelona.
End of Part I
Generalissimo Francisco Franco, the dictator of Spain, was
officially on good terms with Jews, although close confidants
say he was clearly Judeophobic. He said to the German
ambassador on December 3, 1943, "Thanks to G-d and the clear
appreciation of the danger by our Catholic kings, we have for
centuries been relieved of that nauseating burden [Jewish
Nevertheless, during World War II he protected the Jews
living in Spain and Spanish Morocco, and also issued
passports to more than ten thousand Sephardic Jews in Nazi-
occupied Europe, and even permitted a further forty thousand
Jews to pass through Spain to other destinations. Spain's
diplomatic representative in Budapest during World War II,
Angel Sanz Briz, saved almost one thousand Jews who claimed
Spanish origin, from deportation in 1944, by issuing them
protective passports.
On the other hand, Spain provided Nazi collaborators with
shelter after the war.
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