MK Rabbi Gafni Demands Enforcement of Law Prohibiting Sale
of Chometz in Public During Pesach
By Betzalel Kahn
Degel HaTorah secretary MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni asked Attorney
General Mani Mazuz to instruct Interior Minister Avraham
Poraz (Shinui) to enforce the law prohibiting the sale of
chometz in public during Pesach.
When Poraz announced he does not intend to instruct the local
authorities to enforce the Chometz Law, Rabbi Gafni sent an
urgent letter to the Attorney General saying that as a
government minister Poraz is charged with executing the law
and his public statement that he will not enforce the law due
to his personal political views represents a serious
development that must be thoroughly uprooted.
"This grave matter must be seen with extra severity since
last year the current Interior Minister also made this
announcement and the Attorney General at the time instructed
him not to do so," writes Rabbi Gafni, demanding Mazuz attend
to the matter immediately.