Pig Head Laid on Stairs of Beis Knesses in Haifa
by Eliezer Rauchberger
Police are investigating an incident in which a pig's head
was laid on the stairs of Beis Knesses Bnei Torah on
Arlozorov Street in Haifa. Evidence has been collected from
the scene but so far there are no suspects and the case has
been turned over to police investigations, MK Yaakov Edri
(Likud) reported to a Knesset plenum in response to a
parliamentary question by MK David Azoulai (Shas). He
denounced the incident, saying the perpetrator deserves to be
severely censured.
Deputy Minister Edri said botei knesses should be
accorded respect and their sanctity recognized, noting that
the case in question was not an isolated incident but one of
six complaints involving botei knesses filed in Haifa
in recent months, including torn electrical wires and damage
to light fixtures and windows, etc. "This is aimed at the
congregants' sensitivities and therefore all of us should
unite to condemn these acts."
Edri said he hopes police make a special effort to capture
the individuals responsible for the deplorable act. "It
begins with swastikas and laying a pig's head, and I don't
know how far this will go," he warned. "I hope soon we will
be able to come here and report we have laid our hands on