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Rav Tzadok Klugman, who gave the daily shiur in Kfar
Petachya, was well liked by all of the shiur's
members, while he, in turn, was very attached to them.
For a while, he had noticed that something was disturbing one
of the participants: Yehoshua Levine, an elderly Jew with a
warm Jewish heart.
Yehoshua seems rather anxious, Rav Tzadok Klugman
mused with genuine concern. Something must be wrong,
because he's usually so relaxed. I'd better have a talk with
That night at the end of the shiur, Rav Tzadok
approached R' Yehoshua and tapped him on his shoulder. Seeing
Yehoshua's startled look, he smiled at him and said: "Reb
Yehoshua, can you walk me to the bus?"
This request, and Rav Tzadok's somewhat pleading tone,
aroused Yehoshua's curiosity. Why does he want me to
accompany him? Does he want to speak with me in learning?
Doesn't he know that my knowledge of gemora is very
But he had no time to think, because Rav Tzadok continued to
wait for him.
"Yes, of course," Yehoshua quickly replied. Then he closed
his gemora and accompanied Rav Tzadok out of the
beis medrash.
Once they were outside, Rav Tzadok asked: "Reb Yehoshua,
you're generally so cheerful and optimistic. Yet for the past
few days you've seem preoccupied. Is something wrong? Can I
Rav Tzadok fell silent, and so did Yehoshua. Peeking at him
from the side, Rav Tzadok saw that Yehoshua was a bit
flustered and he didn't press him for an answer.
Moments later though, Yehoshua let out a sigh and said: "Yes,
I really do have a difficult problem, and the more I think
about it, the more frustrated I become. Perhaps I'll feel
better if I tell you about it."
Then he began: "It's no secret that I'm not a youngster
anymore, that old age has crept up on me."
Rav Tzadok felt like stopping him and protesting that despite
Yehoshua's wan look and white beard, he was as enthusiastic
and as vigorous as a thirty-year-old. However, he let him
unburden his heart, without disturbing him.
"My wife is also not a spring chicken," Yehoshua continued.
"True she's ten years younger than I, but she's still not a
young mother. When I arrived in Eretz Yisroel after the Shoa,
I was only a small child. I came here alone on an illegal
immigrants' boat. The immigration officials placed me, with a
number of other children, in an irreligious kibbutz.
"While we were there, we tried to fight, with our tiny fists,
for our right to maintain our emunoh and keep the
mitzvos. But it was very hard. However, I had siyata
deShmaya. Along with nine other children, I was rescued
from that inferno by the Rov of Ponevezh, who sent a group of
pe'ilim to transfer us to Bnei Brak. It wasn't easy
for me in the dormitory either, because the memories of the
past constantly assailed me. Even today I can't forget the
past. How can one forget a dear father who was a talmid
chochom, a mother who was an eishes chayil, and
five brothers?"
Yehoshua sighed again. "Even today the horrible scenes from
the past surface in my dreams and when I am awake, making my
life a continuous nightmare. But that's not what I wanted to
talk about.
"With Hashem's help, I was rehabilitated and merited to study
in a yeshiva -- not for a long time but, in relation to other
survivors, I managed to learn a little bit. Of course in
comparison with Rav Tzadok, I know nothing."
"Come on, R' Yehoshua. You know quite a lot and always
contribute to the shiur," Rav Tzadok bolstered him.
"But I haven't finished -- or even begun -- my story,"
Yehoshua continued with a slight cough.
"And so, I got married late in life, and had the fortune to
be blessed with four talented and bright sons. After
experiencing so much hardship during my life, I decided that
I would give my own children the very best chinuch
possible. I tried to raise them the way we had been raised in
Hungary. There the chinuch was very strict but we, the
children, accepted our parents' methods with understanding.
We knew that they had our best interests at heart and tried
to cooperate with them as best as we could.
"Boruch Hashem, I succeeded with my older children and
they complied with my demands and regulations. Of course,
there were run- ins here and there -- after all they were
kids. But in the end, they always yielded and accepted my
Yehoshua paused a bit and took a deep breath. Rav Tzadok saw
that it was difficult for him to speak and knew that the
climax was coming.
"Everything was fine," Yehoshua continued, "until my youngest
son Shmulik, who is today thirteen, was born. I guess the
older one gets, the more impatient he becomes. Well, it was
hard for me to cope with all of his antics and perhaps I was
a bit too strict with him. I don't know. But he had all sorts
of demands even as a small child. He wanted to be like his
friends -- kids from the new generation who never suffered
from want and have no idea what difficulty means. Of course,
they had games galore and plenty of candies, while in our
house, I rarely even bought toys or items which didn't serve
a specific and useful function. However, while my older boys
didn't hanker for those luxuries, Shmulik was different.
"But I couldn't always fight it out with him and sometimes I
gave in. Believe it or not, I even bought him a bicycle. I
wanted him to be happy and to grow up normally; but along
with that I was afraid of ruining his chinuch and
continued to behave strictly with him.
"Shmulik grew older, but didn't improve. Today, he's about to
graduate from the eighth grade and I'm worried, kevod
Then, as a disobedient tear welled up in Yehoshua's eyes, he
asked, "What will be with him? His three brothers are serious
yeshiva students and spend all of their time engrossed in
their learning. But Shmulik doesn't study so willingly. He
insists on being like his friends and when I don't give in to
his demands, he gripes and complains that I am depriving him.
What should I do? How should I handle him? I want him to
study in a good yeshiva which will teach him to be satisfied
with little and to know what is truly important in life."
By now, tears began to stream down Rav Yehoshua's wan cheek
Rav Tzadok lowered his head, and various thoughts began to
swirl through his mind at random. A few moments later he
collected his thoughts and, in an encouraging tone, said: "R'
Yehoshua. First of all, I must admit that until now I really
didn't know you well and I am amazed by your firm upholding
of the principles of chinuch. I am certain that you
will eventually merit much naches from all of your
"Halevai," Yehoshua replied.
"Now, regarding your son. I think that the problem is a
fleeting one. Your son is surely a good child. However,
youngsters are easily influenced by their peers and their
surroundings. When Shmulik changes his social milieu and
starts learning in a yeshiva ketanoh, he'll surely
acquire the proper outlook on life and learn to appreciate
true values. Torah's light will illuminate the true path for
him. He's fortunate to have a father who is so concerned
about chinuch. May there be many more like you in
Am Yisroel," Rav Tzadok ardently concluded.
Yehoshua smiled shyly, and the glint returned to his eyes.
If Rav Tzadok says so, he must be right.
The two walked on silently for a few more moments and parted
with a warm handshake. As Yehoshua was about to leave, Rav
Tzadok suddenly said: "I forgot to ask you where you
registered your son."
"In a new yeshiva which opened only a few years ago,"
Yehoshua replied. "It's called Chayei Netzach and is located
in Yerushalayim. True, it takes more than an hour-and-a-half
to get there from our settlement, but it's worth it to send
him so far if in the end I'll merit to see him on the right
path. I heard that it's an excellent yeshiva"
Rav Tzadok smiled meaningfully and voiced his full agreement.
Then he headed toward the bus. "Amazing," he told himself as
he finally got on the bus. "Shloimi, my son-in-law, has just
become mashgiach in Chayei Netzach. The ways of
Hashgochoh are wondrous. I'll speak to Shloimi about
Shmulik Levine and ask him to take a special interest in
If Rav Tzadok thought that his surprises for that day had
ended, he was mistaken. Rav Tzadok finally arrived home in
Bnei Brak, exhausted. Suddenly, the telephone rang. At first,
his wife, who rushed to answer it, thought of saying that her
husband, with whom the caller wanted to speak, was too tired
to come to the phone. However she knew that such a reply
would upset her husband who felt that it was wrong to avoid a
Jew who needed him.
"It's Yair Sela," she told her husband.
Yair Sela, who was young and well-to-do, had begun attending
the shiur a few years earlier just to taste the
sweetness of gemora study. However his progress was
amazing. Rav Tzadok discovered that Yair had a brilliant
mind. The questions which he asked every now and then would
not have put a veteran yeshiva bochur to shame.
"How I wish that Yair would devote more time to Torah study
and less time to his business," Rav Tzadok reflected.
"How are you, Yair? I just said good-bye to you an hour ago,
after the shiur. What's happened since then?" Rav
Tzadok asked, in all sincerity.
"Something is on my mind, and I wanted to talk with you about
it a number of days ago, but had to leave the shiur
early because of some urgent business. Today, when I finally
had a bit of time, I saw that you were speaking to Yehoshua
Levine. I waited a while but when I saw that the conversation
was continuing, I went home and decided to call you instead.
I'm sorry I called so late."
"How can I help you?" Rav Tzadok asked, politely.
"The problem is with my son, Ariel. As the rav probably
knows, he'll be bar mitzvah in a few days."
"Oy, mazel tov, mazel tov!" Rav Tzadok , who regarded
the participants in his shiur as his sons, warmly
replied, "May he merit to grow in Torah and good deeds."
"Thank you," Yair replied with restraint. "This forthcoming
year, he'll begin yeshiva ketanoh. Kevod horav surely
knows that I try to give my children the best. Ariel has tons
of games. He has a computer and an air conditioner in his
room. Cuisine at our home is gourmet. He's used to high style
living. I also try to shower him with love and warmth and to
give him everything he wants. I feel that this is the best
way to raise a child."
I beg to differ with you, Rav Tzadok mused to himself.
I was taught that children who learn to suffice with
little are the healthiest, mentally, and my experience has
proven that this is correct. However, he preferred to
remain silent. Yair was convinced that he was right, and it
didn't seem possible to convince him otherwise.
"But what worries me," Yair continued, "is how he'll
acclimate to the yeshiva. There the standards are far lower
than those at home, to say the least. The food is bland and I
don't think he'll like it. At home, he also has a comfortable
bed and a private air conditioner. I want him to learn Torah
without any cares, and to become a genuine talmid
Despite the glaring contradictions in his words, it was
obvious that Yair was sincere in his aspirations.
Rav Tzadok hastened to catch the cart before it sped away,
and replied cautiously: "You are absolutely right. It is very
important for your son to feel comfortable in the yeshiva so
that he will be able to concentrate on his studies and
progress. But I think that there's nothing to worry about. If
your son understands that our main purpose on earth is Torah
study, and that all our material possessions are meant to
serve as implements to help us achieve our ultimate aim,
he'll get used to his situation.
"I understand you. It's not easy to send a child from an
affluent home to a yeshiva with a dormitory whose conditions
might even be substandard, as far as you are concerned. But
don't worry, your sincere wish that he grow in Torah and
receive the best Torah education possible is very
commendable. I hope that you'll eventually derive much
naches from him."
Yair was very moved by this blessing and warmly added, "If he
turns out like you, Rav Tzadok, everything will have been
"I hope that he surpasses me!" Rav Tzadok laughed. "By the
way, where are you sending him?"
"To a yeshiva in Yerushalayim," Yair casually answered. "It's
called Chayei Netzach."
A tremor passed over Rav Tzadok's body.
"Who told you about that yeshiva?"
"Its representatives came to our settlement and persuaded a
number of families to send their sons to that yeshiva. They
showed us recommendations from gedolei Yisroel and
letters from satisfied parents. It's a new yeshiva and I
think the conditions there are a bit better than those of
other yeshivas."
"Bli neder," the stunned Rav Tzadok assured him, "I'll
try and keep track of your son's progress and make sure that
he's well taken care of. I know someone there very well. But
don't forget to daven for Ariel's success. That's very
Then to himself, he said: "Chayei Netzach again. Yet another
project for Shloimi. What an amazing story! The very same
night, two parents with such different outlooks call me about
their sons who will be attending the same yeshiva, the
yeshiva where my son-in-law is mashgiach. Hashem's
ways are amazing."
The following day, Rav Tzadok called his son-in-law, and
said: "From now on I'll call you Rav Shlomo, instead of
Shloimi. You're a mashgiach now!"
"But I'm still the same Shloimi. The position of
mashgiach in a yeshiva ketanoh doesn't change
my image," Shloimi humbly replied.
"A mashgiach in a yeshiva ketanoh," Rav Tzadok
replied, "has a special mission and a privilege. He has to
have a broad understanding of human nature, and must know how
to relate to each child's needs. You are responsible for
molding their personalities And that's exactly why I've
called you.
Rav Tzadok then told Rav Shlomo about the two conversations
he had held the previous night
"You understand," Rav Tzadok continued "one bochur is
accustomed to luxury and to the pleasures of olom
hazeh. His father is afraid that if the child lacks these
luxuries in the yeshiva, he won't be able to concentrate on
his studies. The other bochur is a son of a Hungarian
Holocaust survivor who raised his children very strictly, and
taught them to be satisfied with little. His son, though,
isn't toeing the line in this respect and his father wants to
place him on the true Torah path."
Shloimi fell silent as he tried to absorb what his father-in-
law had said. After a few moments, he replied "It doesn't
sound like an easy assignment. But I hope that I will find a
good solution for both of them."
"I'll daven for your success," Rav Tzadok rejoined.
Rosh Chodesh Elul arrived and Rav Shlomo was eager to begin
the new zman. He was fully aware of the responsibility
which rested on his shoulders.
As he stood at the yeshiva's front door, he was greeted by a
steady flow of earnest looking bochurim who were
dragging their valises.
The newcomers to the yeshiva -- the students of shiur
alef -- seemed particularly confused. They still weren't
used to the chaos of the first day at yeshiva and stood
aside. Rav Shlomo scanned their faces and tried to figure out
which were the two boys his father had mentioned. Out of a
group of twenty bochurim, Ariel Sela was obvious. He
was much better dressed than the other bochurim and
his suitcase was far more elegant than theirs. However, he
seemed like a good, well-mannered boy and even a bit quiet
and shy.
"I'll try and identify Shmulik Levine later on," Rav Shlomo
promised himself.
After welcoming the group, Rav Shlomo began to assign them
rooms. Taking the list of students, he called each one over
separately. Shmulik Levine's name was in the middle of the
list and when he identified himself, Shlomo saw that he was a
lively and active youngster. He assigned Shmulik and Ariel to
the same room, on the grounds that since they came from the
same settlement they would feel comfortable together.
However, he had another reason for believing that as
roommates they would complement each other.
The assigning of the rooms ended and the bochurim went
in pairs to their rooms. As Rav Shlomo watched Ariel Sela lag
behind the brisk Shmulik, he saw that he hadn't erred in his
determination of their characters.
Shmulik entered the room, and sat down on one of the beds
with a sigh of relief. Ariel though, remained standing beside
his valises.
Ariel barely knew Shmulik, although they were from the same
settlement. That was because Ariel's father had sent him to a
well- known talmud Torah in the nearby city, while
Shmulik had attended the local talmud Torah.
Shmulik, for his part had always known that the Selas, unlike
the Levines, were rich. At the Levines' every shekel
was accounted for. Shmulik's father did not let his
children waste money just like that. Shmulik, though, wasn't
happy about his father's approach. Ariel has a new
suitcase with all sorts of pockets. His tote bag looks like
it was bought in a fancy store, and his suit's from Italy. My
suit is a hand-me-down, and my valise is ragged. How I begged
Abba to buy me a new one. I told him that this one would soon
rip, and that I really needed a valise. But Abba isn't easily
"Shmulik, it's a pity to buy another valise," Yehoshua had
said. "We can use that money to buy something more
But when he saw Shmulik's downcast look he added. "If the
suitcase rips, buying a new one won't be considered
Well, that was it. He had to take the valise to yeshiva
whether he liked it or not, even if that meant turning red as
a beet in front of his new roommate, Ariel. But what could he
do? He certainly couldn't change Abba's mind.
Grumbling a bit, Shmuel began to arrange his belongings in
his closet. Ariel, though, just sat on his bed stymied by all
of the work which lay ahead. It was obvious that he wasn't
used to working around the house.
Shmulik, who noticed Ariel's predicament, offered to help
him. "Don't worry, Ariel," he said. "I'll be with you as soon
as I'm finished putting my clothes away."
"Thanks, really thanks!" Ariel warmly replied, hoping that
Shmulik would help him to adjust to yeshiva life which was so
different from life at home.
After the bochurim had finished organizing their
rooms, they assembled in the dining room for supper. Ariel
sat down next to Shmulik, feeling that Shmulik would be a
lifesaver. Shmulik, on the other hand, no longer felt that
Ariel regarded him as a lower-class citizen but rather as a
someone he could lean on.
In the meantime, Shmulik began to eat heartily, while Ariel
didn't touch a thing.
"Is something wrong, Ariel?" Shmulik asked.
"I can't eat food when it's served on plastic plates. They
have a strange smell. At home we never use such plates."
"Poor thing," Shmulik mused. "I'll have to help him
adjust to dormitory life as quickly as possible."
Shmulik went over to the kitchen and within moments returned
with a porcelain plate.
"Where did you get that?" Ariel asked in surprise.
"No big deal," the kindhearted Shmulik answered. "I simply
asked the kitchen hand for a porcelain plate. He didn't ask
any questions and probably thought that I was preparing a
portion for one of the members of the staff."
"Thanks, Shmulik. Really, thanks a lot," Ariel warmly
replied, as he began to eat. "The food tastes much better
this way."
After the night seder the two returned to their rooms
to sleep. Shmulik was satisfied with his mattress, which was
much better than the one he had at home, and fell asleep
The next morning, Shmulik woke up early and saw that Ariel
was roaming around the room, dressed and ready for
"How did you manage to get up so early, Ariel?" Shmulik asked
in surprise "I was so tired from the trip and all, that I
hardly opened my eyes."
"I didn't get up early, "Ariel replied. "I barely slept a
wink last night.
"The mattress is hard. At home I have a soft, orthopedic
mattress, and an air conditioner in my room. It's so hot
Shmulik listened to Ariel's complaints and felt very sorry
for his overly-sensitive, finicky -- yet nice -- roommate. He
wished that he could help him, but what could he do?
Suddenly, he realized: Until now, I felt deprived, and
even bitter over my father's strict chinuch. But now I
see that I was wrong, very wrong. Ariel is a typical example
of a rich kid, who doesn't lack a thing. Whatever he wants,
he gets. But the moment he leaves his warm and luxurious
hothouse, he can't cope and becomes miserable. He can't eat
from plastic dishes; he can't sleep on a dormitory mattress;
he feels uncomfortable without his air conditioner -- while I
love my mattress and don't miss the air conditioner we don't
During the first few weeks, Shmulik helped Ariel adjust to
yeshiva life and make friends. In time, Ariel began to eat
from the plastic plates like everyone else, and to fall
asleep at night on the dormitory mattress. Although Ariel
still missed his air conditioner, he made do with the fan
Shmulik had found in one of the dorm's storage rooms.
Rav Shlomo, the mashgiach, observed these developments
from the side, because he believed that it was best not to
ask his students what they lacked, but rather to let them
learn to cope on their own. Nonetheless, he kept track of
their progress and supervised them behind the scenes.
Rav Shlomo had heard bits of conversations between Shmulik
and Ariel and knew that putting the two in the same room, and
pairing them as study partners had been the best solution to
both their problems.
The two had come from divergent poles. One of them had
savored too many luxuries, while the other had been taught to
suffice with little but was unhappy with that approach. When
they respectively became acquainted with the other side of
the coin, they about-faced and completely changed their
outlooks. As a result, they became the best of friends.
When Rav Tzadok inquired about the progress of the two, Rav
Shlomo replied: "The workings of Hashgochoh are
amazing. Only a few weeks have passed since the beginning of
the zman and the two have both made rapid strides in
their studies and behavior. Please tell Yehoshua Levine that
he has nothing to worry about because his son now realizes
the importance of being satisfied with little. Also, tell
Yair Sela that his son has adjusted to yeshiva life
When Rav Shlomo sees Shmulik and Ariel seated beside each
other, engrossed in their Torah learning, he realizes that
they have discovered the truth, and know that all of the
luxuries and dainties in this world are naught in comparison
with the sweetness of Torah study.
Already by Succos of that year, both were prepared to leave
the solid home of year round for the temporary shelter of the
succah, having learned its important lesson.
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