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Had someone told the founders of Carmiel that forty years
later it would be a ray of light for the entire area they
would not have believed their ears. Yet Carmiel, which was
started with the (almost) explicit goal of being a city
"without religious residents and without social cases," has
been transformed over time into a city with an active Torah
life. And there are social cases to be found as well.
The great irony is that today Keren Ora institutions are
solving a significant portion of social problems through
chesed operations, including soup kitchens and medical
equipment available to lend.
The person responsible for a large portion of the Torah
activity in the city is the moro d'asro, HaRav Avrohom
Tzvi Margalit, who built Keren Ora's wide range of
But why start at the end? A bit of historical background will
allow readers to understand what a tremendous revolution has
taken place.
"From Carmiel's perspective this is like the fall of the
Berlin Wall or the fall of the Communist regime in Russia,"
explains one observer. "Once you've finished the article, you
and your readers will sense it!" he says confidently. We
accepted the challenge and set out.
Superb Planning
Carmiel was set up 40 years ago. The founders won't admit it,
but what impelled the State to invest in building another
town in the North was the Arab neighbors. The goal was to
prevent the spread of the Arab population by Judaizing the
Israel's extreme left caught onto the plan and decided to try
to thwart construction. Leftist activists lay down in front
of the first bulldozers that came to even the ground. But the
founders and promoters overpowered them, forcing the
protesters to concede and head back to Tel Aviv.
The builders laid the town out beautifully. The streets are
wide and well paved and the Galilee Mountains are visible in
all their shadowy green splendor on every side. The town's
proximity to Tzfas and Meron, just 20 minutes to the
northeast, helped it become one of the North's central
Carmiel is built on terraced ground. The town's cleanliness
is impossible to miss and the large swathes of green spaces
are also highly visible. The efforts made by community
leaders are apparent in the well-groomed facade, which give
residents a sense that they live in a tranquil, pastoral and
clean place replete with aromatic flowerbeds.
Unlike many poorly planned towns in Eretz Yisroel that appear
as a hodgepodge from an aerial view, Carmiel is
extraordinarily well laid out. Many residential buildings are
no more than three stories high and some parts feature
prestigious single-family homes.
The town was originally built primarily for financially
established immigrants from Romania and later South America,
as well as former kibbutz dwellers and Haifa residents trying
to escape the noise of the big city in favor of a more
secluded locale. Eventually these were joined by immigrants
from the major waves of immigration of the past two decades,
the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia. The town's total
population is now 60,000.
Carmiel's tranquility makes the town a popular choice,
particularly among European immigrants. Even honking is a
rarity here. And when a driver does use his horn he receives
startled looks of concern, as when an ambulance passes by in
Bnei Brak. Nobody here honks his horn just to speed up the
driver in front of him; horns are reserved for urgent
situations. This is the tone of life in Carmiel.
To catch a glimpse of Carmiel's special atmosphere, try
visiting on a sunny afternoon when the parks, with their
manicured lawns, are filled with mothers and children, with
plenty of swings and slides for all.
Courtesy and warm smiles are not hard to come by. When you
ask for directions, don't be surprised if someone insists on
guiding you part or all the way to your destination.
The leaders of the town managed to provide residents with a
sense of belonging that has succeeded in retaining second and
third generations who choose to build their future in the
town. The town's early immigrants have also remained,
receiving the more recent waves of immigrants about fifteen
years ago with open arms.
As can be expected the majority of immigrants from the former
Soviet Union do not keep Torah and mitzvos, for the Communist
regime robbed them of every glint of Yiddishkeit and
faith. This fact should be kept in mind to fully appreciate
the importance of the Torah activities organized in the town,
which all are in favor of.
In Carmiel the concept of kiruv rechokim assumes a
clear and tangible meaning. The kiruv activities are
not aimed exclusively at new immigrants but reach out to
established Israelis as well. The town also has a significant
core of traditional Jews from the East and from North Africa
who also take advantage of the range of Torah activities
organized by Keren Ora institutes. This is where the founder
of Carmiel's Torah life, HaRav Avrohom Tzvi Margalit, steps
into the picture.
Eradicating Midas Sedom
HaRav Margalit came to Carmiel by `chance.' Three decades ago
HaRav Margalit applied for acceptance at one of the
kollelim in the North. At the time, the
kollelim in the area were located in Natzeret and
Carmiel. "Natzeret did not seem right to me," says HaRav
Margalit. "Carmiel had a nicer ring to it because of its
Jewish name." A few years later HaRav Margalit would call the
beis knesses he set up Kerem-Kel based on the name
that originally inspired him.
HaRav Margalit was a pioneering force. In the kollel's
peak years it had five avreichim. All of them left,
leaving HaRav Margalit on his own. The town's religious
services were run by the late R' Eidelberg, who would commute
from Haifa every day. When he passed away, the Religious
Affairs Ministry looked for a local rov to replace him.
HaRav Margalit, who had been living in Carmiel for two or
three years by then, was offered the job right away. At
first, individuals from outside the town tried to compete for
the position but local leaders preferred not to look
elsewhere when there was a young, energetic rov in their
During his first ten years as rov, he was groping in the
dark. HaRav Margalit directed his energy toward setting up a
Torah infrastructure with a variety of local activities, but
his efforts failed to penetrate. Because Carmiel was marked
as a secular town, it failed to attract avreichim, and
those who did come to the local kollel commuted from
Rechasim or Haifa and its environs. Thus Carmiel remained
empty of bnei Torah residents.
Yet HaRav Margalit did not lose hope. "The gedolei
Yisroel I visited reminded me that the goal of Carmiel's
founders was to build a city without religious residents and
without social problems. Some of them said that on one level
they could understand why [the founders would want] a city
without religious people: to spare having to close streets,
etc. But they could not understand why the founders chose to
set up a city without social cases. `This is worse than
Sedom,' said some of the gedolei Yisroel I spoke with.
`Perhaps this is why it is hard to build a local Torah
infrastructure in the town.'"
HaRav Margalit would not relent. He knew that bringing in a
base group of avreichim was the only way to alter the
situation. His first move was to set up soup kitchens for
anyone in need. Later these chesed projects proved
effective in changing the midas Sedom the gedolei
Yisroel had referred to, contributing to the present
growth of Torah activities in Carmiel.
Founding Keren Ora
During that first decade of trying times, parents in Carmiel
who wanted a religious education for their children had to
send them to places outside of Carmiel. Only after ten years
did a change take place. HaRav Margalit set up a
kollel, and although the avreichim lived
outside of the town, mostly in Rechasim, they stayed in
Carmiel in the evening to engage in kiruv. Gradually
baalei teshuvoh families joined them in forming a core
group that eventually turned into today's kehilloh.
The first Torah-based nursery school opened twenty years ago.
Today there are three nursery schools and kindergartens and
more are needed to meet the demand. The first kollel
continued for another five years until a revolution took
place in the form of the Keren Ora Yeshiva.
The idea was hatched by one of Carmiel's baal teshuvoh
families when the time came for their son to leave home to
study in yeshiva. At first HaRav Margalit wanted to set up a
yeshiva for baalei teshuvoh, but the plan failed to
materialize. Later one of the avreichim in the
kollel, HaRav Tzvi Blatt of Rechasim, came up with the
idea of opening a regular yeshiva ketanoh with special
conditions suited to Carmiel's tranquil atmosphere.
HaRav Margalit was thrilled at the idea and rushed to the
home of Maran HaRav Shach, zt'l. The year was 5748
(1988). Their conversation changed the face of the city. "The
Negev is flourishing and the Galilee is desolate," HaRav
Shach told him. "Something has to be done to make it
Those words of chizuk to Carmiel's young rov were
enough. The yeshiva opened with nine bochurim. Today
there are 60 bochurim, who are among the North's most
outstanding bnei yeshivos.
"It was extraordinary," recalls HaRav Margalit. "We would go
to meetings held in people's homes in Haifa to present the
yeshiva to them and ask them to send us talmidim. Just
this feeling that suddenly there is an alternative and that
parents would have a haveh amina to send their sons to
Carmiel just as they send them to yeshivas in Rechasim,
Jerusalem or Bnei Brak, gave us tremendous satisfaction."
HaRav Shach's brochoh helped and the yeshiva earned a
good reputation over the years. Today it is considered in the
top ranks of yeshivos ketanos in Israel. HaRav Dov
Yaffeh, mashgiach of Yeshivas Knesses Chizkiyohu in
Rechasim, arrives every Thursday to deliver a talk to the
yeshiva and his personage radiates upon the young yeshiva
boys, elated by his unique and profound talks.
After setting up Yeshivas Keren Ora, HaRav Margalit was not
content to sit on his laurels at home. The yeshiva was just
the first link in a long chain of Torah enterprises. "It
involved many uncertainties," recollects HaRav Margalit.
"I went to Maran HaRav Shach, zt'l, and told him of my
uncertainties about whether part of a rov's job is to set up
yeshivas and other Torah projects, or to stick to handling
kashrus, Shabbos and taharas hamishpochoh. The
Rosh Yeshiva told me unambiguously that the rov's task
includes kiruv rechokim and to achieve this, Torah
institutions have to be started and bnei yeshivos have
to be brought in to show everybody what real bnei
Torah look like. This is the only way to engage in
kiruv rechokim properly."
HaRav Margalit went one step further, asking the Rosh Yeshiva
for his blessings in bringing young bochurim to
Carmiel. "This is a yeshiva with a dormitory, and the Rosh
Yeshiva is opposed to live-in yeshivos ketanos," he
noted. "Maran replied that he is not opposed to yeshivas with
dormitories per se, but when there are two yeshivas of
the same caliber, he recommends the one without a dormitory.
But obviously a yeshiva in Carmiel has to have a dormitory,
therefore he told me to set it up without hesitation."
Yeshivas Keren Ora was soon followed by other links in the
chain. When the large wave of immigration from the former
Soviet Union began 12 years ago, HaRav Margalit set up the
Amichai School under the auspices of Chinuch Atzmai.
Beginning with just a handful of students, the school
continued to grow and today 450 students are enrolled there,
with separate wings for boys and girls. Students also come in
from nearby towns such as Marom Hagalil and Misgav, and even
25 students from Kfar Veradim (which is home to Stef
Wertheimer, the notoriously anti-religious businessman).
Amichai is housed in a magnificent, modern building built by
the Education Ministry and the City of Carmiel, and includes
nursery schools and kindergartens for all ages. An extensive
busing system transports most of the students to the school
complex. Most of the teachers are the wives of
Solid Infrastructure
The crown jewel of Carmiel is the central kollel, with
some 40 avreichim headed by HaRav Meir Yehuda Fisher.
All of them agree that only a local kollel whose
members live in the city could make Torah flourish.
The first nine avreichim were the pioneers. Some of
them rented apartments in Carmiel, planning to come "just for
a year" and then "one more year" and are still there today,
ten years after the kollel's founding. In the meantime
some of them purchased apartments in Carmiel and settled
The city now boasts the institutional infrastructure needed
to accommodate a newly arrived ben Torah. Six years
ago a cheder called Kerem Yechiel was founded. The
talmidim there are the sons of avreichim, and
the melamdim, too, come from the ranks of
avreichim. The first-grade class has 15
talmidim and the sixth- grade graduating class has
nine. Daughters of the avreichim are enrolled at the
Amichai Bais Yaakov school.
Every evening the avreichim travel to the outlying
towns and settlements and to various neighborhoods in Carmiel
to engage in kiruv activities. These efforts have been
quite successful, as area residents can attest. The
avreichim also maintain ties with the graduates of the
seminary for baalei teshuvoh and send many girls
beginning to show an interest to the seminary as well.
The avreichim devote much of their time and energy to
giving shiurei Torah to local residents in the
evening; to those beginning to draw closer to Yiddishkeit
they provide individual shiurim, family counselling on
various issues and organized social and Torah activities to
members of the community thirsting for spiritual activities.
These activities also contribute to community-building within
the group of avreichim, who are alumni from the
country's leading yeshivas.
The Center for Jewish Studies (known as Beit Mali) helps
support these endeavors by providing lectures and shiurei
Torah to immigrants and to the general public. At the
women's midrashah the wives of the avreichim
deliver lectures to large audiences and ladies also
interested in drawing closer to the world of Torah and
mitzvos. "We are seeing great success here in kiruv
rechokim along with the learning in the kollel,
and this is an [important] goal in Carmiel," says HaRav
Pinchos Siroka, one of the city's veteran avreichim.
The midrashah has books and cassettes, including Kol
HaDaf, which are in high demand.
Five years ago a Beis Yaakov high school called Neveh Carmiel
was started to allow girls to study close to home. The staff
here is also made up largely of the wives of the
avreichim, of course. The school costs Keren Ora a
great deal, but these expenses have not prevented HaRav
Margalit from keeping it running through mesirus
nefesh. Every Friday, HaRav Margalit himself comes to
give a shiur on parshas hashovua and
hashkofoh, in addition to the daily gemora
shiur he delivers at the Amichai boys' school one hour
before the studies begin at 7:00.
Yeshivas Avi Ezri
Six years ago Keren Ora institutions opened a second
yeshiva ketanoh called Ateres HaTalmud, in memory of
HaRav Shalom Lopez, who served as rov of Acco for decades.
For years many Galil residents eagerly awaited the opening of
a yeshiva in the area al taharas hakodesh and since it
was begun, Ateres HaTalmud has enjoyed great success. HaRav
Margalit himself serves as rosh yeshiva.
The yeshiva currently numbers 50 Sephardic talmidim.
Following various moves during its first few years, the
yeshiva is now housed in the building of the school built for
the Amit network and given to the yeshiva by Mayor Adi Aldar,
who Keren Ora has greatly praised for the assistance he has
extended to Keren Ora. The yeshiva is scheduled to leave its
present site, and construction on the permanent yeshiva
complex is now underway.
Another yeshiva, Heichal Avi Ezri, opened one year ago, is
attracting wide attention. In addition to the yeshiva's
unique learning technique, which has won the approval of
gedolei Yisroel, the new yeshiva places special
emphasis on building the talmid's character in the
areas of derech eretz, kibbud horim and midos
tovos. The yeshiva's formula is based on directives HaRav
Margalit received from Maran HaRav Shach, zt'l, to
stress working on midos and accept bochurim
based on yiras Shomayim and midos tovos.
Also, a ten-man kollel called Zichron Dovid studies on
the premises and is active in the Kiryat Rabin neighborhood.
In total nearly 1,000 talmidim study in the framework
of Keren Ora institutions, from nursery schools and
kindergartens to schools, yeshivas and kollelim.
The institutions serve as an example of proper management.
Every organization, yeshiva, school, cheder and
kindergarten has its own principal or director under Keren
Ora, the umbrella organization that provides the salaries and
maintains the facilities.
The Maseches Project
The chesed activities in Carmiel have also had a
widespread effect on all levels of the city's populace. Two
soup kitchens provide meals to whoever is in need, who
arrives with written confirmation from the Municipal
Department of Welfare. The soup kitchens also send out
bimonthly food baskets to families in need. At first the soup
kitchens were intended solely for new immigrants but over the
years, particularly during the recent economic decline, the
Welfare Department has begun referring more established
residents as well.
Keren Ora's chesed projects have won wide acclaim in
the city. Ezra Lemarpeh, which provides medical equipment on
loan, is located on the yeshiva premises. This compels many
people far from Yiddishkeit to at least take a cursory
glance at Torah life, and some of them might eventually come
back for more.
Keren Ora is also praised for its special-education school,
Machon Orot, for chareidi children with learning disabilities
who arrive from throughout the area--from Haifa, Rechasim and
the Krayot to the southwest, all the way up to Tzfas in the
northeast. Machon Orot is the only chareidi school for
children with learning disabilities in multiple areas. The
students who have only slight disabilities are later
integrated into regular study programs following the devoted
care they receive in Carmiel.
Joining Keren Ora's wide range of institutions is Mifal
Hamasechtot, whose aim is to impart thorough knowledge in
entire masechtos. The project is based on the words of
Maran HaRav Chaim of Volozhin: "Vetov lihiyos boki
bemaseches achas meiharbos belo kavonoh"--i.e. better to
be thoroughly conversant with one maseches than to
have superficial knowledge in many. Program participants, who
learn in institutions all over Israel, spend five years
learning the maseches of their choice five times over
with Rashi and Tosafos, as well as the Rosh, some of the
relevant simonim in the Shulchan Oruch and
selected chapters from the Mishneh Torah.
Participants take a written exam given in several stages.
Upon conclusion each participant is eligible to publish his
chiddushim in an individual booklet fully funded by
Mifal Hamasechtot. Currently, hundreds of talmidim are
registered in the program. The many calls coming into Carmiel
demonstrate that the little local office has transformed into
a central location for Torah life in Eretz Yisroel, giving
project heads great satisfaction. Mifal Hamasechtot has been
blessed by gedolei hador in the approbations for the
book, Margalit Tovoh, published by HaRav Margalit and
devoted to explaining the great importance of constant
chazoroh on material studied.
Coming Soon: Yeshiva Gedoloh
HaRav Margalit tells proudly of the first avreich to
arrive in the city, HaRav Yeshayohu Kaniel, originally of
Haifa and a former student at Yeshivas Chevron. Today HaRav
Kaniel serves as rov of the central beis knesses,
Matan Nachliel. Some 80 worshipers come to the beis
knesses regularly, including academics and professionals.
HaRav Kaniel gives a shiur Torah and is well liked by
all. He also serves as a ram at one of the local
yeshivos ketanos.
HaRav Margalit's beis knesses has become the beis
knesses of choice for the avreichim and a point of
departure for all of the Torah activities in Carmiel and the
surrounding area.
"We are very grateful to Mayor Adi Aldar," says HaRav
Margalit. "Cooperation with him is exceptional and he assists
us in every matter to the best of his ability." Aldar was
among the first people to recognize the potential in the
Keren Ora institutes. When many of his top officials tried to
put a wrench in the works during Keren Ora's incipient
stages, Aldar stood by HaRav Margalit and solved the
complicated bureaucratic problems in order to accelerate the
startup process.
A Jew from Bnei Brak once arrived in Carmiel and asked for
directions to one of HaRav Margalit's yeshivas. As he neared
the building he phoned HaRav Margalit to ask exactly where he
should go. HaRav Margalit described the building and the man
stood in astonishment. Later he recounted, "I had walked
around that spectacular building several times, but I didn't
think it could be the yeshiva building. I thought the
building [they] would receive from the municipality would be
derelict, off to the side, perhaps out by the cemetery. I
didn't imagine that could be the yeshiva."
The key to the mayor's positive attitude lies in HaRav
Margalit's oft-repeated motto: "Our approach is to wage
battle in favor of everything and not against."
Nothing can progress without plans for the future and HaRav
Margalit's plans include opening a yeshiva gedoloh.
The infrastructure already exists in the three yeshivos
ketanos operating in the city. "This may not be a good
time from an economic standpoint, but one cannot fall back
after all we've managed to create in Carmiel," explains the
Moro D'asro. "Everybody who comes here, whether talmid
or avreich, will sense he has come to a place of
Torah. Carmiel has ceased being the desolate wilderness we
once found here."
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