Dinah Ben Sasson, o"h
by Betzalel Kahn
A deeply shocked procession led by the rabbonim of Beit
Shemesh accompanied the daughter of HaRav Rafael Sasson,
Dinah Ben Sasson, o"h, who succumbed to injuries
sustained in a horrific car accident that took place late
last week near her home in Ramat Beit Shemesh.
Dinah Ben Sasson was born eleven years ago to HaRav Rafael, a
rosh kollel in Yeruchom and one of the leading alumni
of Yeshivas Meor HaTalmud in Rechovot, and her mother
Channah, a prominent educator at the Bais Yaakov school in
Beit Shemesh.
Dinah studied at the Bais Yaakov school where she was known
as a quiet, modest girl who honored her parents greatly and
helped run the household. During Chol Hamoed she took her
younger siblings outside to allow her parents to rest and
after her father asked her to bring them back home, she was
struck by a car while crossing the street. On Sunday she
returned her soul to her Maker.
A large crowd of mourners from the neighborhood gathered
outside the Kehilot Yaakov Beit Midrash in Ramat Beit
Shemesh, but due to Isru Chag no hespeidim were
delivered. Instead divrei his'orerus were said by
HaRav Mordechai Goldstein, the moro d'asro of the
Mishkenot Yaakov neighborhood, HaRav Avrohom Yitzchok Hakohen
Kook, rosh yeshivas Meor HaTalmud, and HaRav Shlomo Zalman
Perlstein, moro d'asro of Ramat Beit Shemesh.
Dinah Ben Sasson o"h is survived by her parents,
brothers and sisters and other relatives all distraught over
her tragic departure.