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The Flight
Ostrov Mezhibesk, a Polish village. HaRav Meir Segal
(Brisker), and later HaRav Yosef Kleinman, served as roshei
yeshiva of Yeshivas Novardok Beis Yosef in my village, and
the mashgiach was Reb Aharon Agulnik, zecher
tzadikim livrochoh.
The talmidim of the yeshiva learned very diligently
and served Hashem with tremendous enthusiasm and
yir'oh. The yeshiva had a great influence on the
entire surroundings and even chassidishe bochurim
learned there. I learned there in yeshiva ketanoh.
When I was sixteen, I "exiled myself to a place of Torah"
(after experiencing various hardships in the village of
Ostrov), to Yeshivas Beis Yosef in Bialystok, a large yeshiva
with a nice dormitory where about 400 students learned.
Yeshivas Bialystok was famous for its outstanding talmidei
chachomim. I tangibly felt there what it means to work on
improving one's character traits. I remember how the rosh
hava'ad Reb Yitzchok Kot (an older bochur) asked
the young bochurim which precious character trait
could be learned from the Alter of Novardok zt'l. One
student got up and said, "Knowing the Creator!"
The rosh hava'ad answered, "True. Knowing the Creator
is an avodoh and a very important middoh.
However, the avodoh of `knowing oneself' is
The rosh hava'ad always used to discuss and explain
any act we did.
For three years straight, without a break, I learned in this
yeshiva. The rosh yeshiva was the Alter zt'l's son-in-
law, HaRav Avrohom Yaffen and the mashgiach was HaRav
Yisroel Mowshowitz zt'l. HaRav Nisan Zilinker
(Babroisker) zt'l assisted them greatly.
HaRav Nisan Patchinsky zt'l also served as the
mashgiach ruchani and gave fiery shmuessen on
emunoh and bitochon. He used to speak about the
coldness of the outside street and would scream, "The street
is like a desert" (pust, empty, in Yiddish). Then he
used to emphasize the great strength and happiness in yeshiva
and learning in the beis medrash, as well as the
importance of being happy with a life of pain and chasing the
vanities of olom hazeh out of one's heart, in order to
serve Hashem with a pure heart. Like it's written in Koheles,
"Hachochmoh to'oz lachochom, yoser mei'asoro shalitim,"
(Koheles 7:19), and "hachochmoh tichye be'oleho,"
(Koheles 7:11). We must, therefore, toil and work in the
chochmas Hashem.
One of the Novardok mussar slogans that I heard was,
"If you are lacking something, something is lacking in
It seems to me that I was zoche to a tremendous
aliyoh in Torah, tefilloh and yiras
Shomayim, due to the spirit of the yeshiva. The learning
in yeshiva was with tremendous enthusiasm, a great desire for
Torah and outstanding hasmodoh. Tefilloh was a true
avodoh shebaleiv, with faithful and proper
kavonoh. We also heard many shmuessen,
especially on the Alter's yahrtzeit (17 Kislev), from
Novardok's gedolim such as the Rosh Yeshiva's brother-
in-law HaRav Yisroel Yaakov Lubchansky Hy'd, Reb Dovid
Bleicher Hy'd zt'l, and others.
In 5697 (1937), a large convention was held to strengthen the
yeshiva and all the gedolim and rabbonim of Novardok
attended. HaRav Ben Tzion Bruk came in specially from Eretz
The Beginning of the War
On Shabbos parshas "Ki Seitzei lamilchomoh", Elul 5699
(1939) World War II began in a storm. Before Rosh Hashana,
the German army ym'sh marched into Bialystok.
Confusion reigned and many people began fleeing to
Baranowitz. (Germany's entry was against the Molotev-
Ribbentrop agreement between Germany and Russia, which stated
that eastern Poland belonged to Russia.) We asked the
mashgiach, HaRav Yisroel Mowshowitz zt'l, what
to do and on his advice, we stayed in Bialystok. His answer
was, "The German airplanes are faster than you; it's not
worth fleeing. Even in Baranowitz, it will be difficult to
learn in depth during war."
On Rosh Hashana, we davened in yeshiva with great
emotion and fear. The Mashgiach was the baal
tefilloh as usual, pleasantly and emotionally pouring out
his heart to the Borei yisborach, Master of all
wonders and Chief of wars.
The rosh yeshiva, HaRav Yaffen, stayed in Baranowitz for the
Yomim Noraim with his brother-in-law, HaRav Yisroel
Yaakov Lubchansky zt'l, the mashgiach of the
large, famous yeshiva of HaGaon HaRav Elchonon Wasserman
Hy'd zt'l.
The Communist Red Army had not yet entered Baranowitz, and
there was great confusion due to fear of the German bombing.
Many continued to flee to nearby villages.
There was tremendous fear of the Germans ym'sh, but
they didn't cause much damage nor fire many bombs. We tried
not to raise our voices in tefilloh and learning.
Boruch Hashem, on the day before Yom Kippur the German
soldiers left Bialystok and the Russian soldiers entered
Many Jews, Rachmono litzlan, served in the Communist
army and even in the government. A Jewish Communist climbed
onto the government building and hung up the red flag.
Patrols and soldiers of the Red Army stood and announced, and
even convinced the residents, that the Russians and
Communists are Gan Eden on earth and that there was
great bounty in Russia.
On Yom Kippur, we were able to daven out loud and cry
out. We felt a certain let up in the pressure, because we
were not under German boots.
The tefillos of Yom Kippur can not be described in
words. Those enthusiastic, emotional tefillos forged
us like iron, preparing us to meet the nisyonos of the
coming year as well as those following it.
Word spread in the yeshiva that the radio (on news broadcast
from the outside) announced that Vilna would be given to the
Lithuanian government. This news electrified the yeshiva and
most of the students decided to travel to Vilna by train.
When the yomim tovim were over, we traveled to Vilna.
It was swarming with refugees from all over Poland, which had
been split and conquered by the Germans and Russians.
The Russian soldiers withdrew from Vilna on the planned date,
but the Lithuanian soldiers did not want to enter for two
weeks, out of fear that the Russians would return.
Meanwhile, news arrived that my father and (step)mother and
my sisters Hy'd had come from Ostrov Mezhibesk to
Bialystok. I had not been zoche to see my father and
my family since 5696 (1936), so I returned to Bialystok by
train, a one night's journey.
With excitement and tears, I met my entire family, who were
in a very difficult financial situation and even suffered
from hunger.
While I was still in Bialystok, news arrived that Lithuanian
soldiers had entered Vilna and that the city of Vilna was
under Lithuanian government.
The news hit me like a hammer, because I had intended to
return to Vilna immediately to be with the yeshiva and not
remain in the oppressing world of the Communists.
With mesiras nefesh, HaRav Yisroel Mowshowitz
zt'l reorganized a yeshiva of refugees and survivors
in one of the shuls in Bialystok. He did not plan to
go to Vilna and flee over the borders to Lithuania. He alone
bore the burden of supporting close to 200 students who had
joined together from other yeshivos.
I traveled in a completely packed train to the train station
in Lanvorona village. The train then returned to Grodno
instead of Vilna, because Vilna was already not part of
I got off the train in Grodno and met my friend from the
yeshiva, Rav Yaakov Galinsky (Krinker) who, like me, was also
searching for a way to cross the border to Vilna.
Rav Galinsky encouraged me with bitochon in Hashem,
that with His help we would cross the Lithuanian border in
peace. We traveled together by train to Lida, a city near
Radin, and from there took a bus to Radin, the city of the
Chofetz Chaim.
Radin was close to the Lithuanian border and many yeshiva
students smuggled across the border from there. We did have
to keep a distance from one another so as not to arouse
suspicion of the Red Army and Communists.
Elderly men who looked like typical Jews sat in the beis
medrash of the Rabbon shel Yisroel zy'a and
learned Torah with great desire. How fortunate they were to
be zoche to live near the Chofetz Chaim zy'a, I
thought. There were shelves containing all the Chofetz
Chaim's seforim on the east wall of the beis
medrash with a sign hanging on it, "Tzaddik Po'al"
(a tzaddik accomplished)!
One of the Jews took us into his house for a refreshing
lunch, for we were already quite hungry from the traveling.
After lunch, the Jew said to his young daughter, "Go look in
Mr. Kushka's store if the goy who smuggles people over
the border is already there." The girl returned and said that
the gentile was there and he was demanding a lira a person to
smuggle two bochurim. He was to leave at five o'clock
from the store and we were to follow him from a distance.
We followed his wagon by foot until we were out of the
village; then we rode on the wagon. He brought us to his
house, put us into the granary and covered us with straw.
Thus we went to sleep.
In the middle of the night, when everything was dark, the
gentile woke us up for the dangerous journey. We walked and
passed through three canals of water. After these canals, we
were already at the Lithuanian border. After walking about
twenty kilometers, we arrived in the village of Eishishok. In
the middle of the way, a Lithuanian soldier yelled at us to
go back, but afterwards it seems that he ignored us and did
not scream any more.
In Eishishok, the baalei batim whispered to us that it
was better to leave and not arouse suspicion. We walked a
great distance, about a day's walk, until we finally reached
Vilna. There, we met the bnei yeshiva who lived in the
beis medrash, "The Green Gate."
The Joint established kitchens for the refugees in Vilna, but
the roshei yeshiva made special arrangements, obviously with
the help of the Vaad Hayeshivos headed by HaRav Chaim Ozer
Grodzensky zy'a, to buy and bake bread and eat in the
Amidst the raging German and Russian storm, we sat and
learned with tremendous hasmodoh, like in former days.
However, we missed the mashgichim, HaRav Yisroel
Mowshowitz and HaRav Nisan Patchinsky, who had remained under
Communist rule.
In the middle of the winter, the Rosh Yeshiva sent a
talented, capable bochur across the border to bring
the Mashgiach to Vilna. The bochur did succeed
in the difficult, dangerous mission and with indescribable
efforts, arrived with the mashgiach HaRav Yisroel
Mowshowitz and his family. Rav Nisan Patchinsky also came
with his family to Lithuania.
From Vilna to Birzh: Refugees Gather in
Over fifteen thousand refugees fled to Lithuania from all
over Poland, including great roshei yeshiva and their
students such as HaRav Boruch Ber Leibowitz with his Yeshivas
Kaminetz, HaRav Elchonon Wasserman with his Yeshivas
Baranowitz, HaRav Lezer Yudel Finkel and HaRav Chatzkel
Levenstein with their Yeshivas Mir. The Brisker Rov, HaRav
Yitzchok Zeev Soloveitchik, HaRav Aharon Kotler with Yeshivas
Kletsk, HaRav Moshe Rosenstein with Yeshivas Lomzha, the sons
of HaRav Shimon Shkop zt'l and Yeshivas Grodno, HaRav
Zaks and Yeshivas Radin and more.
On 17 Kislev (the yahrtzeit of the Alter of Novardok),
the talmidim of the Novardok yeshivos and their
rebbeim all gathered in Vilna. At that gathering,
HaRav Shmuel Panitch, the mashgiach of Yeshivas
Mezhritz, suggested taking out the sifrei Torah and
that everyone should swear on the sefer Torah that he
would not abandon the Torah. Everyone at the gathering did
so, overcome with crying. It was an unforgettable
HaRav Yisroel Yaakov Lubchansky zt'l said at the
gathering that Vilna is the blade of the double-edged sword.
[See the sefer, Lev HaAri, the speeches and memories
of HaRav Nekritz zt'l, for a deep understanding of the
hidden and prophetic words of the famous mashgiach
HaRav Yisroel Yaakov Lubchansky.]
I lost my precious tefillin in Vilna, so I contacted
an expert sofer, a yirei Shomayim who
specialized in making special, wondrous batim. With
aid money from the Joint, I bought a new pair of outstanding,
mehudar tefillin. [I was zoche to be moser
nefesh for these tefillin in order to keep them
while in Siberia.]
There was wondrous unity between all the bnei yeshiva
refugees in Vilna. Students came to listen to shiurim
from HaRav Boruch Ber zt'l, from the Griz of Brisk,
from HaRav Elchonon Wasserman and to hear divrei Torah
from the Modzhitz and Amshinover Rebbes at their
tischen on Shabbos.
Taanis Tzibbur in Lithuania
When the refugees gathered in Vilna, the Agudas HaRabbonim
announced a taanis tzibbur. The following is the
"Be'ezras Hashem 18 Shevat 5700 (1940).
"Eis tzoro leYaakov, which has almost not been thus in
Yisroel's history. We are now standing on the threshold of
the end of a shemittah of misfortunes for am
Yisroel. In the past seven years, we have seen evil,
beis Yisroel has been battered to pieces. Not only
villages, but complete states were plucked and uprooted from
their places. In a great storm, thousands and hundreds of
families were pulled from the roots, went into exile and did
not find rest for the sole of their feet. And the later
hardships make the previous ones forgotten. The latest one
was weighty: the country of Poland was destroyed in the blink
of an eye.
"And when trouble comes to the world, Yisroel receives a
major portion. As of today, the strongest settlement, the
backbone of our nation, three-and-a-half million souls of our
brethren bnei Yisroel [in Poland], was destroyed and
thrown, plundered and crushed in body and spirit, drowning in
a sea of blood and tears, refuse and disgrace. Woe is to us
that such happened in our days!
"With mercy from Heaven, amidst the gloominess and darkness,
Hashem kept his promise to Yisroel that Torah would not be
forgotten from His children and saved the remainder of His
scribes: the great yeshivos with the ramim and
geonim and many great rabbonim, who found refuge in
Vilna. The Lithuanian government generously welcomed them.
"The prisoner, however, can not free himself from prison and
can not even scream and shout. But we, who are the closest to
the slain, have the tremendous responsibility to scream and
arouse mercy for our brothers who are about to be killed and
plundered, disgraced and degraded. At a bitter, distressing
time such as this, which has not been since Yisroel went into
exile, we must fulfill what is written in the Torah:
`Batzar lecho umetzo'ucho, when you are in distress
and [the hardships] find you' . . . `veshavto, and you
shall return [to Hashem]' . . . `veshov, and [Hashem]
will return [to you].' And in the Nevi'im and
Kesuvim: `Im tidreshuhu yimtzo lochem, ve'im
ta'azvuhu va'azov eschem, If you seek Him, He will find
you, and if you leave Him, He will leave you.' 'Yikro'eini
vo'e'ene, imo Onochi betzoro, You will call Me and I will
answer; I am with you in distress.'
"And the Rambam in the first chapter of Hilchos
Taanis: `It is a positive commandment in the Torah to
scream and shout over any hardship that comes upon the
congregation, as it says "al hatzar hatzoreir eschem."
It is part of doing teshuvoh that when a hardship
comes and he screams about it and shouts, everyone will know
that their evil deeds caused bad for them, etc. And this will
cause the hardship to be removed from them. If they don't
scream and shout, however, but say this happening is the way
of the world, etc., this is cruelty and the other hardships
will be added to the hardship etc. The Sofrim say to
fast on any hardship that comes upon a community, until they
have pity on him from Shomayim.'
"Based on this, the general rabbinical convention in Kovna
decided to establish a day of fasting: Thursday, erev Rosh
Chodesh Adar I, which will come upon us for good. Every
one of our brothers bnei Yisroel, from age eighteen
and above, is required to participate in the pain of the
community in fast and crying, to arouse mercy on the nation
Yisroel, whose haters do not know mercy. On this fast day, we
must fulfill the words of the novi [Yeshayohu 58:7],
`Should you not give the hungry your bread, . . . when you
see him naked, cover him.' The purpose of the fast is
teshuvoh and good deeds, and we must arouse ourselves
to do teshuvoh and strengthen basic religious
principals and also give tzedokoh, especially clothing
to the thousands of refugees found in Lithuania.
"May Hashem hear our cries and from the hardship find
redemption and savior. May He bring our savior quickly and
gather the remote and scattered, and the year of redemption
should come. And the words of the novi [Ibid.
2:4] should be fulfilled in us, `Lo yiso goy el goy
cherev, no nation will lift a sword against another
nation!' May there be peace in the world, and our
Geula and pedus nafsheinu come swiftly."
The Central Agudas HaRabbonim in
After the refugees were in Vilna for a short time, the
Lithuanian government established a "refugee office" and
issued "refugee certificates" to all Polish refugees. The
yeshivos which had congregated together were told to leave
Vilna and to disperse to nearby villages.
A week before Pesach 5700 (1940), we arrived in the village
of Birzh with the rosh yeshiva HaRav Yaffen and the
mashgichim HaRav Yisroel Mowshowitz and HaRav Nisan
It was a typical Lithuanian village. The rov of the village,
HaRav Mordechai Leib Berenstein Hy'd (disciple of the
Alter of Slobodka) greeted us happily and took care of our
needs. We stayed at a baal habayis when we first came.
When the Russians took over, I moved to the rov of the
village's house, where I stayed with two of my friends from
yeshiva, together also with HaRav Nisan Zilinker (Babroisker)
Hy'd, his wife and small children, Hy'd. (The
rov treated HaRav Nisan's children like adopted sons, since
he himself had no children. He used to sit and learn with
them like sons.)
In his Shabbos Hagodol speech, the rov burst out in
loud, bitter tears. He cried out emotionally,
"Bochurim came to us, refugees from the valley of
tears, and they are lacking bread. Can we sit on leil
haseder at the Seder table when they still don't have
matzos for Pesach?"
The rov collected money, bought wheat (not shemurah
from the time of harvest, but only from the time of milling),
and baked matzos for us in the village's matzo
bakery. He also bought a cow for the sole purpose of
supplying us with butter and milk.
In Birzh, the yeshiva reopened anew in one of the botei
medrashos. Shiurim and shmuessen were given as
usual, and the learning went back to its former level of
great diligence, especially since we once again had the
mashgichim HaRav Yisroel Mowshowitz and HaRav Nisan
Patchinsky, as well as HaRav Nisan Babroisker. Thus a tense
year of war passed with great diligence in Torah learning.
The Russians Take Control of Lithuania and
As the Germans expanded in Western Europe, the Russians also
began taking control of no-man's land.
On isru chag of Shavuos 5700 (1940), Russian tanks
rolled into Lithuania and established a Communist government.
After two months, they announced simulated elections and the
results were as follows: the Lithuanian nation requested to
annex its land to "Mother Russia."
During these months, the unsettled period of the Communist
government in Lithuania, all foreign consulates in Kovno,
Lithuania were still active. Feverish efforts were made to
emigrate, to obtain visas and certificates to wherever it was
possible to go. We, the Novardok bnei yeshiva, were
not able to obtain Japanese visas due to a lack of financial
Meanwhile, Russia annexed Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to
the greater Russia. This is not the place to describe the
tremendous difficulty in learning Torah under the evil
Communist government, but boruch Hashem, we sat and
learned despite the difficulties.
The rosh yeshiva HaRav Yaffen zt'l had a visa to
America. He feared that the Russians were planning to deport
him to frozen Siberia since he was guilty of the crime of
spreading Torah in Russia and smuggling over the Russian
border. He decided to travel to America when the possibility
arose in Adar 5701 (1941), when he received exit permits
through Russia and Japan from the N.V.K.D. He hoped that in
America he would be able to help the bnei yeshiva who
did not have the monetary means, to escape. Before his
emigration, it seems that he gave our names to the N.V.K.D
office as candidates for emigration.
End of Part I
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