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HaRav Isser Zalman Meltzer zt'l, 10th Kislev 5764 -- His
Fiftieth Yahrtzeit
"Reb Isser Zalman ztvk'l," is a name that still evokes
veneration, fifty years after his petiroh and in a
generation that never knew him. There are a number of reasons
for this, among the more obvious of which are his major work
Even Ho'ezel and his having been one of the leading
Torah disseminators and Torah leaders of his time. For us
though, it is of equal importance to realize his role as one
of the major links in the chain of Torah's transmission, in
its full purity and clarity.
The foremost Torah leader of recent years, HaRav Shach
ztvk'l, included Reb Isser Zalman in the "quintet" of
Torah giants -- the Chofetz Chaim, Reb Chaim Ozer, the Chazon
Ish, the Even Ho'ezel and the Brisker Rov, zeicher
tzaddikim livrochoh -- who received and transmitted Torah
and the means of its implementation, to our generation. They
laid the foundations for the Torah community in Eretz Yisroel
that has flourished since the terrible destruction in
Speaking when the Brisker Rov was niftar, a weeping
HaRav Shach said that, "When the Chazon Ish was
niftar, darkness enveloped the world but the Even
Ho'ezel and Reb Velvel still remained. When my uncle was
niftar a month later, dread and blackness closed in,
but we still had the light of our master. Now that that
hidden light has been extinguished, Oi! We are
fatherless orphans . . ."
Throughout the half-century that he served as a public
leader, HaRav Shach would consistently weigh how the earlier
teachers, the transmitters of Torah, would have approached
any particular issue. "How would Reb Isser Zalman have
behaved in this situation?" he would ask.
In HaRav Shach's view, Reb Isser Zalman was "Klal
Yisroel's rebbe" in humility and in interpersonal
relations. On more than one occasion, he would attribute his
forbearance in the face of the trouble that someone was
causing him, to Reb Isser Zalman's example. "I thought about
it," he would say, "and it's true that the Chofetz Chaim and
the Chazon Ish would have turned him away and the Brisker Rov
would even have rebuked him but Reb Isser Zalman . . . Reb
Isser Zalman would surely have pitied him."
One of our past gedolim noted our own generation's
indebtedness to Reb Isser Zalman for all the Torah we have
merited as a result of his giving us his nephew HaRav Shach,
who was virtually a "son and heir." He trained and groomed
him to serve as a beacon in the blackness of our times and to
forge a path forward for the Torah camp. In an address to a
teacher's convention, HaRav Shach himself once summed up the
heritage that he received from his uncle:
"I was a witness, in my youth when I merited being close to
my uncle the gaon HaRav Isser Zalman Meltzer
ztvk'l who, besides his genius in Torah was also an
elevated individual of noble character. Everything that I
witnessed in him then was engraved upon my heart and absorbed
in my blood [and remains so] to this day. Every story and
each incident made an impression upon me and has remained as
a source of instruction and understanding at every stage of
To mark Reb Isser Zalman's fiftieth yahrtzeit, we
present the following excerpts from one of the chapters in a
forthcoming book, Abir Horo'im, dealing with HaRav
Shach's life and his links to the leaders of the previous
generations. The material was forwarded to us by members of
HaRav Shach's family, to whom we express our gratitude.
The Record
It was the eighteenth of Shevat 5729 (1969). Rebbetzin Shach
a'h, had passed away during the night and her bier had
been brought into the Beis Hamussar in the Cytryn
building, where it would stay until the time of her
levaya that afternoon -- "Bein hasedorim,"
according to HaRav Shach's instructions. Hundreds of
talmidim surrounded the bier reciting Tehillim
while outside, HaRav Shach paced back and forth, immersed
in thought.
The Ponovezher Rov zt'l, whose last winter this would
also be, came down to spend those difficult hours with HaRav
Shach. He went over to HaRav Shach and whispered something in
his ear. HaRav Shach immediately removed an aging,
handwritten page from his coat pocket and gave it to the Rov
to examine.
The Rov later surprised his listeners by relating that in
those moments of grace, he had wanted to remind the Rosh
Yeshiva of the Rebbetzin's distinguished lineage. She was
descended from HaRav Meir Eisenstadt zt'l, author of
Ponim Meiros, who was from the family of Dovid
Hamelech. The page that the Rosh Yeshiva handed him contained
a list of the generations of Rebbetzin Shach's family,
fathers and sons, going back to the Ponim Meiros who
was a son of the sister of the Shach. The list had been
written by HaRav Isser Zalman zt'l, himself. The story
surrounding the writing of this record is fascinating in
It was on a Monday night, the night of the tenth of Kislev
5714 (1954), when Reb Isser Zalman received a visit at home
from his sister's daughter, the pious Rebbetzin Gutel Shach.
It was to have been a regular visit but Reb Isser Zalman gave
his niece an unusual reception. As soon as she stepped into
the house he said, "It's good that you came!"
He then continued, as though making a confession. "I was a
spoiled child," he told Rebbetzin Shach. "The sons that were
born before me had all died young and I was overprotected. We
had a difficult home and your righteous mother Moras
Fruma Rivka a'h, was very occupied with me and with
taking care of me. When I was three, I was entrusted to a
melamed but I refused to sit by myself in the
cheder. Your mother a'h, would sit with me for
days on end, over a long time, so that I would agree to stay
and learn with the melamed. I owe her my entire
upbringing and all my Torah. It's a very heavy debt."
After a thoughtful pause he continued. "However, I have
repaid the debt in full by giving you the Veboilniker!"
Then he suddenly added, "I want to remind you that we do not
come from an ordinary family. Ours is a distinguished family
of rabbonim, extending back through the paternal line to the
Ponim Meiros."
The eighty-four year old Reb Isser Zalman then climbed onto a
ladder and fetched down the sefer Daas Kedoshim, by
HaRav Yisroel Tuvia Eisenstadt zt'l, from a top shelf.
He then sat down and wrote out the family's lineage, down to
his own father HaRav Boruch Peretz zt'l, the
Rebbetzin's grandfather. When he had finished writing, he
took the note and handed it to the astonished Rebbetzin,
telling her, "Please give this to Reb Leizer. Tell him about
it. It's important that he should know."
The very next morning, right after shacharis, the
Torah world sustained a bitter blow when Reb Isser Zalman's
holy neshomoh returned to its source. The puzzle
remains unsolved to this day. Why was it so important to Reb
Isser Zalman, on the night before he died, to inform HaRav
Shach of his Rebbetzin's lineage? At any rate, when the
Rebbetzin herself passed away fifteen years later, that
record of her ancestry was in HaRav Shach's inside coat
pocket . . .
An Unshakable Esrog
In Reb Isser Zalman's view, one of the fundamental
characteristics of a genuine talmid chochom was the
ability to maintain an uncompromising stand on matters of
principle. He himself achieved a wondrous combination of a
usually gentle manner with occasional unyielding firmness, as
and when he deemed it necessary.
Someone once described HaRav Shach to Reb Isser Zalman as, "a
pristine esrog of the highest degree of beauty,"
referring to HaRav Shach's piety and superlative
"But his great virtue", Reb Isser Zalman responded
immediately, "is that even so lozt ehr zich nisht
shokelen (He doesn't let himself be swayed)!"
See Rashi in Chulin
On another occasion, a talmid chochom asked Reb Isser
Zalman why he held the Veboilniker in such high esteem, over
all the other great scholars and tzaddikim that were
always coming and going in and out of his home.
Reb Isser Zalman thought for a moment and said, "Do you know
why? Because he is govar bekulo, great in everything,"
adding, "To understand, look at Chulin daf 54 and in
The visitor, who was close to Reb Isser Zalman in his own
right, picked up the gemora that was in the room,
turned to the right page and with deliberation, read out the
dialogue between Rabbi Yochonon and Resh Lokish about Rav's
Resh Lokish, who lived in Eretz Yisroel did not know who Rav,
who had gone to Bovel, was. He asked Rabbi Yochonon, "Who is
this Rav about whom we are always hearing?"
Rabbi Yochonon described Rav as having been a talmid
of Rabbenu Hakodosh, who had learned from Rebbi sitting
down and had been more distinguished than Rabbi Yochonon, who
had learned from Rebbi while standing. Then Rabbi Yochonon
added, "And wherein lies his greatness? Govar bekulo!
" which Rashi explains means, "In everything, in Torah and in
Reb Isser Zalman listened and nodded his agreement . . .
His Humility
When he wanted to illustrate the extent of Reb Isser Zalman's
good nature and humility, HaRav Shach would recall his first
encounters with Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz ztvk'l of
Kamenitz, which took place in Reb Isser Zalman's home in
Slutsk in the years before the First World War.
The Kamenitzer Rosh Yeshiva used to visit Slutsk and he would
stay with the town's rov, Reb Isser Zalman, who was his old
friend from Volozhin Yeshiva. These visits were the occasion
for the three Torah giants spending many a long hour
together, engaging in Torah debate until their strength gave
On one such visit, Reb Boruch Ber spent a long time relating
story after story about the Shaagas Aryeh that he had heard
while in Volozhin. Rav Shach later told his grandson that Reb
Isser Zalman already knew many of the stories and had even
told them to him beforehand. Yet, a greatly impressed HaRav
Shach stressed, not once during all the hours of the recital
did Reb Isser Zalman give the slightest indication of this to
Reb Boruch Ber. In fact, he expressed his amazement at the
stories, as though he were hearing them for the first time,
while thanking Reb Boruch Ber for reviving his spirits with
his stories of the great gaon.
HaRav Shach repeated one of the stories to his grandson and
close talmid, Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Bergman. For most of
his life, the Shaagas Aryeh lived in abject poverty and could
not even afford to buy ordinary writing paper. When he wanted
to record his chiddushei Torah, he had no choice but
to write them on the walls of his home. Eventually, the walls
became filled from top to bottom with his copious
chiddushim. When there was no longer any room, the
Shaagas Aryeh limed the walls and again filled them up with
his lucid chiddushim. This repeated itself a number of
times. The walls served as a simple substitute for writing
HaRav Shach mentioned that his son-in-law HaRav Meir Tzvi
Bergman had also heard this story from the Chazon Ish.
It Happened to Me
The Mirrer mashgiach, Reb Yeruchom Leibowitz
ztvk'l, described Reb Isser Zalman as "representing
the quintessential `straightforward human being' as Hashem
made man, without the complications and convolutions that
people instill within themselves by their own design (See
Koheles 7:29)." Ironically, it was Reb Isser Zalman
who taught HaRav Shach an early lesson in recognizing some of
those complicated ways.
The incident took place towards the end of the First World
War. Lithuanian Jewry knew that HaRav Chaim Soloveitchik was
living as a refugee, together with tens of thousands of
others, in Minsk. Reb Chaim had become a legend in his
lifetime. People remembered the shiurim that he had
delivered in Volozhin, in the yeshiva's heyday, before its
closure by the authorities in Shevat 5652 (1892). Others
recalled him from the kibbutz of young Torah scholars
that had gathered around him in Brisk whose rabbonus he had
assumed following the yeshiva's closure and his father's
The pristine clarity of Reb Chaim's approach had spread
throughout the yeshiva world. HaRav Shach, who was then in
his twenties, had already managed to imbibe most of Reb
Chaim's Torah and his ideas, through the greatest of his
talmidim, Reb Isser Zalman, who would travel to him
from time to time to visit him and to hear his divrei
HaRav Shach made a special visit to Minsk for a few weeks, in
order to meet Reb Chaim and to receive Torah and wisdom from
him. In fact, at that time, Reb Chaim was suffering from a
serious liver ailment and his life was drawing to a close.
Reb Chaim was not old; he was only sixty-five. But the
wanderings he had undergone and the general suffering of his
people in the past years had left a deep imprint upon him.
His love for his fellow Jews was unlimited and the grievous
troubles that the war had inflicted upon them had affected
his health. Reb Chaim also foresaw what the future held for
three million Jews in Russia and he was simply unable to
contain his anguish and apprehension.
Old age came swiftly to the godol hador, who had
always exhibited such spirit and joy in living. Now he was
overcome by the unbearable burden that his people would have
to bear. His health was precarious and even the young
iluy who arrived from Slutsk was not granted free
access to him.
"I looked for somewhere I'd be able to sit and learn," HaRav
Shach later related. "I found one of the city's
kloizen and I sat there and learned. I met an elderly
Jew in the beis haknesses, a pious, Heaven fearing
fellow, who engaged me in conversation. He told me about one
of the people who was renowned as a wonder worker among
Lithuanian Jewry. He had many stories to tell. They poured
forth from him in profusion and I tended to believe him.
"When I left Minsk and returned to Slutsk, I told my uncle
HaRav Isser Zalman . . . about my sojourn there and about Reb
Chaim and I also told him about the beis hamedrash
that I'd stayed in. I told him the stories that the fine
looking Yid had told me, stories that had greatly
impressed me, several of which the man told me he had been
involved with himself, leaving no room for doubting their
At that time, HaRav Shach was a pure, ascetic young man who
was unacquainted with the vanities of the world and did not
recognize dishonesty. Reb Isser Zalman saw his
talmid's unease and decided to shock him and teach him
a basic lesson about the convoluted hearts of people who do
not remain as straight as they were created.
"Reb Isser Zalman however," recalled HaRav Shach, "dismissed
it all with a wave of his hand. `It's all nonsense and lies,'
was his immediate reaction. `Sometimes when people say, "It
happened to me," that is the greatest lie of all.' "
On Behalf of the Chosson
In the introduction to Avi Ezri on Haflo'oh,
which he published in 5722 (1962), HaRav Shach briefly
mentions, "My uncle mori verabbi, the great gaon,
Maran Reb Isser Zalman Meltzer ztvk'l, and my aunt
the Rebbetzin, Moras Baila Hinda z'l, who were
like parents to me since my youth."
When HaRav Shach became engaged in Kletsk to Rebbetzin Gutel
a'h, Reb Isser Zalman signed the teno'im, "on
behalf of the chosson, HaRav HaGaon Morenu
Eliezer Menachem Shach." The kallah was in fact his
close relative who lived near him. Reb Isser Zalman however,
stood in loco parentis for HaRav Shach and acted as
his patron.
With Reb Itzele Ponovezher
HaRav Shach's great admiration for the gaon HaRav
Yitzchok Yaakov Rabinowitz zt'l, who was known as Reb
Itzele Ponovezher, was instilled in him by Reb Isser
HaRav Shach had learned under Reb Itzele in Ponovezh in his
youth and it was with veneration that he would recall his
character and the way he labored in Torah. Several years
later, his estimation of Reb Itzele increased further still
and he considered him the greatest gaon of his time.
This was in consequence of Reb Isser Zalman's opinion that
Reb Itzele ranked even higher than the other, far better
known gedolim of the time.
A special relationship developed between HaRav Shach and Reb
Itzele's foremost talmid, HaRav Nochum Boruch Ginzburg
zt'l, author of Mekor Boruch and rov of Yanova.
They met for the first time during the Second World War, when
the Kletsk yeshiva found refuge in independent Lithuania and
the Mekor Boruch, who was a leader of the Lithuanian
rabbonim, worked to have the yeshiva relocate to his town.
The yeshiva spent several difficult months there but HaRav
Shach was oblivious to the exile and the fearsome war
conditions that prevailed. He and the Mekor Boruch learned
together day and night, reviewing some of the hardest
sugyos throughout Shas, according to the
approach of their rebbe, Reb Itzele. At that time,
they also managed to learn maseches Zevochim together
in depth, in its entirety.
In a way, this period marked the completion of a cycle. The
Mekor Boruch was a native of Ponovezh. He had grown up in the
home of the renowned tzaddik, HaRav Naftoli Hertz
Krechmer, author of Noam Hamitzvos, from whom HaRav
Shach had received much Torah and yiras Shomayim while
hearing his shiurim in yeshiva ketanoh in
Both HaRav Shach and the Mekor Boruch greatly admired Reb
Itzele and Reb Herschel. This was evident from the stories
that they told about their personalities and the relationship
between them. Some of these stories are recorded in the
introduction to Mekor Boruch. HaRav Shach also used to tell
them over the years and some of them were recorded in the
introduction to Noam Hamitzvos by the editor, HaRav
Elchonon Yosef Hertzman.
This Shall Be My Resting Place
HaRav Shach resolved that when the time eventually came, his
final resting place should be on Har Hamenuchos near the
kever of Reb Isser Zalman, and an adjacent plot was
reserved for him.
However, when HaRav Yitzchok Halevi Epstein zt'l, a
close talmid of Reb Isser Zalman's, was niftar,
HaRav Shach gave up his option for the plot out of gratitude
to Reb Yitzchok, whom Reb Isser Zalman had sent to welcome
him upon his arrival in Eretz Yisroel. HaRav Shach and his
family had arrived from the European inferno as penniless
refugees, and Reb Yitzchok had helped them settle down.
Reb Yitzchok was a native of Kletsk and, as one of the most
assiduous students in HaRav Aharon Kotler's yeshiva Eitz
Chaim there, he had been greatly influenced by HaRav Shach.
They enjoyed a very special relationship and after Reb
Yitzchok's petiroh, HaRav Shach concerned himself with
the needs of Reb Yitzchok's family as though they were
children of his own.
In an account that he wrote about the yeshiva in Kletsk which
was published in Pinkas Kletsk, Reb Yitzchok stressed
HaRav Shach's role in forming the yeshiva's character during
the time that he learned there. In a passage about the
rabbonim of the yeshiva he wrote (originally in Yiddish),
"Besides the Rosh Yeshiva (HaRav Aharon Kotler ztvk'l)
a very special place in the yeshiva was occupied by the
gaon Rav Elozor Menachem Shach, who himself had been a
student of the yeshiva when it was in Slutsk and who married
the niece of the gaon Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer. He
particularly devoted himself to the younger talmidim,
teaching them and showing them an original way of achieving a
fundamental understanding and depth of thought. His wonderful
personality, his astonishing application and his
extraordinary gift for clear explanation, drew crowds of
talmidim to him, who were very attached to him. He
formed their characters through his unique personal example.
HaRav Shach was fortunate to escape from the vale of death
together with his family. Today he heads the Ponovezh Yeshiva
in Bnei Brak."
If He Would Have Followed Our Approach
When, in 5738 (1978), HaRav Yitzchok Zalaznik zt'l,
published a new volume of Reb Isser Zalman's Even
Ho'ezel from the author's manuscript, HaRav Shach
departed from his usual custom and wrote and signed an
introduction to the new addition to his uncle's
He wrote, "I am too small in stature to comment even briefly
on the sefer Even Ho'ezel, by my uncle, my master,
teacher and rebbe, the true gaon and the
tzaddik who supported the world, Rav Isser Zalman
Meltzer ztvk'l . . . I am just another of his
thousands of talmidim whom he raised in Slobodka,
Slutsk and Kletsk and latterly in our Holy Land, in Yeshivas
Eitz Chaim. In particular, I myself was raised and educated
by him like a father does for his son for several years that
I spent in his home."
In another letter he writes, "And I, the small one, was
fortunate in that he drew me close and taught me like a
father teaches his son."
In his introduction, HaRav Shach stresses his uncle's
straight thinking and his quest for the truth. He writes,
"His righteousness led him to seek only what was close to the
truth and not to follow the gleam [of a sharp thought] that
would not withstand scrutiny. His straight mind stood him in
good stead. I know with certainty that he was praised for
this by his rebbe, Reb Chaim of Brisk zt'l. We
merited seeing that when he started speaking, his
explanations illuminated the beis hamedrash."
In writing, "His righteousness led him to seek only what was
close to the truth," HaRav Shach was basing himself on a
comment of Reb Chaim's which his son Reb Yitzchok Zeev
repeated to him.
"Father z'l, said," the Brisker Rov told HaRav Shach,
"that had Reb Isser Zalman followed our approach exclusively,
he would have become the gaon of all geonim but
his righteousness prevented him."
Rav Refoel Yehuda Meltzer zt'l, rov of Rechovot, saw
this recorded in Rav Feivel Meltzer's notes in HaRav Shach's
Another rare comment of Reb Chaim's, that he made while in
Volozhin, was that, "The only one who understands me is Zunye
Mirrer!" HaRav Shach repeated this to his grandson Rav
Avrohom Yeshaya, quoting the Brisker Rov. "And in those
years," he added, "Volozhin was packed with Torah giants."
To Be Occupied with Divrei Torah
The great care that HaRav Shach took to refrain from having
benefit from others so long as it was in his power to do
things for himself, was another trait that he took from Reb
Isser Zalman. For example, Reb Isser Zalman was very careful
not to allow others to fetch seforim for him from the
bookcase, as is known to his many talmidim.
HaRav Shach once explained the reason for this custom.
Besides not wishing to trouble others, he said, taking pains
to fetch a sefer in the course of learning is itself
an inseparable part of toiling in Torah.
On another occasion, HaRav Shach related that Reb Isser
Zalman had told him that while the Chofetz Chaim was busy
arranging parcels of Mishnah Berurah for sending away,
he would murmur the words, "La'asok bedivrei
Reb Isser Zalman's Amulet
When Reb Isser Zalman took HaRav Shach under his wing in
Kletsk at the height of the First World War, he steadfastly
declined to make any arrangements for him to lodge or take
his meals anywhere other than in his home. In response to his
Rebbetzin's queries, Reb Isser Zalman told her that, "As long
as the Veboilniker is with us, we will be safe from the
dangers of the war and of the Bolsheviks. He is our amulet,"
he added.
Reb Isser Zalman's talmidim judged this to have been
the reason that, after sustaining a serious leg injury from a
stray shell in the 1948 war, Reb Isser Zalman preferred to
spend the initial period of convalescence in the home of
HaRav Shach and his Rebbetzin. At first, he would not heed
the entreaties of his family or the pressure that certain
distinguished rabbonim exerted on him to leave besieged
Yerushalayim and move to the home of his daughter, Rebbetzin
Sarah Ben Menachem, in Petach Tikva.
In the first stage of his recovery, he preferred to lie and
recover from his wound in his niece's home, close to his
Further testimony to Reb Isser Zalman's debt of gratitude to
his sister Moras Fruma Rivka, and his "settlement" of
the debt, came from R' Alter Rovnitz, who heard Reb Isser
Zalman speaking to his niece.
He related that when she married HaRav Shach, following the
chuppah, Reb Isser Zalman told her, "I caused your
mother much distress when I was younger but I have repaid her
by obtaining Reb Elozor for you."
Then, looking ahead to what only became apparent in the very
distant future he added, "And you should know that even if
you own a ten-room apartment, you won't have enough space at
home for all the honor that will be yours because of Reb
(Bederech Eitz Hachaim)
Several years after his marriage, HaRav Shach was offered a
rabbinical position in an important and distinguished
community. Although he was then disseminating Torah and
yiras Shomayim in HaRav Aharon Kotler's yeshiva in
Kletsk, he weighed the suggestion carefully because it would
also have afforded him the opportunity to continue spreading
Torah. In anticipation of a possible acceptance, he obtained
something that he had not needed hitherto: a document of
semichoh stating "yoreh yoreh, yodin yodin",
affirming that he was empowered to rule on all questions of
Reb Isser Zalman, who was already in Eretz Yisroel, was a
party to the deliberations and he was glad of the
opportunity. He swiftly dispatched a special letter of
semichoh to his beloved talmid. One of the
things he wrote in it was that, "he is truly great, like one
of the renowned geonim of Klal Yisroel."
HaRav Shach was then in his early thirties. "The renowned
geonim of Klal Yisroel" were men of the stature
of the Chofetz Chaim, Reb Chaim Ozer, Reb Shimon Shkop and
Reb Boruch Ber, who were powerfully illuminating the skies of
Lithuanian Jewry and of world Jewry as a whole.
A Tale of Two Semichos
Reb Isser Zalman became rov of Slutsk in 5664 (1904). He had
already been serving as the rosh yeshiva in Slutsk for six
years. He had no document of semichoh because he had
never planned on doing anything but disseminating Torah. When
the communal leaders of Slutsk resolved to appoint him as
their rov, Reb Isser Zalman wrote to his rebbe Reb
Chaim and to the HaRav Yechiel Michel Epstein ztvk'l,
the rov of Novardok and author of Oruch Hashulchon,
asking them to send him the necessary affirmation.
The Oruch Hashulchon immediately mailed him a letter of
semichoh, while Reb Chaim sufficed with a brief
telegram that simply bore the words, "Yoreh yoreh, yodin
HaRav Shach once discussed the incident. One can understand
Reb Chaim, he said. He was acquainted with Reb Isser Zalman
and knew that he was qualified to rule on questions about
halochos anywhere in the Shulchon Oruch, even
though formulating halachic rulings had never been Reb Isser
Zalman's ambition, nor had he had particular training in
doing so. How though, he asked, could the Oruch Hashulchon
have sent off a letter of semichoh without first
having tested Reb Isser Zalman's knowledge of Shulchon
Oruch and its commentaries? Even though Reb Isser Zalman
had a reputation as a godol beTorah, who could say
that this meant he was equipped to make halachic rulings?
One must conclude, said HaRav Shach, with a note of implied
criticism for the talmidim to whom he was speaking,
that Reb Isser Zalman could not have had a reputation as a
genuine godol unless his teachings revealed a true
understanding of Torah in accordance with halochoh. Since the
Oruch Hashulchon knew that Reb Isser Zalman was indeed a
genuine godol, it was clear to him that he knew how to
rule and judge questions of halochoh and that he deserved a
letter testifying "Yoreh yoreh, yodin yodin."
Nevertheless, HaRav Shach once told his grandson Rav Ben
Tziyon Bergman, Reb Isser Zalman resolved never to make any
halachic ruling unless he had found it written explicitly in
one of the works of the poskim. He would refer
questions for which no source could be found to other
morei horo'oh. After a time however, as the result of
a certain incident, Reb Isser Zalman began to rule himself on
all the questions that arose in the town.
On another occasion, HaRav Shach related that when he
initially became rov in Slutsk, Reb Isser Zalman spent much
time studying the topics that are dealt with in Yore
Dei'oh. He would ask his talmidim to formulate
complicated shailos involving injuries to fowls, as
though they were real questions for which answers had to be
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