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Tears. Anguish. Ruins. A stone wall.
The glory and beauty of the Beis Hamikdosh is, alas, no more.
The Jewish people find themselves in a golus where we
are besieged on all fronts, where our survival is testimony
to the Jewish nation being, "A lamb amongst seventy wolves."
Klal Yisroel knows that we are powerless against the
schemes of our enemies, armed only with our unwavering
emunah in Hakodosh Boruch Hu. Our emunah
is so strong and resolute that is defies despair and
desolation; an emunah that is filled with visions and
aspirations of the Shechinah once again residing
amongst the Jewish people.
As another Tisha B'Av comes upon us, the Torah Jew reflects
on the chasm in Jewish living wrought by the absence of the
Beis Hamikdosh and the tragic aftermath of its
churban. He knows the historic destruction, bloodshed
and exile that plagued the Jewish nation after that period
and which has persisted to this very day.
His anguish is relative to his loss. And he is acutely aware
of the magnitude of his loss. He misses the grandeur of the
magnificently constructed "House of G- d." He knows the words
of Chazal, "Anyone who did not witness the Beis
Hamikdosh in its glory, has not seen a beautiful building
in his life." He mourns the loss of a structure that was
described: "Fairest of sites, joy of the earth"
(Tehillim 48:3).
Almost two thousand years after the destruction of the Second
Beis Hamikdosh, Klal Yisroel longingly awaits its
rebuilding along with the era of Moshiach. It yearns for the
rebuilding of the ancient edifice that was the supreme
"wonder of the world." And it cries bitter tears: tears
knowing what the Beis Hamikdosh stood for and the
extent of its magnificent contribution to Jewish spiritual
What are we missing?
We remember the days of yore when miracles were commonplace,
when the population would regularly converge for the
festivals at the Temple Mount. We are bereft of the
kohanim's avodoh, without the procedure for the daily
and festival korbonos. We are no longer intimately
familiar with the Beis Hamikdosh's layout, its various
chambers and the deportment necessary for those entering its
The tumah of our generation reflects the physical and
spiritual distance of man from his Creator; the unfortunately
vast distance from the ideal kedusha vetaharoh, the
holiness and purity that would permeate the Beis
Hamikdosh, the "House of Holiness."
But our focus is sharply centered upon the reestablishment of
the Beis Hamikdosh. It is the dream of every
generation and its pledge to try to do what it takes to bring
about its rebuilding. "Every generation within which the
Beis Hamikdosh is not rebuilt in its days, it is as if
they destroyed it" (Yerushalmi, Yoma 1:1).
The Chofetz Chaim's Dream
Once the famous Brisker Rov was informed that a certain Jew
was travelling to Radin. He called the Jew in and requested
that he relay an important message to the Chofetz Chaim.
Arriving in the village of Radin, the Jew immediately sought
out an audience with the Chofetz Chaim, stating that he came
with a message from the Brisker Rov.
"When will we merit to see the Chofetz Chaim walking barefoot
in the rebuilt Beis Hamikdosh dressed with the eight
clothes of the Kohen Godol?" was the Brisker Rov's
Silent for a solitary moment, the Chofetz Chaim exclaimed
that he was still waiting for that day. With his
characteristic humility, illustrating his yearning for that
time, he commented, "Halevai ich zol zayn a Kohen
hedyot, I wish that I should at least be an ordinary
In his introduction to his son-in-law's work, Avodas
Hakorbonos, the Chofetz Chaim laments the fact that the
laws of Kodshim are almost ignored and treated like a
meis mitzvah, an unburied corpse. The halochoh is that
anyone who chances upon a meis mitzvah must push aside
all other considerations and devote all his energies to that
which others ignore.
In this vein, the Chofetz Chaim urged bnei Torah to
devote their energies to the pursuit of the laws of the
Beis Hamikdosh. Indeed, he would demand that the
bnei Torah in his kollel studying for
semichoh should learn Seder Kodshim for at
least three hours a day.
Applying the same demand to himself, the Chofetz Chaim
readied himself -- as a Kohen-- to be familiar with
the laws and prepared to embrace the avodoh when the
time came. The greatest privilege imaginable to him would be
to serve as a Kohen hedyot, an ordinary Kohen
contributing to the avodoh in the Third Beis
It was the Chofetz Chaim's dream that study of this area of
Torah fill the Torah world so that they would be conversant
and knowledgeable in this largely-ignored component of
Mifal Toras Hamikdosh is a wonderful organization that sets
out to fulfill that dream and vision.
Mifal Toras Hamikdosh: Aims & Goals
Reb Avrohom Yeshayah Neuwirth of London is the founder and
director of this unique institution. An alumnus of Gateshead
and Mir yeshivos and the son of the unforgettable Reb Zuishe
Neuwirth, Ish Meron, in 5755 (1995) he single-handedly set up
Mifal Toras Hamikdosh, inspired by the comments of the
Chofetz Chaim.
In his work entitled Torah Ohr (Ch. 11), the saintly
Chofetz Chaim greatly encourages people to study and become
proficient in the laws of Kodshim. Furthermore, he
exhorts others to support, facilitate and inspire bnei
Torah to undertake such studies.
The primary objective of Mifal Toras Hamikdosh as a Torah-led
organization is disseminating knowledge concerning the
avodoh of the Beis Hamikdosh and the laws of
the korbonos.
The sacred mission of this nonprofit organization, wholly
reliant upon sponsors, is to use diverse, innovative and
often novel means, to promote and further an awareness, study
and interest in the Beis Hamikdosh.
What does Mifal Toras Hamikdosh cover?
This organization employs various techniques to enthrall,
inspire and recapture the beauty of the Beis Hamikdosh
in its presentation for a wide range of audiences.
The organization covers all the diverse elements that relate
to the Beis Hamikdosh: from its construction and the
measurements of various chambers, its archaeological history,
to the background and details regarding its elaborate and
complex laws -- and of course the anticipated Third Beis
Hamikdosh to be built bimheiroh beyomeinu.
Mifal Toras Hamikdosh is appropriately established in the
name of Rav Eliezer ben Yaakov, the holy Tanna and
author of Mishnas Midos, the tractate that details the
composition and structure of the Beis Hamikdosh and
its vessels.
With tireless effort and supreme devotion, Reb Avrohom has
constructed miniature models of the Second Beis
Hamikdosh and also the Third Beis Hamikdosh. Of
course, he is continuing in the tradition set down by Rav
Meir Shapira in Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin to use visual aids
as a pedagogic tool.
Using a scale of six millimeters to an amoh (the unit
of measure used in the Torah and by Chazal), his models offer
a glimpse of the splendor and beauty of the House of G-d.
With grit and determination, Reb Avrohom used his little
woodworking experience to marvelous effect until his models
were completed in what was a labor of love. His models are
crafted from wood, plastic and metal, transforming the pages
of Chazal into a living reality that models our past and our
After the first model was completed, a second more intricate
model, including inner details of the Beis Hamikdosh,
followed his original model. This was faithfully crafted
on the 77 separate units, based upon the Tiferes Yisroel's
commentary. The effort and attention to detail is
breathtaking as it provides a glimpse of the layout of the
Beis Hamikdosh.
Another model has now been completed of the projected
Third Beis Hamikdosh, in accordance with that
mentioned in Sefer Yechezkel, with the explanations of
Rashi and the Tosafos Yom Tov in his work Tzuras
International Exhibitions
His collection includes a photographic display of
archaeological findings from the times of the Beis
Hamikdosh. Some of these are culled from museum exhibits
and from other sources. Reb Avrohom displays many posters and
he also has in his possession an assortment of valuable,
ancient coins. These are of great interest and assist in
setting the historical context of the Second Beis
Wanting the public to see these replicas for themselves, Reb
Neuwirth has proudly embarked on an international exhibition
to schools, yeshivas, talmud Torahs and other
educational ventures from London and Gateshead in the UK, to
Boro Park in New York. He guides the participants on a "tour"
of the Beis Hamikdosh using his astounding bekius
in this subject to lead the "tourists" through the
various chambers, fascinating audiences both young and old.
This is entirely consistent with the guidelines of Mifal
Toras Hamikdosh whose mission is to promote the awareness of
the Beis Hamikdosh's structure.
Torah Literature
As an established marbitz Torah (responsible for the
weekly "Yad Avrohom Yeshayah," in the name of the Chazon Ish,
that appeared for many years), Reb Avrohom's efforts to reach
out to the bnei Torah have taken the form of
resetting, subsidizing and reprinting important works
concerning the halachos of the Beis Hamikdosh. Three
years ago, Mifal Toras Hamikdosh published the rare Ezras
Kohanim on maseches Middos. This almost-forgotten
sefer was written by Rav Yehoshua Yosef HaKohen of
Mard, Poland, and was first published in Warsaw in 5633
(1873). A talmid of the Ishbitzer, the sefer
includes his rebbe's haskomoh and that of Rav
Tzoddok HaKohen. No expense was spared by Mifal Toras
Hamikdosh to reprint this sefer in the most aesthetic
way possible.
Another republished work (currently entering its fifth
printing) is Avodas Hakorbonos by Rav Aharon HaKohen,
the son-in-law of the saintly Chofetz Chaim. (His tziyon
can be seen on Har Hazeisim). This treasure of a sefer
covers the procedure of all the korbonos in the
Beis Hamikdosh and was described as, "A clear, concise
Shulchan Oruch for kohanim to master the
halachos of Kodshim." The haskomos of the
sefer from prewar Europe include HaRav Chaim Ozer
Grodzensky and HaRav Chaim Brisker. Once again, the
institution has beautifully typeset and rearranged the
sefer, with accompanying diagrams, models and layout
of the Beis Hamikdosh and a half-year cycle course of
organized study.
Reb Neuwirth has also distributed a periodic divrei Torah
sheet entitled "Toras Hamikdosh" to promote the study of
this topic, hoping that it will bring his fellow Jews to a
higher understanding and appreciation of the most sacred
manifestation of the Divine Presence to which we can
Laying the Foundations
An ambitious project that has not yet got off the ground is
the establishment of a kollel Kodshim dedicated to
studying the practical avodas hakorbonos in
preparation of the rebuilding of the Third Beis
Hamikdosh. Also wanting to go one step further, Reb
Avrohom has other projects, including a regular shiur
on the halachos of Toras Hamikdosh, using the
sefer Avodas Hakorbonos, with regular tests and
stipends awarded to successful avreichim who have
mastered these laws.
Why has he devoted so much effort, resources and energy to
Mifal Toras Hamikdash?
Reb Avrohom points out how, in the same manner that
tefilloh is today's substitute to the sacrificial
offerings, the detailed studying of the korbonos is
similarly akin to the actual enactment of the avodoh
(Torah Ohr Ch.11). It may not be possible for us to
physically build the Beis Hamikdosh. Nevertheless in
the absence of the actual Beis Hamikdosh, studying the
laws of Kodshim loudly proclaims our willingness and
desire to build the Beis Hamikdosh. It is laying down
the framework and foundation for its rebuilding.
Reb Avrohom Neuwirth observes the benefits of such studies,
quoting the Chofetz Chaim. "When Hashem sees that we
ourselves are exerting all our energies to prepare ourselves
[studying the laws of the korbonos and Beis
Hamikdosh], He will certainly hasten the redemption. He
will rebuild His House so that we will merit witnessing the
kohanim executing the avodoh."
It is for this reason that Reb Avrohom is unlikely to tire in
his efforts until he fulfills the dream of every Jew to once
again witness the central role of the Beis Hamikdosh
in the Jewish national life. Each one of us fervently
beseech Hashem: "Vehosheiv es ho'Avodoh ledevir Beisecho,
reinstate the sacrificial offering in your house."
Indeed, the Shemoneh Esrei concludes, "May it be your
will to rebuilt the Beis Hamikdosh speedily in our
days . . ."
For more information of the work of Mifal Toras Hamikdosh
and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Reb Avrohom
Yeshayah Neuwirth on Tel: ++(44) 208 458 2241; or Fax: ++(44)
208 731 7433. Email info@mifalth.org
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