How Many Hours are Required at Kollelim?
by Eliezer Rauchberger
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni tabled an amendment to the law allowing
yeshiva students to defer military service, to allow
kollel students to learn 35 hours per week in their
main kollel and another 10 hours in a different
framework, instead of 45 hours per week in a single
kollel as required by the current law. Yeshiva
students would continue to be required to study at least 45
hours at their institution. These numbers are not difficult
for the typical yeshiva or kollel student. Most study
longer hours.
Rabbi Gafni said that kollel students study 45 hours
per week, but in combination with an evening kollel.
"The original law contains an error, for there is no
distinction between yeshiva students, who constitute the
majority of students, and married avreichim, a
distinction that existed throughout the years in the Defense
Minister's rules and regulations," reads the explanation for
the bill. "Therefore it is suggested a distinction be made
between yeshiva students and kollel students regarding
the number of study hours required of them at the institution
and it should be determined that a student at a yeshiva which
is not a kollel will have to study 45 hours, which he
himself and the rosh yeshiva will have to affirm. The
kollel student will study at least 35 hours at the
kollel, which the rosh yeshiva will have to affirm,
and will learn at least ten additional hours in other Torah
frameworks, so that the talmid himself will affirm his
studies [total] at least 45 hours."