HaRav Moshe Kopschitz, zt"l
By Betzalel Kahn
HaRav Moshe Pinchos HaKohen Kopschitz zt"l was laid to
rest by maranan verabonon, roshei yeshivos, rabbonim,
dayonim and thousands of his talmidim late
Sunday night after passing away suddenly and unexpectedly at
the age of 63.
HaRav Kopschitz was born on 26 Teves 5701 (1941). His father
was HaRav Tzvi Kopschitz, the son-in-law of HaRav Shmuel
Hillel Shenker, who was the son-in-law of HaRav Yosef Chaim
Zonenfeld. At the age of just ten-and-a-half he entered
Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi and in 5715 began to study at Yeshivas
Chevron. In 5722 (1962) he married the daughter of HaRav Ben-
Tzion Bradpiece of England.
In 5729 he began to deliver shiurim at Yeshivas Kol
Torah, and also at Yeshivas Mercaz HaTorah under HaRav Chaim
Kreiswirth zt"l. Later he assumed the post of rosh
yeshiva at Yeshiva Letze'irim Beis HaTalmud and then he went
on to became rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Kol Yaakov. Meanwhile,
in 5749 (1989) he was also appointed rov of Kehillas
Chanichei Hayeshivos and rov of Jerusalem's Romema
neighborhood, where he invested many hours of his time into
the kehilloh members' spiritual development.
HaRav Kopschitz' profound shiurim gained wide renown,
with dozens of talmidim listening to them every day.
He continued giving shiurim for many years and was
also known for his resounding tefillos. For years he
served as the baal tefilloh at Yeshivas Metzuyonim,
Yeshivas Torah Ohr and Yeshivas Kol Yaakov.
His beis medrash became a lighthouse of Torah and
tefilloh for the entire area and the best yeshiva and
kollel members came to learn there, especially during
bein hazmanim, when gedolei Torah and roshei
yeshivos would arrive to give shiurim.
On Sunday, after hearing about the petiroh of a
relative of his, Mrs. Ada Sokolover o"h (in a tragic
car accident) and the serious injuries her husband sustained,
he spent all day helping the family members. During the
levaya he delivered a moving hesped and then he
went to her home to speak with the young children and offer
Heading back home he suffered heart pains and collapsed.
Volunteers from Hatzoloh Jerusalem tried to resuscitate him
for half an hour, but his heart failed and he returned his
soul to his Maker.
The late-night levaya set out from his home, and
passed outside his beis medrash in Romema. His brother-
in-law, HaRav Nissim Karelitz delivered an emotionally-
charged hesped during which he announced that
gedolei Yisroel had decided to name his son, HaRav
Naftoli, to succeed him as rov of Kehilas Chanichei
Hayeshivos and Romema. Eulogies were also given by HaRav
Shmuel Auerbach, HaRav Yitzchok Dzhimitrovsky, HaRav Aviezer
Piltz, HaRav Yisroel Gans, HaRav Yosef Vinter and by the
niftar's son HaRav Naftoli.
HaRav Moshe Kopschitz zt"l is survived by his brothers
HaRav Avrohom, rov of the Neve Tzvi neighborhood and rosh
yeshiva of Yeshivas Tchebin; HaRav Yisroel Aharon, a
ram at yeshivas Torah Ohr; HaRav Yosef Chaim, rosh
yeshiva of Yeshivas Porat Yosef; HaRav Yaakov Ze'ev, a
ram at Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon; HaRav Nosson, moro
de'asra of the Nachalah Umenuchah neighborhood in Beit
Shemesh; his brothers-in-law HaRav Nissim Karelitz, HaRav
Refoel Berlin, HaRav Nosson Dovid Friedman, HaRav Avrohom Dov
Litmanovitz and lbcl"c HaRav Yudelevitz zt"l,
one of Jerusalem's prominent talmidei chachomim.
He is also survived by his wife, his son and successor HaRav
Naftoli, a ram at Yeshivas Beis Medrash Elyon, and his
sons-in-law Rav Yosef Berman, Rav Dovid Tzitron, Rav Avrohom
Yakobovitz, Rav Yechezkel Pertzovitz, Rav Dovid Lefkowitz and
Rav Nechemia Ehrentreu.