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The whirring of a police helicopter over the Jerusalem skies
Friday afternoon has become a part of the pre-Shabbos
atmosphere. "Ah, it must be because of the Arabs at their
Friday prayers on Har Habayis," the housewives say to
themselves with a sigh. But still they keep an ear perked to
be sure there's nothing to be worried about, that all is
business as usual. When a second helicopter takes to the
skies they become tense, and nervously ask other ladies if
there's any news, and hope their husband, who just drove to
the Kosel Maarovi for Minchah, comes home safe and sound.
According to newspaper reports, after the Muslims' prayers on
Har Habayis one recent Friday, hundreds of Palestinians began
throwing stones at police and at Jews praying at the Kosel.
Thirty-five thousand Palestinians were on hand, a relatively
small number compared to special occasions when the Friday
prayers can draw 200,000-250,000 Muslims to Har Habayis.
The police did not lose their composure this time and
immediately went to work forcefully dispersing the
Palestinian rioters and protecting the Jews praying at the
At a press conference following the incident, Major General
Mickey Levy, commander of Jerusalem Police, explained that
the police had no prior warnings about the possibility of
unrest at Har Habayis, but heavy forces were brought to the
gates of Har Habayis. "I issued an order to break through the
gates and a few minutes later the policemen shot rubber
bullets at low power, dummy grenades and tear gas."
When asked whether the police have information on unrest at
Har Habayis on other occasions and whether riots are planned
in advance (as seems to have been implied by the commander),
the Jerusalem Police Spokesperson would not provide a full
answer. The police had "intelligence speculation, not
intelligence reports," she said. In such cases reinforcements
are brought in.
"Notice that the Commander was on site with a large force,"
she told me. "Notice that they gained control quickly and the
Muslim rioters dispersed quietly."
"The Kosel is a safe place," says HaRav Shmuel Rabinovich,
rov of the Kosel Maarovi. Not long ago, parts of the Muhgrabi
Gate support wall collapsed, filling the ezras noshim
with rocks. (The wall supported a ramp leading to the gate.)
Miraculously, none of the 150 women there at the time were
harmed. HaRav Rabinovich, currently working on restoring the
wall and the adjacent prayer room for women (which is badly
in need of expansion), says the recent stone-throwing
incident is a rarity.
He says the government and the police follow a policy of
preempting stone- throwing at the Western Wall Plaza. "When
there are intelligence reports or clear indications of the
possibility of rioting, the police limit the number of people
permitted to come for Friday worship. The restrictions apply
to the number of Muslims allowed to go up to Har Habayis, or
else an age limit is imposed.
"On tense days, only older people are allowed to go up. This
time, there were no reports but there were concerns because
of the struggle over the separation fence. Therefore, all of
Jerusalem's top-ranking police commanders were on hand."
Nevertheless there was a bit of chaos, making it possible for
the Muslims to throw rocks at police on Har Habayis and at
Jews praying at the Kosel, after the Mufti finished his
provocative sermon.
HaRav Rabinovich notes that the disorder was brief and that
only a few relatively small rocks were thrown at the ezras
noshim. Visitors were evacuated into the Kosel tunnels in
the men's section. The women were brought to the tunnels set
up for tourists. After a short time, they returned to where
they had been praying.
On the Har Habayis side the wall is just six feet high,
making it possible for Arabs to throw stones from a distance.
The police generally do not allow them to come close to the
During the first months of the present intifada the number of
Jews coming to pray dropped dramatically while the number of
Jewish and non-Jewish tourists was close to zero. Yet the
regular, hard-core visitors, some of whom come every day
regardless of weather conditions, are unwilling to forego
praying at the Kosel.
Recently, the number of people coming to pray has increased
considerably. Thousands walk to the Kosel every Shabbos and
on Shabbos night a huge number of congregants are on hand.
Various expansion projects are currently underway, including
extending the praying area into the plaza. Donations to the
central tzedokoh fund go toward construction. This
year the money collected will go toward kimcho
But police are not about to allow a repeat of the "Har
Habayis incidents," a traumatic experience for the police
force whose bitter memories heighten police vigilance in
preventing renewed outbreaks on Har Habayis.
The spark was ignited by then-Likud head Ariel Sharon. Today
he invariably denounces inflammatory acts that heat up
tensions between Arabs and Jews. But when he was in the
opposition, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah 5761 (September 28,
2000), Sharon decided the time had come to demonstrate (or
flaunt) Israeli sovereignty over Har Habayis. Analysts said
that the Arabs were looking for an excuse to start
hostilities after the failed Camp David talks, about a month
earlier, and a small spark was enough to ignite a major
conflagration, but even Sharon did not imagine how far the
fires would spread.
Ariel Sharon went up to Har Habayis accompanied by a few of
his ardent supporters like Reuven Rivlin, today Knesset
Speaker, and Naomi Blumental, today out of favor due to
bribery problems. Arab MKs were waiting for him there as a
show of protest, along with a few hundred Palestinians who
expressed their fury by throwing rocks.
The police fired rubber bullets and the Palestinians
attacked. By the time the battle was over there were injuries
on both sides, but Sharon announced, "Every Jew has a right
to visit the Temple Mount," and echoed the words of Motta Gur
after the fighting in 1967 by declaring, "The Temple Mount is
in our hands."
The incident took place on a Thursday. The government and the
police knew that the next day, when Muslims would arrive by
the thousands as every week, would be ripe for unrest, but
for some reason they failed to take suitable precautions. The
police brought in reinforcements, but nonetheless allowed
thousands of young Muslims looking for a fight to enter the
Har Habayis area with large rocks and iron bars to throw at
the police.
Another mistake was to station several police commanders
inside Muhgrabi Gate, inside the Har Habayis compound.
Another 1,000 policemen waited on the other side, ready to be
called in. When the rioting began at 1:30, the commanders
themselves absorbed the first volley of stones. Jerusalem
District Commander Major General Ya'ir Yitzchaki was hit in
the head and lost consciousness.
When the police burst in through Muhgrabi Gate, the rioters
began to hurl rocks and metal rods in every direction,
including onto the Western Wall Plaza. Dozens of Jews had to
be evacuated immediately.
What exactly took place then and who started it remains the
subject of debate, but the outcome is undisputed: seven
Muslims were killed and hundreds of rioters and police were
Later, claims were made that the police were inadequately
equipped with nonviolent anti-riot gear. Rather than
beginning with water cannons or tear gas they started firing
rubber bullets, which are highly controversial.
Clearly that time the riots were not spontaneous, but an act
of protest against Ariel Sharon's visit to Har Habayis the
day before, and they were intended to strengthen the
Palestinians' claim of sovereignty over Har Habayis.
Allegedly, the massive police action was not intended merely
to disperse the riot, but on the political level to
demonstrate Israeli control over the site.
In the aftermath, among the losers were the Jews who came to
the Kosel regularly for prayers. For a long time many avoided
coming, particularly on Fridays and, according to HaRav
Rabinovich, only recently has participation returned to
previous levels.
As a result of the "Temple Mount incidents" unrest spread to
Israeli-Arabs as well. In Arab towns, loud objections to
police conduct were voiced, but the protests seem to have
been organized in advance. Violent rioting erupted in many
locations and the police response was even more violent.
Several Israeli-Arabs were killed and hundreds were injured.
Friendly relations between Arabs and Jews were wrecked and
hatred intensified. When it will subside nobody knows.
Following the riots of October 2000, the Or Commission was
set up to investigate the incidents. The Commission's
conclusions, published just a few months ago, include
condemnations of every side, as well as several denouncements
of individual figures. But they were not substantive enough
to call for significant changes, either in terms of politics
or practice.
Since then, the police have improved their guidelines
regarding rioting on Har Habayis, notably by restricting
access on days when tensions run high. But Palestinians
cannot be totally denied access. "They have the right to
worship," says Mickey Levy, but even this is not the main
consideration in practice. Prohibiting Muslim worship on Har
Habayis would stir the dispute over sovereignty, a
longstanding point of contention that erupts every few years
like a volcano.
History shows that violent outbreaks over Har Habayis and the
Kosel Hama'arovi always stemmed from nationalist impulses
rather than purely religious causes.
For hundreds of years the Kosel stood in ruins. Over the
years Jews came to Eretz Yisroel in small numbers to go to
the place from which the Shechinoh never departed, and
these scattered few made no demands other than permission to
visit the holy site.
The first person to set up a walled-in area for their
convenience was the 16th- century (C.E.) sultan, Suleiman the
Magnificent, who wanted to draw European Jews to settle in or
to visit Eretz Yisroel, in order to promote its development.
At the time, no Muslims claimed that the Kosel was also an
important site to Muslims, as has been often claimed over the
past 100 years, to keep the Jews at a distance.
Nevertheless the Muslims were always loathe to allow the Jews
to enter the Old City and the area of the Kosel, and they
made a hole in the northern side of the wall to serve as a
passageway to the Muslim market. They would also lead their
donkeys through the Kosel area while Jews were praying and
fouled the passageway. Neither did they hesitate to soil the
area of the Kosel during the period of Jordanian rule, making
no claims that the place held importance to them.
The British Mandate that began in 1917 sided with the Arabs
from the start. The British feared the Zionist Movement and
nationalism -- which were liable to lead to a demand for
control of Eretz Yisroel -- and were also guided by simple
antisemitism. But above all they were motivated by a plain
analysis of the balance of power and opted to back the
stronger side: the Arabs.
Apparently, the Mandate rulers decided to retain the status
quo at the holy sites, but in the case of the Kosel the
status quo meant that the grounds belonged to the Muslim
Wakf. Jews had a right to pray there while standing, but were
not permitted to bring chairs, tables, amudim, Aronos
Kodesh, and other such articles, except at certain times
of year.
The Riots of 5689 (1939) began on Yom Kippur, when a
mechitzoh was brought in. They erupted full-force on
Tisha B'Av when a young Beitar nationalist (who would later
become one of the founding fathers of the Likud) held a
demonstration at the Kosel, flying the Zionist flag. Provoked
Muslims descended on the Jews praying at the Kosel, tearing
and burning sifrei kodesh. The violence was stepped up
on Friday and reached its peak on Shabbos in Hebron, Tzfas
and other towns.
Still Going On
Little has changed since then. Periodically, groups like
Ne'emanei Har Habayit or Third Temple activists try to go up
to Har Habayis as a show of force, though all leading
poskim have determined that walking on Har Habayis
itself is prohibited. The inevitable reaction is disturbances
by Moslem nationalist fanatics who throw rocks at the Western
Wall Plaza to express their opposition to Jewish control
Milchemet Hamekomot Hakedoshim by Shmuel Berkovitz
provides a brief survey of events. In Tishrei 5747 (October
1987) Gershon Salomon, leader of Ne'emanei Har Habayit,
decided he would go up to pray on Har Habayis on Succos. Upon
arrival he was met by hordes of inflamed Muslims who attacked
him with rocks and bottles. Their zealous indignation did not
subside with the retreat of Ne'emanei Har Habayit and they
continued to rain rocks and bottles on the policemen who
arrived at the scene and on the Western Wall Plaza. Three
policemen and one of the Jews praying sustained injuries and
the disturbances continued during Chol Hamoed Succos.
Other disturbances took place during the succeeding months,
including a major flare-up when Ne'emanei Har Habayit
announced on the eve of Succos 5749 that they were about to
lay the cornerstone for the Third Temple. The subsequent
rumors stirred another wave of rioting and unrest on Har
Habayis and at the Kosel.
One year later, in October 1990, the first round of the
"Temple Mount incidents" took place. This time, Ne'emanei Har
Habayit decided to lay a cornerstone and erect a succah
beside Muhgrabi Gate. In reaction, the Muslim clerics urged
their followers to defend "the holy sites." They went from
house to house summoning young Muslims from every Arab
neighborhood in Jerusalem to gather at Har Habayis. The
police tried to quell the storm but did not come adequately
prepared to prevent violent unrest.
That day, 25,000 Jews came to pray and hear Bircas
Kohanim. At the time, there were a mere 44 Border Patrol
officers in the Har Habayis compound. Arabs began throwing
large rocks at a procession of Ne'emanei Har Habayit and at
policemen, who simply fled. The rioters attacked the police
station, set two rooms on fire and broke the windows; only by
retreating into the Wakf offices were the policemen spared
from a massacre.
Meanwhile, the tens of thousands of Jews below sought refuge
or ran toward the buses to take them away from the danger.
Chaos reigned until a large police force arrived and forced
its way onto Har Habayis, dispersing the rioters with rubber
bullets, tear gas and live ammunition. Only after about an
hour did the police manage to overcome the rioters.
By the time the smoke had lifted, 17 Muslims lay dead and 53
were injured. Dozens of Jews who had come to pray sustained
injuries, along with some 20 policemen.
From a political standpoint, the incident caused heavy damage
to the State of Israel. The UN Security Council and many
countries condemned Israel for an allegedly unjustified use
of force, while the Arabs expanded what became known as the
"first intifada."
The Jewish provocateurs were not entirely responsible for
rousing the Muslims on Har Habayis. Hatred toward Israel and
the Israeli occupation is always present and just waiting for
a spark to ignite the flames of unrest.
All of the violent outbreaks on the list took place on a
Friday. One Friday in January 1988, several Jews at the Kosel
were injured and one Friday in May of that year, a similar
outbreak took place on the last day of Ramadan, this time a
direct result of provocative statements in the sermon.
The excavation of the Western Wall Tunnels underneath the
Muslim Quarter and the opening of a point of entry via the
Moslem market became another focal point for clashes. This
time the decision was made by Binyamin Netanyahu who
declared, "The tunnels are open and will stay open."
From year to year the tension mounts and has grown worse
under the present intifada. The police have learned their
lessons through bitter experience and now they have developed
effective means of systematically and quickly overcoming
riots on Har Habayis, but this is akin to putting out local
fires, and nothing more.
In light of the above, it should be easy to imagine the sigh
of relief that issued from every mouth when the recent
rioting ended swiftly. Perhaps the Muslims, too, are growing
tired of the battle whose end is not in sight.
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