& Comment
War in the Persian Gulf Found in Tanach?
Dear Sir,
Your photo (12 Shevat) of HMS Ark Royal reminds how it
is that Western warships keep being attracted to the Persian
Gulf as if by a magnet!
There must be some deeper symbolism in that 13 years on, the
same military scenario is being played out on the same
territory between protagonists of exactly the same name:
Saddam Hussein (gematria of 250 -- the same as
"Amoleki"!) and George Bush!
Does it portend the fulfilment of Bilom's last ominous
prophecy? "Woe, who will survive the L-rd's devastation?
Warships will come by way of Kittim to attack Assur and
attack Ever (Iraq and Iran?), and they too will be
destroyed!" (Bamidbar 24).
Syria may become involved: "Behold, Damascus will cease from
being a city, and it will become a ruinous heap" (Yeshaya
17). And Egypt: "I will cause Egyptian to fight Egyptian,
brother against brother, city against city" (Yeshaya
Other prophecies in Yechezkel and Daniel explicitly refer to
Ethiopia, Libya, Lebanon, Turkey, Germany and Russia as being
involved in an End-Time war involving Israel!
"In the future the sons of Ishmael will stir up mighty
battles in the world and compel the sons of Edom to gather
against them from the ends of the earth, to wage war for
three months at sea, on the land and near Jerusalem"
(Zohar II:32).
But ultimately there will be true peace in the Middle East:
"On that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assur . .
. blessed will be Egypt My people and Assur the work of My
hands and Yisrael My inheritance" (Yeshaya 19).
Yours truly,
Amnon Goldberg
Safed, Israel
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