Though most (but not all) of our readers will be seeing
this after the fact, we are nonetheless including these calls
from the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah in Eretz Yisroel and the
Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah in America. The need for prayer will
certainly not have passed.
BS'D -- Menachem Av 5763
Eis Tzoroh LeYaakov
These are calamitous times for Am Yisroel--eis tzoroh
leYaakov--in light of the weighty tragedies: the blood of
men, women and children has been spilled and some victims are
still in need of much rachamei Shomayim.
We cannot be apathetic in response to this, chas
vesholom, but must arouse ourselves, taking heed of why
Hashem Yisborach has wrought this against us. It is only to
compel us to rectify our ways. Each of us must do a
reckoning. We must redouble our efforts in Torah study within
the tents of Torah and, for those who do not fall under the
category of Toraso umnoso, by setting fixed times for
daily Torah study. We must also strengthen our mitzvah
observance and especially in mitzvos shebein odom
lechavero, increasing ahavas chinom and gemilus
chassodim, and reinforce the walls of holiness by
strengthening the standards of modesty, each of us
individually and with his household.
In addition we must cry out and plead in our prayers, raising
our hands to Hashem in Heaven, entreating Him to have pity
and compassion upon us, the few survivors of His nation Beis
Yisroel, by coming to our rescue and salvation, extricating
us from the terrible situation we are embroiled in.
Since collective prayer is better heard we have designated
Wednesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, as a day of prayer
on which all of Your nation Beis Yisroel, every individual in
his own place according to his congregation's customs, will
pour out articulations and supplicate in tefilloh and
tachnunim, asking He Who Dwells on High to be gracious
unto us and put a stop to Am Yisroel's suffering and may woes
be heard no more within our bounds.
And may He strengthen the brokenhearted and take pity upon
us, redeeming us and bringing us forth from trouble to relief
and from darkness to light.
Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
Degel HaTorah -- Agudas Yisroel
The American Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah
In the wake of recent devastating occurrences in the Holy
Land and the dangers that continue to threaten our brothers
living there, we join the Torah leadership of Eretz Yisroel
and call upon our fellow Jews here, in America, to arouse the
mercy of our Father in Heaven and beseech Him for mercy. Let
us gather in our Botei Knessios and Batei Midroshos -- in our
Houses of Worship and Halls of Study -- to offer the special
Tefillos of Yom Kippur Kotton as well as Pirkei Tehillim on
this coming Wednesday, on the Eve of Rosh Chodesh Elul,
May it be Hashem's will that our prayers be well received,
and our pleas for mercy and compassion be accepted, and that
we merit yeshuos venechomos -- salvation and comfort --
and the Geulah Sheleimoh in the immediate future.
Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Agudath Israel of America