Dear Readers,
No, this is not misplaced from our POETS' CORNER. It is a
letter from the heart, and when the heart speaks, it
sometimes turns to rhyme for more poignant expression.
Having a child born with many disabilities who is often
hospitalized, I am forced to accept help from others. This
may take many forms, sometimes as babysitting in my home or
cooked meals for the family while I am away in the
Generally speaking, I am overwhelmed at people's kindness and
how far they are willing to put themselves out for others.
During an extended stay of my child in the hospital, I felt
very vulnerable, and decided to put my feelings on paper.
By the way, I enjoy the Family Section very much, especially
the feedback that comes with it.
[Readers -- Feedback is YOUR department!]
by L. B. R.
People's kindness and good deeds make me amazed,
Often leaving me feeling quite dazed.
Each one has their own way of caring,
Whether by offering support, or just food-sharing.
Oh, how would I manage without you all?
I would probably feel I'm about to fall.
You all want to do your bit,
Just so that I'll have time to sit...
But, on the other hand,
If only you would understand,
That in order to ease the aggravation,
Try to imagine yourself in this situation.
Yes, I may be feeling distressed
But not necessarily am I depressed.
Who says it's up to us to analyze
My emotions and coping size?
Every minute of the day has its job,
But here I am, stifling a sob,
Why are they coming so late?
Have they forgotten? I debate.
Oh, if only they would understand,
How I want to be there, holding her hand!
Each person has their pride and dignity,
So offering help needs some sensitivity,
Find out from a close relation or friend,
What would be most helpful to do or send.
Oh, if only they would understand
How I hate to be labeled [`neb'] with a name band.
An outsider sees things in a different light
And should take pains to intuit the victim's plight.
Does s/he really need your advice?
Just stop, and think twice.
Oh, if only they would understand,
For my own self respect, I need feet on which to
To help others is fine and grand,
But we must be sensitive in order to BE that helping hand.
So, let us put ourselves to the test -- And do, what for HER,
is truly the best.